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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke more than a little shaken by her dream quickly looked to Venise, the girl was near and saw all of it? What was Rikke doing in the first place "H-how... Who told you about him?" had the heroine mentioned the master earlier? She couldn't have could she? Or was she talking in her sleep...

Either way, the girl eyed Venise suspiciously. Perhaps she was just a little paranoid after the nightmare... the glorious, firm and~ NO! No! There was something wrong this time, she wasn't just daydreaming. It felt much more solid than ever before... and so much better.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Venise stroked Rikke's back trying to sooth her with her touch. "He visited me in my sleep to and demanded a service him. I told the meanie no and that I only service my Mistress unless she commands me otherwise." Venise looked up at Rikke her eyes shining. "Did I do good Mistress?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

He came to her too? Seemed just a sliver of Rikkes influence allowed the Masters influence so slip into the other girls minds. Thankfully almost all would resist a demon, except for the heroine. The demonic overlord seemed to have seeped to far into her, the lust he invoked in her was just... overwhelming.

"I-I see... Venise even if I tell you otherwise, always say no to that meanie" she smiled warmly at her servant girl "That's a Mistress's command." was it safe for her to go back to sleep now? Rikke always relied on Jessicas reassuring embrace to keep her safe from his gaze, from her own self. With her gone...

"Come Venise, sleep with me." she smiled lightly at the servant girl "Let's keep the monster at bay together." Rikke was scared of him coming back... but somewhere deep down, she wanted to continued exactly where they left off. The master dominating her, his cock finally claiming her treasure.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Venise hardly needed an invite and was soon cuddled up to Rikke the girls warm embrace holding her tight. Still it left questions how did the master seep into her dreams as well? Was it because of her or maybe it was due to Venise being possessed by that bitch? It was hard to say but eventually she drifted off to sleep thankfully it was master free and oddly soothing a warm hand seemed to caress Rikke's face and she felt safe. The morning came and with it a good morning kiss from Willow who barked happily. Going threw her morning retinue Rikke felt something was absent and it set her whole getting ready part of the morning off. Still Rikke noticed that someone had brought in winter travailing cloths for her and Venise as well as a small parcel with a letter.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly as the pup licked her face, well that was a new way to wake her up "Willow~ Stop~" the heroine giggled warmly just barely beating back the ferocious licker. Morning came... Rikke reached down to her waist, only feel out something lacking... the girls eyes dimmed strongly as she felt out a certain line along her body. Still Willows ticklish lick at her toesies got her back.

The heroine playfully tapped Willow on the nose and smiled at him, before turning around to see if Venise was still in the room. Kissing her lightly on the cheek as a thank you before getting up.

The Winter clothes arrived. Looked like today would be the day she left, Rikke would double check her backpack, but leave it in the room for the time being. It was time to look around the camp and see Rhea once more.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke ignored the package on the table for now and headed out to find Rhea. The leader of the Wargs was never really hard to find. With her and her lovers pregnancy moving well along Rhea had opted to do the one thing she feared most paper work. Though with Jess being taken all the petty stuff was shoved aside as scout reports lined the desk. Rhea was pretty much in the same cloths she had worn last night a small plate of food nearby.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The parcel seemed to slip the girls mind as she had far more important issues. "Rhea" she girl knocked on the open door before entering, noting the uneaten food "Don't tell me you haven't eaten yet?" at the very least the girl had some sleep though... even if it was due to exhaustion.

"Rhea, do you remember when I told you about that manor where I found Jessica?" the heroine paused lightly "That's the same manor, where I defeated a powerful demon... I think he's back and he's at fault here." Rikke looked down sadly "I fear for the girls in the manor. Could you get me there? Or use your transportation magic. I need to see that they're okay..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea looked up her eyes bloodshot from looking at all the paper work. "I can try though I've never been their whats the closest major city? Should I bring some of the boys?" Rikke feared what might happen to the girls at the manor but then again Emma was their as well as Gloria and Loria would the manor fall so easily a second time?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke shivered lightly at the state the Kitsune was and quickly ran up to her sitting nearby "We won't be able to go nowhere if you keep pushing yourself like this." the girl gently took the Kitsune by the hand "I'll get you something alright?" at this state a healing potion or energy potion could only bring the Kistune to semi-ready state for a trip... and to actually function.

