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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We can't afford to trust rumors, much less ones about divine intervention" Rikke looked to Sarah clearly worried "Send your fastest and most reliable scout there asap. Alright?" the rogue leaned away from the map "When we beat back the master the sisters all disappeared from sight... perhaps they returned to the temple and made their home there. it's... it's what I would've done." her sight lingered on Sarah briefly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"True enough that was supposed to be our new base of operations the master wanted a mortal cult to elevate him in power." Sarah lingered a moment looking over the paper work. "Still you just got here and its almost night you should rest and have dinner with us."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke took Sarahs hand caringly looking her in the eyes "Sarah. Send. The Scouts." she let the girls hand go "We'll have dinner and chat, but I need to know you're going to do this okay." while some food did sound pretty good, it should not be offered right during the girls discussing their plans.

"I know you're worried too. We just all have to stay focused. 'kay/" Rikke smiled at her friend "...besides it's not like miss G will let us miss dinner" she giggled warmly.

Only after Rikke had clear confirmation would she let Sarah leave and herself go check up on what her companions were up to. Sure the scouts may not be too happy for a assignment at such quick notice, but this was a request from the heroine who saved the manor and the manor lord.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sarah looked back at Rikke and nodded before turning around and looking at the door. Her voice suddenly magnified to an extreme "Brody get the scouts!" Rikke's ears rang but it was probably clear that everyone in the house heard her call.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke almost yelped out as the call seemingly made the whole manor churn... well at the very least her ears. "SARAH!" the girl looked to the succubus with a hinge of annoynce "DON'T DO THIS 'KAY!" honestly it caused much more pain than the heroine would've liked. The enclosed enviroment not helping the case.

"I'll go check on my companions, you take care of the scouting assignment." the rogue released her ears, just shy of blood coming out of them "And please don't do... whatever you just did it. I'm not used to it. It really hurt..." she smiled sheepishly and left the library a small ringing in her ears still.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Upon leaving the library she found poor Willow trying to cover his own ears from the noise. The poor pup not having any fingers to plug his ears rolled on the ground winning for a moment till his own ears stopped ringing and quickly ran up to Rikke barking and panting.

Now that Rikke wasn't in a hurry she could take in the full decorations of the refurbished manor. The main carpet of the area had been replaced with a dark purple rug that went from the door up the split stairs and likely covered the upper balcony. The statue of Venus and Naya had been cleaned and sparkled in the candle light its polished marble surface shining brightly. At the center of the stairs hung Rikke's portrait The Hero of House Peslie Next to it on either side where two other paintings. One was the restored work of Sarah's father and mother and the other a panting of Sarah, Emma, and Lil Rikke. This was the first time Rikke had seen an intact portrait of the old Lord of the Manor. He was a tall man and given that each picture was life sized Rikke estimated he stood well over six feet. Her wore brass colored armor in the full plate style and had his hands on the pommel of a very familiar looking sword. Glancing over to the plague on the wall Rikke could see they where a perfect match.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girl did recall finding some beautifuly bastard sword on her trip here... was it really the old Lords sword. Still the heroine was glance was more locked to the huge portrait of hers, each and every detail of her caught and placed to overlook the entrance alongside the manors owners. She did grow her hair out though, in the picture she had medium length auburn hair as opposed to her much more wild long orange hair now.

The heroine snickered warmly, how would little Rikke react if she found out the grand hero of their family was right here in the manor and recently gave her a hug. Rikke rested her hand on the plate with her name inscribed and sighed happily.

Now then... where was Janet...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet is a Knight of Venus so undoubtedly she would be in or at lest near the barracks. Peaking out of a window Rikke indeed found her wayward guardian out in the snow watching the soldiers practice with their blades and spears. Rikke could of course easily call her in if she wanted. Venise by the sounds of things was helping Genna in the kitchen if the sounds of praise echoing from the room where any indication.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well might as well let Janet inspect the troops, afterall the girl was a fairly strong knight. Maybe she'd even give them pointers! Nor was there a real reason to disturb Venises and Genna, who knows maybe the two wanted to surprised everyone.

Rikke sighed happily and leaned against one of the railings, so she was finally back 'home'. The rogue looked up to the painting of hers and giggled warmly, that pervy artist really shouldn't have exagarated her cleavage so much... Rikke would cast her gaze to her marvelous D's, though they were unfortunately well covered in winter clothing.

Well there was little else to do now. Sarah would arrange the scouts, Janet looked over the troops, Venise helped with the cooking and Willow was busy with the bone he was give. The rogue might aswell look around how did the full repairs go.

