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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke got to Janet and hugged her warmly "That's why us heroines are so important." she smiled resting her head against the knights "We may not undo the things done, but we can stop them. One manor at a time. Each city in turn."

The rogue leaned out "We'll see if we can learn about this town tommorow, but for now the mansion will remain our main goal. Alright?" with that Rikke wouldn't linger too long and kiss Janet on the cheek wishing her a good nights rest, before tickling Willow wishing him a nights rest aswell.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The night passed rather noisily as the storm outside only seemed to intensify but by morning all was calm and the sun sparkled on the fresh layer of snow. Venise was already up and awake with Rikke's cloths prepped and ready. "Good morning Mistress I paid for breakfast for you and Janet though that frowzy cook would only give us last nights soup bone for Willow." Venise waited for Rikke to give her orders and stood patiently nearby.

Rikke loses 2 denari for breakfast
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke yawned sleepily and msiled to her servant girl "Thank you very much Venise." the girl stretched lightly in bed, her assests almost caressed by the light streaks from outside.

"That will be all dear, relax. And you better bought something nice for yourself too." she grined happily before getting out of bed, her clothing already prepared "Let's go wake our two guardians, we leave early." she winked slyly to Venise and after both of them got dressed would go to Janets, why have breakfast each room to it's own.

Rikke would playfully knock on the door "Mornin, our dear guardians~" she giggled lightheartedly as the pushed open the door.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke opened the door to find the room a mess. Janet and Willow where currently in tug of war over the girls bra. It was almost comical if it wasn't for how trashed the room was the night stand was tipped over and the covers tossed to the ground. Janet was partly dressed her panties on but her breasts hanging free. "Dang it Willow give that back!" Willow's tail was wagging happily at the game though if they kept it up the garment would be ruined in short order.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled silently and leaned against the door looking over the tug of war, though not waiting till the bra gave way "Who's being a pervy puppy? Hm~" the heroine giggled as Willow instantly looked to her and ran up to lick his master, hopefully not taking his share of the bra with him.

The rogue would lean down and accept the pups affections, before ruffling up the little rascal a little bit. Pervy, playfully and trusty... this was most certainly her pup...

"Honestly I leave you two alone for just one night" the heroine gently placed the brekafast on the table, though not before throwing Willow his bone.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With Rikke's entrance Willow let go causing Janet to fall backwards and into the wall with a thump! "OWW!" Janet got up rubbing the back of her head slightly and looking rather annoyed at Willow who was now happily munching on his bone. "I can't be to mad at him I guess he was just trying to help. I shouldn't have tried to snatch it away from him he thought I was playing." Janet held up the soggy mess before dropping it and grabbing a fresh one from her pack.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Trying to snatch something away from a pup?" the heroine gave Janet a cute look "You really should've known better." the knight sighed lightly and threw her old bra aside, with Willow instantly dashing to retrieve it and place it near his bone.

Well someone already reminded the heroine of a certain fish. Rikke giggled lightly at the sight and enjoyed the minro breakfast the trio had together.

"Alright time to pack up, we're leaving for the mansion. The sooner we reach it the better." Rikke would nod firmly to the knight, with Willow giving a approving bark to her, in hot pursuit after Rikke and into her and Vensies rooms.

Still if given a chance Rikke would inquire a patron or the like about information if they heard something about the nearby Presli Mansion.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After Janet got dressed they tidied up the room. Thankfully nothing was broken though they did have a heck of a time trying to decided what to do with the bra. Still after they resolved that issue the group headed down stairs to see the cook from last night adding fire to the hearth and their waitress sitting off to the side with a small string instrument playing a melodious tune. A sever looking old man was at the counter pouring drinks while a happy tune was being whistled from the kitchen. There where no other patron in the tavern at the moment.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Whatcha think?" Rikke looked to Janet, teasingly "I think if it fits him perfectly." the knight girl looked over to the girls teasing smirk, her eyes rolling back to the sight of Willow panting happily with the bra as a hat on his head "It really accentuates his eyes." Rikke giggled mischieviously, Venise just smiling warmly at the company.

Though if Janet dared to try and remove it Willow would lunge across the room in his attempts to keep this new treasure. "S-shut up." Janet pouted playfully a light blush on her face. Of all people in the world Rikke could most certainly relate. Well Willow could start his treasure cover with something, might aswell be a D silken bra.

The girls would pack up and move out soon enough heading down to the calming scene in the bar "I'll go ask around, you girls wai--" Willow quickly rushed past the girls the D bra very clearly in his teeth "--you girls do your thing. Be right with you." she giggled warmly and went to the cook. He seemed to be the man to ask.

