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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Taking out a Demon Knight all on her own?... go Sam! Rikke smiled lightly as she rushed onwards, though soon enough the smile would dissipate as danger made it's presence known.

Just ast the man flew across the rogues vission the heroine instantly stopped her mad dash and entered a far more silent manner of movement. Unfortunately so locked in his final battle the man didn't even see the rogue before the shot ended him.

Rikkes eyes widened as she neared the corner, her blade drawn and ready. She knew it was a grenade and even if it was perfectly placed for her to use, using such explosives so deep in friendly territory may cause significantly more harm than good. Her blade and her agility would be more than enough...

However just as Rikke planned to tap into her supernatural agility instantly a stray thought crossed her mind, the girls eyes turning purple without her clear notice the moment she heard the clearly demonic accent. Perhaps... no the demon seemed more keen on shooting on sight, than anything else. A shame...

Rikke would listen in to how many targets were around the corner, before risking taking a peek.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Two voices she could tell while both seemed fairly similar the different patterns let Rikke pick them out. Still it was hard to tell how close the foes where and for Rikke she could probably sneak by them with out to much notice if she was fast enough. After all the blue line led right by the hallway. Still it was her call. More shooting could be heard from within the building hinting at other skirmishes still on going. Peaking around the corner Rikke saw one demon soldiers nudging another fallen warg with his boot while another reloaded his gun. Both wore hodgepodge armor taken from the fallen made it hard to decern how tough these foes would be.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

She needed to clear a path once she found a medic for both of them to safely cross. Like it or not it meant, disabling these two. Her blade in hand the rogue would seize the moment the two gave her with their inspection and with supreme speed she'd close in!

As usual her speedy technique would only allow 3 stikes... thus the rogue aimed to kill the first of the invaders, while aiming her third strike at his companions weapon! Without gun, it was doubtful the demons would pose a threat.

Stealth attack!

Lightning strikes 2x #1 and 1x #2
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke (Ubberific)
Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 10/45, Status = Fine, hungry
Rikke stealth vs Perception 56 vs 33,24 success!
Rikke attacks lighting strikes! 57,62,66 vs 35 3 hits!
Ds 1 48 + 50= 98 damage
Ds 2 53 damage

Drawing beauty Rikke rounded the corner as silent and swift. Like the winds of death neither soldier saw her coming. Her silver blade gleamed as it arched threw the air. With trained precision her blade found a weak spot in the first targets armor. Slipping threw a flawed seam in the makeshift armor Rikke saw the demon arch back spraying blood from the wound. Pulling the whetted blade out she brought it around for another strike. This second strike was just as swift separating the fools head from his shoulders. Bringing her blade down for her third strike Rikke lunged in a classic fencer strike catching the demon's shotgun and cutting threw the metal her magic blade more than a match for modern carbon steel. Still the initial strike didn't prove fatal until beauty's other enchantment sparked to life sending electrical charges threw the demon who jerked a moment before falling to the ground a smoking heap.

Down the hall where she was Rikke could hear someone call out "Medic!"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke flicked her blade to clean the gore from the initial two strikes, her eyes sharp as she only briefly looked to the downed demons "That was for the Warg boys, assholes."

A call for a assistance would soon enough reach the rogues ears as she dashed to inspect, even if someone needed medical assistance as well... they might know where the heroine could find the med-staff.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading down the hallway Rikke came face to face with about six wargs all with guns pointed right at her. "Rikke!" Pushing threw the men was Venise. Her clothing was torn and bloodstained with a bandage on one arm that was left sleeveless. The girl hugged her causing the other wargs to relax a moment before they took up some defensive position. Pulling her past the soldiers Rikke found Venise had set up a command post of sorts in a nearby room. Inside lay wounded soldiers. "We saw the Vital go down are you hurt?" Looking about Rikke saw that none of the wounded in here where people she knew. However she did see someone crouched over a man. Heaving a sigh the woman put her hands over the man's eyes and closed them. "Sorry Venise I was too late." Noting the combat gear Rikke saw a small red cross on her armband she was a medic.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ven!" Rikkes eyes light up at the familiar face as she dashed closer, only to meet with numerous weapons aimed at her... even if briefly. Still the rogue wouldn't waste long on catch up "My crew is heavily injured and badly in need fo a medic. They're set up near the entrance." the heroine looked to the medic and then to Venise "If they don't get medical help and soon they'll die."

