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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke noticed Diannas attempt and just went along with it... to some degree "Well you've seen vampires now, perhaps this won't be as big of a shock." the heroine smiled slyly "Sylphie was what we called a 'Slime girl'. Just imagine a sentient slime that keeps a humanoid form. She could speak, she could feel... she was just like you or me, except different."

Rikke leaned closer for the next part "Her full name was Saphire Sylph. A famours singer in Endus in my time. You remind me a lot of her, so that just slipped out." the heroine smiled kindly "It was her who got us through the magic anomaly and saved us from a corrupted Behemoth. A beast the size of your buildings." the heroine sighed deeply "Wonder how's she now... with my disappearance and all, she must be worried sick."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im sure she is waiting for you to return. You left her in the care of good people right?" Diana looked at Rikke with a critical eye not knowing that she was the reincarnation of Sylphi. "So a slime girl... I only thought they exisited in those pervy games you fond in the xtranet. Well I guess they where indeed based off something. Still goo that could talk. You lived in a strange world Rikke."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled playfully "Oh you don't know the half of it, Dia." she'd grin widely "Come on, go rest. Injuries heal best when you're sleeping. I'll wake you up if I need a shift change." she'd wink slyly to Dianna and nudge her towards her bedding.

Thankfully the chill from before wasn't as prominent now, heck with their campfire roaring it was almost cozy in their campsite.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Alright, alright, Im going, Im going." Indeed she did get up and head to her sleeping bag. Though almost as soon as she got comfortable Kanna rolled over and latched on to her tight drawing a sigh from Dia. It was a half pleasant half annoyed sigh. This left Rikke with her thoughts of the events that had happened today. In her bag the silver and blue tabard glinted in the firelight.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue shook her head at the 'unhappy' girl, before she herself lied down and looked up the stary sky all too happily. To think she'd encounter vampires in a whole different time, in a realm without magic!

Still the silent night gave Rikke enough time to consider actions just now... leaving the vampires be. Without anyones interference they'd continued to feast on the villagers, during some sort of profane blood rituals no less... the rogue frowned as her eyes wandered towards the entrance of the catacomb.

Though while dealt with in blood, was it so much different to a succubi den. The vampires didn't seem hostile, they were only trying to live... not to mention blood was hardly a finite resource, so long as the victim was well fed. Just like the soul essence Jessica fed on. Heck draining some blood and draining a creatures very essence... even if the method of the drain was more 'interesting', the vampires didn't seem so bad in comparisson.

Hoping she made the right choice Rikke would wander a bit through the forest, keeping very close to the camp and dutifully remained on watch. It was doubtful any poor wolves or the like would near fire, a little caution never hurt...

If/once tired just switch shifts with either
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully no animals stirred no doubt the proximity to the vampire den kept them away. Switching out with Kanna who had the most sleep of the trio the rest of the night went well and Rikke was woken to the entrance of the den sealed once more. "They must not like the sun very much." Dia just sighed at Kanna and looked over the discarded gear. "Should we take this with us and return it to the town? It would give the families some peace." Kanna looked at Rikke and Dia. "I don't think we should. Who knows maybe the girls spy on their families when they come to visit. Not to mention if we do bring it back then they might want to make a memorial drawing more attention to them." Dia thought a moment and looked to Rikke. "Well leader?"

Making her choice Rikke was soon leading the girls back in a slow measured pace. The gps and such was still wacky but Dia was sure it had to be mineral deposits or something under the forest. Eventually after an hour of being lost and a few wrong turns they made it back to the tangled rose farm.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hum..." it was odd the girls living right next to their previous camp... never cleaned this place up. Perhaps the memories of the attack were far too cruel and gruesome to ever remember? "Pick out anything personal. If they had some mementos let's leave them near the entrance. The rest let's take with us."

"Besides by the sounds of it a fair number of the townsfolk see the girls fairly regulary. If noone needs this stuff, we might as well keep it." the rogue grinned widely "Finders keepers."