As Rikke approached the man Willow would speed past them, perhaps even stopping to show off the bra "Mine are either black or red." she smiled to the man warmly,d ismissing ownership of the embarassment before asking about the Peslies.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The man raised and eyebrow before answering her question. "The Pesilies Good folk glad to see that they are back. Though lately they've been acting paranoid. The two woman travel together all the time with several body guards and they've been jumpy. They almost skewered a pickpocket the other day." That was a relief they where at lest okay though something had them spooked and Rikke had a feeling as to what. If they had no other questions the girls could head out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke turned to the mute girl, her soothing music seemingly blessing the whole inn "How did she escape?" the heroine looked to the cook, who seemed to have a personal stake in the girls current fate. Learning of the slavers name may be also just as good.

Meanwhile~ the sounds of clanging armor often times, outdone the music at hand as Willow played around with Janet. The fair knight trying to keep her embarassment low... to very little success.

Venise sat near the elf enamoured by the wonderous tunes.

If the cook did not wish to speak to Rikke about the elven girls fate, now or before. Rikke would thank him for the meal and carry her group up. There was nothing else to do here.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sue? she didn't escape I killed the orc that owned her and she hasn't left my side sense I don't know why I've told her she's free to go where ever and when ever she wants." The brute of a man shrugged before placing more logs on the fire. Well that was rather blunt but still given who she was talking to it might just be as open as he was.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"But if you're looking over her, why do you deny the kindness of strangers." she looked to the man "All three of us know the sting of a slavers whip. It's the least we could've offered her." Rikke leaned against a nearby wall listening to the wonderous tune. While the great bra-chase seems to just exceptionally loudly transfered upstairs...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The man inclined his head at the other man running the bar currently and lowered his voice. "Mr. Johnson doesn't allow tips at his establishment he would have thought she stole the money and would have kicked her out in the street." The man went back to his stacking. Much to Rikke's surprise Venise started to sing to the tune the elf was playing her voice ringing out beautifully in the tavern.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I see..." she smiled lightly listening to the music "I know this means little to you, coming from a stranger... but thank you." the heroine looked to the cook "There aren't enough good men in this world. Be safe, sir cook." she pushed herself away from the wall and would sit to listen to the beautiful music the elven girl and Venise created. She wouldn't interupt and allow the song to it's fruition, only then heading out. Hopefully the great bra chase would have ended by then aswell... likely with a particulary exhuasted knight and a very gleeful pup.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The song did come to an end with the Elven woman smiling at Venise and giving her a hug. Janet indeed looked exhausted but she had trimuphet look on her face with Willow next to her panting happily. Stuffing the now slobber coated bra in her pack she gave Willow a pat on the head before heading outside waiting for Rikke to join. Soon enough Rikke and Venise joined Janet and Willow who where looking at the snow covered streets. There where hardly any people about and much of the snow lay unmarred by foot falls. Much to Rikke's surprise Constance city had grown quite a bit sense her last visit apparently the return of the Pesiles had harold some growth for the sleepy town.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Wait.. oops!" Rikke blushed lightly "Be right back!" she quickly reentered the inn and asked for directions to the manor, hopefully gettin them the group could move onwards towards and by whatever road was directed.

Otherwise... well guess the girls could ask someone on the streets or one of the guards. Either way, they dilly-dallied quite enough.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke hadn't needed a guide and from her own memory turned down the street she needed to go and before long they where on the road. Familiar hills and trees dotted the hillside even if they where covered in snow. The air was crisp and the sun bright aiding the travelers despite the snow. Janet took the time for some much needed revenge on Willow as the poor pup was bombarded with a few snowballs causing him to yelp in surprise and hide by Rikke causing Janet to laugh. It would only take half a day to get to the manor but that was during the summer the snow would slow them down a lot and with the pace they where making it may be well into evening before they caught sight of the old building.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was most certainly a slog, the snow had layed thick across the field. Thakfully the trio had a very energetic pup to keep the journey more enjoyable as he basked in the snows playfully jumping through the particulary deep field, only to sometimes completely disappear in a bigged puff of snow. Much to giggles from the girls, he was a malamute. This was their natural weather.

Stll soon enough the trio reached a road that was semi cleared and sped up their travels, the old manor in almost in sight.

Rikkes eyes light up brightly at the hints of the building as she rushed forward a wonderous smile on her face, it's been too long! Emma, Sarah, girls! She was home!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke rushed forward on the clear road her excitment adding to her speed and she soon left Janet and Venise in the dust the only one able to keep up being Willow. Stopping at the crest of the hill next to the graveyard Rikke could see the Manor in all its glory. Bright Banners whipped in the wind and she could see a man on the barracks eying the surrounding terrain.