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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke turned her head and blinked "Why do I need to be outfited?" the rogue glanced over herself, admitedly a bit fancier clothes would go a long way "Talk to Anna, it'll be clearer." Rhea smirked "Don't worry it's gonna be." with that the kitsunes turned to her screens and got to work.

The rogue honestly had only one place to visit the med-bay. Numerous of her friends were injured, she owed them atleast a checkup. Though after that she was free to find Anna once again and see to her new uniform.

Check in on:
- SAM!
- Ven
- Mary
- Rune
- The one night stand duo
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Deciding to check on her injured friends she was quickly greeted by Rune who looked absolutely exhausted. Of course how could anyone blame her as one of the chief medical staff she no doubt had a lot of work. Still she seemed to finally caught some sleep and Rikke decided to leave her be for now. The next person she ran into was Ven it seemed that her attempt to retake the control room for the turrets had netted her a broken arm but other wise she was none the worse for ware. After talking with her a bit Rikke found that she was a bit out of it. No doubt due to what ever medicine they gave her to dull the pain. Still doing or not doing anything with that lead Rikke to the room with Mary and Cassandra both girls where awake though it seemed Cassandra was still the worse off. Still both waved to Rikke as she chatted with them slightly confused as to who the stranger was. Only then did she remember that Mary and Cassandra from this time had no idea who she was. The rest of her friends where still in intensive care and while Rikke couldn't go in to see them directly she did find out that her lovers would pull threw. Sam however was still in rough shape and due to her injuries only fully garb and sanitized staff where allowed to visit her. Still after that and wrapping up anything else and stopping into see Kanna and Denise who where both relaxing in a room. Both of them gave Rikke a thumbs up and wished her luck on her next mission. Though Kanna did speak up. "Oh Rikke when you get back let me see you in your IS okay?" After heading out she head Kanna yelp as Diana called her a perv. Shaking her head Rikke moved over to the hanger to find Anna.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

At the very least all of her friends were present here in the medbay... not among those leaving for thier homes by other means. Though unfortunately very few seemed to have been in any state to chat or share their experience with the event. Where to Rikke this was just an outpost they briefly stayed at.... to some of the girls this was their home away from home. Still the rogue gave her support to the injured as best as she could and soon enough was set to leave "Eh? er... sure." Rikke smiled sheepishly at the request, before heading out to find Anna.

No matter how much the rogue wracked her brains she just couldn't decypher what the IS stood for, though judging by Dianas reaction.... the rogue still had no idea, but at the very least it did sound potentially very interesting.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Crossing the yard to the hanger Rikke found the place rather quiet. Hardly any soldiers were about and those that were guarded only the most vital of buildings. The remains of the battle still littered the ground but it seemed most of the major debris was at lest cleared.

While most of the facility was a ghost town the hanger was as busy as ever. Technicians ran two and fro and sparks shot out from darkened corners as they tried to get their tools of war ready for another fight. Sadly Rikke could see the seriousness of their action as every single person was equipped with a side arm. It was rather sad given that some of these very technicians where wearing tool belts just yesterday. One sight she did notice was Chu running about helping out his own little arch welder patching up equipment. Still with all the commotion Rikke couldn't find Anna. Thankfully she wasn't lost long as Janet came into view and motioned her over to a recessed door labeled pilots. Ushered inside the tall woman smiled at Rikke. "Strip and clean up in the shower. Go quickly your're gonna want to have time to get used to your I.S." If Rikke didn't protest she would find the most absolutely wonderful shower she had ever seen. Multi directional heads surrounded the rogue. Once she was in the water started very cold at first but warmed quickly. After she was cleaned with the soap and brush provided the shower would stop only to have vents above her open up and hit her with hot rapid air in order to dry her. Once that was done Janet escorted her to another room completely naked. Once inside she heard Anna speak up. "Hi Rikke!. I know you must be confused but trust me this is really for your own good. I.S.s need to be skin tight to function properly. Now just let me get a good scan of your body. Oh and please put up your hair you don't want it to get stuck. A moment later she was bombarded with an array of lights all over her. "Grah! its so unfair! How come I got such small girls and everyone on the base seems to be some freakish big breasted amazon!" Rikke could hear the annoyance in Anna's voice which brought a small giggle to her but soon enough Anna told her to go into another room. Once inside Rikke felt how cold and sterile this room was almost like the examining room she found herself in on her first day. "Okay Rikke stand in the center of the room. Place your feet into the slots provided. Now this is going to be kind of uncomfortable okay. Just do your best to stay calm. This will feel weird but your not in any danger okay?"

