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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to Jessica briefly "Jess, it's me. Don't worry I won't cause any unnecessary conflict." she'd smile lightheartedly, before turning a bit more serious "But you're right, we'll need to leave as soon as we can." still Rikke wasn't one to skulk for long and quickly set her eyes on mischief. Depending where Joldra sat or if there was a bucket of cooler water nearby a naughty plan quickly formulated in the rogues mind.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

No cold water to be had but with Joldra just across from her and Janet and Jessica at her back the rogue had all sorts of mischife she could manage. Before she could however Janet sank next to her with Jessica doing the same. Both gave her a kiss on the cheek at the same time and leaned agianst her. Surprisingly Janets hand found its way to Rikke's belly where it was soon joined by Jessica's. Together the two hands moved down to tease the senstive nub above Rikke's slit. Looking to Janet Rikke saw an every faint purple hue to her eyes. Looking to Jessica she saw her succubus lover wink apparently aware of the situation.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked at the sudden notions and smiled wickedly "Just what exactly are you two up to hum?" the heroines own eyes had a all too clear light purple glow to them, however... Rikke leaned closer to give each a shallow, if all the more alluring kiss, before her hand lowered to the two caressing her "If you want to help, I'd not refuse a proper cleaning." she'd take the hands and move them aside "I hear in some places they just use soap and their hands to clean others, why don't we try that?." Rikke gave them an inviting smile and looked to their reactions.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Smiling after giving Rikke a little pout Janet soon soaped up her hands and began to wash Rikke's back. Meanwhile Jessica did the same except focusing on Rikke's front. "Building up your own little harem... how sweet." Joldra sounded almost pleased or even proud but did little else.

Slick with soap Janet's hands eased and teased Rikke's taunt muscles on her shoulders. While Jess gave far to much attention to her devious D's. All three where blusing with Rikke deciding that the soap must have some sort of aphrodisiac in it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hum~ It's not a harem. I've already told you." Rikke giggled as she lightly stretched, before closing her eyes and relaxing. While Jessicas expert touch came to no surprise, Janets did. For someone with such immense strength and fortitude, the girl had surprisingly gentle hands. Rikke had almost forgot just how many years Janet worked as someone far different than a knight of Venus.

Still it was pleasant, perhaps even too pleasant. Between Janets relaxing sensual touch and Jessica arousing massage, Rikke almost stopped them to change the wash to something far different, until she saw Joldra "Girls wait a bit." be it her companions, the soap or both, by now Rikke had a bright blush akin to her friends. Her perky D's nicely massage each topped off by a cute stiff nippie... though Rikke pushed that aside as something heavily disheartening crossed her mind.

"Joldra. After what happened in the castle... has someone washed you?" the question rang out with all too clear empathy, not with pity... but genuine care. Had the demoness carried all those stains on her body still?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Pssh like I would let these servants touch me." Joldra opened one eye at Rikke in a curious fashion before closing it. "I cleaned myself off so you don't have to send false worry my way." Jessica scowled slightly but from her position only Rikke saw it. Janet simple shrugged and began to clean Rikke up some more. "Geez Jess how much did you get on her." This caused Jess to blush and turn back to attending Rikke. "Get what Mama?" Rikke felt Janet jerk slightly, Despite what Mika had happen to her she was still naive about some of the more... robust sexual activities that Rikke and crew enjoyed.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gave Joldra the look, the look one gives, when they want the other to know to cut their nonsense or silly chatter off... before sighing "I was offering to do it myself, don't assume I order my friends around..."

Janets comment made Rikke blush significantly more than Jessica as SHE was the one that had be cleaned off "Oh... er.. I'm sure it's that tonic water- oil. You... used, Jess." the rogue smiled sheepishly her blush making it clear how poor of a lie that was.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Okay!" With that Mika was off again finding endless amusment in sliding along the tiles. "Its a good thing she is still innocent enough to belive that Rikke." Janet gave a friendly punch to her arm. This caused Jess to chuckle and Joldra to sigh. Still after a moment there was little else to clean that would not envovle a little naught behavior so it was up to Rikke to either stay in the bath and relax or get moving about the days buisness. Both Janet and Jess seemed clean and Mika seemed to be the only one left that looked dirty.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~ I'm sure she'd not care whatever the answer was." Rikke looked back casually to the knight working on her back and hair "Afterall, she didn't even ask what it was or what it was used for." it was more than likely just childish curiousity... more surprisingly though was Joldras silence on the matter. Knowing the demoness she likely more than abit felt the urge to call out the lie and tell the blunt truth... much to Rikkes embarassment.

Well with all of them clean there honestly wasn't much else to do in the bath. Atleast Rikke didn't spy out any stands out features about it, with the exception of it's sheer size "I assume this is a shared bath for the whole manor?" the rogue would finish up her clean up, a spring coming back to her steps from the reinvigorating freshness.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess frowned and stuttered out a comment. "U-Uh no this is part of my priavate suite. All the sisters have similar or better." Jess got up and grabbed a towel to start drying off. She was quickly followed by Janet. However something caught Rikke's eyes about her knight. A small tattoo seemed to have appeared on her back right where Rikke's was. However before Rikke could say anything Joldra spoke up. "Rikke we need to decide.. my fate. Am I to be a prisoner or are you going to let me go...." Joldra was looking right at her, her eyes holding a very serious look to them.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hum~ With bathrooms like this, it'll take some time to unspoil you with basic inn ones agin." Rikke smiled teasingly and winked to Jessica, for a single person a bathroom of this size was... pretty extravagant. As the girls moved out of the bath, Rikke did indeed note a tatoo similar to her own, but the details escaping her for the moment "Jan--" though just as she spoke to inquire about it, Joldra would interrupt.