"No need for the boys, I don't have anything solid about the manor. Not to mention they had a small private army of sorts... I just want to be sure." whatever the case, chances were the lead she needs will be in the manor "I'm not sure... I think Costane city is nearby. Otherwise I don't know the name of the place I stayed there previously..." the inn the girl got her tip to check the manor. Seemed like a lifetime ago...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea protested weakly but allowed Rikke to lead her away. Likely a short nap would perk the kitsune up which in a way was good she still needed to gather up her supplies and decided who was coming with her. Putting the dedicated kitsune to bed Rikke looked over the plate of forgotten food. Most of it was bacon and toast but Rikke could see a few fried potatoes and an egg underneath the pile of bacon. It was stone cold but Rikke if she wanted to could probably take a few bites. Still while she was over here Rikke looked at the maps and reports noting none of the scouts had any news other than they caught a long time slaver but that was about it. The map proved more useful as the little town of Costane was marked as a supply shipper for the Wargs. No doubt Rhea once rested would be able to get here there in no time.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke most certainly wasn't hungry. The girl looked over the maps and to the town she mentioned, it would still be atleast up to half a days travel time from there, unless she had a particulary healthy steed to ride.

The heroine sighed lightly and stepped away from the maps, glancing over to where the mansion would be on the map. Well better leave Rhea to rest, not to mention tell one of the boys to take Rheas meal and keep it on a hot plate. Rhea deserves a warm meal...

The slaver wasn't of particular interest, unless she overhead anything interesting about him. Her attention would be directed to who and what to take with her for the trip. She had no reason to believe the manor had fallen, but if it did some backup may be life-saving.

With those thoughts in mind the girl slowly made her way back to her room, there was some parcel waiting for her there might aswell check it out.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking over the paper Rikke thought the name of the slaver sounded familiar and it itched at the back of her mind but she had bigger fish to fry. Heading out and handing the plate of cold food Rikke gave instructions for a fresh plate to be delivered when Rhea awoke. Smiling a the suddenly confused guard Rikke made her way back to the room and looked over the parcel. Eying it Rikke saw that it was from Luna and the letter attached went into great detail about how sad she was that Jessica was missing and that her way to help was in the package. Opening it Rikke found a small box with 5 healing potions and 3 energy potions. Smiling Rikke set them aside to great Willow who was waiting at her heel. Venise was still asleep and the small ball of good in the silver basin lay motionless Sylphie very much dormant for now. Thinking about who would best help her along on her mission Rikke frowned. The Venus girls where all tied up as the official bodyguards of Rune with the Exception of Naomi who had left with an unknown woman. Rhea was out of the question as she had her responsibilities here. Luna and Carly where not fighters and she didn't dare risk some of Rhea's boys. A knock at her door interrupted her thoughts turning to answer Rikke saw Janet in full splendor her armor having been freshly polished. The blonde knight handed Rikke a piece of paper. The note was written in the priestess hand.

"Dearest Daughter of Venus

In these trying times of heart ache and lost I grant you the use of my personal knight Janet C. Bastion. She is to aid you in all tasks in the pursuit of returning your lover to your side. I wish you luck and good fortune in your quest.

In love
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke looked over the numerous supplies and Willow nearby a wicked idea came to her mind. A harness for her trusty companion! Would save the girl from bothering with backpack and Willow could quickly provide additional potions in the heat of battle fi she ran out... gods forbid she'd find herself in a situation when one would not suffice.

"I think we'll be visiting the leatherworked soon Willow." the girl knelt down and ruffled her trusty Malamute playfully, when a knock on the door interupted the two. It was Janet... and with a most peculiar note.

"You don't have to do this, Janet. I could say you helped me enough as is." likely this would not disuade her new ally. Rikke smiled warmly and hugged the armored female "Come on in, was just planning to give a local leatherworker a new job order. A light harness for Willow to carry some of my stuff around." she smiled warmly at Willow barked, be it in approval or dismay at the idea.

