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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Humph well that's what they get! Rikke smirked at the crabs as if some sort of revenge at all the pinches she received during her vacation. Though the monkey wasn't as good a sight "Alright lead on" Rikke smiled and followed her slime girl "Are you alone here Sylphie?" Yuna or Sena should've made contact with her... right? Wonder what they thought of this alien creature on their island.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph nodded as she made her way to a bubbling part of the hot spring. Rikke could smell the minerals in the air from the steam knowing it was far to hot for to even attempt to sample the water Sylph found so tasty. Still the slime girl was doing alright she had a healthy sheen of what ever goo that slimes had and seemed happy.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Isn't it a bit too hot sweatie?" Rikke smiled at the goo girl as she knelt down nearby "And you didn't asnwer my question Sylphie. Did you meet anyone here? Yunie? Sena?... Maybe Rune dropped by?" perhaps they were all busy in the other realm...but Rikke didn't want Sylphie to be lonely, it was the reason the slimegirl joined her and Jessica so many months ago afterall.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rune stops by says hi but can't stay long." Sylphs hand darted into the water as she absorbed some of it sighing slightly. "Yummy water." Sylph pulled her hand out and looked at Rikke.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Do you like it here Sylphie?" the rogue kept close, but out of reach just incase the slime girl wanted to pull her in 'to the yummy water' "I asked Rune to bring you here so you wouldn't have to sleep all through the meanie winter" the rogue giggled playfully.

though Sylphie was most certainly indulging herself in the meal "Don't eat too much, Sylphie. Yums should be savored right?" she smiled warmly at the girl... not to mention at this rate she'll grow and split, then it'll be double trouble! And 2 Sylphies would likely split some more! Best to create some ground rules or have someone overlook the slime girl "Sylphie would you mind if Rikkes friend looked over you when I'm not here?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylphi shook her head no. "Sylph all alone miss Rikke and puppy." The goo girl frowned before smiling again. "Are they nice friends?" Sylphs eyes gleamed with hope as a gentle wind caressed Rikke.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"They are very nice friends! Rikke has a mini-Rikke, her name is Yuna. You could also meet Jess's little girls here too. Shall I try call them?" the heroine smiled feeling the gentle breeze against her, knowing all too well who it might be.

Though Sylphie may be a secret the girls would have to keep from Sena. No matter how one looked at it, Sylphie was not a creature of nature, but that of aliens.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph nodded and clapped her gooey hands together making a distinctive splat. Rikke of course didn't really have to call Yuni as the girl just appeared hugging Rikke from behind though this time she pulled away at the sticky mess with a eww face.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly quickly pulling Yunie back and giving her a warm kiss on the hair "Hey angel~!" the heroine grinned happily, though looked like Yuna was not as used to be being er... covered in gooey substances.

"Sylphie meet Yunie, Yunie meet Sylphie. The slimegirl I told you about... the one that fought off that Juggernaut." during their six months Rikke told her lil' daughter about every single of her adventures... excluding the parts where she got caught or er... well.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph never shy quickly oozed around Yunie causing the girl a little shock and discomfort. "Uh oh hi Sylphie." Clearly the surprise had yet to wear off as Sylph eagerly embraced Yunie with the girl slow to return the affection.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly "Don't worry that's just how she shows her affection, the goo is very easy to wash off." the heroine slowly stood up "You two have fun together, Sylphie listen to Yuna. Yunie, make sure she doesn't eat anything living and don't let her overeat or you'll have two to watch over. Toodles~" it was almost a cruel and evil joke, leaving Yunie enveloped by the slimegirl a certain experience Rikke thought would benefit to the potential adventurer.

"Oh and Sylphie. If you hurt Rikkes friends, Sylphie and Rikke, Jess, puppy, Rune and all the boys no longer friends." this time the rogue voice was much more colder, even to the point of intimidation... but Rikke had to make that clear. Just incase Sylphies sleep awakened her predatory instincts once more.

Still with that Rikke would go to the water and clean some of the goo off, she was needed elsewhere.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph looked sad at Rikke leaving once more but not as sad as Yunie. "M-MOM I NEVER HAD A PET BEFORE COME BACK!" Rikke just giggled as she went to a nearby stream and cleaned herself up. The island was just as warm as ever though the winds had picked up a little probable due to Yunie's distress. Still Sylph was a good girl and once Yunie and her figured out each others boundaries they would be golden. Cleaned off Rikke headed back to her house and used the stone to appear back in the room with Janet and Venise who was still warming her side of the bed. Janet had finished undressing and lay asleep on while Venise had stayed awake waiting for her to return.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Oh~ that was most certainly the perfect thing to do. The heorine grinned mischieviously as she cleaned herself of the goo. Sylphie was indeed a good girl and Yuna could use some more unique company around here.

