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City of Sin - game in the making


Jungle Girl
Feb 3, 2011
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Ok so i have been in lurk mode on this forum for about a year (though finally just created an account).
Lets just say I love you guys :)
Anywho, I have been moved by Fenoxo's UTG (fenoxo.blogspot.com) and Xadera's Nimin (dont know if they have a webpage) and like a few people on here i have started my own little world.

I could put a ton of stuff on here about what i have though i prefer blogspot so far so you can see what i have on there - sicopatico.blogspot.com

I decided that i would give the community a way to add their own creations to the game by having you send me your ideas of different creatures. While I am sure i could come up with most of the monsters myself (have about 10 monters info going right now when i get tired of looking at code) I would rather a little time to myself occasionally (so i can play wow).

So if you think you have what it takes to write a great little rape scenario or have this idea of a perfect monster looming at the back of your mind and want it in a game without having to write all the code please by all means send it.

for the form and email go to my blogspot :)

The story

For a little more indepth idea of what the world is like imagine this

Humans thought they knew everything – they were wrong.
Humans were at a stage in technology that they thought they could improve the race as a whole. While trying to insert the DNA of certain creatures into their genome they destroyed the delicate balance that mother nature had created. This caused humans to procreate and grow at an increased rate though also caused most of the newborns to be female; while trying to correct this the holocaust hit. Humans weren’t just trying to improve themselves, but also other creatures so they could get more from them; from a cows muscles increasing in size quicker and growing faster to a larger spider that could produce a steel like webbing, they created what could only be described as abominations, or monsters. Too bad for humans these monsters broke out before their genome was properly sequenced. The monsters were able to breed with one and another to create different breeds of monsters. As humans had changed these monsters the same way as themselves many of the creatures were female so humans thought they had only to kill off the males and the species would die; what a mistake this. While many of the remaining human males died trying to kill these monsters (due to the high procreation rate of the monsters) they didn’t realize that mother nature had decided to take revenge. The monsters became able to use human females to breed.
Humans decided to bunker down in their Cities and try to make a virus to destroy the creatures or create a process in which to increase the amount of male babies. This lasted many years though as humans are a greedy species they tend to want what others have which began the City Wars.
Cities were wiped out and became what we know today.

It has been many years since the Holocaust and City wars and humans have adapted to their situation. While much of the old technology has been lost due to time and the wars some still remains. Nowadays the city is run by what is known as ‘The Nursery’ which raises the human babies til they are old enough to work as well as uses monsters to improve the life of its citizens – though they do not allow for the capture of adult creatures, but rather prefer baby creatures. Due to the low procreation of male babies and the need to fight back the evergrowing monster population many of the females are assigned as fighters. Since the food is limited the City makes sure all are working by threatening to kick out any that don’t wish to work. The incentive to work? Beside not becoming a breeding tool for the monsters outside, the city offers what all females wish a chance to have a human baby. Those that do their job efficiently are given permission to visit the inner sanctum where all males are kept.

You were assigned and raised as a fighter and today is the day you start your life.

end story
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Re: City of Sin - game in the making

wow 14 hours later and not one reply even stating if someone liked the idea or not x.x *sniff* *goes back to lurk mode with with head held low* :(
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

Most people won't comment until they have something concrete to look at, i.e. an actual game they can play.

Also, large blocks of text are difficult to focus on, especially on the internet. Chopping them up into smaller, 3-4 sentence paragraphs is much more appealing.

That being said, the game does sound interesting.
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

this game sounds awesome! do you know when its gonna be made/done?
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

*lurk mode off*
Yay a response
The answer is soon - for the entire game... well it will be a work in progress as this is a full on text/adult rpg im making (ie quests, new area, expansions (already have the main story and quests done though you will have to play to see :p ), etc)
though i will be releasing a quick shell of what i have so far likely today or tomorrow (again its just the shell part with one battle and a few bugs as im changing a few things around to make it easier to enter new data).
once i get the shell done i can add monsters for awhile and give it some flesh than expand some of the other coding later. This is why i asked for help - the quicker you get me more ideas for monsters the more monsters you will have to 'play' with while i expand on the core more.
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

Will it be static picture battles or slightly animated?
fine with either. I would have to suggest a bee, larva, giant worm enemy
Or do you want more humanoid like creatures?
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

Why was there a lack of human males in the first place though? Is it just a particular trait of this world, or is it because many of them perished in the war against the monsters?
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

Will it be static picture battles or slightly animated?
fine with either. I would have to suggest a bee, larva, giant worm enemy
Or do you want more humanoid like creatures?

its going to be text based battles first though i might enter the pictures later (i am new to flash and had only a short stint in coding C++ years ago). as for enemies - as the storyline said the creatures were able to procreate with one and another so you could have a beebull if you wanted - just when you make the description for the battle try to describe it ie. "as you enter the forest you see this weird creature that has horns and a head like a bull though has the body of a bee... and its Huge!!!. The enemy spots you and as you prepare for battle, it lowers its head and charges"
I also take requests for special attacks if you want like "The enemy attacks you with its stinger doing ___ damage and poisoning you"
also since this is supposed to be fun and that would look wickedly weird i am going to use this one in my game :p

Why was there a lack of human males in the first place though? Is it just a particular trait of this world, or is it because many of them perished in the war against the monsters?

