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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No thank you, though I'd love some water." Rikke would sit down or otherwise join the hostess "This is quite the ranch you have here, it's yours correct?" not much else to do, but some idle chatter. Ven was likely tidying up the room and Janet either taking a breather or setting herself up in Mary's room.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aww shucks no its Ma and Pa's ranch. My brothers and I are just staying until things get calm downed besides Pa is rather protective of his little girl." Mary got up and fetched a class of water for Rikke. Watching her move Rikke saw that growing up with five brothers had made her quite the tomboy. "So your off to check that ruined temple I hear."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ruined? Last I heard it was only under attack..." Rikke thanked at the offered glass "Guess the attackers won." the heroine lowered her gaze briefly, but quickly dashed the gloom away "I love your accent though! Were the other girls at the table your sisters?" looked like Ma' and Pa' were VERY busy.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aww heck no they are my sisters in-law. Yep I reckon I don't fit in with them very well." Mary took off her hat and let her raven locks down. "Well shoot Patrick and Herb should have been back by now I wonder whats taking them so long." Mary looked out one of the frosted windows.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It's a hefty march across the snow. Maybe the blizzard is taking them." Rikke smiled lightly "Hum~ it must be great to have the complete family under one roof." the rogue smiled approaching the snow covered window... still perhaps she should check.

"Willow!" she called out to her malamute, which hopefully promted a "silent" reaction without any pans or doors smashing as Willow arrived "Go check if you can find 2 men..." the rogue turned to Mary "How do they look like? He's smart he'll find them asap." the heroine winked slyly to the fairly tomboish girl. A feature the heroine would love to correct...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It was the first few weeks but ya know most of us had our own space and now we are all closed up. At lest the little ones are seeing their cousins." Mary watched as Willow came bounding down the stairs. "Well isn't he a cute fella. Herb and Patrick are both tall and wearing black coats and hats. Their horses are both tawny in color." Mary sipped more coffee and looked to the supposedly smart dog. "Is he gonna need more is that enough hun?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Long black cloaks and men. Tawny horses.Go on Willow you have your targets! Check if they're nearby and come back here alright?" a little exercise would do Willow good, but... black cloaks...

Rikke giggled warmly "You know I've heard of a group of mercenaries named The Black Cloaks. They got destroyed not too long ago in the town of Endus." the heroine casually sipped her water "The merc sign was, as you can imagine, black cloaks." if Mary didn't mention anything noteworthy on the topic Rikke would continue the casual conversation "So~ how is it you're the only girl in pants and your sister are all in their dresses?" her heroine would cast a glance over the farm girls clothing.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well riding a horse is hard in a dress and besides I may be a girl but I had to hold my own against my brothers." Mary smiled at Rikke noting the woman's eyes darted around Rikke's breasts. "Anyway I was never one for cooking and cleaning. It broke my Ma's heart but then again she got four daughters when my brothers married." Mary smiled again givning a little laugh.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~? Neighbours I assume?" though there didn't seem to be any other farmlands around... then again who knows, maybe people here communicate from long distances "And a horse lover eh?" the rogue smiled innocently.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah most folk live fairly far apart but we get together every summer and fall to have a festival." Mary smiled at Rikke's mention about her love of horses. "Nothing beats having a powerful beast between your legs especially if it obeys every command you give it." Mary met Rikke's eyes a glint of dominance in them. She held the look waiting for Rikke to break from the gaze.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was hardly a girl to give up dominance unless it was by her own choosing "M~ I know the feeling." she smiled keeping the two girls eyes locked "Though I guide them to do what I wish, instead of forcing them. It helps keep them active and very~ fun." the heroine giggled lightly, though the kind of fun with greater beasts SHE had in mind was likely much different than what Mary had in mind. Likely... but not surely.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mary and Rikke locked gazes neither one giving ground. Mary however didn't know what danger she was in after all she may be dominate by nature but Rikke was partly a succubus and her gaze could ensnare the heart as easily as the mind. Still a loud barking from outside caught Rikke's attention. It seemed Willow had found his targets.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked at the tug of war and then turned away to look where the barks were coming from, even if she had the means to abuse or use didn't mean she would "Willow~! Come on inside!" she smiled brightly, though kept an eye out for the black cloaked figures out in the white field.

Time to see what Willow found out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking out the window Rikke saw two riders in black coming up the small path that lead them to the ranch. Each one eyed their sled silently as they dismounted the same boy as before getting the horses. "Oh it looks like Herb and Patrick are back care to hear the report?" Getting up Mary set her still steaming cup on a end table and went to the door. If Rikke followed she would see Mary hug the two men who returned the hug before their eyes fell on the heroine. "Mary when did we get quests?" Mary brushed some snow off her brothers. "Oh not to long ago maybe an hour tops. They are gonna stay for the night and move on in the morning. How's the south pen?" The two men sighed "Empty looks like a few orcs managed to sneak in and take the calves. It was probably for the best I doubt they would have made it threw the winter after all they where late babies." Mary put a hand on her hip. "Well damn I better head to the north field and check the fence line. You coming Rikke?" Like a breeze Mary and Rikke went to the barn where the stunned boy from before had a couple horses ready to go. "Okay Seth tell your pa Im going to check the fence line alright!" The boy nodded and watch Rikke mount up on a brown mare.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would indeed follow her and listen to the conversation "A pleasure, Herb, Patrick." the heroine politely smiled at them "My name is Rikke, I assume you met Willow. And my other two companions inside are Venise and Janet. Hopefully we're not a bother for your family." they quickly exchanged their greets and continued with the report.

The rogue agreed to help out Mary and would follow her to the two horses, the poor(?) being treated to the clear sigh of Rikke wrapping her tight leathers around the beast in an incidentally slow fashion, her ass and lower body clearly on display before she got comfy in the saddle "Alright let's go" Rikke took the reigns and smiled to Mary. Thankfully she did indeed learn how to ride horses quite a while back, it was one of the few mandatory skill everyone had to have in these times.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The ride was slow and a bitter wind had started to blow across the fields even the very hardy bison stood huddled together sheltering the young from the winds. "Well Damn never thought the green skinned pigs would attack the south pen." Mary slowed her horse a painted horse so they could talk with ease. "So tell me Rikke what bring you and yours out this way humm? Checking on a ruin in the middle of winter seems rather silly."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled at the question "It's not the ruins that interest me, it's the denizens within." thankfully the wind kept it's harsh blows away from the front making the conversation possible "Not a few weeks ago, demons kidnapped my lover right before my eyes... the same demons I've crossed and foiled in the past. Now I've heard rumors that one of the demon commanders is within that ruin." she smiled to Mary warmly "It's more than enough for me to inspect if it's true."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Your lover humm. So its a romantic rescue mission." Mary looked at Rikke and then the fence getting down to inspect a few section of it. Giving Rikke a thumbs up she got back on her horse. "So he must be quite the fella to risk life and limb like this."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Not exactly romantic" the heroine giggled warmly "Fella? Er..." she blushed lightly "She's a succubus, the most beautiful succubus there is. A kind, good heart, big wonderful eyes, long flowing red hair... exceptional ass and ta'tas" the heroine winked playfully to Mary before laughing lightheartedly and sighed sadly "I hope she's alright..."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This caught Mary's attention. "Oh so you enjoy female lovers?" Mary let the air hang with that question as they rode on down the path their horses occasionally shivering with cold. "Hold up got to check this fence here as well." Mary got down leaving Rikke to keep an eye out for danger.