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Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

You can harvest trophies from most defeated foes, but you'll have to specifically mention doing so, and only after combat is over.

Also: Yes, your energy blade gains the "skilled" and "duelist" bonuses to attack and damage respectively. And it uses body to-hit, not spirit.

Sneak(Azira vs Grabber): 6+21 = 27 v 21 = 20+1 -> Azira manages to hide.

Attack (Azira): Auto-success.
Damage (Azira): ((1,3 + 1)*10 + 7)*2 = 114
The grabber is killed!

Azira gains 6 XP for the double encounter!

Azira managed to hide from the thing without trouble. It didn't even seem to be really watching her, and she knew the jungle well. Once she was sure she wasn't being watched, she downed her remaining potion, feeling her wounds magically cure themselves. Then she got closer to her foe. When she was mere feet away and still sure it was only looking at its victim, she conjured a blade of pure orange energy as an extension of her hand.

The blade was several feet long and parts of it extended almost to Azira's elbow in a sheathe around her arm, and it gave off a brilliant glow. Perhaps too brilliant, in fact, as at the last moment her target was able to see the orange light even without turning around, and realized it was being attacked. It didn't do it any good. Azira's energy blade sliced through tentacles raised in hasty self-defense like they weren't even there, and bisected the thing's body. It collapsed, leaving an unpleasant burnt smell in the air.

The pregnant woman let out a low moan as the tentacles fell out of her orifices, falling over and rubbing vigorously at her cum-dripping pussy with both hands as she realized the stimulation had stopped. After a few seconds and another orgasm, she slowed and finally stopped. She opened her eyes, and tried to speak, but instead coughed up a little more tentacle cum. She tried again. "I... um... fuck." She looked embarrassed, and moved her hands to cover her breasts. "Erm... thank you for saving me."

48 HP, 41 PP, 46/63 SP;8/15 Resistance

1 woman; recovering
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

Feeling rejuvenated from the health potion, Azira quietly krept behind the grabber, still feeling decidedly aroused by the now-consensual sexual act taking place in front of her. In fact, she could feel a sheen of moisture accumulating on her lower lips, her body's not so subtle reaction to the aphrodisiac. Truthfully, had she not been in the middle of battle, she may well have considered sating the feelings rather than trying to work through them.

When Azira was within striking distance, she conjured her spirit blade, brilliant and orange. The grabber, even in it's distracted state noticed the glow and began to try to defend itself before the blade pierced straight through it. She smiled in spite of herself, pleased that her first two encounters on her own had ended so well. As she watched the woman pleasure herself to orgasm, she found herself a little more turned on. While Azira had had flings before, with boys and girls, she had found she enjoyed girls a little more than guys even though they lacked the pleasureable rods males were so endowed with.

Kneeling down in front of the woman, she noted that the aphrodisiac seemed to be wearing off the woman as her modesty seemed to return. She smiled at the woman, hugging her, albeit awkwardly, as she tried to thank her. She came away with a light coating of slime and tentacle spunk and felt a little more hot and bothered herself as a blush came to her face. "Don't mention it! I only wish I could have helped you sooner..."she responded, with a twinge of regret in her voice as she broke off the hug and glanced towards the girl's pregnancy-swollen stomach. If it was aleady showing, it was too late for a potion. "My name's Azira by the way, Azira Yeerai. What is your name?" As she awaited the girl's answer, she moved around the clearing looking to perhaps gather any valuables the monsters might have had or left lying around.

"We should get you a little ways away from here and rest for a bit. And you are probably due in a few hours by the looks of it, I hate to sound insensitive, but we can't have more spawnlings running around so I figured we should deal with them as soon as they...arrive. Besides, we definitely can't go back to the city and risk them getting loose in there." Azira gave the woman a faint smile. "Please don't worry, I will help you any way I can to make it as painless for you as possible."

I presume by trophies you mean valuables, potions, denari, etc. Or have I completely missed something else?
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Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

Gain 1 greyheart.
Gain 1 Chameleon's Skin.

"Oh, I'm Lauren. And I, ah, understand. Let me just see..." The girl went over to the bushes, and started rummaging around. While she was occupied, Azira looked at the remains of the battlefield, hoping to salvage some value from the fight besides saving the other woman. A close look at the slain Grabber revealed an intact greyheart, which a merchant would pay reasonable coin for, while enough of the Hunter's hide was salvageable to be worthwhile to an enchanter.

