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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

When in doubt, be absolutely sure. And alright, though I think I might leave one with Chinta for play time. Helena teases, undoing the collar and instead clipping the anklet around Christina's leg. Same deal, flick a bell, say my name. And here, the slave collar for your future friend, and... Where YAY! A leather collar for chinta to play with. There you go, My work here is done, I realllly need to get away from you two before I fuck you both into a coma. So, that's that for now. Helena said, locking the anklet so no one could steal the solid enchanted gold around her ankle, and handing Christine the heavy steel collar, and Chinta a thick padded leather one.

Then she was off, leaving them alone and humming happily, seeming to be sniffing for something, likely a fairy circle. Chinta let out a held breath and then admired Christine's new jewelry. Well... I like her tastes. he said, smiling slyly and nudging the bells on the anklet, listening to the soft sound they made.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine grimaces as Chinta touches the anklet. "I just hope that it won't make noise when I'm stalking something." she replies, working to limber her limbs before getting dressed. "So. Shall we see about getting you some clothes?"
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The exact mechanics of magical anklet bells escape Christine's vast sorcerous knowledge, but Chinta didn't seem concerned, rising with her now that they were along again. We probably should. Otherwise blending in is gonna be REALLY fucking hard. Any ideas outside blatant thievery? Cos I don't mind that personally.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Well, I have some money. I guess we could try finding a tailor..." Christine replies, hesitating slightly. The money would probably not be very important, and the priests she was going to kill were bound to have more, right?
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Whether or not priests carried large sums of money was an unknown, but Chinta nodded. Probably not a bad idea to keep a low profile. Alright then, lead the way. I haven't been out and about in this area for awhile. I'm a bit turned around he admitted, before shifting back into a bird and perching on her shoulder, cheeping sweetly.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine finishes putting her clothes on and, with Chinta on her shoulder, heads towards the village. Would they question a stranger appearing at the village? This was something she hadn't needed to think about before. Maybe a bigger town... but no, that was silly. She could always run away and steal something if buying was too problematic. Smiling at the birdsong,she runs a finger along Chinta's spine.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Chinta poofs up his feathers and chirps again, seeming to enjoy it as they walk. The village doesn't remember her in the slightest without her tails and her need to set fucking everything on fire. There isn't anyone from the church around that's obvious, but her hunter friend's scent is on the air. She could tell he was around. The exact where was hard to pin down though. There were vendors now in the streets, and while a tailor in this smaller village wasn't really available, basic clothing in simple deerskin and wool were on sale. Nor were they very expensive. Apart from the men, and some interested women, no one gave her a second glance.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Smiling at the people looking at her, Christine shops around a bit, trying to get some clothes around Chinta's size, some that would go well together. They could always get better clothes later, if that became an issue, after all.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Chinta was easy enough to shop for, and before long Christine was able to find two pairs of breeches and a couple long tunics for him to wear. Chinta himself drew a few eyes, but they slid away a little after that, dismissing him as a pet. Which was funny because Christine had a feeling with all the collars today that Chinta would fancy her as the pet for fun.

But the shopping was done, and then she saw her hunter, stalking out of the chapel and not looking happy.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Gathering her finding into a bundle, Christine spots the hunter. Freezing for a moment, she waits until he has passed and then slips after him, to see where he's going. With luck, he would be going into his home or the forest...
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The hunter doesn't notice her right away, seeming caught up in his own dealings, and after grabbing his weapons from his horse, a large gelding, he heads into the forest with a large golden medalion around his neck. He was likely going to search for the church people that Helena had killed earlier. It was quite a few people to go missing and enough time had passed that if it had supposed to be a quick errand, they would be missed. What Christine did about it all was up to her, but Chinta wasn't entirely sure, and flew up into a tree quietly, hopping from branch to branch to follow.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Letting the hunter pass from sight, Christine stops shortly after getting out of sight from the village. "You can take care of your clothes, right?" Without waiting for an answer, Christine puts the bundle of a branch, then sneaks after the hunter, following his scent and being careful not to catch up too soon.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The hunter is fixed on his way ahead, following sign from the obvious passage of a large party. Christine's initial hunch most likely the right one as the smell of blood was coming from roughly the same direction. It'd be maybe an hour before he stumbled onto the scene. Chinta only whistled softly in answer and flopped down to the bundle, shifting while Christine gave chase.