From the war against the monsters - will edit that i guess
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

Panther/Turtle/Bird/Snake/Bee/Wolf hybrid, would be awsome:) also a rino/dolphin
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

Is this another one of those "you get stung in the groin, you grow penis" games?
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

Is this another one of those "you get stung in the groin, you grow penis" games?

simple answer Yes and no

long answer
while there will be certain conditions (ie a parasitic creature that makes you a parasitic herm though can be removed by getting an item - and it does change the appearance button and some interactions (like increasing lust once a day and if it gets too high it controls you) i am using this as not an appearance mechanic (ie if this grows bigger than this becomes less),but as a status ailment like poison.)
while one day i might write all the code that pertains to changing a ton of stuff like that right now i would rather get the game out so people can start having fun :)
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

sounds like a lot of work.. it would be nice if u could ad like a picture to every monter so that we get how they look like, or if u are as lazy as me you can skip that part if you like and let us imagine how they look like on our own ^^
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

Ok you reach a river or lake,ocean and then..."you see a large shadow moveing
twards you under the water, then in an instant a large Rinodolph emerges and begins to crawl at you,


  • rinodolphin copy.jpg
    rinodolphin copy.jpg
    5.8 KB · Views: 0
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

sounds like a lot of work.. it would be nice if u could ad like a picture to every monter so that we get how they look like, or if u are as lazy as me you can skip that part if you like and let us imagine how they look like on our own ^^

who knows maybe i will do that at the very end by asking people to submit drawings (i am horrible at art ;) ) and than add it for people that want it or even have an option that turns it on or off. Right now im more concerned about getting it into the next stage of developement (it after inserting at least a few monsters i want to start working on the quests and a few more variables) though by the looks of it i should give a quick release tonight (on pst time) so you can see what it looks like and of course make a few comments (again not everything is going to be in it just a beta release of the flash).

Also when i release it i will need some insight on background and text.background colors as i really would like to change them to something more pleasing on the eye (they arent white anymore at least) since i am really am not that great on color matching :p
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

ok alpha is up so you can take a look at what i am trying to do (link to blog on first post).

Also UrineOnU if you can make a name for your Panther/Turtle/Bird/Snake/Bee/Wolf hybrid i will enter the name (i will try to create the scenarios though if you want to edit it just ask :p )
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

The core of what you have looks good. I know next to nothing about coding, so I can only offer aesthetic advice.

The general layout of the screen is nice.

I assume you'll clean up the typing and make it more presentable with capitalization and such.

I would also avoid using internet slang in your text.

I say these things because a big part of these types of game is visualizing the encounter through the text. Poor grammar and usage of words like "nubs" only serve to shatter the fantasy you're trying to create.

Create it like you would a paper that's going to be graded and not like an internet forum post. The game will be much better received, I promise you.
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

The core of what you have looks good. I know next to nothing about coding, so I can only offer aesthetic advice.

The general layout of the screen is nice.

I assume you'll clean up the typing and make it more presentable with capitalization and such.

I would also avoid using internet slang in your text.

I say these things because a big part of these types of game is visualizing the encounter through the text. Poor grammar and usage of words like "nubs" only serve to shatter the fantasy you're trying to create.

Create it like you would a paper that's going to be graded and not like an internet forum post. The game will be much better received, I promise you.

Thank you for the feed back - ya i was going to remove that nub part - got to code in wording so that when you get to certain levels each of the areas shows up with more info on what you are doing next. though that will be attached to the quest part which i havent even started x.x
what did you think of the color? should i go with something brighter or is the grey good?
either way back to wow :)
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

Color was fine. I prefer the gray to the normal white we see in other games.
Re: City of Sin - game in the making

I played it i liked it:eek:, also you can call the monster a"Mistake". You encounter it on a side quest where you meet a mature woman who intentionally bred it with all the creature's/animals i mentioned. Or you can leave it as the level 10+ monster it's up to you....
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Re: City of Sin - game in the making

ok so i am close to releasing the next update on the game. will need input soon - please stay tuned to sicopatico.blogspot.com for the update - should release in the next few days. - ill try to remember to make a post on here when i release it - hope to heck you guys like it - again this is my first programming job and i have had a ton of work lately so just havent had time for this. i have some more free time coming up so i should be able to finish this off and likely start on CoS2 which will be way cooler if i can get some support in the way of pictures. either way off to bed - night