"Well... let's hope our 'car' is still here." the heroine smiled kindly and helped the duo search for their vehicle, it was barely a day and this was a fairly remote spot... hopefully nothing horrible happened and the trio could get back on the road once more!

"So~ Mission accomplished! Let's go back to town and treat ourself to a little victory feast!" the heroine called out from the back seat and grinned widely to the two. Indeed their mission was complete, while with quite an unexpected twist in the end everything seemed to have resolved in a pretty good manner!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

No sooner had they left the woods when all three of their hidden communicators bleeped in annoyance. Diana was the first to answer before ending the call. "No time for that we need to move lets go. Not questioning it Kanna jumped in and strapped herself in. Following the lead of the girls Rikke quickly got into the back seat and had no time to even strap herself in before Dia had pulled the car out blasting out of the doors and speeding off down the road as fast as the little car could take them. Finally sorting herself up Rikke saw Kanna and Dia with grim looks on their faces. Kanna was talking on her hidden communicator but with the speed it was hard to make out what she was saying. All the while her device bleeped.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Wuaa~!" Rikke fel back onto the backseat, almost bonking her head to the sidedoor at the sudden rush "Are you trying to throw me out of this thing, sheesh---" though soon enough Rikke noticed the serious expressions on her companion faces "What... whats going on?"

The heroine looked to Sauls gift and tried to answer the beep "Hello?" more than likely the beeper was the quickest way to learn what happened.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Activating it Rikke heard Ida's voice though it seemed a prerecorded message. "Alert Alert all troops report back to base. We are under seige. Alert Alert all troops report....." It looped and looped as Dia sped them forward. Soon enough Kanna pointed to a clearing that caused Dia to stop as a Vital decloaked its doors already open. Heading thankfully at a much slower pace Rikke could see battle damage on the Vital. Acid burns and even bullet holes. Pulling and securing the car Dia tossed Kanna a helmet and a thick vest before putting one on herself. "Strap in Rikke the LZ is going to be hot."

Just like that the doors closed and the ship activated it's camo and was in the air. Looking about the cabin Rikke could see Kana and Dia pressing a few buttons Revaling a gunner station on each side of the craft. "Whos our pilot?" Dia looked over at Kanna and spoke "I think its Yenna" Kanna turned a little green. "Yeah the ravaging angel. Rikke better strap in this is gonna be a rough ride."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

LZ? "Um... alright!" not wanting to appear clueless the sheer urgency of the situation shunned any questions or confusion the rogue had. Strapping in, the rogue called out that she was ready "Don't worry about me, gvie it full speed!"

Rikke couldn't quite recall if the Vital had her armor, though if the leathers were here she'd quickly don them and get ready for battle... somehow this all too reminded the rogue of the Black war, though this time she suspected her role would be far more insignificant. In an age of weapons the size of carts and battle armor towering higher than the Endus royal church... a silver short sword seemed all, but silly.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed full speed they went. Rikke had flown in the vital a few times now and knew they where traveling at a fast speed but it had always been rather calm and if she hadn't been looking out the window it would have seem just a strange room. This time however was different she could feel the bumps as the aircraft hit pockets of wind and she could hear the wine of the engines. "Damn she is really pushing it!" Dia just nodded grimly as they sped along. Suddenly a voice came over a loud speaker "Arm up we have company. Shirkers looks like the same group that attacked me flight when we left. Both Dia and Kanna flipped down their visors as the craft suddenly banked to the left making sure Rikke was thankful for being strapped in. Dia who had take the port gun suddenly pressed her triggers causing her gun to make loud constant wine as bullets began to spew forth. Looking out that window Rikke could see cloakers just being shot to ribbons from Dia's gun. She had of course little time to look as the vital moved sharply to the right and Kanna opened up with hers. "Damn hold on girls!" A moment later Rikke's whole world spun upside down as her stomach churned and flopped. Kanna screamed in fight as Dia shouted SHIT! Still after the falling sensation they righted with a jolt sending anything unsecured tumbling around. Alarms started bleeping with flashing red lights as Kanna and Dia kept fireing. "Shit shit shit shit!" That was hardly reassuring looking out either window RIkke saw trees far to close for comfort to a flying vessel. Cloakers filled the sky behind them and Rikke finally heard why they where called shriekers in this time. One opened its mouth and let out a scream that disrupted the air causing Kanna's to hold her ears. So intense the noise that the windows shattered showering Rikke and the others with glass. "Starboard Kanna fire.. quick fire Kanna fire!" Looking to Kanna Rikke saw the girl bring her gun to bear and begin firing but it was to late. A weird looking cloaker got in close and it exploded.........
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Starboard Kanna fire.. quick fire Kanna fire!" Yenna called out in desperation just as the girls were overwhelmed. The screech still echoing one of the creatures made a suicide dash at the flyer and slammed into the Vital, it's whole body exploding in a horrid display of green gloop! Kanna didn't even manage a yelp a she was absolutely blown back and sent back into the main cabin of the Vitol, her body slamming into the steel and collapsing on the spot! "Kanna!"

