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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire stayed close to Eve, and happened to catch her words. "When we're done here you can go hunting to your hearts desire," Claire said, feeling a predatory like tug in her mind, wanting to run off and hunt.

No... first she had to deal with this. Help the sheriff, make sure her name was clear... and play a bit in the fucking politics.

"What's the damn note say?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River shrugs. "Anarchs aren't usually a problem. They're an 'unlive and let unlive' kinda bunch. Problem is, they'll usually chat with anyone, Flights took advantage of that." She explains casually, pulling out a cell phone and typing on it for a bit.

"So, trading boons with Vincent there? I assume you didn't approach him about anything, so what was he after?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch shrugs and peeks into the direction Vincent left to. "He asked me to use my garage. Wanted to give me a trivial one, but I talked him up to a minor. Minor boon," he quickly adds.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The note is rolled like parchment and held together by a thin piece of leather wrapped around it. The message appears to have been jotted rather quickly though the script is still beautiful, so beautiful that Eve can feel herself getting lost in its beauty. The message itself is rather simple and says that if they are smart they will be able to find the villain they seek.

((Eve is lost in her weakness))

Bubba stops sniffing around after the cat and comes to lay beside Fletch near the wall. Vincent returns from the junkyard area and stands looking up at the roof for a minute from beside his car before finally asking.

"Did your visitor hint at all as to why he was interested in me and did you happen to recognize the anarch who was involved?"

Bubba still doesn't seem to like Vincent and growls in his direction as Vincent asks them about Fletch's visitor. Vincent looks down at the dog for a moment before returning his gaze to Fletch and River.

It takes them a while to make it over the two blocks to Lucky's home as they are still making sure to be careful. Finally they make it to one of the more rundown apartments in the area where Lucky hurries down a really dark alley excitedly.

"Yay this is it, this is it. Come on."

Once down the alley he moves a stack of cardboard from against the wall revealing a loose grate which he points to smiling.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve stood dazed, staring at the glory of the beautiful message. She ignored Claire's words and just kept staring, a faint smile on her face.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River shrugged, staying in her seated position. "Called you nosy, said you two had a history together. Didn't recognize the Anarch, but he's been around long enough to collect a mortal posse, so he's not new. Said he'd only been dealing with Flights for a week or so, however. So either he isnt from around here, or he's been keeping to himself for quite a while." She explained. "From the flights, i'd guess he was one of your own, or at least someone you'd like very much to take care of. Any chance you guys may have missed one when you cleaned out the Sabbat back when? I wasn't around for that, but I heard a bunch of grumbles about it."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"The fuck?" Claire said, irritation thick in her voice as she pulled the note from Eve's hands and looked over it quickly.

"If we're smart? Come on, there are plenty of fucking vampires that want me dead at this point. Jack you might want to see this," Claire said, keeping the note away from Eve and walking over to the sheriff.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Izzy eyes the grate a little dubiously, not quite expecting to get a full on invitation to the Nosferatu's haven, or this close to it. Before she decides to follow him any further, she lets out a bit of a chuckle. "Let me check in with Ray, first, all right? He tends to get a little twitchy when I go off with strange men for long periods of time." The way she says it, it's "unfamiliar" strange, not "demeanor" strange. Given, though, that she doesn't quite know what he's up to, she sends him a text, asking him to call her.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"I think he said he's neither Sabbat nor Camarilla, but that doesn't have to mean anything," Fletch grumbles. "And... I think he may have wanted us to get you here, or to relay the message he's still around. He said something about me having served my purpose before he forced me to run."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve blinked as the note was ripped from her fingers. She blinked, confused for a minute before rubbing her eyes. "What just happened?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve is left holding the thin strip of leather that was wrapped around the note as she comes out of the stupor. Looking at it she notices letters going across it as though it were a message, though what the message could be is beyond her as it doesn't form any words.

Meanwhile Jack turns around as Claire walks over towards him and takes the note as she holds it out. After reading the note with an amused look on his face he hands it back with a shrug before saying.

"Strange but it doesn't surprise me. Sounds like whoever it is you drew the attention of has a flair for the dramatic."

Turning for a second he nods to the two police officers who busy themselves around the campsite as if to make it look like a random attack. While the officers busy themselves with the task of making the attack look like an act of random violence. Jack nods his head toward the parking lot and waits for Claire and Eve to follow them while they talk.

"All right here's the deal if you want to take it. We'll get this all covered up to look like a random biker attack. Neither of you will get mentioned at all by me if someone asks. That should allow you some time to figure out who's out to get you in trouble and deal with them. Now I'm going to have to call in a boon from someone else to keep this a random attack. So hopefully the 2 of you are willing to give me a boon in return for the favor. Otherwise you'll be dealing with others paying to much attention to what you're doing while trying to track this guy."