When she finished, Azira walked back over to the bush where the other woman was standing. There was a short sword, a bow, and a round metal shield in a pile at her feet along with a few other odds and ends, and she was holding a tattered square of cloth. She noticed the blue-haired amazonian. "The biggest piece of my clothes I can find. And I don't see you carrying any spares? Thank you again for your help. You showing up has been the only good thing that's happened to me today."

Half an hour later, the pair were far enough away from the site of the battle for Azira to feel comfortable. And given the state of her companion and the time, she set about making camp. Lauren helped as much as she could, but her increasingly large belly made it difficult. Finally she sat down opposite Azira. The moon of her belly covered her down below, but she had stopped trying to cover her generous breasts. "I set out this morning to investigate the invaders. Now I've been raped by them on two separate occasions, and the thing I could reasonably write about is the experience of bearing one of their spawn. And I'm hardly the first to do that. I'm starting to think going out alone may not have been the best decision I've ever made. But I can't afford a guard, and I have to visit the site I discovered before everyone else finds it." The brown-haired woman down, and idly pulled apart a few strands of grass.
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

Pleased with the recoveries she made, Azira turned back to the woman who had introduced herself as Laura and saw that she had some combat gear with her. It was good to know that perhaps the woman could help her out in a pinch, though she her pregnancy would probably make her less helpful and it also spoke poorly of her skill. Still, she could well have merely suffered bad luck, things could easily have gone the other way for Azira herself. As she ran this through her mind she glanced from the cloth Laura was holding, to her nude body, and back, noting with some satisfaction, and a solitary drip of from her lower lips, that it was not enough to cover her voluptuous form. Giving a playful click of her tongue she said, "Nope, sorry I don't have any spare clothes. I'm sorry, and also a little flattered that I'm the best thing that's happened to you today." This last bit she said with an accompanying wink.

As they ventured away from the scene of the fighting, Azira occaisionally caught herself swaying her hips in a seductive manner as she walked, trying to inconspicuously show off her shapely bottom to Laura. Managing to stop herself from doing anything too stupid, they finally found a good spot to settle down for the night.

"Sounds like you've had a pretty rough day..." Said Azira upon hearing the brief account of Laura's day. A thought occured to Azira, perhaps Laura would allow her to accompany her. It would be much safer for the two of them to travel together in the jungle, and she couldn't think of a better way to begin making the jungle safer. Still, she didn't want to sound too pushy, suggesting something like that to a stranger. Instead she found herself staring at the woman's rounded belly, almost admiring it.

Almost without thinking, Azira knelt forward in between the naked womans legs and gently put her hands on the pregnant stomach, softly moving them over the skin. "What's it like being pregnant?" Definitely without thinking, Azira had always found herself strangely fascinated by pregnancy, so she just couldn't help being very forward when she was just sitting around with someone so obviously with child. "I've never been with child before... Does it hurt? Does it move?" Instinctively, she leaned forward more, pressing her ear to the woman's stomach, trying to hear any noise the alien baby inside of her would make, seemingly oblivious to how enormously awkward this would be for Laura. So much for not being too pushy...
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

"I..." the woman seemed utterly unsure at what to do in response to the other woman's sudden touching of her pregnant belly. She herself had been notably avoiding touching her expanded belly, but all she did in response to Azira's sudden interest was to shift uncomfortably. "I haven't really had time to take it in. Mostly it's just been awkward. My balance has just changed so quickly. Of course, I was... a bit out of it, for most of the pregnancy."

The unborn invader didn't make any sounds for the Amazonian to hear, but when she pressed her ear against Lauren's belly she did feel it stir. The unfortunate woman apparently felt it too, as she jumped slightly, with a shocked expression on her face. "It doesn't hurt. At least, not yet. From what I've read the actual birth sometimes does. I suppose I will see for myself before too long."

This turned out to be an understatement. The invader writhed again, visibly this time. Lauren let out a shocked gasp, followed by a moan of... arousal? She pushed Azira away and spread her legs, and Azira found that she could see a wriggling grey tentacle pushing its way out of a pussy that was certainly aroused. The moans of what was now certainly arousal continued, reaching a peak along with the pregnant woman as a second and then a third tentacle poked out from her womb. As the birth continued, it became clear that there was an increasing amount of pain along with the pleasure, until finally the main body of the newborn grabber passed, after which the last few tentacles were pulled out with ease.