The act would completely knock the the flyer out balance, all too clearly Rikke felt the whole flyer swing side to side the bright red alarm continiously beeping! "We're going down!" Yenna called out to the trio at the back as the continious sound of the wind seemingly screeching far louder than beasts ramped up higher and higher, the flora all around seemingly shredded as the flyer pierced through the forest!

Though everything seemed to only happen in a matter of seconds Rikkes heart sank as she Dianna cling to the weapon in panic, Kanna not moving and slowly starting to slide along the floor she needed to help! The rogues eyes ignited in magic as she freed herself from her seat and dashed forward with seemingly instantanious speeds, her whole body surging with her inner magics. As she moved instantly the winds from outside would blow her hair back fully, even if it stung her eyes the rogue faced the wind and moved at her absolutely maximum.

Rikke dashed forward towards Dianna gripping Kanna firmly and strongly sliding her to back towards the seats and away from the exits! Her movements so quick even the descend seemed to slow down in comparisson, in a seemingly instant Rikke reached Dianna and gripped her by the waist forcing her away from the weapon she held dearly and throwing her towards the back as well!

Just as Rikke threw Dianna a horrid crash could be heard as the nearby trees having slowly torn through any resistance in the front, clipped the weapons barrel uprooting it out of place as it flew out along with Dianas now empty seat! Only the very edges of the flame tongues hinting at the weapons explosive demise.

The scream of the wind grew louder and louder, turning into a deafening whistle only the sounds of the snapping branches all around and the constant beeps of the alarm contesting the deathly howl. Rikke dashed quickly to the two and pushing Dianna into the seat, perhaps spurring her out of the panic and into an sense to to buckle up as the heroine placed Kanna into the seat and slammed the buckles! Her movement speed clearly bordering the supernatural.

Rikke quickly got back into her seat as the whistling seemingly reached it's peak, the view of the treetops now replaced with the show of the ground blazing past them at breakneck speed as the final click of her belt echoed the screams of the wind ceased only to be replaced with the surging feeling of an almost muscle snapping tug against their holds and darkness.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Drip... drip.. drip.. drip. Rikke's eyes opened only to close as another drop of water landed on her cheek. Looking about the wrecked carcass of the vital she found Diana was missing. Kanna however was still her her seat one arm bent at an odd angle and a small trickle of blood running out of her nose and ears. For the most part Rikke seemed okay bruised and battered but okay. She could taste blood on her lip and winced as she licked it causing her split lip to ache. Looking to Kanna Rikke saw the girl still breathing which was good. However what wasn't good was the fact that her section of the vital was up in a tree. Smoke blurred the terrain around her but she thought she could make out the tail and cargo section of the vital just inside the woods. Looking up the sky seemed clear of cloakers. Still she needed to tend to the fact she was in a seat resting in a tree.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke came two she'd slowly open her eye. First feeling out if she could move her toes, then her fingers the heroine lightly felt herself up "Ow...." she'd wince lightly at the split lip and sighed with relief "Still alive..." still what about the others?

