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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It's alright..." Rikke wouldn't face the creature, but kept a fair tone with it "Thankfully the goblins wouldn't know how to craft a proper arrow to save their life." still for how blunt and basic it was, the wound wasn't something to scoff at... atleast if it wasn't for Rikke nature. With the leafs help and her... semi-succubus nature, the injury would heal at a fairly rapid rate.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you? You don't seem like the... spiders-" the last word caused the girl to shiver visibly "-I've fought or seen before." still the rogue kept cautious if she'd even suspect the spider suddenly charge or any of it's kin attack she was clearly ready to dodge aside "Usually we'd be rolled into a cocoon and brought to the nest mother to feast." minus the cocoons this rang familiar, hopefully the goal for meeting was different aswell.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke heard the battle scarred spider chuckle before it coughed a moment. "Well thats a long story but from what I hear is this. Once long ago a fey lord was expermenting on tainted spider like creatures that invaded with the demons. Threw his experiments he created us. Im not sure if it was an accident or on purpose but the fey magic changed us. No longer where we mindless beast intent on the hunt and kill of prey. Our nature softened and we gaind the ablity to speak. At lest thats how I heard it told."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue blinked curiously after the short tale "So you're like... 'good spiders'?" was there even such a thing? Though for their kins record, the jungle was nothing like what a normal spider kingdom would be like "So then what do you eat?"

Thankfully as they continued deeper down the path, no signs of silk strands covering flaura appeared... nor that of questionable moving cocoons. Perhaps these things were honest about their words and intents "My friend said your leader is not a spider."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well no shes not a spider but she seems to like our kind. In fact she has born many of my children." The spider walked his uneven gate behind Rikke letting silence fall over their converastion for a moment. "Well what do you eat? Its all pretty much the same though many cooked foods are problimatic due to the lack of hands."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I see--" Rikke tensed up... she did what with the spiders? Cold goosebumps ran up the heroines body, it was now a question of WHAT exactly was this mother of theirs. The girl gulped as her thoughts raced, what if the mother was humanoid? Would that mean, her being naked and surrounded by the spiders... the spiders were--- the girl winced at the thought.

"What we eat?" a cold drop of sweat ran down her body... meat was a very dominant ration of 'humans'... "Ah-ha...-ha..." Rikke snickered emptily and akwardly "Yes, fruits... but if starved we're fierce hunters."

Either way they had been walking for some time now, where was this mother? Surely they had to have reached her by now?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After awhile seeminly having nothing left to talk about Rikke noticed a change in the forest. It had gone back to a peacful place. Birds sang and fireflies danced in the shadow of the trees. One thing she didn't like though was the ocassional strand of webbing. Though it wasn't drapped all over the place it still set the girls nerves on edge. Finally the company stopped at a giant silk curtan. Two spiders equally large as her scarred friend parted it for them to reveal a well lit grove. Inside sat a Nymph behind a larger but not to much larger spider. The Nymph wearing a spider silk, she was fair skinned with whitish strands of hair and pointed elfin ears. She was well endowed and had a pleasing form. "Hello young ones and my dear Pearl. Justice did all go well?" The spider whom Rikke had been speaking with stepped up and bowed slightly. "Yes my lady we rescued Pearl and found some more two leggers like yourself." The Nymph smiled and moved up to great the humans. "Alas my dears most of you will have to carry your babies to term however we will not harm them after all the goblins are just trying to survive." Eventually she came to Janet and Rikke and eyed the two a moment not saying a word.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was an uncomfortable trip throughout, even when the area turned far more peaceful the occasional strand of silk served as a reminder just who looked over this land... in great numbers. Soon enough though they reached their goal, the rogue deep breaths just remembering WHO they were going to meet... but it was not a spider... the spiders said it wasn't one of them... maybe they were lieing?

Only when Rikke saw the clearly humanoid feminine form from beyond the silken curtains did she relax a tad. Soon enough their queen made her appearance.

The nymphs was easily up to part to her appearace, seemingly echoing her palm and peaceful demeanor. After speaking with her subjects and the saved girls, she'd approach the two heroines that caused all the ruckus afterall.

