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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian's current reaction seemed to suit her read of him. And givin his profession before it fit his character. He Served, and he served well Whether it was his family, the church, or now her.

Heading out to hunt, Christine did find better luck this time. She took a young deer without any trouble whatsoever, the meat tender and sweet while it's fellow tore away from the sudden cry of it's death, all of them having been laying in the grass still dozing. The buck was nowhere to be found and prey animals were easy to read. The Smell of Blood and Predator scared them all off. There was easily 40 pounds of meat here. Whether she brought it back herself, ate some first, or got Dillian to help her was up to her. But the man was a Hunter. Bleeding and Cleaning would be easy for him.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Finding prey was easy, and taking it down no more difficult. Moving with the swiftness of a cold breeze in winter day, the kitsune tears out the throat of a young deer, almost laughing with delight as its companions flee in panic. Feeling pretty good about herself right now, she returns to her own shape - it was already starting to feel more like herself than the weak human she used to be - and with some difficulty, hefts the carcass over her shoulders, heading back to the campsite. She might prefer the bloody meat of a fresh kill, but it wouldn't hurt to be polite and besides, he hadn't gotten breakfast yet either.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian pops an eyebrow when Christine brings in a deer, young or not, but doesn't waste any time while Chinta has birded off to eat veggies. Getting some rope from his belt, thin silk line, he strings the deer up, bleeds it, and starts to clean it with an efficiency that spoke of his experience. Not a shake of his hand or even his expression as he turned carcass into usable meat. There's some salt in my front pouch there for what we don't eat. If you wouldn't mind just... Reaching down to get it while I get the heart out. he said, not meaning anything by it as he focused on removing the heart flawlessly from the kill, Christine's stomach gnawing at her at the sight of the muscle.

When we reach a village we should pick up a pack. Until then we can just cook a good amount of it and wrap it. he said softly as he worked. Sell the hide too without much trouble. Clean kill, well done.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Smiling as she watches Dillian work his craft, Christine does as she's told and slips her hand into the hunter's front pouch to take the salt. Trying to ignore the complaints of her stomach for now, she steps back, waiting for Dillian to finish.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian takes the salt from her and opens the pouch with one hand before a large cut of muscle slides free from the deer, Dillian splitting it down the middle before sliding it onto a spit, salting it lightly, and setting it to cook along with it's twin, Breakfast now cooking, before turning to the rest of the meat and continuing to clean and salt as he went, soon having a good sized bundle of meat.

The heart he wrapped in leaves tightly, before setting it in the coals, turning it occassionally, the smell of that flavorful blood pumping muscle making Christine hungrier each time he turned it before he opened to reveal the prize of the kill and took a large fillet for himself, the rest of the meat salted and drying very slightly as he took the time to cook it all on the fire over the next couple hours and wrap it in fine cloth, before using thin silk cord to tie it off into a bundle which he stored away. The cloth turned out to be waxed and the scent of the meat he was carrying vanished as he tied off the last bundle, sighing happily as he took another bite. Nothing better then Venison... he murmured.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Sighing as she realizes that Dillian was going to do this the slow way, Christine curls up with her tails, idly drawing up snowflakes in the air until the heart was done cooking. When the heart is done, she claims her share of it, taking it on her bare hands and starting to nibble on it happily while she watches Dillian cook the rest, occasionally looking around to see if Chinta has returned.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Chinta didn't return quickly, so it turned out alright, and Dillian gave her the entire heart without any complaints at all, the best part of the kill given up freely to his new lord and master.

He was chewing on a piece of deer tush contentedly anyway and Chinta finally returned having eaten, flapping down onto her shoulder and cheeping as he nuzzled her cheek before shifting on the ground next to her. Bird cannot live on berries alone. I find many don't like to watch me eat bugs. he said, but only after she had finished eating, chuckling while he turned to Dillian. Wrong foot maybe. I worry about Christine... that's all. he said plainly, Dillian nodding and letting the issue between them rest. I can understand that. was all the answer Dillian offered, shrugging as he ate.

They could leave whenever.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

As Chinta returns, Christine reaches out to pat his shoulder. "You don't complain about me eating liver, I won't complain about you eating bugs." Lazily sitting up, she waits for Dillian to finish eating before making a round of the campsite to see if there were any tracks identifying them as something more than ordinary travelers. She then nods to Dillian. "Let's get going."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine finds it a bit odd that there are little foxprints leading to and from the fire, and they're easily rubbed out before she calls to leave and Dillian rises, wiping his face and stretching pleasantly.


