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ACT Loli [チェリーポイ] Zurine Adventure (RJ080121, RJ081110, RJ085589)

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Re: Zurine Adventure

You can't. The pictures are drawn like that.
There's a partial translation for the Zurine game.

Noooo. That sucks so bad...fuck man! If i were an artist or something, i'd make stuff like this everyday...
Re: Zurine Adventure

I don't remember there being a partial translation, I'm interested in it too if the poster would care to share.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Translation was mentioned on some infamous board, but only screenshots of it though there's been recently a thread in the "otaku" board about it with a link.
Re: Zurine Adventure

So you're saying it's not really all that legit yet?

Well thats okay.

I can only imagine what sort of funny engerish we'll be reading.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Don't worry, if I recall correctly the games 'adventure' games didn't have much of a storyline, just text that told you how to play the game efficiently.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Still would be nice as it would add a level of depth. Sure not alot, but it would possibly make the game a more enjoyable experience.

On other note, it appears that a sprite sheet for the girl in the previous picture is now availuble, complete with a naked mode. I think its safe to say this is the new character.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Actually that sprite sheet has been there since the first picture got posted. Guess you must have missed it.
Re: Zurine Adventure

I really hope he releases that experimental game. Or incorporates the assets into another game. I want to play with that older girl. That pose where she's got her arm up is very alluring. Seems like a fun girl.
Re: Zurine Adventure

jeez, when is this guy gonna update and stop stringing us along...by the way, anyone know all of the combinations for the girls to get raped?
Re: Zurine Adventure

what happen with megaupload site ?:eek:
Re: Zurine Adventure

So...we got a new picture...thats the big update...nice...:mad:
Re: Zurine Adventure

Do you see the arrows pointing at each character? They are curved into a loop.

Cherry Point is FUCKING crazy.
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