"Neither. You're free to think of it as you please, but as we agreed you'll accompany us until we find a proper way for you to use your newfound freedom." Rikke spoke just as firmly at her, looking to the demoness with clear convinction.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So prisoner with out a cage." Joldra got up and out of the bath as well leaving the conversation. A moment later Janet came back with a slightly struggling Mika. "Come on get in you need a bath. We already tested the water its not going to hurt you." Mika struggled agianst Janet feebly the knights strength evident. "Hot water not natural it bad! No!" Grunt Janet hefted Mika up and pushed her in with a splash before walking back in to the tub her self. Mika of course splash for a moment in panic before she settled down. "See thats not so bad now come on time to get cleaned up." After a moment however Mika's giggles began to echo out as Janet washed her and the girl began to play around in the water. "Rikke I need to talk to you about Janet." Jess stood not far off still drying her long red hair. Walking over Jess smiled at her. "So you've probably seen the mark right? Now before you freak out I didn't do it. I noticed it when she came back with Mika and Joldra. Its very similar to the one I gave you but.... it seems its power is tied to you."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled at the sight, seemed Mika had become to Janet what Sylphie was to Rikke a long time ago. Sighing happily the rogue thoughts were about to drift off to how Yuna and Sylphie were, before Jessica stepped in. With Rikke agreeing to the conversation Jess would lead the aside and continue.

"What?" Rikke blinked at the words "But how is that possible, I thought you used magic... or er... ink to create mine. I've never done anything like that to Janet." the heroine looked to her lover curiously "What does that tattoo mean or do?" for how well she handled the shadows and the sword, Rikkes knowledge on anything related to magic was sorely lacking.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I did and it shouldn't have, but it did. Now when I created your tattoo it was to assign you as mine." Jess blushed at this ashamed at the intent when she made it. "It was only supposed to let me sense your pressence and like I said mark you as mine. After our time together the magics of it fadded and I let them fade. However in this place.. well things happen. Did something happen between you and Janet while you where here. Did you lose control and accidently bind her to you some how Rikke?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gave Janet a playful look as if questioning what she implied... but of all people Jess knew what the lingering demonic presence in Rikke was capable off. That thought would break the playfulness and with a much more serious expression the heroine thought back "No, not in this place. I was so set to reach you, any thoughts of er... perverse nature were usually shunned aside. In this tower especially." Rikke placed a finger on her lips thinking "The only thing of note..." she'd turn to Jessica as she continued.

"I've been having these dreams. Where I'd wake up more..." she'd pause looking for the right word "Well more like a true succubus. A water like surface would surround me on one side, however beneath the water I'd see... an angel. An angel who looked a kin to Janet." Rikke furrowed her brow thinking back as she dried her hair as well "I can't really remember... but I recall in one of those dreams I tried to pull her up, while in others I'd dash down to join her." the heroine would give Jessica a sheepish smile "Thats all I can remember right now, but it's just a dream. I never did anything... you know... pervy with her."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Dreams are powerful things Rikke.. especially in magical locations." Jess looked to Janet and back to Rikke. "Well first off I don't know why you didn't enjoy yourself with such a hot girl all the way up here. Secoundly Janet should be okay. The bond formed between you is likely permament but it will weaken in time. It only grows stronger as you the person it is with grows closer to you. She shouldn't suffer any harm from it though Im sure it will be a surprise for her."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke crossed her hands with a smile "Because some of us thought you were tortured, raped or worse every single day I was away. Sex or any other pleasures were out of the question with those thoughts." still it was not an accusation, her tone made it clear. The heroine would lean closer and kiss her lover once more before continueing "But besides that, nothing." for the time being Rikke had no idea when or how Janet gained the magical mark... though she had her suspicions it was way before the tower.

"Janet! Finish cleaning up Mika and come to--" Rikke paused and looked to Jessica, clearly hinting at the clear possible embarassment and the sheer volume of mess they've left last knight. Perhaps a different place would work better.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"And come to the kitchen it will be to the left just follow the hall." Jessica slipped a free hand unde Rikke's arm and began to walk out in the nude. Leaving the bath Rikke saw the messy bed and chair from the night before. Still it didn't seem to bother Jess who stopped and rang a small bell. A team of servents came into the room and bowed their heads to Jessica. "Girls be sure to clean up the mess on the chair and bed... and please don't disturbe my sister." Orders given Jess walked Rikke into a small kitchen/dinning room combo. Here some fresh fruit was placed in a bowl.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Servants... Rikke glanced to Jessica "I assume these girls are treated fairly." looking to the heroine there was a clear suspicion in her eyes. Even if they were Jessicas sisters, perhaps over time morality and conscious understanding of some actions dimmed into the background. Especially after being under the Masters rule.

Still whatever Jess answered it the topic would have to wait a bit "Hey, before we go. You have any clothes I can borrow for a day? Don't want to walk around in armor." Rikke smiled to her lover kindly and if no clothes were on offer she'd slip into the lighter parts of her armor, mainly only wearing her leather pants and bra for the time being. While she was fine being nude infront of Jessica and Janet... the sisters were a different matter entirely.

Whatever the case, once Rikke reached the kitchen she'd feel right at home. Grabbing a piece of pineapple and munching on it happily. If no seats were present sitting on the table no less and crossing her legs casually.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yeah Im sure I have something lying around. These girls where freed from the Master when the sisters rebelled. They have been broken already... the sisters didn't have to do a thing. Im rather proud to say that Ive trained them well that most of them can at lest act on their own now and are not mindless slaves." Jess frowned at the thought. "I don't know who they where before and neither do they.... its really sad."