Infact there was one room, she never did enter. The top of the tower. The doors were undone afterall, Rikke should have no problem slipping upstairs and looking around. There was a lot of taint to dispell... hopefully the girls managed to do just that!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke made her way to the tower like part of the mansion the doors unbarred the the rogue enter easily. As she Entered Rikke saw Seve's former lair across from her with the round stairs leading up. She shuttered slight at the memories it invoked but her noise did catch something different. The air was a mix of pleasant scents and sulfurous material. Taking a peak Rikke saw that Seve's lair had been reclaimed as an Alchemy room and a fair number of potions boiled and fizzed away while an cloaked figure sat in a chair asleep. Rikke could if she wanted wake up the alchemist or she could move on after all the tower still had a few more rooms for her to inspect.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girl silently approach the hooded figure, was it someone new? "H-hello?" she'd slowly descend down the stairs, her steps still carrying quite abit of uneasyness as flashes of the past lingered in the shadows all around, as if Seve was still here. Watching her and getting ready to pounce.

"Hello~" she'd carefully place a hand on the figure and turn it around or walk around it. Just to inpect who it was.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Who ever it was didn't move or blink but simply let out a ZZZZNNKZZZ before turning their head slightly giving Rikke a glimpse of pointed ears and large eyes. It was an elf or something elf like she never did hear of them snoring though.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked around lightly, well it would be fairly rude to wake her... but an Elf? Who exactly was this girl? A newcomer come to help the Peslies out?

Well, she'll heading past this place on her way back. Might aswell let the elven girl sleep for the time being... loud snores and all. Rikke would casually leave the apothecary and continue onwards up the tower.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rest of the climb up the tower proved interesting to say the lest the former harem level of the tower looked to have become a play room for lil Rikke and the next floor which was the former sacrificial/summoning chamber looked to have been converted into a studio of sorts. Plenty of art and half finished paintings lay about the room. The next flight of stairs however is what Rikke was interested in. Climbing up she soon found her path barred by a locked door. Looking at the lock Rikke determined that it would be easily bypassed if she wanted to.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well locks only keep the honest folk away... and this was her home afterall. The heroine playfully pulled out a lockpick from her utility sash and got to work on the simple lock. Her tongue sticking out childishly. Secret locked rooms are the best kind!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The lock was childishly simple to Rikke and soon enough popped the lock and opening the door that barred her way. Truth be told maybe she shouldn't have been that curious. The sight was something that would Venise faint in joy and give Jess naughty ideas. The room was a veritable selection of every perverse toy Rikke had ever seen. A part of her had always wondered what the girls did with all the toys the succubi had and well now she had her answer even Jess's racing contraption was present thought it now followed a circular course around the room.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"HA?~" The girl eyes widened at the sights, so this is where they stored all the toys! Rikke giggled warmly and entered the room closing the door behind her. So many gadgets ranging to small and clear like simple strapons, some even with a pump function. To the grand creations she and Jessica used during their first encounter.

Rikke gently ran her hand across the 'ride', memories of their perverse rivalry flooding back "Jess~..." though what really caught Rikke offguard, was that the course was actually in place and setup. Meaning the girls didn't just stash it here... but actually implemented it up here. Who knows what rodeos took place here...

The heroine snickered warmly and would look around with great interest and perverse curiousity. Though not trying anything out unless to just tease herself abit, well she had to find out what the idea behind some of these were!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Most seemed variations of each other be it smaller or larger the thing Rikke did note there was not a single collar, chain, or whip in the room. Clearly Sarah and Emma had set down some rules about their play time. Still there was hardly anything in here that Rikke hadn't seen before or at lest used before but there was a lot to sort threw if she dug she might truly find something interesting.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked around subtly just incase someone was coming. No she better leave it be, she shouldn't be here in the first place. The heroine started slowly making her way to the door...

But~ she wouldn't be the pervy rogue she was. There had to be something fun in here. Rikke turned around grinning widely, mischief in her eyes. Time to see what she can find!

Let's see what Succubi use for toys!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Digging threw the sex attic as it where Rikke found a nearly buried chest. Popping it open she found 4 items. The first one seemed to be a very bondage oriented suit made out of a stretchy material that Rikke was unfamiliar with it had numerous straps and buckles designed to bind the arms behind the victims back and large hole for breasts to stick out of as well as matching holes for access to the persons lower body allowing whoever to chose which hole they wanted. The upper part of the getup had a brass ring attached to a cowl that would force someones mouth open. Another one was a cruel looking thorned whip of red leather. Another item was a leather evening gone of black and the final item was box full of collars.
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