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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Try as she might some of the light just seeped through the girls fingers. The rogue growled subtly as she'd call out in her mind for the light to hide already!... and much to her surprise it did just that? Slowly the yellow white would grow more subtle and silvery, before turning into that akin to the moon.

Rikke would wave happily as Ella finally managed to see just who she was talking to "Hey.' she'd smile brightly and much to her surprise be recognised? Thankfully Ella did not hold a grudge against the girl, though she would bring back horrid memories of what took place just barely a few hours past...

"So~ Think it's about time we get out of here. m?" the rogue stood up and looked to Ella with a smile.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ella watched Rikke as she was finally able to close the cap. winced as the light touched her but blinked when no pain accompanied it. Now close to the girl Rikke could see that she was indeed as pale as the moon. She had long dark hair that seemed to spool around her. She wore a (Just picture the white as black and the black as a dark red or purple) dress and despite the tear tracks down her cheeks her face was unblemished.

"Whats the point. This place is a endless prison. Only light can shatter it." Taking Rikke's hand she stood up. "Its part of my powers that Victoria stole." Ella looked at Rikke with a sad smile. "At lest I have company this time." Casting her eyes down the girl looked at Rikke's feet. "How did that get here!?" Looking down herself Rikke spotted some more of the grass growing."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that was a tricky question... with a fairly simple an all-covering answer "Magic." Rikke giggled lightly and smiled to the girl "And I'm not planning to stay for long, people depend on me. I'm not going to let them down." she'd give Ella a confident look before continueing "As for the light, what did you think was blinding you so much." she'd glance down to the tabard now displaying the moon.

"We have light, silly. Just tell me what to do and all of us can get out of here."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ella just looked at her with a serious face. "Cute. But! Plants should not be able to grow here. This is a wasteland devoid of life. As for your magic item if it was as powerful as you said it was it would have set you free the moment you used it." Ella moved to touch the garment. Once her hand met the fabric she froze a moment causing Rikke some worry. Giving the girl a little shake she seemed to come back to it. "I-I see...." Ella looked at the tabard and chewed her lip before heading off in a direction. "We should get moving if just to prove there is no way out."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While it was well hidden, Rikke saw an unmistakeable spark in Ellas eye... the spark of hope "After you. Just... tell me when I need to amp up the lighting." she'd look around to the pitch black horizons around them "Incase the darkness grows angsty."

With a swift motion she'd beckon her companions to follow as they went onwards to wherever Ella lead them.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As they walked Ella slowed a moment to walk next to Rikke. "Tell me Rikke.... do you think Yenna loved me or was it.... just because... well because of what I am?" After getting her answer a slow tear trailed down her face. "I love her... really I do she is my angel." She didn't speak for a moment as they walked the endless darkness. "Do you think she found redemption after sacrificing her life?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Above all else, Rikke was just happy finally talk to someone from her own time. It felt like months almost a year since she had arrived to the strange future world. Even if she was surrounded by her friends, the strange culture had changed them to varying degrees. The Ella here however was exactly the same girl the rogue had always known.

Rikkes eyes would wander to the side as she smiled tenderly "Yenna... Her love was true, Ella. Who else would sacrifice so much, just to be able to stay near." she'd give her a smile "I do not know what Yenna has done throughout her dark times, but during the final hours she was not a fallen angel. Her feathers were pearly white, her attacks righteous and true..." Rikke turned to Ella "And her eyes were heavenly blue, the most beautiful blue I've ever seen. I don't think she did it for redemption, she just did what she felt was right."