The hunter was just as she'd remembered, and he moved well, staying out of sight and not being obvious about anything. He rarely so much as turned a leaf in his passing and his crossbow was strapped tightly to his back.

If she chose to simply tail him, he would inevitably stumble into the scene of helena's earlier combat, the hunter freezing and spending a very long time simply watching, being careful, and trying to puzzle out what the hell had happened.

This wasn't my snowfox.... What happened here.... Big claws... no... A blade, look at the blood. he muttered to himself, freeing up his crossbow and sliding the weapon into his hands, already wound as he settled a silver tipped bolt into place. What in the all the hells... he continued, not wanting to move into the obvious carnage until he was absolutely certain whatever had done all the killing had moved on.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The stench of human blood fills the air and though she is a hunter, it holds no pleasure to her. These people probably deserved to die, but they had been slain because they came across a demon, and for no other reason. Trying to throw her voice to the bushes on the other side of the corpses, Christine speaks. "You don't need to worry. The one who killed them has already moved on, and is not likely to return."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

In fairness, they had made the foolish mistake of shooting her first, if she'd forgotten, and her voice makes the hunter freeze. So whoever did all this is gone... But you're here. Well, that's certainly interesting. And what, exactly, did this. he asked, now completely still, and looking around the area carefully.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"A demon." Christine replies, still throwing her voice. "I had... a rather interesting encounter with it, one that I'd rather not repeat soon if at all." she continues, every word true though not necessarily meaning what the hunter might think.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Hahahahaha, bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. Demons? Like in the scripture? Of all the things I've seen there's never been anything to make me think that an embodiment of sin is a walking, breathing, killing thing. he said, laughing outright at the idea, and now standing slowly, turning and looking all around him. There is no such thing. That'd be as believable as an angel coming down and fixing the world. he muttered, cursing silently.

So little fox. What do we do about meeting again. I said before I'd rather not pin you to a tree, but a man has to eat.

stealth 3 versus 12.
Christine is spotted.
10 versus 15. Hunter misses.
He requires a full round to reload.

Spotting her behind him, he immediately leveled his weapon and fired, the harsh snap of the crossbow sending a shrieking bolt her way that smashed through the bark of a tree, the hunter cursing and starting to draw back the mechanism again, his hand close to a long knife on his belt as he did.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

As soon as the crossbow bolt is in the air, Christine leaps, intending to tackle the hunter to the ground and prevent him from using the crossbow further. "Every word I said is true, like it or not."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

ugh, fuck all these recording rolls >.<
this is the last time I bother to spoiler standard rolls.
Christine Nat 1.
Hunter Nat 20.
Miss and struck HARD, -2 FP
Christine 4/6 FP
Hunter 13
Christine 11
Struck again -1 FP
Christine 3/6 FP.
Chinta enters the fray.
Chinta Nat 20
Hunter 5
Will save. Not good enough. Hunter is stunned

Christine both badly mistimed her leap, and underestimated the Hunter's reflexes as he immediately dropped the crossbow and drew his knife, the pommel slamming into her temple and sending her skidding to the ground passed him. Nor was he one to wait, immediately on top of her to strike her again, though it was obvious he wasn't trying to kill her as his next blow was a backhand that left her head spinning. The Wild always knows best! he said bitterly, drawing back his hand again, looking it seemed to knock Christine out cold so he could bring her back to the church in one piece.

It was fortunate for Christine that she was not alone, as Chinta sent a burst of sound, a shrill whistle, tearing through the trees behind the hunter and causing the man to convulse as he tried to rise, his ears bleeding and seeming entirely unable to recover himself immediately, his knife falling to the ground. Despite the obvious violence, the hunter could have used the blade, likely cut her badly. He was trying not to, that was obvious, but his Crossbow was a short dash away and his knife was on the ground as he reeled from Chinta's assault.

Damnit Christine what are you doing!? Kill him!? Capture him!? What!? Chinta shouted, standing cautiously at the edge of a tree, ready to attack again.

Status. Christine 3/6 FP
Chinta 5/5 FP
Hunter 4/6 FP Stunned.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine reels from the strikes, unintentionally taking a step backward, and then stubbornly throwing herself into another tackle, trying to bring the hunter down. "Would you believe that I just want to talk?"