That was hardly comforting but just as Rikke was about to say something the machine below her made a noise as a dark colored liquid began to pool at her feet. Looking down Rikke got a little worried which only grew as the machine began to sink her deeper into the liquid. Trapped as she was She had little place to go though Anna's voice echoed in the room. Just stay calm Rikke if you fidget to much well have to start over!" Watching Rikke saw it pass her waist and keep going. It did feel weird but at lest it felt warm though honestly this future world was way to crazy for her. Still further she sank until her shoulders where covered. Then after a moment she began to rise back up. "Very good Rikke you hardly moved a muscle. I will only have to make some minor adjustments. You can let your hands down." Doing so and touching her thigh Rikke felt as if she was touching her own leg. Just then Rikke watched as her hand and arms get coated in the same stuff. "Okay your Interface Suit doubles as thermal and environmental clothing. None of your movements should be hindered. Think of it as a technological skin. It won't stop bullets but it will keep you warm. Anyway this will let you interact with the Willow and any other Mechanized armor we have on hand. Though honestly you like the training to make use of it, but its the only way for the life support systems on the Widow to well support you. Now whats your favorite color?" Just as she spoke Rikke saw a mirror slide down revealing her now . "Once we get the harness fitted you can get out of the suit and have it stored to later but first things first. How do you like it? Is it comfortable? Feeling any pinches or folds?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Wait wait... Whats an IS?" Rikke gave Jenny a inquisitve look "Because I'm not putting anything else in me." she'd raise her hand with the communicator "I'm still going to have to get back at Saul for this thing." Janet would likely just shake her head and smile "It's nothing like that. Think of it an... bodysuit of sorts." well everyone expected the rogue to put this 'IS'... it wasn't like she could just refuse.

Still while the shower was divine what followed was anything but "So~ Can YOU tell me whats this IS, Anna?" the rogue lightly pouted "Noone seems to be keen to tell me." as the scan went on Anna had plenty of time to introduce the rogue just what exactly was the I.S. - Interface Suit "Interface Suit?" Rikke listened to Annas command and to her silly woe of measurements with a smile, until...

"Um... Anna..." Rikke eyes widened as slowly black goo began to envelop her. Unlike the slimes where they were atleast transparent to some measure this was just... "Anna!" the rogues body tensed up as frightful goosebumps ran up her previously complimented body. Still with Annas constant reassurance... "A-are you sure?!" as the goo sank more and more of her body, the rogue tensed more and more about to begin her panicking escape--- only for the goo to stop just at the right time! "Very good good Rikke you hardly moved a muscle." the rogue could only smile sheepishly as her body as absolutely tensed up and moments from actually breaking free at all cost, from this infernal device! "Y-yeah..."

The rogue carefully opened her eyes and looked to what her body was submerged in, only for her ascend from the 'black pool of death' to begin and reveal something most curious....

As she resubmerged the stuff remained on her. Infact it quickly formed up, very subtle and light designs along the surface "What is this stuff?" the heroine looked to her hand and attempted to clench her fists a few times noting no real obstructions, before glancing down along her body. While her armor was oftentimes called skin-tight... this was something else entirely "So... is this supposed to stick? Do I wash it off?" Rikke rubbed her fingers one against the other attempting to see if the 'paint' could be washed off.

Still where earlier the heroines supreme body was subtly hidden beneath her armor... if this was her current armor, there wasn't much left to visually undress. Listening to Anna detail just what the heck 'second-skin goo' was and how it worked Rikke constantly looked over herself, even incidentally gropping her bust to see just how both it felt and how the covering goo reacted.