Vincent listens to them explain the details of their encounter with Flights before speaking again a hint of disgust in his voice as he mentions the anarchs.

"Bah anarch, they do nothing of use and allow all sorts of riffraff to sneak into the domain. Perhaps now the prince will listen to my pleas to drive them from the city. Whichever of the other clans this fool has come from will most assuredly be taken care of by me. Now since he hasn't stuck around to converse with me personally I will leave you to your own devices for the rest of the evening. I have even more business to attend to with this fool now and you will only hinder my investigations. Good night."

With that said he doesn't await a response and jumps back into his car to leave. His car turns around and as he starts heading back towards the north side of town River notices a movement on the roof of Vincent's car as the cat crouches down as if to hold onto the moving car.

Fletch goes to run his hands through his beard and finally notices that he must have grabbed something from the kindred when he was forced to pull his talons out so quickly. A thin chain with a watch attached to it, hardly any weight to it all which explains why he just now noticed it. The watch looks rather old as he examines the outside of it.

Lucky doesn't seem to mind that Izzy wants to check in with Ray and instead busies himself by checking around the alley while she does so. He seems much more relaxed now that they are back and after he finishes checking the alley out goes and sits on an old rather disgusting looking couch towards the back to finish waiting.

Izzy finishes texting Raven and after closing the phone takes a look around the alleyway while she waits. It actually seems like a pretty safe place for the nosferatu to hangout as the only way into the alley beside the entrance down the street is a single dark window that sits half open.

A few seconds later her phone rings, answering it she hears Raven's worried voice say.

"I-Izzy where are you. I-I lost you after that parking lot with the guy's you had to chase off. I-Is everything okay?"
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Well, proof that he'd been following her, even if she hadn't seen him. "I'm fine. A little bluster and the two of them let me on my way. We're outside of Lucky's haven, I think." She paces while she talks, keeping an eye on the mouth of the alley. "He wants me to head in with him, but I wasn't about to head off without checking in. Where are you right now?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Heh, fuck you too, Soot Suit." River says once the car had turned a corner and vanished from sight. Then she sighed, and reached up to tap her earpeice again. "You got a minute? Let our great and Feared Scourge know the cat I mentioned is sitting on top of his car. He'll know what I'm talking about. Yep, uh-huh, thanks." She says into it, then flips her hair back in front of it and turns to Fletch. "So, got anything planned for the rest of the night? Do you play video games?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Do I play-" Fletch gives River a weird look. "Whatever happened to 'go out and play`?" He pockets the watch for now and gets up. "I was going to get back to work, but after all that excitement I'd rather grab a snack."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

For just a moment, Claire looked at Jack, a hint of frustration in her eyes.

"Fine. A minor boon," she said after a moment of silence and looked over towards Eve.

"Well whoever it is, they're pissed at Eve too. I don't know if that shortens the list of suspects, or greatly expands it," she muttered quietly, trying to think.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve shook her head. "Give me a minute. Mind if I call someone before I make a decision?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Raising an eyebrow Claire looks over at the other woman.

"A phonecall? To who? You do realize we're trying to be subtle and telling your prissy friends that you're involved in an attempted breach of the masquerade may not be the wisest choice,"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve shook her head, not willing to explain any further.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Jack nods at Eve's request with a smile as though he's pretty sure of who she's calling and turns his attention to the motorcycle he had been riding. He grabs a few things from the saddlebags on it and kicks the bike over, which he then proceeds to smash a little with his boots. Holding up a similar vest to the one Claire had seen the other night with a smile he says.

"Now I'm glad I held on to this through the years, should be just enough to get this whole thing blamed on some local kids running afoul of a motorcycle gang. Anyways that should do just fine for me, and be careful when you go after whoever did this. Nobody's going to care if you go after the one who did it unless your sloppy and then it causes problems."

River hears Cody answer with a quick, "Roger that." Leaving her and Fletch to decide what to do with the rest of their evening now that all the excitement is over. Bubba rolls over on his side like the lazy useless mutt he is.

"I'm somewhere in the trees, after the parking lot. I kind of had to take a more indirect way after the parking lot. Since those guy's you confronted were paying a lot more attention after you went through. I can see a gas station that's been closed down for the night from where I'm at if it helps any."

Izzy hears Raven say over the phone as she watches the alleyway entrance. The street is clear beyond though she does notice that Ronny's car from the previous evening is parked near the entrance of the alley.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River chuckled. "You saw my version of 'go out and play' last night at the farmhouse, and I spend most of my nights doing something along those lines. My original plan tonight was to hang around my house and do nothing, until that Anarch made a phone call and I Ran over here to give you a hand. Video games keep me entertained more than movies do, so that's what I do when I'm at home." She explained, ending with a shrug and standing up.

"I could use a bit of a drink myself, but I think I'll pass, i have some on ice at home. Have fun!" She says, and starts off down the driveway and back towards downtown.