Just as she arrived Rikke left right after, appearing in the room at the exact same spot she used the stone. Only to find her knight fast asleep and servant girl patiently waiting for her return.

Rikke was already in scantily dressed, the heroine slipped out of her casual wear and with her undies on silently joined Venise leaning in and giving the servant girl a warm kiss on the lips as she slid under the sheets. The two girls cuddled against each other and would likely both fall asleep.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed they both fell asleep fast and thankfully their dreams passed uneventfully. Rikke however woke a bit early to the sound of Janet getting into armor. She was trying to be quiet but large metal plats tend to make a bit of noise. The light of dawn was just barely coming threw the windows highlighting Janet's form with its yellowish lights. She was nude from the waist up with her bra in hand looking out threw the window. Smiling she slipped the bra on with Rikke noticing it gave her chest a little extra oomph. Bending over Janet grabbed a padded shirt that she began to pull over her head. If left unopposed the woman would quickly don the rest of her armor and make her way out of the room.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Though a thought of sneaking up and adding her own way to 'oomph' Janets breasts did pass through the rogues mind she remained in bed, just quietly watching the knight get dressed.

If Janet didn't notice Rikke looking over she'd be free to leave undisturbed, the rogue yawned sleepily and turned to Venise instead smiling at her loyal servant girl as she watched over her sleep.

Unless Venise awoke Rikke would gently lean in and kiss her on the forehead, before she herself got out of bed and dressed. Looks like they'll be departing today... Amber, the fire mage. What challenges would she throw at the rogue...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Venise didn't stir one bit but did pull Rikke closer muttering Mistress in her sleep. Slipping out of the servent girls grasp Rikke quickly got dressed. She would likely be heading out today but some preperations where in order after all she had no instant telporter this time.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well then, the girl would need rations from Miss Genna, healing supplies from the barracks, travelling supplies from Brody and hugs from lil Rikke and Emma. Thinking all the items over Rikke nodded to herself and left through the room, not waking her faithful servant girl for the time being.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Willow greeted Rikke at the door his tall wagging as he liked her hand. The house was quiet with only a few servants moving about the manor doing their daily choirs. The smell of eggs and bacon called to Rikke from her position on the upper floor. Willow was doing his potty dance around Rikke which would force her to at lest head outside into the brisk air. Opening the door Rikke caught the first rays of the rising sun reflecting off the snow that covered the lawn. It was harsh reminder of the warm sands back at the island.

Rikke watched as Willow ran to a nearby busy and did his business before chasing a rabbit a little before she called him back. He let out a happy back before heeding his mistress's command standing at her side once more. Heading back in Rikke made sure to clean up Willows paws lest she get boxed on the ears by Ms. Genna.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Right off the sandy beaches and into the winter wonderland... and amazingly Rikke still didn't feel the superiority of the tropical island. The girl grew up in Crolia, so such cold and snowy mornings only reminded her of home. She'd let Willow chase the rabbit for a bit, but kept an eye out he wouldn't run off into the forest.

The rogue sighed nostalgically, she and Jessica had planned out their winter. They should be hiking with Jessica, the girl likely playfully whinning at the cold temperature her armor under strick warning still revealing far too much. Just the image made Rikke giggled warmly--- "Willow!" she quickly stopped the pup as the rabbit went on into forests surrounding the area, still the pup could've used some exercise. Rikke reached down for a snowball "Come! Catch!" the girl threw up in the air with the pup launching to catch it! He jumped and~~ he froze off his tongue!

Rikke laughed merrily as the pup bit down on the snowball the snow covering his cute face fully and melting against his hot tongue. Still if she found a actual stick nearby she'd let the pup chase it around for awhile, heck likely even if she didn't he'd be running mad circles around her. Malamutes needed their exercise!

Eventually their playtime would end "Shake it off outside Willow" the pup panted happily front exhaustion a hefty lump of snow on his nose, before shivering furiously shaking off all the snow... upon Rikke.

From there it was direct route to Genna, the woman needed to be informed of the leaving party and the request of fitting food. She'll need some time to prepare the food and Rikke still had some chores to do before she left. It was a perfect deal.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Willow enjoyed his much needed exercise and was soon panting happily next to Rikke. After clean up the pup went inside with Rikke racing off into the kitchen causing another surprise shout. Rushing in Rikke found Willow sitting next to the door in the kitchen one of the servant girls holding her hand to her chest. Ms. Genna was a flurry of activity tending several skillets at a time with another young woman trying to help her but only seeming to get in the way. "Sit down Rikke no need to stand looming like a vulture. Leah now's your chance to put to practice what I learned ya." The younger woman shocked at first immediately took over the skillets as Ms. Genna came and sat next to Rikke handing over a small cup with a dark brown liquid. "So ya be leaving again?" Ms. Genna sounded a little upset but then again she had grown very found of Rikke and Jess during her time here.