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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aye..." Rikke looked down slightly blushing, perhaps she was indeed a bit too panicky right now. Backing up Rikke would discuss what Janet noted in the battle, only for Yenna to spring to life.

It was surprising, but Rikke wasn't just going to sit there and watch. The rogue quickly pushed away from her seat and allowed the fallen angel to lean on her "Hey it's alright. Sit, you're injured. Please." if allowed Rikke would try to seat the reawakened fallen angel and then glance back to Janet, before looking back to Yenna.

"It's alright, you're safe here. Do you remember your name?" could the holy water actually wrecked havoc on Yennas very mind... even if temporally.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna looked up at Rikke her eyes seemingly crystal clear and blue. Gone where the red with balck streaks. "Yeah... my name is Yenna... me and my squad leader where scouting... and I got caught..." Yenna winced as Rikke watched pain evident in her face as she brougth a hand up to her head. Janet meanwhile stood up slowly mouth slightly agape. Looking to Janet who seemed to be very rude right now Rikke caught the flutter of white feathers off the reflection of her armor.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Time seemingly slowed as Rikke saw the whiter reflections across Janets armor, only for the rogue to turn to Yenna and look to her wings. Likely finding an astonishing surprise. Still shaking the shock off, Rikke quickly returned her curious gaze to the now... angel girl?

"I'm Rikke and this is Janet. Yenna, what happened to you?" while the angel likely understood the direct meaning, Rikkes question likely subconsciously also asked something else entirely.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I.. I....." She winced again and fell to her knees only this time supported by Rikke. Though once down there Yenna jerked and pushed Rikke away. "DON"T TOUCH ME!" Wincing again Yenna fell down unciounsious. "By the gods Rikke... what just happened." Slowly black feathers either fell out or turned back to white but stopped about a quartery of the way threw the wings. Even Yenna's hair started shift from black to a soft brown but that to stopped.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm---" the angel collapsed once more only to slowly change back once more "Sorry..." something was going on, who could've suspected holy water had such an effect on fallen angels. What else could've it been? Perhaps it was due to the nature of what blessed the waters? Either way, Yenna seemed to slowly change back once more.

"I think the holy water... supressed the corruption for a brief moment." Rikke turned to Janet clearly unsure at her own words. Still soon enough, they'd likely be welcoming back one very pissed off fallen angel...

"Come on. Help me with her. She shouldn't just lay there." with Janets help Rikke would move Yenna to a more comfy spot and place the closed healing salve nearby "Let's not mention what just happened to her." she'd nod firmly to Janet and would wait alongside her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"This is so strange Rikke.... who knew that it would do this." Janet helped Rikke move Yenna to a softer part of the ground. "So you don't think it will stay?" Janet looked at Rikke a little hopful, but upon seeing her face she moved to the same conculusion as Rikke. "Its a shame... I think I could have liked Yenna the angel."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Remember our holy spring? The water likely did this to her." Rikke looked to Janet "Such a small amount, no matter how pure couldn't have possibly purified her." the rogue sighed sadly looking over the angel girl. What happened to the angel girl to turn her into the hateful creature she was now...

Rikkes gaze lingered on the angel girl as those thoughts rushed through her head, before hearing Janets remark "Yeah... But I bet there's still some of that goodness in her, I'm certain of it." for the time being there was nothing else to do, but wait and see what happens.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet brushed aside some brown hair. "Yeah once an angel falls..... thers no going back." Janet set Yenna down and looked at the water bottle in her hand and gripped it tightly. Sitting down next to Rikke she sighed. A few moments latter Yenna sat up her eyes blinking. Only then did Rikke see that they where still blue though hints of red had creeped into them. "Oh hello... who are you... where are we?" Janet got up before Rikke could speak. "Hey there Im Janet you took a nasty blow when we found you. Here drink this it will help." Janet handed over her water skin that Rikke new was filled with holy water but it was up to her to stop it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Let's not force the water on her, silly. She can't drink ti so quickly, she might puke!" Rikke interject and place a hand on Janets own, lowering it. Though if Yenna reached for it she'd not deny the angel a sip "Hey, I'm Rikke and she's, like she mentioned Janet. We're adventurers, nice to meet you." the rogue would lean out from her warm greet and glance to Janet with sharp eyes, clearly none too pleased with the holy water notion, even if she didn't directly stop it flatout.

