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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over the ship and sighed at the lack of passable beds, guess only the bed in the captains quarters survived. Even it was more than little worn down. Still the girls were busy in there, meant Rikke needed to find a place to spend the night.

The island proved on more than one occasion that nothing on it was of any threat to the girls, meant Rikke could sleep wherever she thought fit. It was really long day and Rikke did recall seeing quite a few possible locations to rest up...but it was all the way back onland.

The foxy heroine was about to leave when she heard the gentle wind flap the sails up above. Rikke raised her eyes up and smiled widely, the crows nest was in nigh-perfect shape! The girl glanced around and wondered what the sight from way up there would be like... and before she knew it she was already on top, even finding a spyglass to boot!

Actually if she gathered up some of the remnants of the sails, maybe the remains of the flag she could potentially make a hammock!... or a blanket, though she was high up and with a spyglass in hand, it would've been a sin not to peak over to the rivalry camp. Rikke cleaned up the spyglass and peered through, even looking around the island just out of curiousity.

Whatever she saw the girl would gather up some cloth from up here and get to quickly making a improv hammock if possible.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Peaking threw the spyglass at the camp showed that Jess was siting at a fire her hands over her eyes. Instinctively Rikke knew that her lover was crying but as for why she didn't know. Soon though Jess would be like her carefree and fun loving with a cute tail and ears to boot. Setting the spy glass down Rikke got to gathering materials for a bed though she still needed to pick out where she was gonna do it. Twin screams of surprise echoed from down below but where almost immediately followed by moans it seemed the captain was establishing a pecking amongst Rikke's harem.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well Rikke most certainly called it, she snickered lightly and looked to the camp briefly where her lover rested once more. She didn't even need the spyglass to seemingly see Jessica. The heroine continued her heartful gaze for quite some time, her tails swaying lightly as she seemingly felt Jessica looking back at her. How she wished Jessica wouldn't have escaped... not so much for the tail anymore, but everything would be so much more fun with her around. She missed her on such cozy and silent nights.

Well the girls will make their move tommorow, soon they'll all be happy together! Rikke dropped the collected materials down and made her way to the deck aswell. The mast had quite a few hooks and tieing the other end to the broken wood so the sides wouldn't be a problem. After making sure her hammock was set the heroine would lie down and look to the stars briefly before drifting off to sleep. Tommorow will be a big day...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The morning was soon upon her as Rikke woke from her sleep. Oddly it was dreamless getting up she found her loyal minions awaiting her. Plates of fresh fruit where set before her and each girl had a collar on. Susan was the first to speak. "Mistress we brought you food." The collars where not the cruel devices Rikke had seen earlier but each one had a lock and Susan was holding the key out for Rikke to take.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Susan, did they agree to this?" the rogue took the keys and smirked at the dominatrix, perhaps it wasn't such a grand idea to leave 2 submissive and pervy girls with a woman, who has an extensive history of bdsm... who knew.

The heroine streched lightly and got out of her hammock "Todays, the big day girls. Carly, be a dear and get on the crowsnest. I left a spyglass there peep on what our friends are doing right now 'kay?" Rikke smiled lightly, before approaching Venise and kissing her lightly "Did you enjoy Susans company, Venise?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Of course mistress they put the collars on themselves and even convinced me to put one on just for you." Carly jump right up and made her way up to the crows nest. Venise returned the kiss deeply. "Yes Mistress it helped to scratch an itch I've had for a long time."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I knew you'd enjoy it." Rikke winked slyly to her pervy servant before leaning out "Susan, let's chat in private for a bit." the heroine pointed over to the front of the ship "Venise, feel free to have snack, alright. And give some to Carly if you two skipped a meal. I insist." the heroine took one of the fruits and lead Susan to the spot specified.

"You're an experienced girl, Susan." Rikke looked to their rival camp "How would you approach their camp? Right now our only plan is to sneak in via grappling rope, but I'm not sure."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Susan's eyes where locked on Rikke completely only looking away as Rikke pointed out the camp. "Well Mistress it would be a difficult climb but it seems to be the only way up unless you have magic or wings." Susan eyed the area her eyes going blank for a moment. "I..I think their maybe a rougher side around the edge which should make it easier to climb but be more dangerous if you fall." Susan held her head a moment almost going ghostly again before Rikke's eyes but snapped back again. "I'm sorry Mistress I forgot what where where talking about.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

So the change was only temporal? Or did occur BECAUSE she couldn't remember her time as a sailor. Rikke gently placed her hands on the womans cheeks and kissed her deeply "Thanks you're the best. Come on we've got a camp to take over." the heroine smiled warmly "Speaking of which could you check if the shore is safe for us? Venise, I'll need you to join Susan on the trip to the shore. 'kay?" the whole trip was just a ruse, there were no dangerous on shore, but it was a check if Susan could leave the ship.