Lauren collapsed flat on her back, breasts heaving. The grabber was instantly mobile, and crawled up onto it's mother's now-flat belly. With its multitude of tentacular limbs spread out instead of curled up it seemed much larger than her belly had been, almost the size of the ones Azira had faced before finding Lauren. And it appeared that, having vacated her womb, the young grabber intended to immediately fill it up again. Tentacles found her pussy and asshole, and before the woman could begin to recover from the ordeal of her birth, she could feel something rubbing insistently at both entrances.

The whole thing had happened quickly, but not so quickly that Azira hadn't had time to ready herself. The thing might look nearly as large as the ones she had seen earlier, but it was much less filled out, and its skin looked softer.

I'll generally give you a coup de grace on newborns. After a few turns some (including grabbers) will get proper stats, if they're still alive.
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

As Azira lay her head on Laura's belly, she felt the grabber within shift, causing Lauren to start. She nodded emphatically to the pregnant woman, wearing a rueful smile as she said, "Yea, I guess there really is something to the aphrodisiacs they use. Cheap trick, effective though."

Suddenly, there was a visible shift in Lauren's stomach. As she pushed Azira back, she began to moan in arousal. "Again, really?" Azira thought to herself, it seemed the little buggers were all about the aphrodisiacs. The grey spawnling squirmed its way out of her pussy, using it's tentacles to help pull itself out. As main body emerged, Azira could tell Laura felt some pain, though the pleasure still seemed the dominating feeling.

Though she had time to ready herself during this, Azira mostly just stared in awe and fascination as the grabber plopped out of Laura and instantly mounted her and began plunging tentacles into her soft, moist, aroused loins. For a moment, Azira could only stare in parts fascination and arousal herself as the newborn grabber raped its mother only seconds after birth. The aliens just weren't going to cut Laura a break today. As arousing as Azira found the entire situation, a faint blush coming to her cheeks, she decided that she would cut Laura a break herself. Moving forward to crouch over Laura, she conjured a small energy blade and stuck it straight through the center of the infant grabber. The thing went limp and died.

Azira pulled the creature and it's tentacles out of Laura, checked to see if infants of the species posessed anything of value, and tossed it aside.

Sitting down beside Laura, she wrapped an arm around her for support and pulled her into a hug. "It's over now, I am sorry you had to go through that. Are you ok?" Azira wanted to build some additional trust and goodwill with the Laura, and once she suitably recovered, she planned to ask about this site she had apparently discovered. She was really quite curious about it. In the meantime though, she decided to prepare a small dinner for the two using edible plants she could find in the area.
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Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

By the time Azira had finished preparing a light dinner, the brown-haired scholar seemed to have recovered. And she seemed more then willing to talk about her discovery. "Well... we've known more or less the basics of what happened since a week or two after the invasion. Big ships appeared over Celesis and other cities, millions of invaders landed, and they destroyed all resistance in most places in minutes. Within hours they were loading men and women onto their ships, and then they left. But more detail then that... well, most of the people who were present got abducted. But not all of them, and now that things are starting to settle down a little, I've finally started putting things together. Well, other people as well. But I think I'm the first to actually find something this good."

Lauren gestured as she spoke, risking throwing berries or bits of tuber across the clearing, though at least for the moment she seemed to be holding on. "Things were even more chaotic in the Jungle then anywhere else. I mean, the Academy had a fully organized resistance minutes after their mothership arrived, and after Shry-Kuth-Lus the entire desert fell without an issue. But Celesis... it wasn't just humans and elves from the city itself the invaders had to deal with. There were at least two different and warring clans of demons in the area. There were the fey, supported by something like a dozen angels, and far enough away from the city that they weren't taken unaware. And of course the sentient plants - alraune are bad enough, the invaders couldn't impregnate them, but there are Black Oaks that are nearly a thousand years old in some parts of the jungle, and there are gods less powerful."

"Anyway, after taking down the city, the invaders always tried to take out the surrounding country. Celesis was one of the easiest large cities to crack, but the jungle was almost enough to stop them on its own. I've always heard that the Invaders tried to set up outposts in the jungle to base their operations from, but only in the last few weeks was I able to track one down."

