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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the statue over "You know... on second thought we should definedly keep it. Why sell such a find" she smiled at the group holding the statue dearly "Humm... there's something missing. Venice! Dear, go fetch us some of those drinks you mixed up" the heroine grinned happily at her servant girl. The company was in place, the fire was burning... might aswell have some fun!

Perhaps a few fun games of truth or dare? Or the like!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It wasn't long before Venise was back with the drinks. The empty coconuts while a little large still served as a festive odd drink container. Taking a sip of the home brewed alcohol Rikke's eyes watered a bit at the strength. "I tried to tone it down Mistress but with out the proper tools it may be a little strong." Strong might have been an understatement and Rikke could see that the girls of lesser fortitude where already starting to get a little tipsy. Pervy ideas flooded her mind after all alcohol no matter the type tended to cause inhibitions to disappear rather quickly. No doubt that Rikke could get the girls to do most anything right now.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well Venise certainly wasn't kidding about the drinks being 'a little strong'... to put it light. Thankfully the heroine had quite the endurance, but the less experienced drinkers were already smiling and giggling that extra bit more.

"Girls! How about a round of truth or dare? M?" she grinned happily, noting Jessicas glance and giggle at her... oh wow it seemed so very long ago, when last the duo played it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea smirked but got up. "Sorry girls but me and Selina would have to pass. To much fun juice could hurt the babies especially if its as strong as it smells." Rhea giggled amongst the protests but she wouldn't be dissuaded. "Night girls!" With that Rhea and Selina where off to their own camp arm in arm. Well that was kind of a bummer but still it let the remaining girls get that much closer for their no doubt lewd game.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Though unfortunate, but completely understandable. Rikke waved goodbye to the two expecting lovers good smiling warmly and looked back to the girls at hand "Jess find us something to spin to pick, the unfortunate girl to truth or dare" she winked slyly at her lover "Now there's one extra rule. You can dodge the question or challenge, by removing a piece of clothing. Besides that, whatever it may be you have to answer truthfully or do the dare to the T. Alright?" the heroine looked through the group for any questions.

"Alright! Janken who gets the first turn and let's go!" Rikke cheered out and distantly hoped, whatever comes next Yunie will hopefully not be looking.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

1= Rikke
2= Jess
3= Venise
4= Carly
5= Luna

Result 2!

All the girls laughed as Jess fetched a half coconut and gave it a twirl for it to land right at Jess. All the girls giggled and leaned in trying to figure out what to do. As Carly popped up with "Truth or Dare!"

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

D'aw~~ Rikke wanted to be the first to ask! Well atleast Carly had great enthusiasm for the game!

Well the first questions would likely start of innocent, though with the booze in hand... things might become unpredictable. Rikke shuffled closer to Carly and whispered a potential question "What is your most embarassing moment?" the rogue winked slyly and giggled.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

1= Rikke
2= Jess
3= Venise
4= Carly
5= Luna

Result 5!

All the girls nodded and smiled at the question. Settling on that Carly popped up and spoke. "Jess what was your most embarrassing moment." Jess thought a moment before she giggled and looked the girls in the eyes. "Well before I met Rikke I had one of my sisters try to milk me. I was so embarrassed my face turned beat red."

All the girls kinda starred at Jess a moment before the succubus spun the coconut around. It spun and spun till it stopped pointing at Luna.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke covered her face laughted merrily, oh~ that was not the answer the rogue expected at all! This one was far more juicier and extra fuel to playfully tease her companion with later.

Well it seemed more of group event than the normal one on one controntations of Truth and Dare. Well perhaps it was for better!

"Lunie~ Truth or Dare?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna heemed and hawed for a moment before her eyes lit up. "Oh Dare!" The rest of the girls got around and whispered amongest themselves.

"Maybe we should have her grab Rhea's tail?"

"Oh oh lets have her chug two cups of coconut wine!"

"I dare her to spank Rikke"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed Jessica in amusing fashion "How about she milks Jess? Hm?" oh yes the rogue is going to have her fun with this. She snickered warmly before thinking over deeply "Well last time I saw someone try Rheas tail she the poor guy is probably still healing up..." the rogue looked to the other suggestion "Nah~ that would end our dearest mermaids evening... it's too early for a drunk stupor" Rikke tapped her lips briefly...

"How about... she shows off her moves? As in dance!" Could mermaids dance? Old sailor tales always told about the sirens songs... but what about on-land dancing?! Then again perhaps water dancing could be quite the sight too.

