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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogues heart soared as they drove through the much more natural setting, since Dianna perhaps now as a good time to ask anyway. Hopefully Kannas rage wouldn't force-steer them to the nearest tree "So what was that? Something happen between you and Joldra, Kanna?" she'd smile leaning forward, closer to the two girls in front.

Rikke shook her head and blew up a loose strand of her orange locks from her face, before laughing lightly "The cars aren't too hair-friendly are they?" she'd fix her hair as Dianna slowed down, thankfully seemingly no matter what the rogue did the heroines hair kept a wonderous appearance.

"You mean this right?" Rikke would hand her paper to Kanna and return to relaxing at the back seat. Seemed this was some sort of checkpoint, hopefully it was nothing like the Highwaymen the rogue faced in her times... but by the 'bribes' comment she couldn't be too sure.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Kanna looked out over the road as Rikke asked her question and sat a moment or two before answering. "She stole my idea for a dress. I had worked and worked on it for a whole year just getting it right. Then Ms. Joldra showed up one day. She was visiting along side the King and she saw my drawings. She was impressed and said I had a good eye. Well after she left I was so happy that a professional liked my work. Not one month later did her new line make a showing and guess what was the lead item." Kanna mumbled something before turning away not wanting to talk about it.

Slowing at the checkpoint Rikke was able to fix her hair and get her paperwork ready. As their turn approached Rikke could see the lecherous eyes of the guards on them. Each one in turn staring at the trio of girls with focus on Rikke for the most part. Rolling up to the gate a man with a pockmarked face mumbled "Papers!" before locking his eyes on Dianna's Valley. Handing over the documents the guard inspected them before whispering something to his partner. Together they talked a moment before they waved for them to pull over to the inspection line. "Damn it!" Looking at the guards Dianna complied. One of the guards came around from the worn building and ordered the three out of the car before asking them to stand against the wall arms out legs spread. Kanna had a deadly serious look in her eye and Dianna wasn't far off. As her two companions assumed the position a fat chubby and very foul looked man came out of the building next. "Ladies we stopped you as a random check. Please comply with a brief search of your person." Mumbling Rikke couldn't make out was Kanna was saying but she could it wasn't a favorable statement. Walking over the fat man fondled Dianna's tits roughly and seemed disatisfied, he then moved his arms and hands to get a firm grip on her ass before moving on to Kanna.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yup... No matter hwat the times were the damn highway men, even with the fancier checkpoints remained the same. If it was just one guy the rogue would've gotten the trio out of the situation, but since there were several of the bastard her charm spell wouldn't be of much use.

Still as her companions followed the routine so did Rikke for now... though as the orders what to do came, Rikkes eyes grew sharper and sharper "Why are we following these guys orders again?" the rogue growled silently to Kanna, before standing against the wall as commanded none too happy already.

Still as 'the search' began the rogues scowl grew even greater! These guys weren't 'searching' for... weapons? LIKE HELL! The bastards just seemingly decided to cap a few feels of the luscious travelers. This, especially since this was her party, slowly but surely ticked Rikke more and more... she just needed a sturdy stick. Wouldn't take long to beat the ugly out of the foul bastard.

Still they had to keep a low profile, beating the crap out of the checkpoint leadership just might draw a dash too much attention "Humph..." above all else, the feeling of helplessness angered the rogue. They could easily stop this... but at the same time they couldn't. Still with the man nearing Kanna it was best the rogue kept her comments to herself for now.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Kanna growled in return "Because we don't want an international incident." Still as the fat bastard approached her she grew silent as the man grouped her large breasts tweaking the cat girls nipples. He seemed enjoy the feel of Kanna for a long moment before swatting her on the ass and laughing at the angry faced woman. "You South Crolian girls always so uptight. All you need is a proper man to show you your place. In.... ohh who is this we got here." Rikke could feel the man behind eyeing her with a lecherous gaze. Feeling large hands grab her butt Rikke waited to endure the man's foul search. Though much as with Kanna he seemed to linger on the rogue's ass. After a rough fondling the beast of a man moved to her girls squeezing them hard and leaning in to speak in her ear. "Humm I love girls with big tits. I think the men and I are gonna search you and your friends privately unless you can make it worth my while."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

So they were highwaymen with political power... The rogue scowled strongly and looked ot the wall. Still with the bastard close she hid her reactions well and obedientantly awaited her own 'search'. Though seeing the man grope both of her companions and knowing all too well that her turn would come, made the rogue think just how grand it would be properly punish these guys... maybe just like that one demon from ways back... minus the pleasureable parts.

As the man approached her the rogue didn't face him, though he likely hardly cared. Clad in the tight material and in such a position, the heroine was nothing short of an absolute feast for the leecherous eyes. There was little doubt, between her exceptional measurements and slightly wild orange hair, she was by far one of the greastest 'possible contraband carries' the man had the 'duty to search'.