"When the end came, Yenna was calm and happy. She had won that battle and it seemed finally found her inner peace." Rikkes gaze remained distant briefly as she recalled the grueling battle, a brief overwhelming sadness began to lightly nibble at the rogue, before she shook it off "She died a hero."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke spoke Ella began to cry lightly. Brushing them away after a moment she spoke. "I can get you out of here Rikke... the tabard showed me how. I just wanted to ask a few question before you left." Stopping she turned to Rikke and gave the girl a hug. Rikke could feel the emotion behind it and how warm and earnest it was. "Your a good person Rikke I'm glad that she was with you at her last." Stepping back she coughed and composed herself. "Now let me see the tabard. I used to be the mistress of this place I can enhance its powers enough to break the prison." Ella reached out a hand waiting for Rikke to hand it over. Once Rikke did so the girl would traces the faint outline of the sun before slipping it on. Suddenly it began to grow brighter and brighter with Ella lifting up into the air. The silver light replaced by the golden glow. Ella screamed out in pain as the changed happened but kept moving up into the air. Threw gritted teeth and a grimace she spoke. "Good bye Rikke.. thank you...... I'm going to see Yenna." With that Ella shot into the air the radiant light bursting into full on brightness banishing the darkness around them. Like shattered glass the darkness fell and evaporated. All around them the barren waste bloomed into a green field. As the light intensified Rikke lost sight of Ella and when she opened her eyes she was standing in an open field with Sir and Emi. Ella and the tabard were gone not a single trace remained off in the distance RIkke heard a scream and it wasn't Ella. "It seems the dark girl shattered the power her sister stole. It was a noble sacrifice. I hope she found peace." Emi bowed her head a moment before looking back up from where the scream came from. "Lets go Rikke there is more to be done."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would pause briefly as the request to remove the tabard came, though it was barely for a moment. This Ella meant her no harm. The rogue smiled to the dark girl and gave her a firm nod, before slipping out of the tabard. Just as before there seemed to be something on Ellas mind as she looked to the tabard, her gaze almost distant as she traced the outline of the clothing... before finally she'd look to Rikke and gave the heroine a weak sad smile?

It would be mere moments after Ella slipped the tabard on that the grand event began. Instantly the clothing roared to life as it's light grew empowered! Though unlike with Rikke, where it kept an even level this light grew more and more powerful. Moments later Ella would begin to slowly float upwards, the carefully detailed moon symbol on the tabard seemingly slowly setting and in it's place the bright sun would begin to creep upwards.

The borders and the centerpice would once more begin their slow swap, the silvery light strands slowly growing bolder and gold. Though Rikke couldn't see just as the sun dawned on the tabard, the solid black surface beneath Ella began to crack as blades of grass pierced the dark matter more and more, slowly but surely bursting out from the ground and spreading.

"Aaaah!!!" Ella cried out in pain, as finally the sun on the tabard fully dawned it's radiance expanding far beyond the few dozen feet it previously illuminated. The golden trails of light began to slink out from the tabard, extending through the darkness and far into the horizon.

Rikke would've dashed to somehow stop Ella or atleast do something... anything, but Emi had suddenly extended a hand before the heroine and gave her a silent look and nod. This had to happen... while her heart stung lightly, the rogue would cease her approach and look on to what would happen next.

Ellas raven black hair remained blow upwards, as sudden gusts of wind began to emit in waves from her. The previous gothic dress seemingly slowly enveloped by the growing golden radiance, the very same golden glow creeping up throughout Ellas body.

When the girl next turned to Rikke, there was no more tabard or dress... Ella had become a golden light feminine silhoulete, her light growing too bright for even Rikke to continue to onwards to. "Good bye Rikke... thank you..." the girls glowing eyes would turn to the distance as the very pitch black sky seemingly began to crack - huge golden gashes spread throughout it "I'm going to see Yenna now."

With those final words the light began to grew more and more intense, up until a gentle shockwave rushed out! The previously small patch of grass beneath Ella, surged outwards from her causing fresh flowers and grass to spring out knocking away the black stone from before as it dissipated into nothing! Roaring through the black matter as if a green wave!

As the event concluded Rikke felt a gentle warm breeze on her skin, she was now standing in a beautiful open field. The gentle grass blades caressing her boots, the flowers adding a calming incense and quite a fair few crickets echoing around her. The darkness and Ella was gone.