Lauren's voice took on a slightly defensive tone. "Well, I'm ninety percent sure I've found one. If it was obvious it wouldn't be a new discovery." The woman also seemed to have finally noticed Azira's appreciation of her nude form. Now whenever she caught the warrior's gaze taking it in, she blushed slightly... though she didn't make any effort to hide it.
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

Azira offered a bemused smile, and an intruiged look as Laura gestured in an exaggerated manner while discussing the events of the past. She hadn't realized Laura was actually studying the aliens. That made her a far more interesting person than she had first figured. And despite herself, Azira found that she was very interested in hearing about the aliens, her enemies. For if she learned as much as she could about them, then perhaps she could find ways to better destroy them.

As Laura continued, she felt pangs of sadness at the mention of Celesis, but then she felt a surge of pride that the invaders had been so hard-pressed to survive in the jungle she and her people had become so good at thriving in. However, when Laura told her that she what she tought she had found, or was reasonably certain she had found, was an alien oupost, a look of concern came to her face.

"Wait a minute, so you found an alien base? I'm not sure I see why you would actually want to visit that. Why not alert the local militia or military or something? Maybe they would wipe it out, that's the goal isn't it? It seems like visiting their base would be a good way for us to get raped..."

After this last comment, Azira abruptly averted her gaze and blushed. She hadn't meant to say us, she didn't want to make Laura uncomfortable. The fact that she'd been admiring her body for most of the evening notwithstanding of course. "I..I'm s-sorry..." She stammered. "I didn't mean to just invite myself along like that, its just... You said you couldn't afford a bodyguard, right? Well I thought maybe I could travel around with you because, well... I'm trying to remove the aliens from the jungle. To make the jungle safe for my people and the beings of the jungle again, and maybe it would be easier, and safer with two women instead of just one."
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

"What? Oh, this isn't a present invader base, it's one they made just after they arrived. I'm pretty sure it was abandoned or overrun shortly thereafter. Going to an occupied alien outpost would be crazy! This one should be... well, not actually safe, but the ruins of a base rather then an actual base. Probably."

She looked surprised by Azira's offer. "That... actually sounds good. If it's not too much trouble. I'm not quite as good at fighting as I thought, apparently. I'm not sure if it'll ever be possible to completely remove the invaders from the jungle, but if it is then learning more about how they operate will be an important step, and my research might help with that."

She blushed suddenly and turned away. "The only problem is... well, I'm still naked. And even aside from the humiliation of going home and explaining my failure, all the information I used to locate this site is public. A lost day could mean someone else got there first. I suppose with only, ah, us women, being naked won't be too much of a problem?"
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

As reassured as Azira was when Laura told her that she had found an abandoned outpost, she still arched an eyebrow, the "probably" not doing wonders for her confidence.

Still, she grinned enthusiastically when Laura accepted their offer to team up. "Great! I know it may not seem like a realistic goal, but people need to see that extermination of the aliens is possible! And your research represents the best opportunity to undestand and destroy the invaders."

When Laura blushed and voiced her concerns about her nudity, and the way they couldn't waste time going back for clothes, Azira averted her eyes for a moment. Then, she looked back at Laura, allowing her eyes to roam over her body idly, without any sort of discretion this time. Finally, she made eye contact with Laura and smiled. Then she stood up and slowly, sensually pulled off her armor, clothes she wore under, and her undergarments. She was left standing before Laura completely nude, exposing the light patch of blue pubic hair between her legs. She sat down next to Laura offering to share the blanket she carried with her. "It's not a problem with me." She replied demurely. "As long as we aren't doing anything, I suppose I will just go without clothes as well, just to make sure everything stays balanced."Azira smiled and made to spread the blanket over both of them.
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

The young woman looked away and blushed when she saw Azira openly eyeing her, but it didn't take keen eyes to also spot the scholar's hardening nipples. And when Azira dropped her own clothes, the woman stammered, but her eyes seemed locked on the little patch of blue hair. "That's very... thoughtful... but you don't... don't have to go naked just because..." And had that shine of dampness between the woman's legs been there since she gave birth?

Lauren was having trouble looking Azira in the face as she pulled the blanket over both of them, but she didn't try to pull away and there could no longer be any doubt that she was getting increasingly aroused by close contact with the blue-haired warrior. "Um... are you...?" Breathing and blushing increasingly heavily, the nude brunette seemed unable to finish her question, but perhaps words weren't needed at this point, as she leaned closer to her rescuer, lips slightly parted, and finally meeting Azira's eyes and revealing a smoldering passion.
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

As Laura leaned towards her, lips parted, Azira slowly leaned in. She closed her eyes as their lips met. Laura's lips felt soft and her breath was warm. She gently passed her tongue into Laura's mouth, relishing the taste and feel of the other woman's tongue and their tongues interwining in the busty brunnete's mouth. The blanket was quickly repositioned to lie beneath, rather than on top of, the couple.