Rikke could almost hear the subtle laugh of joy as the man felt out her ass. The tight jeans providing ample chance to feel out just how perky and well toned the adventurers mounds were, perhaps spurring the far more hasted grip and greedier grip of Rikkes generous bust as well! With the sweater tightly hugging her cups, the man had by far the easiest and most bountiful cup with the rogue...

His indulgence would soon enough lead to a veiled threat delivered right to girls ear, Rikkes eyes blazing with hate, even if her cheeks seemed ever so subtly blushed.... these guys were going to pay!

"m~?" Rikke leaned her head back subtly against his shoulder "Oh~ I'm sure we could come to some... agreement." she'd smirk slyly "Somewhere, more private... Just the two of us?"

Her companions would likely give her the most questionable looks, but Rikke would very quickly glance to Kanna and wink slyly hinting that she had a plan...a likely unnecesary plan. Especially with the bribes set.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This seemed to catch the guard's attention and he soon leaned back and away from Rikke. "I will inspect this one myself." Taking Rikke by the arm rather forcefully to ensure that she could not back out now he lead them into the guard shack. Looking to Kanna and Dianna Rikke saw them eye her with worry before they had their own matters to attend to. It seemed the rogue was on her own. Being pushed into the room she heard a door shut and a zipper being undone. Turning around she saw the fat guard bring out his member. Half hardened already and already 6 inches in length. "Today today I think you shall pay with your mouth girl."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke mouth the girls "Don't worry. Stay out of trou--" unfortunately it was a bit too much to try and make out before she was out of sight. Still when both of them were out of sight it was exactly what Rikke was waiting for!

"No. I don't think I am." she'd smirk slyly, her magic quickly swirling around the guards head before sinking in!... hopefully

Rikke uses charm on the Bastard
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke uses Charm on Border Guard
38 vs 31 success!
Guard gains charmed

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 36/45, Status = Fine

Feeling her less the wholesome powers reach out Rikke snared the man's mind for the moment. Almost immediately he seemed to soften towards Rikke, his stance becoming less aggressive. Still his tool got even harder. "Why must you play so hard to get my love. See its all ready for you." The man stroked his impressive length which capped out at almost a foot in length.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well... for a complete bastard, he was more than a dash well hung. The rogue puckered her lips at the offer, heck under slightly different circumstances... Still what would Kanna and Diana think!

Rikke smirked as she saw the very edged of the mans eyes glint subtly with a well known purple aura "First you behave, then we'll discuss what i can do for your... needs." the rogue smirked seductively before sharpening her gaze "Now put it back in your pants. You're going to apologise to both me and my companions for your disturbances, allow us safe passage and immediately stop your companions from whatever they intended to do or take."

"Understood?" she'd give the man a sly look as the first step of her plan was explained "And we're going to find them this very moment." Rikke was just taken in, while unclear, hopefully her offer wasn't made for her companions as well! She needed to stop any acts before they could escalate to troubling.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The man dutifully put his member back into his pants and zipped them up grunting a little as the hard cock was put away. "Of course of course my apologies." Grabbing a strange box the man spoke into it. "Let the girls go and return their stuff." There was a moment of hesitation. "Do it now as I ordered." There was a muffled agreement and soon the man lead Rikke out to her companions who where rubbing wrists and placing their wallets back in their pockets. Both raised an eyebrow at Rikke but said nothing as they where escorted back to the car.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked as she heard the command "Bravo!" she'd smile brightly to the man "Now... There's one itty-bitty thing you could do for me. How many of us innocent girls did you 'search' in this little shack hum?" she'd raise her finger and wiggle it "Now just as we leave, line up your pervy men and smack each to their 'so called manlyness'." she'd subtly point to captains crotch "Think of it as punishment for every time your urges got the better of you."

Hopefully the man vile nature included a little violence, even if the violence in question was fairly childish "Please~" Rikke would give the cutest smile, before she was lead back.

Joining up her group the heroine grinned happily "I'll tell you after we get out of here." she'd wink subtly to them and jump in the back, checking instantly for her sword.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke pushes her luck with Charm and fails 29 vs 34 its a fight

Shimmering a little the light in the guards eyes faded. "Yea.... No! what did you do to me Harlot!" Fumbling the man drew his gun and began to level it at Rikke thankfully he wasn't a fast draw. Still the shouting would draw attention.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It failed?! Did he shrug it off somehow?! Rikkes eyes widened at the shifted tone, though just as the man reached for his weapon the rogue wouldn't delay! If that shot goes off they'll have the whole checkpoint up and about!

Just as quickly as she'd draw her blade, the rogue would snag whatever sturdy object she could use with one hand and dash in! Letting loose three rapid strikes, she'd aim to knock the man out on the spot!

Use whatever!
POWER STRIKES! Trading 10 dodge for +10 atk roll/dmg!