"Ella..." Rikke didn't quite know what just happened or it's significance, nor did she know where she ended up now. Though as the cry nearby rangout, the rogue knew that she was already needed elsewhere "Eh? A-aye! Let's go!" though she'd still be dazed from what just happened, Rikke would follow the call for aid without much pause. The final visage of Ella fresh in her mind.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke moved forward with a clear direction of intent she saw Sir wave his tiny hands up in the sky, before turning back and catching up with Rikke. For awhile the three of them walked in silence until they reached a jagged cliff. Here Rikke could see drifting in a yellow gold sky. Only then did she realize that she was on such an island herself. Some where large other small. Some had forests others were barren. Though as she looked she saw one was smoking with plumes of fire. This is were Emi looked, meanwhile Sir looked at it too and shook his head in a no and started to tremble.

Taking in the scene more RIkke saw a series of islands stream between the two masses though they where far to distant to jump. Thinking Rikke knew Sir and Emi could fly leaving her the only one grounded. It was clear that her next step was ahead she just needed to get there.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would lead the charge forward up to until they finally reached the mountain... except the mountain had no valley...? As the rogue drew closer and closer, her eyes would suddenly widen as she jolted to a sudden stop!

The huge object towered right before the rogue, but it was no mountain at all! As Rikkes gaze darted downwards she'd see the rocky terrain extend more and more only to end with jagged rocks aiming down... to the sky below? Rikke was speechless.

Infact, all around her only fluffy clouds could be seen occasionally adorned with smaller or even more plots of land! There was no doubt about it, she was on "A sky Island?!" the shock would quickly be replaced by absolute wonder, the breathtaking view seemed to ever so briefly shun all the girls worries or lingering thoughts. Though Rikke would have little time to bask in the wonderous view, as black fumes of fire spoiled it's grandoire.

No doubt that was where the scream came from, Rikke just needed to get there. The rogue had fair experience traversing floating rock stairways, she just needed to find a more 'natural' stairway to perhaps somehow reach her objective.

Look for floating rocks that can be used to skip-jump to the fire island
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perception 31 vs 40 fail

Rikke scanned all around her own island noting that while the skyscape had plenty of little land masses they were just to far to jump and far to heavy to move. Giving a light hrumph Rikke stopped to think about the situation maybe she had something to help her. Like rope or something.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue turned to Sir "Hum... let's see..." like it or not Rikke would quickly glance through her inventory once more making sure exactly what she still had. Unfortunately between the two blades, revolver and the necklace... nothing in particular stood out as useful. Especially for traversal or movement.

Without any clear path to it and no means to actually reach it, Rikke had to pause. No doubt someone called out to them, perhaps they should try to get their attention "Okay Frost, let's see how loud you are." she'd pick the weapon and after briefly inspecting it let loose a 2 shots "Over here!" somehow shooting the flames, even with a weapon donned frost seemed like a bad idea.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Pulling out frost Rikke let loose with two shots. Unlike her revolver Frost was clip fed and the two shots were almost instantaneous. This prompted Sir to panic and tug on her leg shaking his little gem from side to side. In the dirt he wrote out 21 and pointed to the weapon then scratched it out and replaced it with 19.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Don't worry Sir. I won't waste the shots." Rikke smiled and looked to the island, for no signs of life to appear "Guess I need to get up there afterall..." the heroine placed her hands on her hips and looked onwards to the towering floating island before her.

'Think... think...' Rikke encouraged herself, before looking to Sir "Let me take another look." these items had to be the key, just what did she not see. The rogue looked over her arsenal, these were all weapons and the necklace... Emi's blade would certainly not aid her. Janets blade however had a morphing ability, sure the rogue couldn't exactly do anything too crazy but...

Rikke picked up the blade and attempted to will it into a whip or hooks... heck could she even do it? As far as Rikke had seen Janet use the blade it was mainly to incraese it's size or decrease it, this was nothing like that!