"Or~ maybe Luna has some water magic? We could dare her to use that in some overblown way?" the heroine giggled, looking through any other suggestions.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

1= Rikke
2= Jess
3= Venise
4= Carly
5= Luna

Result 2!

None of the girls seemed to want to get wet again so the decided on a sexy dance from Luna. Letting their dare be known they Luna just looked at the girls sheepishly and took of her top and threw it aside revealing her itty bitty swimming top. Sticking her tongue out she spun the shell. The little coconut shell spun in a ciricle before pointing at Jess once more.

"Aww man!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered warmly as Luna gave a pass, well shoot, the secrest of the dancing mermaids will be kept for another night. On the brightside it was time to abuse... the bottle stopped pointing directly at none other than - Jessica!

The heroine grinned devilishly "Truth or dare, Jess?" Rikke grinned happily, no doubt devilish plans in the works.

"Best sex you had... without me."

"I dare you to... shapeshift into Luna and THEN do some very dirty dancing!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess met Rikke's eyes directly the spark of pervy desire alight in her eyes.

"Dare" The hint in Jess's voice was all to familiar to the rogue.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke caught the hint, but the other girls seemed to have not... perhaps the two pervy adventurers shoudl start their work around the girls now. The rogue gave Jessica a knowing and mischievious look and joined the group in their discussion.

"Perhaps take one of us for a quick flight around the area." Carly smiled warmly.
"How about she allows us to give her a hairdo~" Luna snickered mischieviously.
Though Venice noted a certain shift in Rikkes intent, smiling at her "You girls haven't lived till you had one of Jessicas massages. Luna how about you." first excite Luna. Carly would should be easily swayed after and Venice was always up for a little perverted fun. Jessica knew quite a few succubus tricks to excite even without resorting to perversion. It was time to starting paving the road to some perverse delight "That's a wonderful idea, mistress! I agree" Venice grinne dhappily at the group.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna smiled at Jess and changed positions letting Jess start her massage. While Jess worked Carly spun the the coconut for Jess. With Jess and Luna occupied the girls had to spin the coconut a few times to continue their game. Their last spin ended on Carly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over to Jessica a purple hue in her eyes and winked slyly. The expert can pervert the more dominant girl... the rogue would take care of Carly.

"Aw~ Carly~. You can't pick truth again~" the rogue smiled charmingly "Come on let's have some fun." Carly smiled lightly "Alright, dare me girls!" she grinned happily unaware of what the girls plan was. The risk of carly just dropping her clothing lingered... unless.

"Alright I dare you to please kiss me, Carly." the heroine giggled and looked to Carly in a fairly naughty manner. Refusing, the dare could be taken almost like an insult by now.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was a safe bet given that Carly had been itching to go down on Rikke only weeks ago. In fact the sudden eagerness almost surprised her. Even with all her changes Carly was still attractive and she kissed Rike deeply as if enjoying a fantasy finally coming to fruition. Meanwhile Jess had slowly been working Luna into a frenzy with the last bit coming from Rikke as she kissed Carly. This tipped Luna over the edge as she suddenly turned around and started kissing Jess. Venise not wanting to be left out moved over to Carly and began to tenderly message the girls breasts while she shared a kiss with Rikke.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was certainly a surprise! Rikke blinked in disbelief at how eagerly Carly moved in, not to mention how deeply she kissed the heroine. Like seizing an opportunity she waited for a long time. The rogue smiled contently at the kiss and soon returned the kiss, sating the girls desires. Humph, she wanted to work the girls just enough for perverted games... guess she underestimated her lusty company somewhat.

Not one to be left out, Venice swiftly moved behind Carly and slipped her hands to the girls breast, just like she did numerous times in the trios 'private sessions'. Well if Carly was so eager for the kiss, might aswell make it something to remember. Rikke looked to Venice, her eyes colored the well known purple and as if gave her servant girl clear commands.

Venice smiled eagerly at her mistress and moved hands away from Carlys breast, shuffled closer and slid her down to the mer-girls folds, the other hand holding her steady. Rikke continued the kiss, occasionally letting out a delicious and predatory moan, before movign herself closer and to the girls breast. Her nimble and experienced fingers showing their fairly substantial experience in a grand way.

Actually why play perverted games... when there's a assortment of dirty, sexy games they can play.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Venise touched Carly's folds the woman gasped only to be silenced by Rikke's lips. Carly tasted a little of the sea and her skin was absolutely smooth. Under Rikke's and Venises attentions Carly was soon moaning like a whore pawing at Rikke's back wanting more. Jess and Luna however where still making out and putting on quite the show for the other girls.