Rikke felt her eyes wander a tad more than she'd like, so this was their queen? "H-hello." the rogue spoke up first "I'm Rikke and this is Janet, we're adventurers here to free our friend from the demons of the tower.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh?" The Nymph made a move to sit where upon one of her many underlngs moved so she had something to rest her bum on. "It seems we did the rescuing. Poor Mic was so upset when you ran off. He's young though and so very trusting." The Nymph eyed them again and clearly she looked to Janet and Rikke some lust rising in her eyes. 'I wonder if she tastes like Naomi? Or if she has a spidery silky taste?' There was a silent giggle in her head but thankfully nothing more seemed to come out. "My name is Vanessa and welcome to my glade you may rest for the night and we can discuss your mission at length over dinner?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'We did the rescueing.' the words rang a tad bitter, Rikke was the one that freed the spider and the girls captured there... still it was best not to hog the glory and just accept the hospitality.

"D-dinner?" were they invited or were they the dinner... the thought ran through the rogues mind. Perhaps it was only her current predicament of being surrounded by some unknown spiders that kept her lust completely at bay.

"Oh... We don't mean to be a bother." Rikke smiled sheepishly "We already owe you for the rescue." she paused "But there are things I'd love to talk over, if you can."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Noting Rikke's hesitation Justice moved up and whispered to his queen. "Ohhh I see. Come then friends we will move to a place less... spidery for you. Justice see to it that food is brought in. I think some fruits from the garden will do." Justice bowed his head and began to move off while Vanessa beckoned to them. "We will go to my personal retreat. A place I go to be alone from time to time. Come its not far." With that Vanessa lead them away and deeper into the grove. Eventually they cam upon a rough wooden shack. "Please enter." Heading side Rikke found a very comfortable if cozy shack. A small table sat surrounded by a couple of chairs at which teh Nymph sighed longingly at. "Its been awhile sence my sisters left I hope the made it out safe. So tell me Rikke and Janet who are you here to rescue?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke glanced back to the girls sadly, she really didn't want to leave them with the spiders, but listening to the queen seemed like the best choice of action... still ""Vanessa." the rogue smiled sheepishly "The other girls... they seem to share my er... disposition aswell. Perhaps there's a way to comfort them." it stung to say, afterall the spider showed nothing but good will and hospitality towards them... yet Rikke and the captured girls still looked on to the with mistrust and fear.

Whatever the queens choice was the duo would follow Vanessa to her private chambers... which were quite unfitting for a queen to say the least. It was a simple, yet homely little shack. An expertly woven spider silk curtain enveloped it's entrance, some moss resting on the top.

The interior share much of it's simplicity, a simple wooden table and a few chairs seemed pretty much the extent of whatever decorations it had. Atleast at first glance "m? Oh..."Rikke smiled kindly glancing down "My lover and a very dear friend." Vanessas relation to demons was yet unknown... it was best not to mention that Rikke was on her way to rescue one of their kin.

"Your sisters?" the rogue looked around and would pull up a chair to sit down casually, before feeling the cold wood on her body. The shock of being among the spiders made a certain something slip her mind... "Oh..." Rikke blushed cutely "Um... Vanessa. Maybe you have some clothes we could borrow? Maybe something out of leaves or the like?
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Vanessa listened to what Rikke had to say before whispering something else to Justice. With that taken care of the trio went to the small shack and entered. Smiling as Rikke remembered her attire Vanessa just laughed a little. "Well I should have something though I don't have any leaves as it where. They went out of fashion long ago." Heading over to a stout chest Vanessa opened it up and pulled out two shimmering gowns one dark green with a deep v cut and a slight up its side. The other a dark blue number that drapped around the neck leaving the back mostly exposed. This also had a slit up the side. "These should due for now.. though Im afraid I have little use for under garments." Vanessa handed the two dresses over to Rikke and sat back down. "Pearl is a remarkable seemstress don't you agree?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Leaves were "in fashion"?' Rikke blinked briefly before seeing the quite frankly exceptional dresses being pulled out. The rogues eyes widened at the offer, but upon hearing the seamstress.... she knew what they were made off. Still this once Rikke swallowed her disposition "Thank you so much!" she'd take the dark green one and look it over.

The fabric and craftsmanship was just unbelievable! The rogue turned to Janet with a wide grin, even if it was spider silk... it was worked over and the only thing they can wear. Not to mention likely one of the better clothing they've had the chance to wear aswell!