While their lips met, Azira was also enjoying the feel of Laura's perky, hardened nipples against her bare skin. She could feel her own nipple's hardening in response to the sensation. As the impromptu couple kissed softly, Azira stuck one leg under Laura's hips, feeling the warmth, wetness, and desire radiating from her sex. Breaking away from the kiss, Azira smiled at the woman as she lifted her other leg and rested it over her shoulder. In this scissor position, she looked up at Laura with desire and longing in her eyes. When she began to rub the soft mound of her pussy against Laura's own netherlips, she said with a lusty smile, "Does this answer your question?"

Laying back and softly rubbing her pusy against Laura's, she felt a growing pleasure in her loins. She was definitely more than a little wet now, and was fondling her own breasts, gently teasing her nipples as she laid back, and waited for Laura to make a move.
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

Laura didn't seem capable of giving any answer but a long and aroused moan, but actions spoke louder then words. She pushed back against Azira's soft folds with vigor, and Azira could feel her pleasure mounting as the two women's jucies mixed. Laura's eyes were closed, and she was almost frantically rubbing at her breasts and tweaking her nipples, as her moans grew in passion towards an inevitable peak.

That peak came for Laura moments before Azira's own, but by the time the blue-haired woman's orgasm had faded it was clear that Laura wasn't done yet. Now that they had started she seemed almost desperate, and she gently pushed the Amazonian onto her back, and got on her hands and knees over the other woman, head above Azira's legs. She bent down, and Azira felt the woman's hard nipples brush against her belly as Laura's hands began rubbing at the already-wet slit while her tongue found Azira's clit. Before long fingers were dipping in and out of the warrior's pussy with increasing speed and depth, and another orgasm was on its way. But in the mean time, there was something very interesting a few inches above her face, dripping the occasional bead of arousal and practically begging for attention.
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

Azira found herself increasing aroused, not only by the way her mound was rubbing against Laura's but the site of the woman massaging her own breasts was incredibly attractive. Her moans of pleasure became rapid, short gasps as the two women pushed each other towards orgasm, becoming a long, loud cry of pleasure and lust as she orgasmed soon after Laura, their juices mixing together in, on, and around their soft pussies.

As she lay down, breathing heavily, Azira was surprised when Laura stuck her head between her legs and vigorously rubbed away at her folds while also stimulating her clit. She was briefly transfixed by the unexpected pleasure and was sent hurtling towards another orgasm. Not to be outdone, she grabbed Laura by her shapely rear, and pulled her crotch down to her face so that she could provide her with similar ministrations.

Rather than pleasure Laura's folds with her hands, Azira opted to use her tongue to enter the woman, relishing the soft warmth as well as the taste of the lovers' juices mixed together. Relinquishing her hold on Laura's ass, she used one hand to gently tweak and rub Laura's own clit, while she used her other hand to pinch the hardened nipples that Laura was rubbing against her stomach, totally lost in the pleasure she was receiving. She moaned into Laura's pussy as she worked.
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

Laura pulled away slightly as Azira's tongue touched her lower lips, but after a fraction of a second she calmed down and practically pushed her feminine parts into her partner's face. The effect of the blue-haired woman's efforts were immediate and intense, and she quickly tasted the other woman's honey as Lauren faltered in her own stimulation. But again the hesitation lasted only a moment, and Azira was well on her way to her second orgasm of the night when she felt the young woman's body seize on top of her as a spurt of arousal announced that Lauren had cum.

It was clear, in fact, that while Lauren knew more or less what to do, she wasn't practiced at it in the way that Azira was. The warrior's more skillful and vigorous attentions brought the brunette to a second orgasm just as she reached her own. Finally, a moan more satisfied then aroused from the scholar announced that the evening's activities were coming to a close. Somewhat to her surprise, therefore, Azira felt the other woman's tongue running down her wet slit for the first time. Lauren writhed slightly, and slid off her partner as she turned around, ending up face to face. She hesitated for a moment again, then kissed the blue-haired warrior full on the lips, their respective juices mingling and giving Azira a taste of her own honey. Lauren hugged Azira tightly, with slightly wide eyes, as if waiting to see how the other woman would react and afraid it would be to pull away.
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

Sorry for the delay on this post, my new job has been eating my free time, and the energy I usually reserve for posts. Though now that I am getting in the swing of things I should be able to post more consistently. Sorry again for the delay.

