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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylphie would likely still be sleeping, winter in full-swing outside. The heroine approached the slime puddle and knelt down to it "You lot go on, I'll be right with you." she smiled to the group shooing them onwards, before turning to the dormant slime girl lovering her voice to a whisper.

"I don't know if you can hear me Sylphie, but... Rikkey is going away for a little while, Jess is danger and needs my help. No, don't worry. I'll be back before you know, Rune will watch over you. And all the other boys around camp." she paused lightly looking to the lump "I'm going now."

With those final words the heroine grabbed her coat and threw it on her shoulder, closing the door behind her. Hopefully she'll be back before Sylphie even knows what happened.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke couldn't be sure but she could almost swear the slime turned a deeper blue but it was hard to be sure. Likely Sylphie didn't hear a word. Still it felt bad leaving her behind after all the slime girl had found its way threw the ruins to find her and now it was stuck in a bowl in a room more Jello like than slime like. Looking over at the bowl Rikke sighed and shut the door behind her. Just outside a little way was all of Rikke's friends she had made in Endus. They all waited for her to make her way to them. Rikke could see all the Venus girls around Rune each one giving her a loving embrace with Cassandra even giving her a kiss much to the crowds delight. Luna and Carly where next each one hugging her tight as she made her way threw the crowd. The hard one was Gruff, Kat and the kids each one fairly emotional with Kat nearly in tears as she made her goodbyes. A little kick to her shin brought Rikke's attention down to the little girl who she met at Gruff's shop. "Hey bring me something! You still owe me." The little girl made a face at Rikke before running to Gruff's side. The priestess was next Rikke noting her robes not being very warm for such weather outside. "Daughter of Venus" Her hand came up and touched Rikke on the cheek. "Go with her blessing and know that she watches over you." The priestess then kissed Rikke on the lips before letting her pass. Rune was next as she hugged Rikke tight. "Now you better not be a stranger Rikke we all know how adventurous you are I might have to send scouts out to find you if you don't come back to visit. Endus needs its heroes and we need our Rikke" The last part was a whisper and full of warmth.

With Rune letting her go and rejoining the crowd Rikke saw one more person ahead of her she wore a Purple silk cloak and gold jewelery dangled from her dark skin. It was no doubt Sasha from the brothel. Rikke thought about avoiding the woman but given the hallway she couldn't it looked like Sasha had picked the best spot to ambush Rikke. The woman approached Rikke and pulled something out of a pouch before offering Rikke to take it. "I cannot force you to like me and I know we've had our differences but at least believe me when I saw I'm truly sorry that our first meeting was.... not what I wanted or intended." Sasha placed a wrapped object in one of Rikke's pouches before merging into the crowd. Looking back only briefly Rikke could see the assembled people she had met looking at her smiling and waving. Ahead of her lied another adventure behind more people she had met on her journey. Rhea, Janet, Venies, and Willow waited for her just up ahead. It would only take a few more steps to reach them when she heard banging from down below. Looking over the edge of the balcony she saw Matthew and many of the Wargs standing in full ceremonial battle dress banging spear buts and shields as Rikke made her way towards Rhea. Seeing her looking down each and every Warg saluted Rikke. "To the Hero of the Black war and the Battle of Endus we salute you!" The Wargs below all bellowed a shout/grunt while waiting for Rikke to Salute them back.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls heart soared at the assembly of her friends and those she helped in her little time in Endus. She'd hug or even kiss each and every single-one that came up to her... that is until Sasha. Rikke took the small object, though pulled the woman back "It's alright Sasha, everyone makes mistakes" she hugged her lightly showing no bad blood between them. Time as they say heals everything, even fractured relations.

As the wargs roared out in honor of their heroine Rikke looked over the assembly with great big eyes, her face adorned with a huge grin. The girl slowly drew her blade and raised it commandingly, it's silver shinning brightly "Black Wargs! Let me hear you one more time!" the heroine joined in whatever battlecry rang out, before breaking her commanding presence nature once more.

"THANK YOU Thank you everyone!" the girl blew a kiss to the crowd much to a resounding cheer. Just not too long ago the girl was wandering around lost in the city of ruins. A stranger in a stranger land, but now the city stood tall. Crumbled buildings under contstruction with people cheerfully laughing and children playing all around.