"Eh? Color?" Rikke looked up, the fear from before now clearly replaced with burning curiousity and possibly excitement even! "I can pick a color of this?! Can I preview each?" she'd grin brightly looking to the mirror striking poses both heroic... and some not fit for a pure heroine at all! "Can you do it um... black and yellow? Or maybe dark green?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke heard Anna chuckle of the speakers in the room. "It wouldn't be a very good environmental suit if it washed off that easily. Once we get your harness fitted to the suit you can command it off with the neural interface. So I can make it any color you want or pattern even. Though you have to be quick about it. If you wait to long it will stay its boring black." Anna waited for Rikke to choose as three set of colored buttons appeared on the mirror. Each was labeled Primary, Secondary, Accents. There where lots of options to chose from and each set had a glowing button that blinked more. As Rikke tested out her options Anna spoke about the I.S. suit in great technical length. A topic which was sadly lost on the rogue. She did find out that her bathroom needs would be dealt with by the suit, the explanation of which was completely lost to her. It also monitored her vital signs and act as a medium for direct interface with any mechanized armor. It was highly resistant to stretching and damage but not invulnerable. In all other ways it should just feel like your skin. Still once her choices were made she was escorted to another room where Anna in a mask and white lab coat with gloves and even small booties came up to her with a metal looking chest peace. "Okay Rikke this is your harness it will let you remove your suit and put it back on. It will also set all the data for your suit so once its on that is it. You would need a new one if you want to change anything. So are you set?" Looking over the harness would really just looked like a future world breastplate Rikke nodded. The harness opened up in a clam shell manner and Anna lifted it over her head so it rested on her shoulders. Bringing up a control she pressed a few buttons causing the thing to shift to a perfect fit on the rogue. She could feel her suit bonding with harness and a small jolt went threw her body. "Sorry about that Rikke but that part is best left as a surprise. You won't believe how many people freak out about that. Now that in place lets just put these on." Reaching out Anna placed two small devices next to Rikke's temples. "There the neural interface is up. If you want out of your suit just think about removing it."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While the rogue certainly didn't seem to rush her choice, she'd soon enough made her choices "Okay!... this... this and~.... this." the blakc suit would shift as numerous yellow streaks and designs appearing on her armor, couple with orange flairs. In the end the main body of the suit remained black, it's secondary color that of orange and the few subtle accents being dark orange colored "Whatcha think?" Rikke smiled to Anna brightly who'd only give an approving nod, before setting up the second part of the strange bodysuit.

Somehow the girls suspected she didn't want to know all the details on how this suit worked "Just... this isn't going to leave a mark or someresidual effects... is it?" Rikke looked to Anna hopefully and just as hopefully getting the answer she wished - she'd be virtually unmarred or touched by the suit or it's additions.

The last part of the suit seemed to be some sort of transparent glasses "Hey this is just like the one in the Deathcan. Only much more smaller and comfy." she'd smile fixing the glasses to fit her just~ right.

Overall at the very least the rogues quite generous bust was covered, though her lower body was most certainly on quite the full display... not that the rogue was bothered too much. The suit itself fit her like a perfect glove! "Jess would so love to see this." Rikke giggled looking over herself, before turning to Anna "As for the armor, this is fine. I'd rather not get hit than rely on plates." if this wasn't what would protect the rogue from attacks no doubt just like the harness, there would be plenty of plate additions to this thing... plate additions that Rikke would refuse objectively.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Armor?" Anna raised an eyebrow. "There are no armored plates that would interfere with the connection. Also just to put your mind at ease you will not be harmed by the suit in anyway. Now do me a favor and try to remove your suit. Just think about taking it off its that simple." Doing as she asked Rikke felt the cool air touch her skin. Looking down she could see the I.S. begin to receded up her body into the harness exposing her to the cool room. Eventually ever bit of the suit disappeared. "Good its working properly. Now think about putting it back on." Doing such Rikke felt her I.S. slowly coat her body starting out the plan black color before finally coating her completely and adopting the choices she had made. "Excellent you are all set! Janet will take it from here." With that Anna ushered her out of the room to where Janet awaited her with a smile. "Oh nice I never could decided on a color I liked so I just went with straight black as you see. Now Rikke you won't have to much. Ill be flying the Widow the most you might have to do is use weapons. Well take a few practice shots on the range before we leave so you can get used to it. Other than that the Widow is still being prepped so you have time to get used to moving in your I.S.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to her 'uniform' curiously, all the while keeping a smile "Huh... so it's like Sylphie only it works like an armor?" admitedly where Sylphie had a genuine warmth to her, this piece of technology was nothing short of cold and lifeless, nothing more than a tool.

"I think I got it." she'd smile to Anna "Putting it through it's paces sounds like a plan..." Rikke smiled with a hint of pride "I can be a bit more agile and speedy than most people." still giving Anna a hug and a thanks the rogue would move onwards and seek out where the training area was. Only to be met by Janet.