Azira was not shy about what she wanted this night, occaisionally raising her hips up and reaching down to gently press Laura into her folds. She was also not self-conscious when it came to the lewd and lusty noises she made. Numerous smacks and slurps accompanied her oral ministrations to Laura's pleasantly wet pussy. And as Laura pleasured her in turn, Azira would moan in pleasure, sometimes moaning into the other woman's pussy, and other times sending lusty cries into the nighttime air of the jungle. She giggled and actually increased her efforts when Laura came and released her sweet honey onto her face, happy to find that it tasted rather delicious. It briefly occured to her that not more than a few hours ago, this pussy had more or less belonged to an alien grabber. But as she was pushed closer to sweet release, that thought was pushed from her mind and she continued to pleasure Laura.

Some clit-teasing, licking, and fingering later, Azira and Laura had both reached their final climaxes. When Laura willfully kissed Azira, she delighted in tasting their mixed fluids on the scholar's tongue. As Laura pulled back to look at her, Azira met her gaze. It seemed the woman was trying to gauge Azira's reaction to everything that had just happened, maybe she had esteem or abandonment issues? To her though, it seemed as though the woman was looking for approval...or closeness... She never was the absolute best at reading people. Well at any rate, she decided she liked Laura, even if she wasn't necessarily the most skilled lover, she had enthusiasm and heart, skill would come with the time they would hopefully spend together.

Azira still came to a quick decision on how to react. She felt tired as Laura seemed to as well, so more sex was out of the question, something simple was called for. As Laura was hugging her, clutching her it seemed, Azira gently pulled a makeshift pillow for them to lay their heads on and stuck a finger into the woman's lubricated, relaxed vagina. She wiggled it around for a moment before sliding the digit out and sensually licking Laura's juices off it and winking playfully at her new partner before pulling herself flush with the woman, her head beside Laura's.

"Well, I think that was a good way to consumate our new...partnership, don't you? We should do this more often." She giggled slightly. "Now get some rest, we have some exploring to do tomorrow." She fell asleep as they held each other, far more grateful than she let on to not have to hold herself as she drifted off into slumber.
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

A startled look came over Lauren's face as she felt Azira's finger push into her still-hot passage, fading to a blush at the suggestion that they have sex more often, and then finally a mischievous grin. "If it's anything like the exploring I did tonight, then I'm looking forward to it."

Azira awoke at dawn to hear an almost genteel snore. Well, as close to genteel as snoring could get, anyway. Brief inspection of the surrounding area showed that the scholar had rolled onto her back in the night. Her mouth was open, her breasts moving in a most interesting way as she breathed, and her legs were spread just enough for the warrior to see that she seemed to be mildly aroused. Her mouth moved slightly, and there was what might almost have been a low moan between snores. In a few minutes the light would hit the sleeping woman's face and she would wake up, unless something else awoke her sooner.

The jungle seemed quiet, which was fortunate. Two women, sleeping more or less in the open, naked and smelling of sex... well, the fact that they had awoken unmolested suggested the distinct possibility that the invaders they had faced the previous day had chased some of the other native fauna away. It wouldn't stay safe forever.
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

Azira smiled at Laura's comment as she drifted off into sleep.

Waking up, Azira was content to watch and admire Laura for a minute, contemplating the arousal that was still apparent in the woman's pussy. She decided it was time to wake the woman up, they had a big day ahead of them. The thought briefly occured to her that they were lucky not to have been raped by numerous denizens of the jungle during the night, perhaps due to the offending presence of aliens. Though she brushed the thought aside as she turned back to Laura.

Getting on her knees so as to straddle Laura's head, facing down the length of her body, Azira gently massaged Laura's nipples and said in a lustfilled voice, "Wakey, wakey sleepy head, time for breakfast!" Her already-wet pussy sat directly over Laura's mouth, so close she could feel the heat coming from it. It was pretty clear what Azira had in mind for 'breakfast.' Not one to be neglectful, Azira leaned down on Laura and promptly began to eat her out as well, going until the both of them had reached orgasm, twisting and massaging the other woman's nipples to the best of her ability.