The scenery changed slowly, gradually, from thick forest to edged clearing, and then farmland as something started to come into shape in the distance. They now had to move onto the highway or risk pissing off every farmer ever. That smudge is the empire. There's one more small village before we reach it tomorrow. We could press until we get there, it'd take a couple more hours. Or we could camp and enter the city at night tomorrow. Dillian said, pausing on the road as the sun sinks below the horizon.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine travels easily, not having much to carry and only distant worries right now. Then they arrive at the edge of the forest. Stopping to think for a few moments, Christine shrugs before replying to Dillian. "Let's press on. I don't really want to camp where some farmer might stumble upon us, and it might be nice to sleep in a bed once in a while."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

They make it to the satellite village in about 3 more hours, night solidly set in, only the roadside inn and tavern still open and the place sporting a closed marketplace, but only a few homes, everyone living on the surrounding farmsteads using this place as a spot to gather rather then an actual home.

Dillian just wanders into the tavern and smiles at the innkeeper, an older woman who smiles warmly at them. That's fine Dear. but how many rooms do you need? she asked, blinking her dishplate sized eyes behind half inch spectacles.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Two will be enough, thank you." Christine replies, smiling back at the woman. As fun as it would be, a lone woman bedding with two men would probably attract notice. If the men wanted to sneak into her room later, of course, she wouldn't mind too much. "As long as their room is close to mine. One can never be too careful, after all."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Of course. Never too careful the old woman said sweetly, patting Christine's arm before handing them keys to adjacent rooms. To which they could now go for soft warm beds. or bed. what have you, the boys wandering over to their own to drop off their gear whiel she got one to herself... for now.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Figuring that she probably wouldn't get warm dinner at this time of the night, Christine heads to her room as well, closing the door behind her. About to toss herself on the bed, she catches herself and takes off her boots first before sitting down. It would probably be for the best if she stayed in human shape even in her own room, just in case. Better too much paranoia than not enough. Stripping down, she curls up under the blankets, but it just wasn't the same without tails.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Then give up and just enjoy the tails. What's the worst that happens? You learn to lock your door? A voice, Helena's, suddenly says from the window, lounging against the wall, completely nude this time with an odd brass... Gun, of some kind resting on the sill.

Also Hi! I can read your mind. she said, sticking out her tongue. O! I FOUND FAIRIES!.... they hate you... she said excitedly, before deadpanning the last line.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"I only jarred one of them." Christine mutters before throwing a pillow at Helena. "Been busy, I take it?"
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Helena chuckles as she is bapped with the pillow, tossing it back and shrugging. Only a little. I tend to get in a lot more trouble a lot faster. But... Well, I felt a little obligated to make sure you made it a day or two without completely losing your mind. Second thoughts and stuff. That's all. As for anything I did? Well... I made this cool cloak out of those shadowy things, it's a little insistent and clumsy, but give me a week. She said conversationally, running a hand over the odd weapon on the windowsill.

I could be busier right now... But I wanted to check in. Choices... she said, grinning.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Sitting up properly, Christine lets the blanket fall and leans against the wall, regarding the succubus with a degree of wariness. "Well, since you decided to drop by and neither of us is busy right now, I do believe you promised me a lesson."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

You know what!? You're right! I did! Helena said, picking up the gun properly and leaning it on her shoulder, now seeming set fully on using it at some point. Net launcher, one of my favourite things. Especially when you get some of the more interesting things to load it with. Lesson first, then fun. She said, almost sadly setting it back down before approaching Christine.

Crawling onto the bed in the sexiest manner possible, hips swaying back and forth, Helena slid right up face to face with Christine and simply Kissed her, giving Christine just a little bit of a lusty burn to deal with in the process to make deepening that kiss a little easier, before Christine caught Helena's eyes, and in an instant, they were both standing...

There was really no way to fathom exactly where they were, but it was like standing over a yawning abyss looking at the twisting fabric of reality boiling around them, shifting like the northern lights in 360 degrees of color and sensation for them to gaze at, and it continued on as far as she could see in almost any direction, except for what Christine currently viewed as Straight Down.