"Kanna...? Dia...?... Yenna?" the girl would call out in a very weak and silent voice, before looking around. Thankfully Kanna was nearby and breathing! "Kanna!" Rikke winced strongly as most of her muscles seemingly ached, including her chest from yelling already.

Still first thigns first, she needed to get out of this chair and this tree. Unclipping what she could and slicing off what was needed Rikke felt the belts relax and almost collapsed on the spot! "A-ta-ta...." taking a light breath the heroine gathered herself and went to check up on her catgirl.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Freeing herself and realizing just how sore she was Rikke moved over to Kanna checking her friend out. It was obvious her arm was broken and would need more than just a field splint. Thankfully getting out the tree would be easy as half of its trunk lay as an easy route down. Undoing Kanna's bonds Rikke gingerly lead the girl off the wrek and onto the debris littered ground. Small fires burned all over as Rikke scanned the site. Still no sign of Dia or Yenna however Rikke did spot a first aid kit buried under some rubble. Fetching it she was pleased to see it was mostly intact.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke couldn't help, but wince at her friends condition. At the very least the break wasn't open, so bleeding out wasn't an issue... but whatever the case may have been - Kanna took some major damage.

"We'll get you all patched, just hang in there okay?" Rikke smiled assuringly to the unconscious girl, be trying to subconciously encourage the catgril... or reassure herself about Kannas state "Dianna!... Yenna!... Answer me!" Rikke called out once more just incase, all the while unpacking the first aid kit.

While the first aid had some basic supplies, it had some odd advanced medicine as well! Blessed with a very brief instruction of use as well! While it wouldn't heal her up, this should stabilise the catgirl! Applying the medicine, Rikke made double sure everything was in order before standing up and looking around once again.

While a risk to leave Kanna here, not finding her other companiosn may risk their life "I'll be right back, Kanna." still these were injuries at the back seat... what condition was Yenna in?! In all the excitement, the fact just who their pilot was hadn't sunk in to the heroine... Yenna. Rikke winced strongly thinking back, ignoring her injuries she'd rush to find the two. By the gods, she wasn't going to let Yenna die on her... not again!

Rikke would follow the burning trail and debris of the crash, keeping her eyes peeled for the other survivors "Yenna! Dianna! Where are you!"
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Following the debris was easy and from the looks of it the Vital had been ripped into three major parts. Moving forward Rikke found the cockpit of the Vital smashed into complete ruin. No way anyone could have survived that. However as the smoke cleared alittle Rikke caught a shadow moving on the ground looking up she saw A blonded haird woman resiting from some strange straps attached to a colorful blanket hanging form a tree. She seemed unconscious, Rikke had little time to think about it when voice echoed from somewhere nearby "RIKKE! KANNA!" Turning to the voice Rikke saw Dia stumbling threw the trees. Rikke could see trails of blood coming from the girls ears.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked on to the cockpit with utter dread "No... No no... not again..." she'd quickly dash closer trying to brush the smoke aside scanning the side for the absolute worst sight she could imagine... but there was noone here? The heroine blinked and looked around hopefully, only for the sounds of a most peculiar shadow caught her eye. Looking up the heroines face light up with a smile! Was it---

Though recognising the female would have to wait as Diannas voice reached her! "Dia! I'm here!" she'd rush to the girl and instantly help her sit down "You're alive... thank the godess!' Rikke smiled brightly to her "I found Kanna she has a few a broken bones, but she's alive as well." she'd give the girl a reassuring nod before moving to the blonde figure "I think Yenna is alright as well! She somehow escaped the brunt of the crash." just to make sure the rogue would climb up a tree, her body crying out in pain, but she needed to make sure.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"WHAT I CAN"T HEAR YOU." Rikke winced clearly Dia hearing had been effected during the crash. "WE GOT TO FIND KANNA." Setting Diana down Rikke was able to calm her enough to go look at Yenna. Crying out in pain she climbed up to find the woman resting in the straps still breathing. Brushing the blonde hair aside Rikke was greeted with the angelic face of Yenna. Looking over the girl Rikke found her modest in size her flight suit concealing specific details. Cpt. Yenna Hulus.