Though she would mention the slaver too... why did his name stand out?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet returned the hug warmly before looking down at Willow and giving him a pat. "Rikke.. I would gladly follow you anywhere you wanted me to go. I know how much Jess means to you and so dose the Priestess. Besides she's special in more way than one. As for the slaver his name doesn't ring a bell to me though from this report it seems he was very active all around Crolia and Bardia." Janet shrugged and let Rikke Dress before they headed out an into the town to see the leather worker.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hm... demons love their slaves, we should drop by and ask if there was buyout somewhere. May give us some clues." the heroine nodded firmly as she got dressed, her weapon and armor in check "Willow you've sat around here enough come on, let's see if can get you suited for combat." she winked slyly at the malamute and would go out to town with her two companions.

The leatherworking offer would take priority, while Willow was measured out and the leather worked on Rikke could focus on gettin ready "So how are the reconstruction efforts going?" the heroine smiled at her new knight "The Priestess kept true to her words of rebuilding a Venus chapel?"

Right after finishing the order it would be time to visit the slaver.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully it didn't take long to get the armor/harness measured out but the leather worker did mention it would take a little time to alter and existing harness to fit the pup as it would take to long to make a full custom job. With that out of the way Rikke, Willow, and Janet headed out to the makeshift jail where they kept several prisoners as well as captured demons. Thankfully Rikke's reputation proceeded her the guards let her in without question only accepting Janets words about what they where doing.

The slaver was a tall man with long shaggy brown hair and his cloths where dirty and torn some still had blood stains on them. His eyes though something about his eyes just screamed evil at Rikke and she couldn't help but feel as if she had seen him before. The man saw Rikke and sneared perfect white teeth and his cold blue eyes staring at her Ds then her face. "Aww the one that got away. I never expected to see you again pet after all you caused so much trouble for my boys ." Rikke couldn't place the man but the sound of his voice brought forth images of being fucked over and over again filled her vision. Feeling an armored hand on her shoulder brought Rikke back to the present.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes I do have quite the reputation for causing trouble to the scum of Crolia." Rikke non-chalantly answered the man, perhaps he ahd one of those faces... but no, this one was different. The man cackled at the comment, as things long forgotten in the heroine mind slowly surfaced. The sights of her in a cell, numerous men standing in line to just plow into her, her servicing several men at once.

A armored hand quickly brought Rikke back, as she looked to the man her eyes far more sharper and cold than before. This man had her once, but was it a failed heist? Her being captured? The memories seemed far too supressed to be easily recalled, whatever it was... it was something vile and cruel.

"I need answers and you're going to give them to me." no doubt the mans next comment would be a fairly harsh one "Guard, do you have a interogation cell. I'd like to 'talk' with this one, personally." hopefully lighter threats and minor injuries will suffice, otherwise the girl would have to call an expert.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The guard outside nodded before getting up and unlocking a rather secure looking room. "Ooooh should I be scared little girl? No I think you just want a taste of my cock again." Two guards came and pulled the man out before tossing him into the secure room. Rikke was about to follow when she felt Janets hand on her shoulder again. "Rikke maybe I should interrogate him you two seem to have a history.. I can see it in your eyes.. he hurt you."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke turned to Janet and smiled "I'll be fine, be back before you know it. I'll take care of this chump." with that the heroine unbuckled her sword and gave it to Janet "Keep a lookout, time to knock myself some information." the girl winked slyly and entered the room.

"I need information on slave traffic, namely exotic girls." Rikke would approach the man firmly and smirk at any comment unrelated to her question... along with kicking the bastard in the jewels in a fairly severe manner.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh thinking about rejoining my little...OOF!" Rikke's kick was aimed true and impacted with force bringing tears to the mans eyes. After a recovering a little the man looked up anger clearly showing. "Careful pet you don't want to damage you food su.... Rikke struck home across the man's jaw sending him tumbling to the ground. "Oh such fight its a shame I didn't get a chance to break you." The man scooted away from Rikke a little. "I think I would have kept you as my little cat girl begging for my cream." The man hit the wall placing a hand on it for support before trying to get up.