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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine finally managed to get her feet, and tackle the man to the ground, now unarmed. Thankfully, whether she could believe it or not, she was physically stronger then the human struggling underneath her while Chinta rushed forward and scooped up the knife. Any struggles he made to get free froze as Chinta shoved the point of the long knife to his neck.

You can't be serious, he tried to shoot you. Chinta said clearly and angrily, drawing a bead of blood and a wince from the Hunter who regarded Christine warily. I'm surrounded by corpses of church men, and underneath a Fox Spirit who apparently wants to Talk. Yeah, That's really believable, But I don't think I have much of a choice do I. he said, staying still. But it was obvious he was looking for a way out and would take it if he could. Whatever experience he'd had with other Fey had been almost universally negative it seemed. He was slow to trust.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Well, maybe not JUST talk... But they really were killed by a demon,. From another world, not less." Christine says, sitting up on top of him. "Forgive my frankness, but I really don't think I should trust you with the knife or the crossbow right now. But that doesn't really leave a lot of options, does it? You might've gotten away if you hadn't tried shooting me."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The hunter cracked a grin when Christine said she wouldn't trust him with a weapon, and Chinta looked ready to just up and kill him, but he was following Christine's lead as he'd promised he would when they'd first joined up.

Looking up at her, he reconsidered her words. A Demon, you're Serious. As in an Abyssal Creature from the pits of Hell that feed on Human Sin. If it was ANYONE or ANYTHING Else, I would call you insane. so before you kill me. Explain please, because you obviously know, but don't waste time, because if I go missing too there's gonna be another inquisition sent out quickly and this time they'll bring a high priest, and look, as strong as you might be or think you are? I've never seen anyone beat out their magic. he said, seeming more interested in what she was telling him.

You realize if it was a demon, what it could mean... he added, seeming deadly serious now. He knew something about the church and what a demon would mean to them that she had no idea about.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"A succubus, to be more precise. She... kind of came here because of me, I think. Apparently she travels across the worlds looking for certain kind of people." Christine replies, still trying to puzzle him out and looking into his eyes with a faint smile playing on her lips as she leans closer. "You're probably right, though, I won't be able to match a high priest with magic. That still leaves you to deal with, however. Are you absolutely certain you wouldn't rather serve me? After all, one way or another, you belong to me, now."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The hunter froze at the offer. It was obvious that whatever he had to live for? Was powerful enough to question his loyalty to the church, and that was what he was showing with his eyes. Doubt. But he wasn't a fool.

If I valued my pride more then my life, I'd force you to kill me... I'll serve, but I have a condition that you will swear to meet. If you cannot make that promise, then end me. My family in the capitol. My work for the church keeps them safe from the culling every year. If you want my help, you need to swear that we get them out of that city and into the wilds. Farther North where their grip is weaker. That's my condition. he finally said, locking eyes with her.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine studies him seriously. "That... sounds like a challenge." She flashes a smile before becoming serious again. "Very well. What oath would be binding enough for you?"
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

A blood oath, nothing less. A binding promise with the old god of Blood. he said quickly, Chinta balking at the idea. You're mad. Christine, that oath would be completely binding. You would HAVE to carry out the agreement. he said, thinking the idea insane. At least make him wear the collar. He could still betray you, an oath of loyalty is too easily slipped or bypassed as opposed to a condition or a task, be careful. he warned, unsure of what Christine would decide. The hunter remained silent.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine opens her mouth to discuss this blood oath further, then closes it when Chinta objects strongly. Giving the bird an annoyed glance, she pulls out the collar. "Fine, we'll do this your way." She collars the hunter and adjusts his clothing to hide it at least from casual view before standing up. "Get up. How soon are you expected to report back?"
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The hunter closes his eyes and sighs as he's collared, before runes explode around the collar, causing him to convulse for a moment, gasping, he lays there, before answering the question, his lie broken midsentence as the truth is forced out of his mouth. I'm expected back in fo AHggg Two hours! Two! he gets out, before standing and reaching up to tug at the collar, glaring at Christine and Chinta. The hunter makes no moves for his weapons, because he hasn't been ordered to yet, and the exact abilities and limitations of the collar itself aren't known to anyone save Helena who had the damned thing made. Knowing her... there was no telling.

Chinta snorts and picks up the crossbow, as well as taking the bolts from the hunter, winding it back. Fucking Silver. Always with the fucking silver. It's like you assholes like poisoning us to death. It can never be clean with you humans. he mutters angrily, careful not to touch the bolt heads even accidentally.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine frowns as the hunter tries to fight against the collar. "Hmm. This isn't going to work if you keep fighting it, so let me explain you something. I'm still going to rescue your family from the church if I can. That's not going to happen if you try to make things more difficult for us. Now. Do you think you can report back without anyone getting suspicious?" Christine works to keep her voice level, but her gaze, focused on the hunter, grows cold.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Not even a remote chance. They'll notice your collar among other things. he answers, seeming confused by Christine, and the family saving. And that's not even talking about the magic in this thing, or anything else. There are crystals in the doors that glow when magic is around. He added after a moment, deciding to be semi helpful. Entering a church, chapel, or cathedral for her would give her away immediately.