"I'll come back soon! I promise!" she waved energetically to them all and after a brief moment would slowly turn and join her new traveling group. As Rikke moved to her group she looked to Rune and smiled lightly, they'll be seeing each other soon enough--- wait! The rogue quickly ran up and whispered to her ear "Take Sylphie to Senas. Use my home there." with those quick words, she winked slyly to the Kitsune and went onwards.

Rikke offered one hand to the Honorable Knight of Venus and her other to the Corrupted Servant girl "Everyone ready?" she looked between the two to receive a nod.. and a bark from below her "Well then... Rhea." Rikke extened their united hands to the Kitsune and closed her eyes. Cheers and even cries still ringing out behind her. Endus was such a wonderful city.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Chapter 3

The cheers echoed around Rikke as her friends cheered her on and the Wargs rallied below her. It was a good feeling that she was already beginning to miss. There was an impact to the air as the warmth of the Wargs HQ was replaced by a howling wind bitter in its nature whipping at the heroine and her party. It seemed they had just jumped right into a snow storm with its whipping winds and flurry of snow obscuring most of their vision. A bark from Willow soon got Rikke started as her malmut began to head in a direction out of the wind. "DAMNIT" Rhea didn't sound pleased and she had to yell over the wind. Venise who was close to her grabbed onto Rikke's arm tightly it seemed she was scared. "We should follow Willow he might be able to find a village!" It was probably the best plan they had and with out further wasting of time the group of woman followed after the pup who didn't at all seem bothered by the cold.

Thankfully it turned out to be the right choice as they soon came upon a Tavern named the the Whistling Wench. Barging side the crew saw that it was nearly empty but a full fire was going and a few tired looking people eying them from across the room. The tavern looked to be an old mead house if the large casks along the far wall where any clue. A simple but large stone hearth held the crackling fire and numerous table sat on the dark wood floor. The Tavern had a second floor which likely held rooms for rent but none seemed to be that large. As they took the look in a elf woman came up to them and closed the door from the storm. She had long straight blonde hair and Rikke could see an orcish tattoo on her neck. With that done the woman offered them a seat at the tables not speaking a word. Pulling out a pad and a pencil she looked at them and awaited their order.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that was one helluva welcome. Thankfully the heroines were dressed perfectly for such and event, only the sweeping wind really doing any harm... limited to the girl hairstyles.

"Ha~" Rikke sighed with relief as the group entered inn "Thank---" the blonde silently closed the door looking to them "You?" before she lead them to a table, looking to them expectingly "Excuse me, where are?" the storm didn't quite allow the trio to look around, hopefully the girl could atleast talk about the location.

If she didn't Rikke would order a glass of water and 2 rooms. She'd share with Venise. Willow and Janet in the other one.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The elf girl looked at Rikke and frowned motioning at her throat and waving her hands in a no gesture. Sighing she wrote on a simple note and handed it over to her. Sorry the slaver who had me cut off my tongue because I was to bitchy. You are at the Whistling Wench in Costane city. That was a grim detail indeed but still Rikke made her order and the elf girl wrote it down before heading to the kitchen area. Two older men looked over at the heros and muttered something before laughing and pulling on their mugs.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A cold chill ran down Rikkes spine as she read the note. This poor girl... well whatever the case they arrived. Constance city in all of it's er... glory? Whatever the case with the storm outside chances are they won't get much done today.

"I'll stay with Venise for the night. We're used to sharing one bed. Janet you keep Willow company alright? Willow you keep Janet safe." she smirked at her pup.

Still the company would linger in the bar and drink their drinks, ignoring the other customers as they did so. She couldn't chat with the barmaid, nor were the other folk around here seem like good company. It was best to retire to their rooms, their new adventure would begin just as the storm sets.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A moment later the girl arrived back with another note. Four Denari for the two rooms and the water is free. Is there anything else? The elf woman waited to see if they had any other orders before handing over two brass keys and disappearing behind the counter. "Well I suppose I should get back to Endus... are you sure you don't need the boys or anything Rikke?" Janet had remained silent but Rikke had seen the woman was watching the blonde elf out of the corner of her eye. She was staring intently but at the moment it was hard to figure out if it was desire or concern.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'll leave a note in my house whenever I can." Rikke smiled to Rhea "Make sure to keep me updated if anything comes up 'kay?" the girl took the Kitsunes hand "And Rhea... if Rune tells me you've been skiping sleep, I'll come back and we'll have wasted this whole trip. You hear me..." the heroine pause lightly looking lovingly to her friend before leaning in and hugging her "I'll miss you, so much."