"You're Yenna right? You woke up earlier, but fainted shortly after we made our acquaintances." the girl smiled widely to the corrupting angel.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna eyed the water with a little bit of suspicion as anyone would if offered a drink by strangers. "Maybe later...." Looking to Rikke who just got back from gazing into Janet's steely eyes. "Rikke thats a wonderful name sounds familar though..." Getting up Yenna streched a moment before looking about the area. "I seem to be lost where are we? I need to report back to Brenda and let Faith and Hope know its safe to move in." Yenna was looking confused and disoriented. Clearly the sudden shock of the holy water reverted her to a previous part of her mind before corruption.. before the sisters got ahold of her. No telling what would happen if she remembered suddenly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yenna." Rikke would quickly stand up as well "I'm not sure you should be moving quite yet. Like I said, you've already fainted on us twice. Don't want that to happen again." the rogue snickered in a friendly manner and smiled to the girl earnestly "We haven't met an angel on our travels yet. Please, we'd be honored to have your company for a bit longer."

If Yenna did not react unpredictably, nor decline the offer to to stay Rikke would continue "Do you have an order you serve Yenna?" this was as good a chance as any to learn more about Yennas past... perhaps even learn the reason behind her attitude.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna looked about some more. "Humm not really just on a mission. We are supposed to investigate claims of demonic activity at a manor. Come to think of it there wasn't a swamp even near the location." As Rikke watched Yenna's wings began to darken again but ever so slow. It would only be a matter of time before Yenna's current mind reassurted itself as the holy water wore off.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I see.'' Rikke glanced aside "So you three are just a traveling trio? Seems strange for angels to split off like that." the rogue noted the lingering confusion, but anything she'd say would only reinforce it "Who gave you the mission then?" the girl paused smiling "Don't worry, you can tell us. We're both pretty much knights of Venus. One more official than the other." Rikke giggled lightly and looked to Janet with a smile.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No there was four of us from our Lance. Brenda our squad leader, Hope, Faith, and myself. Annabeth was off with Esther checking something else." Yenna looked at Rikke and Janet. "Servents of the gods? Ive never met one myself but I pray everyday for safty and luck." Smiling she looked up at the sky. "We got our mission from our sactuary leader Jasper. He said it was an order from higher up the chain so thats all I know."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke listened with clear curiousity at the words "And what were you expecting to find in this manor?" she'd even subtly lick her lips as her interest in the story was all but apparent. Yenna had only clearly shown despair about losing Faith and Hope, but the others were never mentioned.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It's a scouting mission and I hope to find nothing. Still I should get back to Brenda. Have you seen the Manor we where scouting?" Yenna looked around even more puzzled but Rikke couldn't help but notice her eyes get redder.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to Janet then back to Yenna before sighing sadly "Yenna... We're inside a demonic realm. Me and Janet came here to rescue our friend on our own, but I'm not sure how you came to be here." the rogue looked to the angel earnestly "I'm sorry, but we don't know where your friend or this manner is or was supposed to be."

"We're near the top of this realm, if you want you could join us going down." Rikke smiled to Yenna and looked to Janet whether she approved of it as well. After all the fair thing to do would be awaiting till she changed back.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna seemed to pale at this. "I must have been captured and escaped." She frowned before looking at Rikke. "Well Sense you seem to have come in then you must know the way out. Ill follow your lead. Who knows maybe my friends are down here to." With that Yenna awaited Rikke to lead on leaving Janet kinda teary eyed. Clearly she knew as well as Rikke that Yenna's friends where not waiting for her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well as far as we know getting in is harder than getting out, but if there's an exit - it's down there." Rikke smiled earnest to the angel and turned to their packs "Hope you don't mind the heat. The next floor is going to be hot." she'd hand over Yenna the same package the girl carried earlier and look to Janet, who had remained silent throughout.

Unless the knight had something else to add the trio could be on their way "Oh before I forget!" Rikke quickly looked through their bags and handed Yenna a flask of the non-holy water, if they had any "For the trip."

"By the way, beware of the bugs. If they bite you, you er..." Rikke looked to innocent looking angel and paused "Um... they put their larva into the bite. It's nasty to cut it out." she'd shutter visibly and after giving both of the girls an encouraging smile would lead them onwards.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That is gross!." Yenna's face scrunched up showing her disgust. Sadly Rikke had filled all of her and Janets waterskins with holy water but Yenna had her own with her kit. Heading out Janet started to walk with Rikke and speak in a hushed tone. "Sorry Rikke.. I was hoping that we could have a pleasent companion but... I just made myself more aware of this tragidy... I feel bad for her. This bubbly girl is gonna dissapear and become that insuferable bitch again." For a moment Janet seemed almost about to cry but forced herself to stay stoic. 'Indeed Im just as surprised as you two about that. While I could care less about her goody goody side it would be an intresting oppertunity to say the lest. Not to mention the chance to study the effects would be entertaining. Especillay watching her squirm during the process.'
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