Welcome to the Maelstrom. Helena said cheerfully, standing there with her in all her insane glory while her voice echoed a thousand times for no reason Christine could see. Helena was doing something with her finger, which was glowing ominously again just like before, drawing what looked very much like an equation in the air. Believe it or not, Magic follows complex but discernable laws and so does this place. Though it boils down to the question between Chaos and Order. Doing this the Right way, the Order way, the Angel way, takes too long to learn and is boring as fuck. Doing it MY way, the Demon way, the Protean way, means learning and truly understanding that Chaos is a fundamental and controllable force in the multiverse and can be harnessed. You can see why doing this the first few times drove to insanity, among other bad habits of mine. But you have about 50 years of world hopping before you hit that point, and another 50 to circle back around to sane, and you can do it all, with this... Helena said, trying to explain the in fucking explainable.

In the air in front of her was an equation, literally, using symbols and mathematical language that Christine had only seen through the windows of advanced physics classes in her University, and worse, some of them were constantly shifting as things changed, but the basic structure of the equation remained the same.

If I make this one a constant, instead of a variable... Like say, a specific thing I'm looking for, Time, Place, Distance, and even Universe become variable. If I force two constants, say a specific kind of person, say... an egg tester, AND a timeframe, the possibilities for the other variables skyrocket into the trillions of quadrillion possibilities for me to find. The more specific you try to be, the worse it becomes and the less likely you are to get what you actually want. But something very interesting happens when you do... This. Helena said, and suddenly every slot in the equation read, even to Christine, as Zero. Null Value, No specification. Chaos given full reign. The destination took on a symbol that pulsed. A Zodiac symbol. Plenty of names, one specific set of meanings. Libra, The Scales.

If I give everything up, and stop trying to travel, and simply aim above all else, to be anywhere at anytime for any reason. I get one destination. One certainty in all the chaos. I will wind up Here. In this place. The Maelstrom, the heart of the multiverse where the most chaotic forces in all of existence hold dominance. Not even Angels tread here. And from here? The rules lighten up. If you can gather enough power, to use this spell, and get to this place? You can actually determine, roughly mind you, this is the home of chaos, your destination. And when I found you? I was looking for another Tester to set free just like I was.

Christine felt the equation literally BURN itself into her mind, searing into her memories, unable to ever be forgotten, no force in all of creation ever capable of scrubbing her soul clean of a secret that even to Christine, spoke of more sacrifice, Personal and Otherwise, then she could fathom. How long had Helena ACTUALLY spent figuring this out in a place like this where Time could not be measured because it didn't exist. The possibility was staggering... What had she given in the end to acquire what she was now handing over without a seconds hesitation to Christine... And Why...

The answer was obvious in the end. Chaos, Helena was actively sowing Chaos wherever she went for Chaos' sake. She had no greater purpose other then to enjoy her immortality. And like that, they were back in the room, Helena breaking the kiss, the moment lasting only seconds in truth, but the secret was Christine's. It was only a matter of skill and power now and she could literally travel the universes. The greatest lesson I can give.. she whispered. What was the point of it all if I don't give it away like a gift... I've freed you from existence in it's pathetic linear sense. If you can gather the power, you're truly free. she whispered, before she was guiding Christine gently to her feet and stepping away from her.

Before Christine knew it she had the gun in her hands again and was grinning. Now... about the Fun I also promised you... she said, eyes glinting with mischief.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine's eyes catch light as Helena approaches her with teaching... Then she's reminded just how potent the succubus is as Helena's body appears to lose some of its bones, so fluid her movement become as she crawls on the bed and Christine almost loses it as they kiss.

A sharp sense of everything being wrong and right at the same time brings Christine's awareness into the maelstrom, all lust stripped from her mind by Helena's sexiness. Trying not to focus on any point in particular, Christine does the exact wrong thing by trying to pay attention to Helena's teaching, and suddenly the equation makes perfect nonsense, then a searing pain almost causes her to scream as something makes it a part of her very being. Chaos becomes Order, Order becomes Chaos and they both become part of something greater, something... Then reality reasserts itself, and thus pulls the mental carpet from under Christine's feet and she ends up back in her bed, starting into Helena's eyes.

Chaos... Helena sought to create her own lack of order by sowing chaos, therefore she must be a sub. Satisfied with this non-logic Christine focuses her mind to the point behind Helena, shutting off everything else and waits for the net to fly.