"No that would be all. Thank you so much" Rikke smiled to the barmaid lightly, sliding 10 denarii to the barmaid and noted Janets look to her. No it most certainly was not desire... Janet was a victim of cruel torture aswell. Knowing that some bastard harmed the elven girl in such a way, Rikke very much felt the same. Her blood boiling at the thought.

The heroine looked to catch Janets eye "I know, Janey. I know..." she spoke in a somber tone, but there was hardly anything the two could do right now. They could free the girl, but it would likely only cause her further harm, far exceeding the good her temporal freedom would provide.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Okay...." Rhea's ears flattened out a little before she got up and gave Rikke, Janet and even Venise a hug before she was gone. A few moments latter a large man came out from kitchen with the elf woman pointing at Rikke and crew. He was easily 6'1/2 feet tall with a muscular build despite his large gut. He had black hair streaked with grey with a salt and pepper colored full beard. His foot falls seemed to echo as he walked and he was head right for Rikke.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would turn to the approaching man and casually lean against her chair. If any of her companions were anywhere near the 'cooks?' route she'd demand them to shuffle aside.

"Can we help you?" Rikke smiled lightly, her body at the ready and hand resting on her hilt. It was heavily doubtful he meant harm... even if he did it would only be a death wish.
Full defense
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The man moved close he looked human enough but his shear size was intimidating. His voice was rough and deep. "Are you the company who gave Sue here to much money?" Rikke nodded and the man sighed. "Well miss Im afraid this is not a tipping establishment as our staff are paid high wages." A dull smack hit the table as small pouch of coin hit the table. "Have a good day." With that the man turned around and went back into the kitchen.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It was a gift. I see no reason she couldn't have some free extra to spend" Rikke glanced up to the man fairly cold, her gaze calm and collected. Still she didn't want to stir trouble, but easing the poor slavegirl fate would be the least the heroine could do. Giving her some denarii just seemed one of the way to do so.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The man stopped and turned around a moment before looking at Rikke clearly not intimidated by her. "I do not wish for her to get fired our life is hard enough as it is." The man turned once more and headed back to the kitchen with Sue standing their and just shrugging before putting a hand on Rikke and mouthing the words thank you.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I meant no harm." she looked to the man in a fairly apologetic fashion, though the elven girls hand and gesture would calm the heroines worries. As she smiled to her. Perhaps they shouldn't try to enforce such matters.

"Come on girls, the sooner we hit the hay the earlier we can leave for the mansions" she smiled to her company and would likely retire to her room, taking Venise along with her... hips swinging and hand on waist if she was near.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The group got up with Janet eying the elf from afar before heading up to her room taking Willow along with her. Once they had ascended the stairs Rikke found the room fairly spartan with a single bed and simple chest and a small end table with a candle wash basin and chamber pot. Thankfully it was all fairly clean. Venise quickly unpacked their belongings before fluffing the pillows and readying the bed. She had come a long way from sex slave to sexy maid her transformation from total slut to personal maid was something she could be proud of though Jess did have a good deal of infulance in her training. Still she stood ready for her Mistress's command standing at the foot of the bed with warm bed cloths for Rikke resting in her hands.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke hugged her chambermaid lovingly "Thanks Venise" she grinned contently and quickly got into her nigties.... still why did Janet look to the girl with such great interest.

The heroine was about to go to bed, but "I'll go check on the other girls real quick. Need to ask Janet something..." she turned to Venise "Warm up the bed for us 'kay?" with a sly wink the heroine would quickly go to the neighbouring room.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully no one saw the scantily dressed rogue as she moved from one room to the other. Opening the door she was greeted by Willow who barked happily at her. Janet was in mid removal of her armor her gauntlets and grieves already set aside. In fact she was just removing her breastplate when Rikke opened the door treating the rogue to Janets near nudity once more. "Rikke come to say good night?" Janet didn't seem the lest bit prudish her time at the brothel and personal education by the High Priestess had opened her up quite a bit.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke closed the door behind her and smiled "That and something else..." she smiled lightly before sitting down "About that slave girl..." she looked to Janet caringly "There was something in your eyes... what is it Janet?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I couldn't help but feel bad for her ya know Rikke. I had forgotten how dangerous the world outside was." Janet looked away a moment. "I feel so bad that many of her kind are still stuck as orc slaves in their own homeland of all things its very disheartening."