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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What? No, no... no need to take all the girls along." Rikke snickered lightly "I just want you to give me some time to apologise and make with them. While it will be only a day for them, to me it would be 6 months of guilt eating at me."

The heroine looked back to Yuna "Even if it won't be possible to see her grow up in those 6 months, I'd just like to spend that time with her." and Jessica!

So that was the deal then, Rikke would make up with the girls around camp and along with Jessica would travel to Senas realm, taking Susan with them too. The little girl would have 2 or maybe even 3 mommies and 3 sisters with her, ensuring she wouldn't spend any time alone or sad.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Okay Rikke just call out when your ready." And like that Sena was gone the heat of her presence leaving Rikke feeling rather cool. Heading up to the bungalow Rikke could see Venise up already and running to her. "Mistress! I had the strangest dream!" Venise shared with her the dream which turned out to be their little misadventure as Kitsunes. Reaching the bungalow she found Carly up as well holding her head and smiling at Rikke. "I havn't been focked that silly sense I was rescued Rikke. Damn those plants and their sticky lust enduing fluids."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Venise!" Rikke quickly hugged her servant girl and listened out to the 'dream', giggling heartily and explaining that it was no dream and apologising to her for the trouble caused... though the servant girl didn't seem distressed by the whole ordeal, perhaps even enjoyed it overall!

Rikke covered her mouth at Carlys comment, a huge smile of relief beneath it "Carly!" the heroine quickly ran up to the mer-girl and hugged her warmly in turn too "I'm so sorry about that. I wasn't thinking straight, I shouldn't have left you to those plants! You're okay right? They didn't hurt you?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Uh no though it did bring back memories. Thankfully my body has adapted some sense my encounter with the bandits in Endus and well Rikke if I can't forgive you then I would I forgive myself for what I wanted to do to Luna and Jess."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Thank you so much, Carly. I have no idea what came over me... besides the mischievious Kitsune spirit" Rikke smiled warmly at her friend and after subtly lookign around leaned closer to Carly "Though just between us, those plants looked like a whole lot of fun." the heroine leaned out with a mischievious snicker and winked at Carly, hopefully the girl caught the joke(?).

Well she only had to ask forgiven from one more girl before she left. Rikke would approach the little hovel they had and tapped on the material "Lunie~ Are you in here?" the girl would enter the hovel and ask for forgiveness. Luna was likely the one who suffered the most from her, not only corrupting her lover, but scaring her to death after almost raping her in camp.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

She found Luna in her little hut where her supply's where kept busy mixing up something or another. Seeing Rikke darken the door Luna turned and smiled. "Hi Rikke!" She didn't seem to upset but then again she could be hiding it really well. "Just mixing up a little something for Carly shes a little more dehydrated then the rest of you. Is their something you need?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I just wanted to talk..." Rikke slowly entered the hut and sat down "How are you doing?" the rogue looked away guiltily "...you know after the whole incident I caused. Last time I--- I just wanted to ask you can forgive me, I almost raped you and turned your lover on you. I'm so sorry, Lunie." Rikke didn't dare look to the mermaid.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke heard a glass set down as Luna walked over and sat next to her. "Rikke Jess told me what happened and how you where not yourself completely. I'm just glad your back and just so you know you had enough of yourself left that you didn't rape me. Im still a little upset that it got as far as it did but I know you wouldn't try to hurt me on purpose. Luna put an arm around Rikke and brought her into a sideways hug. "I forgive you but some payback for scaring me so is in order. I think the next time Steve gets to ya I might just let him keep your panties."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered warmly and kissed Luna on the cheek "Thanks Luna. You're the best." well that was the last one "I'll be going to watch over Yuna for a bit... I'll be back by evening. I'll miss you so much, Lunie."

The heroine would bid her temporal farewell to Luna and then walk up to Carly and Venise to do the same, explaining where she'll be gone for the day. A mere day to them, but for Rikke this goodbye was for the next six months "We'll probably drop by for a swim here and there. Don't be surprised if we seem insatiable in our visits" Rikke giggled lightly "I'll miss you two girls." she'd hug both of them and approach Jessica.

"Ready to leave Jess?" Rikke would explain Jessica the adjustments of the deal with Sena and if all was clear and agreeable it was time to move out.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess nodded and took each others hands with the group of kids grabbing on. "Come on Mommy let show you around..."

One moment Luna looked up to see Rikke and Jess holding hands and the next they where gone. Rikke stood a moment waiting for something to happen but soon enough the kids began to cheer and run around like little monsters. Looking about Rikke briefly wondered if they had even gone anywhere yet. Turning back to Rikke found their camp sight missing and completely undisturbed and pristine as when they first found it.

Rikke could feel the difference now everything seemed more alive the very air seemed to hum with energy. The water was the clearest water she had ever seen. She could easily see out to the very deep watching the vibrant corals sway in unseen currents. Even from this distance she could make out details of brightly colored fish. The fragrant smell of wild flowers hung in the air their scents a perfect blend. The sand on her feet was warm and a pearly white. The leading edge of the jungle was a bloom the colors far more vibrant than any Rikke had ever laid eyes on.