Lightning strikes on the armed guard!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attacks with an improvised weapon (-4 hit and damage)
54,43,58 three hits! 37,34,34

Using her lighting speed Rikke easily grabbed a heavy mace looking object and rushed the guard just as the gun cleared the holster. Her first hit was to the man's crotch causing the gun to fly out of his hand the second was across the face causing a loud crack as she broke the man's jaw. The third rained down on the guards back causing him to collapse on the floor shattering the tool she had in her hand. Looking at the object she saw the shiny metal casing broken with strange cylinder things in the middle. A metal spring wobbled lightly in the air as shattered glass lay on the ground.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue looked to the man and quickly knelt down to check if he was breathing, while she was a fair expert in duels... these people were really fragile. Seemed reliance on firearms certainly hit the bandit health quite hard...

Still as she thought the man was only out, while the jaw will certainly need treatment any other injuries should be fairly recoverable "Keys." the rogue quickly searched the man for some keys and if successful tried them out on the door to his 'bang shack'. Locking him insides as she rushed to her companions, for all anyone outside the room knew he was... cleaning up the mess.

Hopefully meeting up with her friends, the rogue kept a fairly worried smile and sped their step up a little "I'll tell you more in the car. Let's go." if the girls managed to get in their car the heroine would add "By the way, we should avoid any Observer devices. Let's get out of here asap!" Rikke would ofcourse first check if her blade was still under the seat where she left it, if all was in place it was time to floor it out of there!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly checked the man. He was breathing though it was labored likely due to the ass stomping she had given him. Still searching for keys Rikke found a whole mess of them on a ring with no way of telling what belonged to where. Heading out and tossing the keys into a nearby bush Rikke joined up with the girls as they where watched by the two guards rather intently. Rushing them along they got into the Rugged LE and sped off rather hastily. It seemed no one had noticed the assault.

A few miles down the road the small computer chimed up "Six miles to your destination." Looking down Diana looked over to Rikke giving her an raised eyebrow before looking back to the road. Kanna however turned around in her seat tail wagging. "So how did you do it? I was expecting to shell out all my cash."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

For some reason Rikke seemed fairly cautious as they left, suspiciously making doubly sure they'd not need to return. Still their escape was more or less clean! While the rogue didn't quite get the revenge she sought, a hard ass-beating will have to do.

As the outpost slowly disappeared in the distance the rogue relaxed in the back and sighed happily with a grin "Hum?" she'd look Kanna and smile, leaning closer to share "Well~ I have a special gift of sorts. I can if I wish mesmerize someone for a few brief minutes." she'd look up clearly in thought "Though honestly I've never checked how long it lingers, but yeah after I got him alone it was a matter of putting my magic to work and bingo."

She'd grin widely at the responses, before glancing back "Speaking of which... we should avoid that outpost for awhile." the rogue innocently smiled "I might've broken that gropeys bastards jaw...."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Diana winced as Rikke spoke of her power and even Kanna shifted slightly uncomfortably. Though at the mention of breaking the man's Jaw did get a smile from the neko girl. Diana swore under her breath pressed the accelerator down a bit more increasing speed. Still after a moment she spoke up. "Good the rat bastard deserved it." Soon enough though they had to slow as the small quaint looking town came into view. Though from the looks of it town was perhaps a stretch. Two roads seemed to cross in the middle of town with a few buildings. One General Store and a post offices as well as a church and a small police station. The rest where a barbershop and a restaurant. A small library was also present near the town hall. Other than that the rest of the place was two story houses.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke noticed the uncomfortable shifts and quickly added "It's a subtle suggestion, not mind control, girls." she'd stick her tongue out playfully and relax in the seat. To the other news however, both girls seemed fairly tame about their reactions. While Rikke expected only a subtle reaction from Diana, a just as subtle reaction from Kanna was fairly surprising "Mhm~ Pretty sure they'll be thinking twice about groping random travelers now." the heroine winked slyly to her company and just looked around, what were their surroundings like here anyway?

Whatever the case soon enough they'd reach their first stop "Eh? No inn?" Rikke looked through the fairly small town with a hinger of disappointment "Let's stop near the general store. If this is the town closest to the 'Haunted forest' they should have some info about it." she'd smirk slyly to her friends "If people here are just like from where I'm from, being 'Haunted' is bound to draw in quite a crowd."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Before entering the town Rikke eyed the terrain. Finding it a mix of woodlands and fields. Entering the town proper Diana pulled up to the store letting the girls get out. "This town is a little small to have a hotel Rikke. Maybe a Bed and Breakfast but no hotel." They did get a couple of stares from people walking by but they where just the curious looks of any villager when strangers arrive. "Im Famished can we get something to eat Dianna?" Diana nodded and began to make her way to the restaurant. "Do you want anything Rikke?"