While the first idea was to bring the girls to this defended point Rikke quickly shook her head "Samantha is in really bad shape... unless we make special preparations to carry her, moving her might end badly." the rogue wouldn't command or demand anything yet, she'd look to Venise and the medic herself for advice on how to tackle the situation at hand.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Damn I was hoping Sam and her team would make it to the hospital we need more medicine." Looking at the wounded and the medic Ven nodded. "Boys grab some stretchers and call back team two we are going to have to move to the hospital in force." Turning to Rikke Ven nodded "Tiff contact Selina and Mika's teams and inform Rhea we are making a push for the hospital. After that grab your medkit we have some more wounded to get." After a moment Rikke saw several more wargs gather the wounded that couldn't walk and hand sidearms. Tiff it seemed gathered up another medkit and readied herself. "Lead the way Rikke."

Thankfully the trip back was uneventful as Her, Ven, and Tiff rushed down the hallways. It seemed alot of the fighting had slowed and became sporadic. Reaching the room Rikke found Yenna watching the door. Letting her in Rikke saw her lovers bandaged and laying down. Seeing her gaze Yenna smiled. "They where lucky their body armor stopped the most critical wounds. Though if we had been any longer they would have both passed on.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke beamed a smile at Vens plan and allowed her to take the lead for now. Heck, above all things Venise was likely far more knowledgeable on what the heck was going on in the Hive. Following the girls lead Rikke would help out where she could and quickly lead the staff to her companions, who made camp in one of the rooms "Yenna!"

With Sam beig treated and both of her lovers just barely saved... seemed the rogue had indeed done quite a bit of good "Thank goodness..." Rikke smiled with great relief as she leaned back against the wall to finally catch her breath... though somehow she suspected it wasn't over yet.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The medic check over Rikke's two lovers before turning to Kanna and Sam. Her medical bracer popping up all sorts of details. "Kanna is going to need surgy for her internal injuries, Sam is going to need a transfusion soon. Either way I don't have the stuff here we need to head for the Hospital." Ven frowned before looking at Rikke. "Your gonna have to clear the way. Up for it?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh..." Rikke seemed to be snapped out of some sort of daydreaming by the girl, her eyes still bearing a clear purple coloration "Just... something on my mind. Yes! Ofcourse!" the heroine smiled brightly "Just point me the right way and consider it done." she'd wink slyly to Ven.

Honestly with all of her friends injuries, the absolute horror of conflict all around... her generous use of magic, began to take it's toll... not through exhaustion, but through ever growing hunger. Still it was still manageable for now, Rikke knew she couldn't dip into her powers again... not without taking huge risks.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Excellent with the amount of wounded we have its gonna take a while to move them. If you can clear the path ahead we can pick off any stragglers. For the most part we got this wing cleared so once you hit the medical wing things might get complicated. Last I checked when we got Tiff it was still clear but the fighting was still mostly outside." Getting the remaining directions Rikke was able to make her way to the medical wing. It had taken some time and she had found a few other wounded wargs along the way but they seemed stable or had companions with them. Rounding the last corner Rikke was greeted with a bright white sign that flickered due to damage. It read medical but it seemed the doors had been busted open. Nearby lay two armed guards absolutely cut to shreds with familiar shaped wounds that bright bile up in her throat. She could almost smell Seve as her memory bubbled the images up to her.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue wasn't an apprentice adventurer anymore, thus her reaction wasn't as severe as one could imagine. The heroine eyes quickly scanned the wounds and winced strongly, turning away from the sight... it was the Seve-kin!

Of all the things that survived the event, why did they have to survive.... how did they even survive. Rikke drew her blade and sharpened her eyes, proceeding onwards with much more stealth and subtelty than before. They may have caught her once in the manor... and once in Endus, but not this darned third time!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke (Ubberific)
Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 10/45, Status = Fine, hungry

Rikke perception vs stealth
41 vs 43 fail

Entering the medical area Rikke saw scenes of utter chaos bodies lay scattered around some from gun wounds others seemingly medical staff with slashes. Medical alarms rang providing an extra annoyance. Before her stay a counter a dead nurse draped over the counter a hand gun nearby. She had no wounds on her back meaning she had been hit from the front meaning that the bastards had been spotted.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Most of the victims seemed innocent or wounded soldiers... even if they saw those things they couldn't do much to stop them "Damn it..." the heroine gripped her blade tightly and looked over the injuried bodies, unfortunately these people seemed long gone.

