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Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Is it just me, or does everyone in this game has the worst luck ever?


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Not me, I got a blank corridor.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Make that two blank corridors he's gotten :(

In a freaking row no less...

Anyways, other news...

I've made a slight rule change regarding stamina and passing out. Previously it was stated that if you passed out you would suffer an automatic orgasm, but given the fact that A. the stamina numbers for regen are so low even at 50% that you'd pass out from one attack again and effectively be doomed the moment you passed out, and B. a mistake I made in one area NOT counting an orgasm where a character passed out, I have REMOVED this part of the rule.

Yes, that means if you pass out you will NOT AUTOMATICALLY suffer an orgasm, however it is still POSSIBLE to suffer one if the dice rolls indicate as such. Some of you may have noticed the change if you've been watching this thread, if not, it's now public knowledge.


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

haha pheonix has been allowed to do NOTHING, now I don't feel so bad. *back to multitask posting*


Nov 16, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I'm gonna be my usual nosy self and suggest that maybe, just maybe, you should scale back the amount of pleasure damage that enemies do. I mean, how many rapes you've instigated so far have failed to result in character-disabling orgasms?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Orgasms are an opposing roll of Intelligence Vs. Intelligence with a D50 tossed in to the base of Intelligence. Pleasure gained has nothing to do with if you suffer an Orgasm, save that if you don't take pleasure, you obviously can't have an Orgasm.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

So traps have an intelligence rating?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Yes, otherwise the Orgasm system would be majorly broken. Though in the case of traps, unknowingly tripping them causes them to hit you anyway since they come at you too quickly to avoid.

In your case with triggering one anyway, the trap you chose to trigger anyway happens to be one of two that can hit you regardless of how you trip it. I admit, I really didn't expect you to trip it anyway lol.


Nov 16, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Orgasms are an opposing roll of Intelligence Vs. Intelligence with a D50 tossed in to the base of Intelligence. Pleasure gained has nothing to do with if you suffer an Orgasm, save that if you don't take pleasure, you obviously can't have an Orgasm.
Ah... in-ter-es-ting...

Hm. I went back and counted - 6 no-orgasm out of 14 attempts. I'd still consider adjusting the probabilities slightly - maybe giving the "defending" character a 5 or 10 point "defense" bonus? That'd shift the odds by 2-5%...

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

How would not giving traps intelligence break the system? They would still deal corruption damage, they just wouldn't be more powerful than the actual monsters. Also, given that monsters seem to be able to keep a player incapacitated most of the time, maybe the stats for the low level monsters should be at most half or so of what a player could have at that level. Currently, most things seem to be severally overpowered and if monsters are equal in power to players, they should have to make orgasm rolls and worry about passing out themselves.

Also, aren't the monsters supposed to release you if you pass out.?

Edit: because, according to your first post, if we pass out from anything other than a trap we should wake up and not be grappled.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

The monster dismounting you if you pass out only applies if there is a second PC target in the room. I do believe I placed that in there since that was the original idea.

I'll admit, I've been stunned at the high number of orgasms dished out, I didn't think that the way I set this up would cause that many.

I am taking down notes from this here, and I do intend at some point if things don't settle down some after some time to begin working on a second version and restarting if need be. I'm tinkering with the though of a version two removing the "incapacitated due to orgasm" feature completely since there is already a corruption system that, if corrupted, would eventually lead to the character never resisting and becoming a slave or minion.

Keep placing suggestions in here, I am taking notes always on how I can improve the whole system later down the road. Bear in mind this is the first time I've actually GM'd a system like this, so I'm bound to have a few things turn up buggy with a V 1 system eventually. Sometimes such things are evident from the start, sometimes it starts out that way and then tapers off.