"Whatcha think?" Rikke smiled and spun around "Mhm~ The bright yellow looks amazing. I love how the goo creates paterns as well." she'd listen out to Janets brief explanation of whats to come "So... why couldn't I do that in my normal clothes?" the explanation was more than likely either shrugged off or techno-bable the rogue could only blankly note "Well might as well give it a shot. Lead the way."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet stared blankly at Rikke a moment before smiling. "You'll see once your inside. Still its not ready yet .. though... we could put you in a simulation. Of course its nothing like the real thing." Janet paused a moment thinking. "OH! I know just the thing. Come on Rikke follow me." Janet would lead Rikke to another part of the hanger where large armored suits hung on a very heavy duty rack. "We got these in to increase combat capability. They are the next generation of infantry battle armor. Though in practice they are to hard to maintain with the facilities on hand. We only use them for special missions, but they are I.S. compatible so you can at lest feel what its going to be like even if its on a smaller scale. Ill help you in and don't worry this is only for a test."

Helping Rikke in to the (the 3rd one is the best fit) Janet smiled at her. Of course everything felt stiff and hard to move reinforcing Rikke's distaste of all things heavy armor. Once she was inside Janet put the full face helmet over her head enclosing her in darkness. For a moment all she could hear was her breath but then a slight humm started and her visor blinked to life revealing Janet watching Rikke a moment. "You okay in there? Don't worry once the systems kick in you can move." Almost if on cue Rikke felt the armor almost soften as its stiff joins where suddenly free. Of things to note Rikke didn't seem to feel the weight of the armor at all. Looking about Rikke saw small target squares pop up around Janet and other objects. Once they locked on a voice similar to Ida's spoke. "Target Human Female, Weapons none, Threat level null." Turning her head Rikke locked into the death can. "Target Main Battle Tank, Weapons Constrated Energy Charge Auto Cannon, Multiple Launch Defense Missiles, Two 50 Caliber Machine Gun, Status Disabled, Threat Null" After the shock of that Rikke heard Janet speak. "Okay Rikke grab this can for me." Doing so Rkke felt the can even threw the armored glove. "Feel that? Good thats part of what the I.S. dose. It helps you stay in concert with your environment." Turning to a weapon rack Janet grabbed a pistol and turned it towards Rikke. "Fire in the hole!" Just as Janet spoke Ida spoke as well. "Threat level Min" A heart beat later Janet opened fire the sound of the gun shots muffled by the armor as well as the flash from the barrel. Rikke felt a few thuds against the armor which seemed to translate into some one poking her with their finger really hard. "Clear!" Putting the gun away Janet turned to Rikke. Thats how an I.S. works"
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What are they?" honestly they looked like heavy armor, except the designs favored curves plates of sorts? Not to mention for gods knows what reason they had numerous lights along its design "I'm not sure. They look bulky... can you even move in this darn thing." Janet would only smirk knowingly and prime the armor for equiping "One way to find out."

While not particulary keen on cladding herself in steel, the rogue had nothing to lose "Alright, I guess I'll try it on." still with the armors design the rogue would seem more akin to some sort of crazy battle-golem! If only for that thought the heroine played along and stepped inside "What do I---" without her even finishing her question the armor quickly closed up and began to... hum?

"Janet?" the rogue would be stuck in the tin, briefly thinking maybe this was Janet and the others pulling a prank on her, only for suddenly the armor to relax!... and move with surprising swiftness? "Oh? Oooh~~~" Rikke would lean closer to Janet looking her over, the armor telling her what she saw and it's opinion on the danger?

The rogue would look to each fist inspecting it curiously, it felt almost like the armor fused with her. Every finger movement, every turn of her palm "Haa~~ The rogue would clench a fist and try to punch the air! The movement being far speedier than the bulking armor seemed to hit "HYA!" she'd keep her brief shadow boxing going, before trying to go for a kick! This time tho the rogue delved into her abnormal speed, making the attack that extra bit faster than usual, instantly causing the armor joints to tighten and creek under pressure!

In addition this unfortunately this had the misfortune of connecting to the rack of armors, sending one of the unmanned ones flying away in a cloud of debris! "Eep!" the armor would place one hand near the bottom of it's helm as if the rogue was covering her mouth sheepishly and turned to Janet, who was absolutely none too pleased at the events "Y-Yeah. Anyway try picking up this can." she'd offer the small can... honestly with the rogue feeling the armor out so well right now, the gentle act was surprisingly easy "Oh~ So its not necessarily fat-fingered." not to mention Rikke clearly felt her kick connect and even the can "So this goo makes temporally merge with the armor... ha~ That's amazing!!"

The rogue smiled brightly only for... Janet to pull out a gun? "Eh?" Rikkes eyes widened as insticts kicked in, the heroines eyes flashed purple as she began her super human dodge--- only to feel the armor slow her down?! The joints seemingly just not able to move at the speed heroine was able to achieve!

