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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The position was most certainly a non-disturb one. Rikke had gently coiled her hands around Vanessas hips, her ever so wonderous lips locked around the queens cunny allowing her skilled tongue to eagerly explore her. As if knowing exactly where Rikke continued her treatment, the girls tongue teased where the spiders could never reach, heck the rogue even found spots none of the Nymphs sisters knew about.

But alas, seemed demons of all things decided to ruin the moment "No wait! Find us a few blades." Rikke looked to Vanessa firmly "You saved us and we owe you this much." she smirked confidently "Trust us. We've fought out fair share of demons."

Whatever the Queens response is, likely Rikke would have to find a blade on her own. With the help of the nearest spider if need be! "We're under attack! Let's go find something to arm ourselves and help out!" she looked to the pervy knight, grabbing the dress as well.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We have no weapons for your kind Rikke we relay on magic and stealth. Quickly this way." Justice would lead Rikke and Janet down a hidden path out of sight and completely covered from the air. "I use this to visit Vanessa as she is prone to wild orgies with dangerous creatures." After a moment of this the daylight ahead got brighter as the tree cover got sparse. "This will lead you to the goblin encapment. Your gear should still be there as for the goblin they likely went into hiding. When the larger demons attack they usually flee." Turning around Justice skittered off into the woods. "Good luck Rikke and Janet. May the winter court watch over you." With that Justice headed back into the woods.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

So that was it "Come on Jan. Let's move." hopefully the duo won't be too late... or the demon forces not too great. Rikke would go first and quickly approach the goblin camps, just as previously the rogue would rely on her suspicions of the gear being with the leaders. Just hopefully the idiotic goblins couldn't tell how actually valueable it really was.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading down the path Rikke smelled the encampment before she saw it and imidiatly wished she hadn't. From the tree line she could see the camp a fire. Plenty of Goblin corpses littered the ground brutally slaughtered to a man. No doubt Rikke would have no futher trouble from goblins. "Wow...... Im rather glad we where not here when this happened....." It was hard to feel pity for the vile creatures but stillit looked to be most of them had been killed on the run.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over the field of slaughter, even if the Gobo's were her enemies. Whatever did this now went after the kind spiders "Let's go. It should be this way." while the rogue remembered the layout, finding the weapons among the ruins may be harder than they expected.

Either way, the duo would rush to where the main building stood or well once stood. Their gear just had to be there!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Making their way over the various corpses Rikke noted none had been looted. Weapons lay where they fell some even in rather decent condition. This was encouraging at lest. Heading threw a blasted wall Rikke saw a lone goblin with a bow eye them. He was wounded and blood splattered his shirt indicating he would likely die if left untreated. The goblin eyed them and did nothing being too exhausted to fight. Heading in to the large building Rikke found it intact though the bodies where piled high here. Heading in Rikke found a battered chest with most of her gear though it seemed any potions or food had been used already. Still her weapons and armor where here though her panties where not. Janet faired equally well having found most of her gear with the excption of her food and potions.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was a shame losing their potions, but finding their gear was a relief onto itself... well finding most of it "Oh come on~!" the rogue looked to the chest poutfully "They were really expensive too!" she'd sigh deeply and quickly get into gear, the tight leather once more snuggly squeezing around her body "It's alright, we'll get some more potions somehow." Janet spoke up encouragingly, the loss of their food and potions was a fairly critical hamper.... unfortunately "Not the potions. My panties!... stupid pervs." the girls shared a light hearted laugh and soon enough both were in full gear.

"Let's go save those... spiders." Rikke paused at her own words, words she'd never even considered she'd have to utter, but either way the spiders were friendly and seemed more or less on her side. She was not going to allow them to share the fate of the gobos "Janet, you're good at these things. Will we reach the spiders faster through the forest or just back through the secret path?" in full honestly in her almost panicked escort to the Spider safe haven, she did not remember the path AT ALL, nor how long they walked for.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The moment Rikke placed the necklace back around her neck. She instatnly got bombarded with Joldra voice. "Rikke your safe thank the queen. Are you hurt? Its important you need to move out a force of the sisters is moving on your level. I don't know what caused it but the suddenly got very agressive about two hours ago." Sadly this was old news to Rikke however she had to note that Joldra actually sounded conserned for her.

Janet looked to Rikke and then away a moment not wanting to meet her gaze. After seeing this place her thoughts on the fate of the spiders where not good. "We should move on and make head way. Im sure the spiders have plans for such an occurance. After all they are scouts..." Rikke wouldn't let Janet worm out of this one. "Janet we are going back. Which way would be fastest." The tone of Rikke's voice startled Janet as it for once was rather firm of tone. "The secret path would be fastest the spiders lead us around a little bit to avoid and lose goblin patrols."

Heading out they once more passed the goblin though this time he didn't watch them and infact was barely distigishable from the corpses except the raspy breathing that was comming from him. Doing as they would Rikke and Janet made their way back to the seceret path. Heading down it they once more entered the land of the friendly spiders. This time however everything was hushed the air was still. Making her way to the hut Rikke found it much the same though the door had been left open.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Sorry Joldra.' was the only thing Rikke would communicate with her, if the demoness argued the rogue would just remove the necklace and place it in one of her pouches "Let's go then." the girl gave her friend a stern look before they went back to the secret passage and the queens little hut.