"How do I look?" Rikke finished slipping into the dress and turned to the two, the deep cutout generously showing off her exceptionally smooth skin and generous C's. The long, thin clothing making her already exceptional forms absolutely stunning on sight. The heroine playfully fixed her hair and smiled looking over Janet and then to Venessa.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet nodded in appreciation though she was having trouble with her own dress. Thankfully the spider silk was very giving and Janet's well toned body was soon wrapped in the blue dress. Vanessa looked to Rikke a hint of lust in her eyes and smiled. "You look ravashing dear. I coul...." A knock at the door interrupted Vanessa as she excused herself to answer. "Wow Rikke that dress.. if Jes could see you now no doubt she would take you right here." After some hushed wordds at the door Vanessa returend with a small humble tray of fruit.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

For some reason the rogue was that extra tad more perceptive of the lusting glints thrown at her, a smile sly appearing on her face as she took on a far more promiscious stance. Whatever their host was going to say would remain to question, but Janets comment was clearly heard.

"m~?" she smirked playfully, guiding a hand up her body and to the V cut following it teasingly, just lightly brushing her fingertips along her skin "That's an interesting thought..." Rikke placed her fingers on her lips and blew Janet a kiss "From someone who almost had their way when I was in less... Provoking clothing." she winked playfully and turned to see who was it at the door.

"Would it be rude to ask who it was?" the girl smiled in a friendly fashion, for some reason the queen seemed to have good intentions. Trusting her didn't seem all that much of an issue.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh just one of the little one's bringing the tray as I asked." Vanessa moved to the table and set the food down. On it where some apples, pears, and peaches. Smiling Vanessa moved over to a small cubboard and got a small knife out and set it down on the table. Giving Rikke a more apperciative glance Vanessa sat. "Well dears I take it your friend wasn't in one of the lower levels which means she is being held by the succubus sisters up top." Vanessa took a apple and began to cut it with the knife waiting for Rikke to start to speak.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened at words as a smile quickly adorned her face, the girl quickly turning to Janet with some relief "Looks like we're on the right track!" though shortly after her words she'd return her attention to the hostess "Oh? So then which floors do they occupy?" with Joldra being utterly silent on the matter, perhaps a native could shed some light on the tower... not to mention where was the exit from this place.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm all the ones above this floor and up. The platue is where they have the majority of their forces sense its a natural choke point. After that its there gawdy palace." Vanessa cut another slice of apple before speaking again. "Though my info could be out of date with all the changes that happen around here. Something has been going on the past few months. The succubus sisters have been shifting to a defensive fight even though they have the advantage and thats not the only thing... the tower feels diffrent somehow though I can't place it. Its why I sent my sisters to get help something big is in the works. I just hope they get back soon. I know they left two months ago but for them it has probably only been a week.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Neither the tactics or the 'change' really meant anything to the rogue as she listened "Just one thing... Jessica. She's one of the sisters, red hair, cute smile... buxom body." Rikke smiled cutely at her host "Have you heard anything about her?" while the queens voice seemed to carry a neutral tone when discussing the sisters, it was best to keep the secret of WHO she's come here to rescue. The nymphs connections with the tower were still a mystery.

"I'm sorry. We've only met a band of dryads just outside the tower." Rikke looked to Janet if she recalled it "They attacked us, so we knocked one of them out and released them soon after." the rogue smiled at the Queen "We had no quarel with her and she seemed hell-bent on exterminating any and all demons." Rikke paused and puckered her lips curiously, her natural charm and allure showing off to the queen incidentally "Speaking of which, where do you and your spidery friends stand on this demon war? The sisters or the Master?" just as she spoke his name, Rikke felt her leg twitch subtly a certain excitement running across her. Thankfully, it was exceptionally subtle and well controled, the rogue would keep focused.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Vanessa picked up on Rikke's subtle hints even if the rogue did not. "Well I've never heard of this Jessica person though.. a new leader or memeber of their sisterhood might be the reason for the tactile changes." Vanessa moved slightly showing off her own exceptional body to Rikke. This of course caused Janet to blush slightly at the overt displays of sexuality. "As for the demons I simply want to drive them out of the area before they taint this land to much. I don't care how they leave. Incedently that may be why the dryads are here to."