The blue lights were quickly replaced by red as an alarm of all things began to beep INSIDE the armor, a bright 'Error' message beeping before the rogue, as the armor took the shots head-on!

Thankfully the attacks seemed to only tickle, the armor was more than a match to the shots and the red lights seemed to cease "What was that for?!" Rikke turned Janet for an explanation, who no doubt saw the suit just now lock up.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It was to show you that the armor is also protective despite how easy it is to move in. Though it seems you managed to lock your suit up if only for a moment." Janet frowned as she helped the rogue get out of the gear. "Anna is not going to be happy with what you did to the other suit though. Still it might get her away from that relic. Did you know she used to command one of those things? I never saw the draw myself they just seem so clunky." Janet was buys helping Rikke out when she spoke up again. "You commanded one for a moment what was it like. I've asked Anna but she just gets so teared up when you bring the subject up. I think the first generation of the neural interface must have scared her or something." Stopping a moment longer Janet put the suit up. "Ya know if we had the custom outfitter we could probably make one that fit your... unusual abilities but sadly I don't have the 1.5 million dinar to do that."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh this thing would be amazing! If it wasn't so... bulky." Rikke smiled widely as she climbed out "I'm guessing these are what's considered 'armor' in your time eh?" before adding her thoughts on the deathcans the rogue inquired further about use of this 'Power armor'.

"Do they come in lighter versions?" she'd look to Janets answer hinting at fair interest, though if Janet showed her this armor likely anything further on the topic was unavailable or would have to wait. "Well it's a fun tool nevertheless." the rogue looked to the busted armor "I bet it can be used to help with quite a bit of heavy lifting as well... but..." the heroine faced the armor "You rely so much on the armor to show you stuff, that your instincts dull." she'd smile brightly to Janet "I could barely hear anything outside, so how am I supposed to prepare or anticipate the attack. And with all the blue cubes I could barely properly look with my own eyes." she'd nod lightly, giving her opionion... perhaps even unasked opinion on the armor "But it's really fun though..."

"As for the...er..." somehow calling it a 'Deathcan' seemed inappropriate "The armored vehicle. Well~ It's okay. It's speedy and tough to break apart, the weapons are insanely powerful as well." she'd snicker, before quickly dimming her mood "But... everyone cooped up in there. If something even a little bit goes wrong, everyone would die stuck in that cage."

Rikke looked up "I've had the 'Vytol' crash and that was far closer to death than I like to approach... and the worst part. Once it goes wrong, everyone inside is helpless." the heroine turned to the armor, she seemed to prefer to the machines "I don't like the 'Deathcan', nor am I going to fly a Vytol any time soon, Jan."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet heard what Rikke was saying and nodded. "Yeah I can see that but the battles we fight now are far more noisy and in inner city fighting especially at night you want to know what can get you. It actually saves lives or at lest that is the intent." Listening further about Rikke's crash Janet frowned. "Vitals are actually fairly safe. They are not meant for combat by any means. Still you all walked away. I had something that happened to me on my very first training mission. It wasn't as catastrophic but then again we where not shot down by an exploding animal. The transport Vital where where in had a power failure and all of us came crashing down in a marsh. Thankfully no one was hurt seriously. All the armor suits though where trashed. So you had a whole mess of pilots stuck in the muck grounded. Thankfully the small group of infantry that where with us kept us together. Took them a week to find us." Janet looked at Rikke and smiled. I guess what I'm trying to say is your experience was an extraordinary one.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I imagine if they had a habbit of crashing they'd not be used." the rogue smiled to Janet, before looking aside "I've seen battle and Ive seen failure, but the sense of utter helplessness when that thing was screaming and flying down. None of us could do anything, but brace for what could've been our deaths." Rikke turned to Janet "If... when my day comes, that's not how I wish to go. Not because some machine failed or a suit of armor locked up..."