After the deeds were done, she would take a moment to sit by Laura's side and take their collective love juices and gently massage the sticky honey into Laura's chest, belly, and generally all over her torso. As she gave the woman a sticky, tender, and hormonal massage, she softly asked her, "So, how about some real breakfast and then we go find our way to that site you were talking about?"
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

Laura awoke with a grunt of surprise, and snapped her legs together for a long moment before letting them ease apart, giving Azira a clear path to her so-called breakfast. As she tasted the scholar's arousal, Azira was painfully aware of her own as-yet-untouched cunt hovering above her partner's face. But a few more seconds of the blue-haired warrior's tongue working its magic and the other woman got into the mood, spreading her legs as wide as she could, grinding her hips towards her lover's face, and reaching up to deliver much-needed attention to Azira's greedy hole.

This morning the scholar was a little more adventuresome with her tongue, tasting Azira's folds on occasion, but she still did most of the work with her fingers. The amazonian could hardly be surprised when Laura was the first to orgasm, but she stubbornly continued 'exploring' with her tongue and fingers, moving constantly between pussy, clit, breasts, and nipples as best she could. Finally she came, making Laura gasp at the unexpected portion of love juice.

Afterward, she spent another few minutes tending to her lover, rubbing her body with both of their honey and managing to give Laura a second orgasm in the process. The scholar seemed almost disappointed when her partner's fingers slowed and the talk turned to business, but she quickly sat up and joined in. "Ah, right. I don't think we'll be able to make it today unless you want to walk through the night, but I suppose we really ought to get a move on..."

The pair finished their light breakfast quickly, and Laura gathered up all her things, looking decidedly odd with a sword, shield, and quiver strapped to her otherwise naked body, and holding her bow. "And what about you? I can't say that I don't enjoy seeing the sights, but it might be wiser to, ah..." she gestured at Azira's discarded clothing.
Re: Cleansing the Jungle (aguy) GMed by thetwo

Azira giggled at Laura's reflexive clenching of her legs, though it was really not a bad reflex to have in a place like this. While she as indulging herself in Laura's soft, aroused, folds, her own pussy was sadly neglected. After a little work on Laura's pussy, and after brushing her own pussy against the scholar's face a few times, she got in the mood and began to make Azira's pussy feel loved as well.

It did not take a very long time to bring Laura to orgasm, and when she came, Azira eagerly lapped up the sweetness between her legs, and continued her ministrations until the bolder, though still fairly timid Laura brought her to orgasm.

As the orgasm wracked her body, she arched her back in pleasure, finally coming up from Laura's pussy, as she pressed her own straight down onto Laura's face despite the woman's obvious hesitation when it came to engaging in oral sex. In the throes of orgasm, she ground her hips into Laura's face, fairly coating it with her love-honey. When she recovered, she giggled at the sight of the cum on her partner's face and in her hair.

Afterwards, as she gently massaged their love juices into her lover, she was pleased that Laura had yielded another orgasm and more juices, and decided that she would do this more often. She did not hesitate to plunge her hand into the aroused scholar's orgasming pussy to gather more juices to lather on the woman.

Finally finished with the to the site Laura had discovered, Azira was itching to get a move on. And Laura did indeed cut a sexy figure garbed only in armaments. There was a dangerous seductiveness about her, at least there would be if Azira didn't know how timid the woman was when it came to sex. When she complemented her nudity and motioned to her clothes, Laura grinned sheepishly. "Yea, I guess that would be a good idea wouldn't it?" She gathered up her clothes, doing a little tease for Laura as she put them on. When she went to collect her gear, she noticed the greyheart and chameleon's skin she had collected earlier. It also occured to her that she was out of health potions and she could definitely use some more. From her training with one of her mentors, she knew there existed a merchant who could find you anywhere so long as you wished to business.

Azira knew the two alien trophy's would more than cover the cost of some potions, and heck while she was at it, she could at least get Laura some clothes so she would at least have some protection from the lecherous inhabitants of the jungle.

After completing this transaction, treating the merchant very courteously, Azira is ready to set out.

Summons merchant, sells greyheart (25 denari), and chameleon skin (15 denari), buys 3 health potions (30 denari) and one set of clothes (5 denari). Gains 3 health potions, 1 set of clothes and gives them to Laura (with a tender kiss), and 5 denari.