I'm using the Intelligence roll for traps. It stands to reason if your getting raped by a tentacle, or have a vibrator stuffed up your pussy that your likely to have a chance of having an orgasm from it, so the traps by physics wise SHOULD be able to cause an orgasm, hence the need for them to have intelligence. They also have it as a marker to use as a base for avoiding rolls. My original idea was to just utilize a set number off a d10 for avoiding them as well for orgasms, but it was decided that left it way too likely that it would turn out ugly. For the moment it seems the secondary plan also is failing, though I hope that changes.


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

And giving in avoids certain penalties?

Considering they keep raping you past orgasm, giving in would seem to be a game over of sorts.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Regardless of if you were alone or not, when you have been knocked out, the enemy stops raping you and ungrapples you, waiting for you to wake up, or moving on to another target in the room.

Looking for interest here, so if your interested, say so!
That isn't what you wrote. See quoted text.

Edit: also, you should be able to use dexterity to escape grapple and penetration. E.g. if you are dexterous enough to shift your hips off there phallus or squirm so they lose their grip, you should go free. Currently, dex isn't very useful as it seems most monsters avoid having to roll against your grapple when they attack. Also, it should take a full action for an enemy to grapple you. The act of grappling deals damage already, so you should have an opportunity to escape before they penetrate you. E.g. a creature that starts grappling you will have to wrestle a grip on you first at which point you can react, and if the creature does surprise sex on you and penetrates in the first round, they haven't taken the time to subdue you yet.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

That isn't what you wrote. See quoted text.

Edit: also, you should be able to use dexterity to escape grapple and penetration. E.g. if you are dexterous enough to shift your hips off there phallus or squirm so they lose their grip, you should go free. Currently, dex isn't very useful as it seems most monsters avoid having to roll against your grapple when they attack. Also, it should take a full action for an enemy to grapple you. The act of grappling deals damage already, so you should have an opportunity to escape before they penetrate you. E.g. a creature that starts grappling you will have to wrestle a grip on you first at which point you can react, and if the creature does surprise sex on you and penetrates in the first round, they haven't taken the time to subdue you yet.
Ok.... my brain is simply too fucked up from needing sleep to even remotely try to comprehend any of that right now, save for the quote you have from mine. I could have sworn I wrote in there that the dismounting only applies in the case of giving birth OR if there is another target in the room for that enemy to attack when you pass out. When I get home tomorrow night I will check back on here and double check that, as well as try to make more sense of what you wrote there so I can make notes of it and start tinkering on the side with the current system.

I'm not quite ready to scrap this one just yet since it just got started and since I have no viable backup in place just yet. I'll do what I can to speed set up a version two of this since it seems the general consensus is that it needs to be done sooner rather than later. I ask that everyone be patient with this, enjoy to the best you can the current system and keep putting thoughts forward.

So far I have the ideas of altering how orgasms work, altering enemy grapple/penetration working and I'm not entirely sure how to work the traps out just yet. I was trying to base some of this off my understanding of the mechanics from Wraust's DOP game, but apparently I royally fucked something up here in doing so.

I thought the limitations on the HP drain and the high ass requirement to be fully corrupted would at the least balance out some potentially unavoidable shit rolls for characters but... I don't know. I'd like to avoid scrapping the whole thing and shutting it down until a version two is working, especially since we haven't even gotten one character to a boss fight yet so I have no idea how that is going to work, nor am I really just wanting to dump the entire thing out for anyone playing to read since it would provide an unfair advantage to those who had it vs. those who don't, or to the PC's since they can base everything to specifically counter everything right off to bat.

Anyways, I've rambled on enough and probably made absolutely no sense, so I'm off to bed before my keyboard ends up imprinted to my face.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Suggestion: I don't know how many stat points you currently have per monster, but if something is equal in stats to a player then it should be classified as a boss given that players have less than a 50% chance to win since the system currently leans in favor of monsters during encounters (They seem to be immune from orgasm and passing out).