"Eyes sharp." Rikke turned back to Janet and nodded "Whatever slaughtered those goblins, it's either a large force or something really nasty. And neither sounds something we'd want to fight alone." checking the house would likely be futile. They needed to find some high ground and fast.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The only high ground around them was trees still Janet motioned to the numrous bushes that would provide ample cover. Making for them Janet and Rikke moved rather stealthly threw the glade. Almost every where they went they had seen signs of fighting but no bodies. Stopping a moment to discuss where to head next Rikke heard a gruff voice just a head. "You have the hounds found the female yet?" A stuttering voice echoed back. "N-n-n- no Sir" this was followed by a rather loud smack and a barking of some dogs. "Your incompetence amazes me. Here take the scent marker and continue the search we will find our quarry. Oh and Satul you will find her or I will leave you to the tender mercies of the fallen one."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully by the sounds of it the Queen was still free and the lack of bodies means perhaps the spiders did not engage in open warfare against the attackers "Looks like they got away." Rikke smiled to Janet kindly "Come on, let's move before those beasts catch our scent."

'The fallen one...' the rogue memorised the grunts words. Could they be refering to the fallen angel from before? At any rate, with the spiders in likely hiding there was a higher chance of the duo being found by the demons than them finding their allies "Looks like we don't have a choice. Let's move on." at the very least now Rikke had her mind at conscience at ease. The two could continue onwards and back to the broken stairway.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Retreating for now Rikke and Janet made their way back being careful not to make any noise. Speaking in a whisper Janet questioned Rikke. "So who do you think they where looking for.. Vanessa?" Clearly Janet thought the demons where after the nymph. Answering as she would the duo found themselves back at the broken stair only this time they where not alone. Near the first steps stood a rather feirce looking demon knight and several other more common demon soldiers. The only other person of note was the fallen one hoving in mid air. "Guard this entrance remember we want the orange haird slut alive I don't care what you do with the other one." The fallen one began to fly up a little higher before stopping. "Oh and if you fail better make sure she kills you. Unless you want to deal with me." If demons could pale this one did and he simply nodded and got back to his post. As the fallen one left Rikke caught a glimpse of her hidden dagger resting on her belt.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Who else?" Rikke looked to Janet, seemed the demons finally decided to claim the silent jungle... or well atleast that's what the rogue thought, until they reached the stairway and overheard a particular conversation.

Her? Rikkes eyes widened lightly, she had a peculiar hair color now so there was little mistaking it. Had the Masters forces slipped by... or was this one of the sisters doing. Whatever the case, hounds and slaughter of any resistance. There was little doubt, they had not come here for negotiation or talk.

Not to mention, there was little mistaking it. The vile fallen one had made her way here aswell, complete with Rikkes dagger. With sharp eyes Rikke would scan the area and consider her options. Still it was safe to put on the necklace once more... seemed the demons arrived much earlier than expected.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You heard Yenna set up a parimiter.. NOW!" The smaller soildiers scattered to form a loose circle. This wasn't good the stair was in an open field and no matter how they approached they would be seen. Looking to her foes Rikke counted six. The demon knight and his five cronies. "Damn Rikke what are we going to do. This is the only way up if we stay the hounds will surely find us."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Then what we need is to break their formation up." an all out battle in the open would have to be the last resort "Let's head around the big guy." the rogue would motion for them to circle around the formed perimeter to be on the other side of the Knight. If they did have to engage this should give them some time before the big one arrived.

As they walked around, Rikke kept her eyes sharp as she looked on. To the demons, until finally a plan formed "Alright, let's see how many we can take down before they even know we're here." the heroine smirked wickedly as she pulled one of her poison throwing blades "Corrupt Wasp poison. It should take care of our friends here."

"I'll throw this and make them come to us." the rogue looked to her knight "We stick together and retreat. Then fight them while they're scattered."

Unless Janet had a clear no to say this would be the plan.
Sneak attack - Throwing blades![Paralysis poison DC28]
Hit the one with clear ranged weaponry

Retreat to the forest if they rush
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't know Rikke this plan sounds.... a little dangerous. Are you sure they are going to follow? What if they regroup and huddle down to wait us out." Janet had a concerned look in her eyes. Though in the end she likely knew they had little choice.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to Janet worry briefly and stashed the blade away "The Alternative I try to lure them away and you slip up. I can sneak in alone with much better success soon after."

"It's either a fight, a risk or we try to find the spiders and risk detection." the situation was bad throughout. While a bait plan may work, the jungle layout was unknown for the rogue. Such plans don't work if the bait is actually caught "Whatcha think?" Rikke would meanwhile inspect the demons carefully looking for any weakness or the like to exploit.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet frowned likely thinking along the same lines as Rikke. "I swear you two are hopless. Cannot even ask me for help I swear." Joldra spoke up in Rikke's mind. "I can send a detachment to exploit this weakness as they search for you. Though you would have to avoid them as much as you could after all they are the masters troops."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"How quickly could you get this distraction here?" Rikke inquired on her ally inside, turning to smile at the confounded knight "Remember that someone I mentioned on the inside, she just might provide us a distraction." the heroine smirked and listened in to Joldras idea. It was more than likely the best option.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Half hour to an hour tops. Untill then you would have to remain un caught. But Im sure you can manage that." Janet just shook her head and kept an eye out. The demons where focused on watching the area but thankfully where they where they wouldn't be seen for awhile yet.