If this did not work, Rikke would try putting on the necklace.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke took hold of the blade and felt the familiar warmth of the weapon. She had seen it many times in battle. Her friend trusted it with their lives and more importantly it was gift from the high priestess of Venus. Only then did Rikke finally notice how curiously shaped the grip and pommel were. Blushing at the priestesses pervy nature she giggled out loud realzing that Janet never noticed that feature. As her thoughts drifted to her Janet she heard an all to familiar voice echo in her head. Focusing on it Rikke seemingly traveled to a moment at a shared campfire. She remembered scene clearly it was during their trip threw the tower on one of their rare peaceful nights not attacked by demons or futa infection bugs. They were both laughing when Rikke heard her self ask about the blade. Janet looked up and smiled sending warmth into Rikke. "Its magic I can change its size from a two-hander or even a small dagger. Magic is a crazy thing right." Rikke heard herself reply though it was hard to make out what exactly she said. "Heh I'm not sure how big it can get but I wouldn't be surprised if it couldn't become bigger than that." Just like that Rikke was brought back by Emi speaking up. "Humm a sticky situation."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the pommel and willed it into a short pole "Sir... You can flight right?" she'd look to the construct and smile sheepishly "Um... be ready to bump me back if this goes wrong. I'd rather get bruised than fall off 'kay?" if Emi asked what the rogue was up to she'd just answer "I'm not sure." still while that didn't quite inspire confidence the rogue clearly had a plan.

Rikke would attempt to try and increase the pole length, before returning it back to normal. Then attempted to increase the poles length ever more and quickly reshape it into a pickaxe... hopefully or unfortunately the tests would work "Okay..."

The rogue back away a fair distance from the jump and prepared her pole pointing it forward. The poles length would rapidly begin to increase as Rikke dashed foward faster and faster, the pole increasing in length more and more up to until Rikke stabbed its front into the back near the very edge and was flung in a arch along with the pole!

All the while Rikke would attempt to increase it's length trying hoping it was enough to leap over the gap! If she lacked enough air the rogue would do exactly what she practiced before it would be too late with only the momentum carrying her she'd retract the pole and reshape it into a pickaxe, if she was flying into the rocky slope, or into a whip if she could use it to latch onto a tree on the islands top!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked at the weapon trying to will it into a different shape. After a moment of trying Rikke tried to make it longer. This seemed to have an effect as the blade began to grow larger and larger till it was almost to hard to handle properly. Though it still kept its distinct sword shape.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Unfortunately it seemed the sword had to keep quite a few of it's qualities. Seemed the blade would not change it's material, nor change it's class from a bladed weapon... while the plan failed, a sigh of relief escaped the rogue "Perhaps that's for the better..." though it was the only plan the girl managed to come up with.

However, while testing it's size manipulation Rikke found that it can indeed extend to fairly ludicrous degree... it was then it hit Rikke that while unyieldy it's weight didn't particulary change! Rikkes eyes widened "Hey! What about a sword bride?!" the heroine smiled to Emi, no doubt getting a sceptical eyebrow raise.

They had nothing else, Rikke would need to somehow attempt to extend the blade enough for them to be able to cross!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Emi indeed raised an eyebrow before shrugging. She had no other option's in mind either. Looking to Sir the little guy shrugged leaving Rikke to do as she would. Being as carefree as she Rikke wasn't careless and was soon testing out the prospects. With her first test completed Rikke found the enchanted weapon kept most of its strength though the longer it got the more wobbly the crossing would be. Thankfully Rikke was agile and was the only one that needed to cross. Satisfied with the tests Rikke moved to the first floating mini island and used the blade. It was a short gap maybe 10 feet. Being to Risky to jump but with the weapon she could bridge it. Setting it up Rikke used the magic in the blade to extend it to the island. Satisfied with the length and stability Rikke crossed the wobbling bridge. It was a heart wrenching affair as Rikke moved across the sword bending slightly but staying strong enough for Rikke to make it across. Once on the other side and letting her heart calm down Rikke would fetch the blade. It would be a nerve wracking trip full of heart stopping moments and stomach sinking fears but each time she made it safely across. Finally after crossing about a dozen smaller island Rikke had reached the fire spewing one. Looking at it Rikke could see that the land was blasted and dry. Cracks ran over most of the surface and the heat wilted the grass on her current island. It wouldn't take long if she crossed for her to succumb to the heat.