The heroine looked to her hand "I'd rather hold my fate in my own hands, than let a machine failure decide it." she'd look to Janet and snicker "But~ I'm sure you test these things quite rigorously." seemingly looking to just change the topic the rogue continued "So I take it Willow will be a bit different than the Vytol." Rikke glanced down to her IS with a smile, hinting at its neccesity.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The Widow's life support system only works with an I.S. Its to prevent someone from just taking it or should the worst happen confiscating it from its fallen pilot. Thankfully we fly at very low altitude so if we do crash it won't be as catastrophic not to mention the Widow is far more sturdy than a Vital." Looking down the hanger Janet began to tie up her hair. "It should be ready come on." Heading down the large hanger Rikke saw several vitals in various states of repair. All looked badly damaged. Eventually they passed these and got to the mechanized armor. They where easily on par with the brutes for height standing two or three stories if she had to guess. Six service stations stood at the end of this hall with four occupied. One was clearly Janet's her call sign written in bold black letters. Two others belonged to Cassandra and Mary their call signs written in the same manner as Janet's. Walking buy the Rikke read off the names. Knight, Lancer, Cowgirl, Amazon, Guardian, and Widow. Looking at this suit it wasn't . "Makes the other look fairly antiquated right. Shes experimental and only I have been cleared for primary functions." Janet looked to Rikke trying to gauge what she thought about their ride.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke walked through the golem construction building, each one towering more menacing and seemingly more bulky than the last "Wow... so this is how you fight in these times?" the rogue turned to Janet with a smile "Huge golems, heavy armors and mobile cannon platforms." the heroine paused briefly "Oh and even bigger mounted weapons." she'd snicker lightly and shake her head "Sure makes horses and blades seem simple doesn't it."

The rogue had seen the golems in battle when they rode their 'Deathcan' or mobile cannon in. To think these lumbering giants were as mobile as they were was just an absolutely horrifying thought "I've seen some big armors and even bigger armor Demon knights, but one of these could smush them..." the rogues gaze lingered briefly on the 6 golems she partly recognised only to turn around and see their 'ride'.

Rikkes eyes widened as she look on to the sharp edges, smooth surfaces and a much more humanoid figure of the giant battle armor "By the godess...." she'd closer her jaw almost agape, where the others seemed like bulky mountains this one seemed... significantly different "Thats one scary looking golem..." Rikke could only blink as the realisation hit her "WAIT! We're going to control one of these?!" for someone so sceptical just moments ago, seeing the quite frankly deadly looking towering armor quickly flipped the girls opinion.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet smiled as Rikke's eyes grew to the size of saucer plates. "Uh huh its a real treat even Rhea hasn't gotten a ride in it yet. Come on lets get in and get ya seated." Pulling Rikke along Janet led her up a series of stairs that ended in a protrusion in the chest. "Okay Rikke the front seat is yours and Ill be in the back." Turning around real quick Janet pulled a helmet off the rack. "Sorry that it dosn't match the rest of your suit but if this takes longer we can get one made for you easy enough." Putting it over her head Rikke felt her I.S. creep up to the helmet which suddenly lit up. "Seal complete twenty minutes of life support left. Near her ears she head Janet's voice. "Okay all sealed? Good now step into your seat. The Widow G.U.I. is voice compatible so you can adjust it and customize it how you will. Ill get preflight started." Sitting in her seat Rikke was quickly followed by Janet. Once both where in the compartment slid shut bathing them in darkness for the moment. Eventually things began to light up as her visor displayed the outside hanger as if she where seeing it herself. Little targeting squares popped up on any thing she looked at for longer than a second. She also noticed the countdown for her life support had vanished.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that was a series of jargon and technobabble... even if the rogue was in the world for quite some time, she still struggled to sometimes understand a word said "Um.. okay!" the rogue smiled sheepishly just followed Janets lead not doing anything out of the ordinary "Hey, if there's two of us how will we control the golem?" the rogue looked up to where Janet should sitting curiously, as slowly but surely the golem came alive.

"Ah~ So it's just like the mobile cannon." Rikke smiled at the familiar cubes and display before her, though an explanation what she was to do or not to do more than likely would've been helpful.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Moblie cannon... OH! Candace I got ya. Yes just like the targeting on Candace. Now if want to limit the targets just say Command limit target selection, and then say how many you want to see. Now I will pilot Widow you will have control of the built in weapons. But~ just for fun I might let you take control during your gunnery practice. Ya ready?" Giving her conformation Rikke felt Widow begin to move. For the most part it felt like she was riding along obviously a passenger. Still from this height everything was so tiny even the death can looked like a toy to her. Still as they moved rather gracefully she found the armored suit to not be as clunky as she thought. Heading out side her vision moved from the various things around her though she did not that Death can outside registered as a Deadly threat. Moving further around the compound they came to a long flat area with targets. "Okay Rikke Im giving you primary control so be ready its going to be.... weird alright. Just remember how you felt in the armor." After a moment a voice rang out letting her know the transfer was complete and suddenly she could feel the ground under her feet. The wind blew and she could feel that too. It had to me the most surreal feeling she had ever felt.