Still as Rikke looked through the room or just by remembering the halls she passed - there were no dead hunters. Whatever sliced up the guards may still be alive.

Keeping a low profile, Rikke would continue onwards. This was the area she needed to clear afterall... even one hunter ambushing the injured group could prove a disaster!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke (Ubberific)
Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 10/45, Status = Fine, hungry

Rikke perception vs stealth
40 vs 51 fail

Still moving along Rikke had to step over the bodies of the fallen. Sadly she saw nothing of her tormentors. Reaching a door she heard a small computer voice echo. "Medical in lock down. Please present identification" Looking threw the sealed doors window Rikke could see no bodies in the hall though there was plenty of dropped items clipboards and such. Of note was a wheeled bed flipped up on its side to block the hallway. It seemed that even the rogue was blocked from entering. In the room she heard a growl and all to familiar guttural sound. Spinning around she saw nothing maybe her imagination was getting to her.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked through the room carefully, though the attackers seemed to have knocked out quite a few lights only the alarm reds wound zoom across the room continiously, perhaps adding a certain omnious edge to the already gruesome display. Still no matter how much she looked around the source of the potential sounds was nowhere to be seen.

She had the tool to unlock the door, a certain present from Saul during her earlier ventures, but... that specific growl was not something she'd mistake! Though she couldn't see it, the rogue almost felt a pair of predatory eyes follow her. Still if it was still there what was it waiting for? Maybe it wasn't here afterall?

The heroines eyes once more looked over the lock and then beyond, the chaos that transpired here didn't follow past this lock--- a shock ran through the rogues body. If the hunter was still here... was it waiting for her to open the door?! 'Or I'm just being paranoid.' doubt echoed it the back of the girls mind.

Either way, the rogue would draw her blade and face the room looking over it in great detail once more, was it really just her mind playing tricks? "I know you're there!" the heroine bluffed her best bluff and looked to the empty room, trying to catch any hints of movement. Though if nothing happened, Rikke had to conclude it was just her imagination "Well.. good thing noone saw that." the rogue blushed cutely, before turning to the lock "Alright, Kimiko. Think you can get past this lock?"

Rikke attempts to call whatever is skulking out!
Rikke trades 15 attack roll for +15 perception

Activate Defensive stance:
+10 dodge, counter attack with lightning strikes if dodged
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke (Ubberific)
Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 10/45, Status = Fine, hungry

Rikke perception vs stealth
57 vs 56 saved by lucky
31 vs 23 success maybe not be so good at bluffing... maybe

Shouting her bluff Rikke quickly scanned the room one more time. With her guard was up Rikke saw a glint of distorted red light on the wall move. It was out of reach of her sword but it was there she saw it. The thing was waiting for her to open the door. The creature spotted tore down the wall heading for the door out of medical in an attempt to regain its stealth advantage.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Just as the rogue was about to dismiss the sounds to just her imagination a hint of movement, perhaps even caused by her bluff caught her eye! It WAS here! "Gotcha!" the heroine smirked in a cocky manner, even if she was saved by the hunter overexcitement...

Still as Rikke waited for the caught-out to attack, instead it turned and fled?! "Hey! STOP!" the bastard was trying to escape?! The heroine quickly dash after the beast her blade firmly in her hands!

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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke (Ubberific)
Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 10/45, Status = Fine, hungry

Hindered terrain check!
Hunter 64 vs 55
Rikke 64 vs 55

hunter moves 21
Rikke moves 29 interception in 1 round

Dashing after the creature Rikke managed to make quick ground the creature while fast in its own right was no where near the athletic prowess of the rogue. Still it had a head start and Rikke knew she couldn't lose sight of it or the thing would just simple disappear. Seeing Rikke behind it the hunter made a dash for the window. Jumping over fallen soldiers and other debris the hunter tried to escape but Rikke kept up with it leap for leap jump for jump and turn for turn.