Watching the girls play on the beach Rikke noticed that flowers bloomed near Yuna Charlotte and Sybil. A voice from nearby nearly spooked Rikke. "This is my realm Rikke how I see things the spiritual echo of the island. What do you think?" Stunned speechless at the supernatural beauty that lay before her Rikke could say little as she felt a warm hand push her jaw shut. "Yes that’s an acceptable answer." Sena giggled as she made her way to the girls playing.

Surprisingly the time in Sena's realm went by fairly quick and with a little urging Yuna and the Rest of the girls grew up rather quickly though it was a rough month when they all hit puberty. Still Rikke got her wish and saw Yuna grow up into fine looking woman. For the most part she kept Rikke's appearance but found she preferred her hair longer like Sena's. Her body thankfully didn't inherit Rikke's naturally massive assets and she settled into a very big B. Sybil and Charlotte grew fairly fast too taking on more of Jess's looks as they got older. and matured into gorgeous knockouts sharing the best of both their mothers. They got Jess's body with Sena's looks. Susan actually grew up much faster than the girls and was a big help during the more stressful encounters and soon became a good friend of Yunies though Rikke suspected they where more than friends. Their days where mostly spent enjoying each others company and teaching the gears on how to be respectful and kind as well as honorable and just.

On the last day of their stay with Sena and the girls Rikke was receiving a big hug from Yunie who had actually grown taller than her mother by a few inches. Sadly Yuna said she needed to stay her for awhile as their was something Sena needed to teach her before being let out in the world and that she would see Rikke soon. Kissing her mother on the forehead Rikke's little Yuna backed away.

Blinking Rikke looked back to find that Yuna and the girls had gone and to hear Luna Yell out from camp with a nice healthy fire going. "That was fast!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

6 monts seemed like a day or few to the heroine, bonds were created and secrets were made. In no time Rikkes eager to learn and listen little girl grew into a independant strong and inteligent woman. Her long hair actually matching Rikkes own. The smile, manners, even her playful tendencies be it for games or to tease others... she was most definedly the rogues daughter. For better or worst, it meant that soon enough she'll leave both Rikke and Sena to seek out adventures, just like her bloodline demanded she would.

As Rikke found herself on the beach she sighed nostalgicaly, but those adventures she will have on her own. The heroine looked up to the camp to Luna and grinned happily, it's been so long!

The heroine skipped forward and hugged Luna happily "Luna~! I've missed you!" though where was the rest of the group... not to mention Jessica.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess stared looking over the water a single tear rolling down her cheek. She had developed a fantastic tan and you could hardly tell she had Crolian heritage under her bronzed skin. Wrapping an arm around Rikke the two girls headed back to camp.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled at her lover and gently rested her head on her shoulder "Jess you could've stayed for a little bit longer." the heroine gently wiped away the tear Jessica had "Don't cry, love. They've grown up already, we'll see them soon enough. I'm sure of it." while Rikke did have some maternal instincts, she was far from overbearing and wanted to let Yuna experience the world on her own... Jessica though may not find the separation from her children quite as easy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No it would have made it harder Rikke... I almost wanted to stay their forever. But then I would miss out on all the fun we could have." Jess tickled Rikke as they made their way to the camp Luna eying Jess where and how did the girl get a tan that fast.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke lovingly kissed Jessica and smiled to her "Don't worry, Yunie will take care of them." the two turned to Luna and would carry on to the campsite. The mermaid had ALOT of stories to hear, not to mention the overall shock that the realm was exactly like the island... only more alive.

Now that she looked around, after 6 months in the alternative plain. The island seemed so droll and lifeless, even if it wasn't... it was just the sheer contrast.

Still it was time to share some stories with the girls around the campfire, gods she missed her girl squad. If Venise and Carly joined up Jessica and Rikke would tell tales about their events, laughing happily in recollection. In a certain way, during theit time in the plains. The two experienced a life with actual family to the fullest, both the good years of caring for the little ones and the dreadful teen years.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls laughed well into the night with Venise marveling at Jess's tan. Still it was kind of weird Rikke and Jess had so much to share with stories that the converstions seemed one sided and eventually Venise got board and started to kiss Rikke on the neck.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke most certainly didn't mind the stimuli, gently stroking Venises hair as the servant girl kissed her neck lovingly. Though she just continued to have on conversation with the company occasionally turning to Venise to give her a thank you kiss.

Then again.. the heroine didn't indulge herself for the whole 6 months. With 4 little scamps running around, her and Jess had little time for their perverse delights. Further stimuli may give Venise interesting... if unexpected results.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Venise of course didn't stop and her action only seemed to arouse the rest of the girls. Soon enough Carly and Luna walked hand in hand away from the fire only a tell tale splash signaling where they had gone. Jess of course wouldn't be left out and soon enough had maneuvered Venise between them. She winked at Rikke hinting at what she intended to do.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well there were most certainyl so many possibilities of what she was planning... though only the most perverse came to Rikkes mind. The heroine would kiss Carly full-on in a fairly passionate manner. Well with Luna and Carly gone, it was just the three of them as usual.

With Rikke taking care of Venises front it was up to Jessicas creativity to how she planned to escalate the events.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Smiling knowing Jess pushed Venise down to Rikke's crotch while she pulled the girls panties off. Leaning her head down Jess began to lick at Venise's already damp folds causing the woman to gasp a little as she tried to pull Rikke's underwear aside.