"Carly~ Whats the situation over there?!" So much to do, so much to do...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oi Luna is up and moving looking over Jess. It seems we missed her morning swim." Venise and Susan made their way down to the rocks Venise helping Susan down. Once the girl hit the rocks she became wobbly and dizzy but soon recovered enough to swim to the shore.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It's not a problem Carly. Take the spyglass and get down here, let's head to shore." Rikke would take the grappling ropes the girls made and head to meet up with Venise and Susan. Hopefully the ghostly girl was okay...

On a sidenote, while a midday attack may seem crazy. It was just crazy enough to work! All they needed was to have one of the girls in camp leave...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gathered up the ropes and such before heading down to the rocks and diving into the water. As she swam closer she could see Susan keeled over shaking her body almost bluring. "Oh you silly goose shes bound to you now not the ship she can't get to far away from you. Hurry swim faster or well have to start it all over again!" Whether or not Rikke headed the foreign voice she would soon be on the beach a worried looking Venise staring at Susan. The she needed have worried as soon as Rikke got closer the blurring stopped and Susan relaxed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

She was whatnow?! Thankfully, Rikke was an exceptional adventurer by now, so she very quickly closed the swimming distance even leaving the mer-girl in her wake.

As soon as Rikke reached the shore she quickly ran up and hugged Susan, who seemed to become significantly stronger at the direct touch. Venise looked to her mistress quizingly, but unfortunately the heroine had little to say, she what was going on aswell.

The trio wouldn't have to wait long for Carly to reach them "Alright, now it's a matter of setting up the grapple ropes and waiting for our dear cheats separate. Come on" the group would dash through the forest and reach the closest point to the camp at hand as they could "I won't risk the easier, but riskier climb. This is not something I want any of you to get hurt over" Rikke smiled to her troup and it was time to proceed with the plan.

What landscape are we talking about? A steep climb directly from here?
A huge gorge to cross over?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The group of kitsunified woman stealthy approached the rock looking up. It would be a hard climb and Rikke wasn't sure if their little scaling ropes could handle. Still Venise seemed up to the challenge as she sprouted her cutesy demon wings and grabbed one of the vines flying up to secure it for the rest of the girls to climb.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Wait Venise had wings?! While not nearly as impressive as Jessicas greater ones, they might become exceptionally useful! Soon enough the servant girl earned her stripes as she quickly flew up and secured the rope.

Rikke tugged at the ropes a few times just to make sure it was safe "3 ropes three of us. Take it nice and slow girls." the heroine smiled at her group and got to climbing "I'll stay a little behind incase something goes wrong and when at the top don't scale it fully till the others reach you." worst case scenario Rikke could catch one of her group if any of the girls rope cut off. Though it wouldn't be easy and likely could even hurt Rikke herself, she wouldn't even think twice to do so.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the girls climbed a large shadow passed over head causing the girls to try and find cover on the rocky green slope. As it passed by Rikke however her sharp eyes easily identified Jess's curves. Rikke Grinned that would leave Luna all alone up on the rocks. Still there was no telling when Jess would be back they better hurry.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Soon the girls reached the top "Wait for my signal..." the girl focused briefly and attempted to use some of the new powers her tails granted her.

Use Invisibility (lvl3)
+30 stealth

Infiltrate the camp and lock Luna if found into a submission hold
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The camp was not nearly as grand as their beach bungalow but still it had shelter from the rain as well as a few supplies. Luna sat brushing her hair the all too perfect victim. Sadly the statue was no where present but Rikke could feel a dull ache in the direction that Jess had taken off to. Sneaking up Riike lunged silent at cat like easyily scooping up Luna in a submission hold. "ACK! NO RIKKE DON"T YOUR CURSED STOP!" Luna struggled against Rikke but for now the rogue had the advantage.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Gotcha~~" Rikke swiftly caught her victim and smiled gleefully, as Luna seemingly already knew full well who it was.

"Cursed?" the rogues tails gently burshed and lightly coiled around Lunas leg "This is not a curse silly, it's a blessing. Let me show you..." the rogues eyes sharpened as she scanned the area. Well why work on this alone "It's clear girls!" Now Luna proved quite a few times in the past she was one slipery girl, best make sure she won't run away before Rikke was done with her... then again this gave Luna more time to explain her case.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Just hear me out Rikke remember Yunie? She said the statue had magic right." You where exposed and it changed you. See look you never had a tail before let alone 4 of them. Just listen you've been acting strange ever sense." Luna struggled more trying to get away from what ever Rikke had in mind but the rogue held her fast. It was true she had felt more liberated but then again she had also been hearing voices.