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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyes quickly sharpened as swiftly jumped down on JANETS side and stealthily followed her. The rogue quickly drew her blade and rushed forward keeping herself out of sight. She wasn't going to risk a companions health, not when she can stop it! Whether Janet liked it or not.

Stealth in (remain hidden even for Janet)

Approach and inspect the battle, if needed intervene with a Stealthy Lightning Strikes! (2 strikes on the untargeted guard 1 strike on the hellhound(?) )
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 45/45, Status = Fine

Rikke Stealth: 39(-10 for snow) vs 40(Janet o_0!) 24, 30, 28 Success!
Janet Stealth: 17(-10 for snow) vs 24, 30, 28 Fail!

Janet is spotted!
Rikke ambushes! Auto hit from sneak attack! Damage is enough to kill both targets!
Janet Charges! 81 hit! 69 damage!
Demons = dead they will Q _Q back in the hells

Rikke was tired of losing people to foolish acts of bravery or even dumb luck of evil bastards. Slipping off the wall Rikke landed almost silently in the snow. If Janet hadn't been watching her Rikke she would have clearly missed the rogues deft moves. Still Janet smiled thankful that Rikke stuck with her. On the other hand while Rikke was lithe and dextrous Janet was nearly the opposite. Encased in armor that gleamed with the pale light it was almost certain she would be spotted. Readying herself while Janet took cover Rikke could clearly see the tracks they made in the snow. Frowning she knew it was only a matter of time before the demons spotted them.

The demons both heavily armed and alert easily spotted the tracks and as their eyes followed them they caught a glimpse of Janet running from cover. Watching in amazement Rikke saw her blade switch from a single handed sword to a impressive two-handier on the move. The demons though seemed unimpressed at this and quickly turned their attention to Janet the two guards raising their guns and taking aim. That is when Rikke struck, two blows in quick succession felled one guard immediately while her third struck down the demon dog. Spinning to confront the last target Rikke caught a glimpse of Janet's blade severing the man from shoulder to hip spilling his corrupt blood. Sadly this also splattered Rikke with a hefty amount of it.

After yanking her blade free of the corpse Janet looked over at Rikke and frowned then smiled. "Ya know I had this right."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ew~~" Rikke shook her hands for the corrupt blood to spaltter away from her, before she got to wiping the rest away "We need to work on your executions." the girl shivered with light disgust "Maybe, maybe not. Either way we stick together. No splitting up." she crosses her hands and paused looking to Janet "Not to mention, what if you somehow failed or say the dog escaped to warn the rest. Our stealthy plan would've been ruined."

The rogue raised a finger as if scolding a child "We. Stick. Together." with that she leaned out and sighed.... before jumping into a pile of snow. With a few chilling rolls done hopefully most of the blood was out and washed away.

"Come on. Let's not leave poor Willow up there" she giggled warmly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The poor pup did look a little lost and confused at what to do. Still it would only be a matter of time before the patrol would be found so Janet and Rikke quickly got up and over the wall. Once they had cleared the wall and dropped into a scraggly looking bush Rikke got the chance to see the inner courtyard. At one point it was very likely a well maintained garden. Various benches and fountains lay out along a path with flowers beds and fruit trees. Many bushes lay along the walls allowing them good cover if they chose to follow it.

To the left sat the main complex it seemed the massive structure had at lest four floors and was likely the stronghold of the temples current residents. Off on the right was a smaller structure its purpous unknown to Rikke.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The moment Rikke got to Willow she gave the pup a warm smile and tickle under his neck, though even then he seemed to have second thoughts about licking his demon-blood soaked master... but who could resist. With her vault all too easy Rikke helped out Janet if need be and looked on to the building where likely most of her adventure will take place.

The temple seemed massive, this was hardly the shrine Rikke imagined. The towering walls, lined windows and 4 whole floors? This was more of huge monastery than anything else. The only question remaining was - where to start.

Rikke inspected the immediate area, while the thought of attempting a quick in-and-out seemed appealing, a backup plan was never a miss. And a particular hovel right outside the main building may be just what they need.

The rogue looked Janet and then to the smaller building, giving her companion a clear smile "Let's check whats inside here first." keeping out of sight the group continued their stealthy advance, hopefully the patrols around the area were sparse and particulary lazy...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The courtyard seemed empty and the paths where mostly clear. Moving quickly the trio went to the smaller structure. Opening it and quickly moving inside Rikke found a small workshop of sorts as well as storage for garden tools.

Janet quickly moved about inspecting the room and its contents. "Well it doesn't seem to be in use." Janet held up an armored hand showing a think coating of dust from a bench. "We should be safe in here at lest for a moment. Once that patrol is spotted though we might have trouble."

Rikke looked around the room and almost drooled. All sorts of hooks and ropes staves and sticks filled the storage area. With all this here she could make climbing spikes, grappling hooks, and even a rope ladder. It was a crafty rogues dream come true.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened at the discovery as her smile grew more and more. This opened so much more possible options how they'll go about their rescue... and their escape.

"Say Janet... if you had someone of very high priority in a four-story building..." Rikke began picking through the objects, looking to see if she could make something to help her scale the outer walls "Which floor would you keep her in?"