Normal creatures that we fight the rest of the time should have their stats much lower. Maybe around 50 stat points in total. A level two monster should have stat points equal to 50+ however many a player gets on level up, level three should be level 2 plus the level up stats, and so on. Basically you should probably take things the D&D way: an average encounter should only use up a portion of the characters reserves. As such, no monster should cause a character who is at full health and stamina to pass out unless the player is extremely unlucky.

That brings me to stamina: it is currently useless. The way the system is currently designed where creatures can deal 30+ stamina damage per round, makes it to where the creatures are excessively powerful based on the max stamina. The highest stamina characters only have 95 points as such a single creature can easily deal over a third of the plays stamina in one round. This is rather broken, especially since a passed out character can gain at max half their stamina back and on average will regain a quarter of it, which even for the highest stamina players is low enough to immediately pass out again (Something which is a testament to the fact that stamina damage is completely broken). Effectively, all stamina damage a player takes should currently be limited to around 5% or so of their max per round per creature in average encounters.

Dexterity is the stat used as a base roll against enemies and hitting them, or avoiding their attacks. It is also used to be grappled and determine pleasure/damage dealt.

Example of Dex Stat:

Your Dex 35, Enemy Dex+Str 30.

Using a D50, I take the Base stat for each person involved and add that to the D50 roll.

Your Roll: 35+31=66 Vs. Enemy Roll: 30+39=69.

In this example, the enemy has won that particular round, and would grapple you, dealing 3 stamina and pleasure to your character. He/She would ALSO deal 3 Corruption Points (KP) to you. More on KP follows.
First of all, one thing that is wrong in this is now in red. I don't know if that's in there on purpose or not, but you should not roll pleasure damage against a player where it is one of their stats versus two of the enemies. It either needs to be:

Players Dex vs Monsters Dex
Players Dex+Strength vs Monsters Dex+Strength.

Edit: idea for orgasm rolls: the roll should be D50+players int vs total pleasure dealt. If pleasure damage is done correctly, then yes this might mean that high intelligence players are effectively immune to orgasm the first round of combat and every round after they orgasm, but that's the point of having a high int character as opposed to having a different stat str high. The difficulty of rolls should not be based off of high stats, but instead be based off of the average.
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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

As I've been somewhat involved in the design of the system for this, namely as a sounding board of sorts for Siphon although I have made suggestions that were taken, I do have one question regarding some of the suggestions/complaints that I've heard about through Siphon.

He's stated that he intends for this to have its own unique system...So why is it that several of the comments I've seen/heard are of the "Why isn't this using D&D rules" type?

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

...He's stated that he intends for this to have its own unique system...So why is it that several of the comments I've seen/heard are of the "Why isn't this using D&D rules" type?
I've only seen one comment as such (Which was mine) that said anything close to that, and instead of saying using D&D rules, I said that he should focus closer to the way D&D does encounters which is that a normal encounter should not be able to wipe out all of a characters health and stamina reserves.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

There have been a few other comments, just not in here.

And from the total of things...It sounds to me like the player complaints fall into one of two categories.

Either A) "Why aren't you showing us the enemy stats so we can stack ours to auto-beat them?"

or B) "Why aren't you running this using D&D rules?"

Your suggestion about the encounters, for instance. That's second category. I've been privy to some of the rolls, and enemy stats aren't playing the big roll like you appear, to me at least, to think they are. The dice are having a much greater effect, and quite frankly, luck hasn't been with the players so far. That could change in an instant, and isn't something that Siphon, or any other GM, really has any control over, if they're being honest, which he is.

Believe me, I have received numerous messages from him along the lines of "I didn't think that outcome was going to happen".

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Currently, it's just that things seem weighted against the players in encounters and the main things I'd say need to be verified/changed are the facts that monsters are immune to the whole orgasm/pass out system and the fact that the first post says something directly contradictory to what is being used. This being the whole dropping of unconious players thing.

(I think before it was edited out some post mentioned that the reason monsters drop players when they pass out is because the player can't gain kp when unconcious. Also, having a monster trying to have sex with a character for however many hours they lie passed out seems rather odd.)