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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Nothing wrong with catch and release. Chinta said plainly, before expanding on what he meant. If you really mean to help his family, then what's wrong with helping him, and then being the better person and letting them go, or bringing them with and watching over them. Seems they're all He really cares about. he said, leaning over so he could set his head on her shoulder, kissing her. I know where the Unseelie city is. I've never been but I know where it is. Once we're done with the capitol I'll make sure we get there for you. I think you'll find it to your liking.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine wraps her arms around Chinta. "We'll see. His family I don't know that I care about. But Dillian I think I'll keep." Wrapping her tails around Chinta, Christine starts dozing off as well.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

If you want to keep him then just make sure his family is safe and you'll have more then just a collar around his throat. Chinta answered, falling asleep, the two wrapped around eachother.

They woke up to find Dillian with his crossbow back in his hands, as well as his bolts. His knife was back in it's sheeth, and he was running his fingers over the collar slowly, his cross in his hand seeming to be thinking about something. The cross itself had it's own scent, and not of metal. But feathers and incense. It was odd. He didn't seem to be trying to escape, more lost in thought about a lot of things. But he'd set his gold out in front of the pair, a fairly heavy sack of the stuff.

Morning you two. he said simply, still staying in his own thoughts.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine yawns as she sits up. "Good morning." Noticing the gold, she picks up the bag, trying to weight it in her hand and finding that it weights a lot more than she expected. Of course, it is gold and rather pure as well, I suppose. Strange, really, but the money didn't really interest her much. Handing the pouch to Chinta, she goes to get a drink of water and wonders if she should hunt for a breakfast.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian didn't offer to help immediately, and nodded when Christine handed the gold off, not wanting to carry the weight herself. He rose easily when that was done, hefting the weapon, and surprisingly, Chinta didn't look quite man enough to demand the weaponry back. Whatever Christine decided, it seemed Dillian was already boiling water for something with the fire rekindled and waiting for either the party to keep traveling, or a command, not offering his opinion currently, seeming to have decided something.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Well, I'm going to get myself some breakfast. Do you want anything?" Christine says, directing the question to Dillian before turning into a fox and slipping into the woods.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Rabbit. Dillian answered stiffly after a moment, before Christine shifted and ran off. Dillian would remain where he was stiffly and while Christine hunted, she'd find as always that her nose made her the terror of the forest for small game.

There were other turtles nearby, having the unique scent of their own that was tricky to track, but rewarding, as the slow but shelled creatures couldn't outrun her in any sense. Rabbit as always was in abundance, as were several deer roaming about, but the size of the buck's antlers gave her some pause. Many were young, but the herd leader for the small group was not. Grizzled, seasoned, and sporting 14 points on his rack.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine contemplates trying to catch herself a deer, but decides against it. If Dillian wanted a rabbit, he'd get a rabbit. Being sure to stay downwind of her mark, Christine starts hunting a rabbit.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Rabbit as always is crafty, but Christine proves that the basics of hunting are all you need for small prey. Bursting out of the brush, a bite and a quick snap is all she needs to break one's spine, two more nearby quickly follow as the first doesn't even manage to utter a squeal of terror. A trio of the small but tasty rodents dead and ready to eat, or cook and eat. Whatever she and Dillian preferred, probably cooked.

When she returns, she finds Chinta there glowering as always at Dillian, who glowers back, a small cloth sack filled with walnuts he's cracking and eating.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Carrying the three rabbits in her hands, Christine stops on her tracks as she senses the mood in the camp... and then lets out a sigh and goes in anyway. "What now?"
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Don't like him Don't like him the pair says in unison, being typical males, that is to say acting somewhat like children, while Christine came in with the rabbits. Chinta shut his face and continued eating walnuts, and Dillian held out a hand for a rabbit while he stoked up the fire, he'd already sharpened several sticks for spits.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Men!" Christine says and sits down next to Dillion before putting the rabbits to roast on the spits, making sure to turn them occasionally so they'd cook more evenly.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian easily cleaned the rabbits and handed them to her without hesitation while she spitted and cooked them, chinta blushing at her statement and continuing to ignore Dillian entirely.

The rabbits cooked quickly enough and Dillian actually muttered a soft Thank you. as he took one, and started to eat, handing her a small knife, folding, obviously expensive and useful, but beyond his current needs so she'd have something to use. The blade itself was wide and curved heavily. Useful for skinning or anything else she could really think of, the handle made of rosewood and ivory and the blade high quality steel and razor sharp. Everyone needs the basic tools. he muttered as he took a bite and sighed softly as he enjoyed it. Chinta didn't eat meat, but eventually he scooted a pile of open nuts and some blueberries over to the pair.

So what's the plan you two? Dillian asked tentatively, curious as to what Christine was actually thinking since she had control of his life at the moment.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine gives Dillian a smile as he demonstrates his capability for basic manners. "Thank you." she replies in return when he gives her a knife. "I'll be sure to take good care of it." Putting the knife into a pocket, she digs into a rabbit, eating a good chunk more than a woman of her size normally would, as had become her habit in the last few days. "First we get to the capital, then we do a bit of sightseeing, as much as we can safely. After that, we'll see about taking care of your family. When they're taken care of, we'll head to see the unseelie court."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian didn't say anything to that, though his face showed his gratitude that she had planned to help his family after all. It would be harder for him to blend in with the collar, but she was certain he'd be fine. What would be trickier would be avoiding the church in their center of power in this region. When she mentioned the Unseelie, she gave him a little pause, but he didn't question, simply cautioned.

The Unseelie are less trusting and more violent then they used to be... If you've never been then you'll have to be careful, even you. It goes without saying humans would be at risk. he said, eating his fill and taking a few of the berries. But it was Christine's call when they moved on. Chinta followed her lead and Dillian was her slave.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Shall we get going?" Without waiting for an answer, Christine gets up, packaging the remaining meat and nuts to eat in the evening as best as she can, using one of the rabbitskins if nothing else came handy.
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Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Chinta gave up the small pouch to put the nuts in and both rose easily as they resumed their travel through the woods. Christine was feeling something odd in the currents, in the magic as she passed by a fairy circle, picking it out easily now. It was tinged with emotions she knew well. Seemed Helena was enjoying herself.

What far-reaching effects that could have were not her immediate concern however and they continued on. The day passed uneventfully, as did the evening hunt, Christine for once turning up empty handed and Dillian handing out Jerky for everyone though Chinta scoffed at it.

She'd get no peace if she couldn't get them to get along.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

After she finishes eating, Christine sits down next Dillian, leaning her head against his shoulder just to see how he would react.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian tenses as she lays her head on him, but doesn't push her away, a slight blush creeping into his face. So he had found her attractive as well. It must have been odd for him now, the hunter claimed by the hunted. His mind was spinning, she'd have no real issues, and the collar would ensure it even if he did. Chinta popped an eyebrow at her, before looking away and snorting.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Jealous?" Christine asks Chinta before nuzzling against Dillian's neck and wriggling to press more of herself against him.