Well that's new. Chinta snorted, looking around and paranoid about the hunter suddenly having friends everywhere. Yeah it is. Along with a new high inquisitor, and a new cardinal. Can I have my knife. It's expensive. he said, glaring at the bird.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine nods to Chinta. "We'd better get going, then. First around the village, then south and towards the capital. I'm sure you know those roads better than I do." she says, addressing the words to Dillian and starting on a path that would take them around the village.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian sighs and nods, scratching at the collar and wondering what the fuck he was gonna do while the crazy fox lady and her bird boyfriend seemed confused about all the things. Around the town was easy enough, as was crossing the river. It was several hours passed the town that anyone bothered to speak, and it was Chinta, muttering about getting something to eat, birding off to bird. Dillian and Christine were both likewise getting hungry and they'd made good time without actually hitting a main road, Dillian saying that was a great way to get robbed, stabbed, killed, murdered, hung, or abducted by the church.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Looking at the sun, Christine considers their options for a moment. "You find us a campsite, I'll see about getting us some dinner." she tells Dillian before transforming into a fox and going about finding some meat.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian nods, setting off a small distance away to get a fire started while Christine goes to hunt. There were not near as many pheasant around in this direction, but there were larger game, deer, and as always, more rabbits then the universe ever really seemed prepared to handle. And a turtle.

Dillian had tried to keep them away from the road, and the river itself, taking them parallel to the road itself and out of trouble since he had something to gain in all this while Chinta had been a bit cold, and a little salty the entire trip, not liking Dillian's company one little bit even less then he'd liked Helena.

By the time Christine settled on something to eat, hunting with magic or fangs, with which she'd find no trouble, she'd smell a fire and Dillian on the air as well as Chinta, though she couldn't get any kind of bearing on the bird as he flew about.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Deer, rabbits, turtle... Turtle? Christine had never tasted turtle before, so she settles on sniffing out the poor reptile, approaching it with curiousity before slaying it with a foxfire for the sake of not prolonging its suffering. Transforming again this time into her native, two-tailed shape, she grabs the dead turtle and makes her way towards the campsite Dillian had chosen, looking for some edible roots or mushrooms or just herbs to spice up the meal while she's at it.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The turtle, 3 carrots, and a wild ginger root are all FUCKING DELICIOUS! Though there is a turtle god somewhere mourning the loss of it's shelled brethren. As the food is eaten, Dillian relaxes a little and regards Christine, arms on his knees as he stares at her. He'd have made a fine fey, if his eyes were any indicator. he was still looking for a way to come out on top, there was that drive in his eyes that was hard to ignore.

Why. he finally said after a long silence, tapping his collar. Why bother with me at all. You could have left. he continued, not moving his eyes from her for even a moment.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Noticing such roots, the kitsune picks them up and uses the ginger to season the turtle. With faint amusement, she notes the challenge in his eyes, but chooses not to do anything about it right now.

"Curiosity, I suppose. That, and I don't like the church, so the opportunity to take one of their servants and cause some mischief... Well, mischief at least seems right in my alley." Christine replies, absent-mindedly licking her fingers clean. "How far is the capital anyway?" she says, changing the topic to something less personal. She'd have to learn more about this hunter, but he was still too much on his guard to volunteer much, and she's not of the mind to order him.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian snorted. Your amusement then? your curiosity? I'm a plaything then. it's another 5 days from here. he said, before turning to lay on the ground, pulling his cloak under his head to sleep, his back to the fire. Whatever he'd eaten, and the smell said jerky of some kind, had come from his own meager supplies.

Chinta returned shortly after, setting the heavy crossbow down and sitting next to Christine, reaching out to flick one of the tiny bells on her anklet. What's the plan then. he asked quietly, regarding Dillian who judging from his breathing and heartbeat, was soundly asleep.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Laughing softly at Dillian's reaction, Christine replies with little more than a whisper: "A plaything for now, perhaps more later."

Leaning her back against a tree, the kitsune stares into the fire. The coolness of the evening didn't really bother her now, but it was still nice to have a campfire. First to see if we can rescue his family and maybe cause other mischief to the church, then to the city Brianna mentioned. There's still much for me to learn, after all. I'll have to see what the city is like before figuring out how to do that." she replies to Chinta equally quietly. "I don't really know what to do with him yet, though."