Checking if she could fashion something akin to climbing gloves, Rikke kept a sharp eye incase she could find a map of the temple.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that depends really. If they where high value I would want to keep them close. If not I would place them in a dungeon or some such. Why do you think we will have to climb up?" Janet raised an eyebrow clearly noticing Rikke's gaze lingering on the various tools and ropes.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looked like a map would make things to easy... Rikke leaned out from the tool table and looked to Janet thoughtfully. She was so dead-set that Jessica was kept as a guest of honor, that the thought of Jessica being a prisoner never occured to her.

"Oh!" Rikke quickly took her amulet in hand and rubbed it almost like expecting a Genie "Joldra. We're here, got a plan for us?" why guess and dream up what could be, when they can just ask!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The amulet sparked to life. "Yes Ive been watching your progress very good. As for a plan do what you do best. Blunder your way to victory. The tactic hasn't failed you yet. Though one bit of advice, all is not what it seems in there. The master has spread his realm to this place. Its not a complete link but its more than enough to make that building larger on the inside than on the outside." That was hardly as helpful as Rikke wanted and to counter the point did she really trust Joldra to come up with a plan for her to follow anyway?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke growled playfully and shook the amulet strongly "You're not being helpful. Which floor is Jessica on and where's the main security force in..." the rogue paused briefly "Wait... you're here too aren't you?" The two had a pact of alliance, though Rikke would take everything the demoness said with a mouthful of salt, she still had to have some usefull information.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke shock the amulet which was mostly for her benifit. "Any to answer your questions. Im here well yes and no. After the sisters defected the master has kept a close eye on the rest of his Harem. I can however astral project myself to some places in the building. I would avoid the 12th and 11th floor however its a war zone between the sisters forces and the masters. Thankfully that means that fallen angel will be rather busy. As for the rest I have no clue where they could be the mage talented sister has shielded against my entry."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked looking to Janet, could the knight girl hear the talisman or did seem like the rogue finally went off the deep end? "Joldra... there are 4 floors here. What are you talking about? We're at the temple... you know the one The Master claimed before I beat him"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet was indeed eyeing her strangle and even Willow cocked his head in confusion looking to the rogue. Indeed it seemed only she could her Joldra. Feeling more than hearing a sigh from the other side of the communication Joldra spoke once more. "Rikke have you not been listing to me? The temple is bigger on the inside than the outside." She waited a moment for the invitable question or for it to sink in. "As far as I know their are currently twenty floors split between the sisters and the master."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to her companions and smiled sheepishly, leaning out away from the talisman as if whispering to them "I've got allies on the inside... it's wammy-zammy-magic link stuff." she winked to them, likely spuring the sigh even more.

20 floors?! "I-I see... So what floors you have knowledge off. I might need all the help you can muster." well the rogue just had to go with it... not much of a choice really "What am I gonna be facing." hopefully Janet wasn't just looking to her funny anymore, but was busy scrouging up whatever she foudn useful. Rope, spikes, the works.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet indeed gave Rikke an raised eyebrow before looking to the stuff around them trying see what would be fit for use. "If your done being silly Rikke. Now as I said before the mage talented sister is blocking much of my entry, however the 13th floor is rather empty and should make a nice resting point if it comes to that. As far as what you'll be facing its hard to tell. For sure there are a couple demon knights and soldiers as well as stalkers and thralls. For the most part they should be focusing on the battle on the 11th and 12th floors so as long as you don't set off any alarms or let anyone that sees you get away it should be safe enough."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So no clue where Jess might be?" Rikke began walking back and forth, the girls anxiety and excitement starting to show more and more "And what can you tell me about the sisters? You think they'll be willing to talk?"

Though just incase the connection began to fluctuate Rikke would try to get in one very important question "Joldra! What if I climb in through the fourth story building? Will it get me up the tower faster?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Its hard to say Rikke it could get you to the top or it could drop you on the bottom Im not sure how it lines up with the masters world. The sisters might be willing to negotiate but I doubt it sense they see you as a rival for their sisters affection. You should have heard them talk about you the nasty things they said they would do to the one that caused their sister to betray them. So I wouldn't put much hope in talk." Meanwhile Janet had gotten out a hammer and was bending some hook shapes for the grapples trying to be quite but being hardly successful at it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

One hand on the amulet Rikke placed her other hand on her sheathe... just incase their shenanigans were noticed "I have one more question Joldra. Which floors are blocked from you?... and the numerous times you said you'd ease or tease Jessica, you were lieing? You don't seem to know where she is or how to reach her." the heroines eyes sharpened with suspicion, looked like one of them may not have been as honest as expected.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke felt a sigh over the link. "Before the recent offensive I could walk freely along the halls. But now with the fighting intensifying I cannot go about as freely as I could before. The upper floors of the towers are the most shielded. That is where the sisters lair must be. As for Jessica I was able to speak to her before and told her that you where okay. She of course wouldn't listen to me after all we where enemies so whether or not she listened I couldn't tell you."
"Rikke if you done talking to your pet rock I need help with this!" "Did she just call me a pet rock! Why that holier than thou whore Im gonna gouge her eyes out!" Janet held up a mangled hook frowning while Rikke was assaulted with various cuss words and none to flattering comments about Janet's parentage.