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RPG RPG Maker [ Clymenia ] [ クリメニア ] XVI ~Liz of the Tower~ / XVI 塔の町のリズ (RE178928) (RJ178928)

Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

This will probably release on Monday since he promised a release THIS month.
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

The good news is it will be released soon (if I read his twit right). Or at least, it will still be released in this month, since there's no notice of delay as of now.

The bad news is, *only* 68 events (4 non-erotic events), 10 mini-events will be included.
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

The good news is it will be released soon (if I read his twit right). Or at least, it will still be released in this month, since there's no notice of delay as of now.

The bad news is, *only* 68 events (4 non-erotic events), 10 mini-events will be included.

lol 68 events is bad news? when we have games who only have less than 10 events these days XD?
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

lol 68 events is bad news? when we have games who only have less than 10 events these days XD?

This, 68 is plenty enough! ( Unless it's 10CG re-used in those 68 events, then yes, it sucks ) but I doubt Clymenia would do that :p
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

Well, that was just because someone complained on the author's blog that he released 68 events instead of over 100 events as promised.
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

Where did you guys get the information about 68 events?

This number alone is nearly useless though :(

If you are talking about 68 UNIQUE EVENTS (without only slightly altered CG's) so in short 68 COMPLETELY unique scenes this would be one of the largest games I have ever seen.

If it goes like many of the old circle kame games where 1 situation progresses up to 7-8 times and counts as 8 events 68 is not that much....

I would estimate based on the older games that there are several scenes that progress at least from 1 to 4 or 5 based on H stats.... There will most likely also be some non progressing scenes and if you take salvation into account some scenes may also use the same CG/sprites ....

All in all I would guess that there will be around 20-30 (My guess 25) unique CG'S / Scenes which is not bad at all.


Just noticed it on their twitter page...
Event number 68 ( including a non- erotic 4 ) , mini- event number about 10 . In I will Serve the time being .

So 54 FULL H Events.
Guess my estimate drops from 25 to 20 which is still plenty.... Depending on what the mini events actually are. My guess would be that these are the scenes contain only a small character sprite having sex in different ways without any background. (Like they did in Salvation)

Considering they only have 1 main and 1 sub heroine that is still quite a large game.

I'm more interested in what they did with the actual gameplay. Salavation had a good balance in my opinion. I like Dungeons/exploring many towns and think that only 1 medium-large town is kinda boring.
I didn't play the trial so I will go 100% blind into the game.

*Edit 2

Circle responds to questions on twitter! To sum it up:

- Apparently because it was the focus of their last game this game will contain no scenes related to hypnosis in any way. >>> For people who like that Fetish it's a bummer.... but hey you got a full game featuring your fetish anyway???
- He will fill out an application tomorrow and he wonders whether it will pass before this month ends. >>> Release next week pretty much confirmed. Will release around thursday/friday I guess
- The progressing scenes will have 4 scenes at max which is pretty much what I expected. >>> 54 : 4 = 13.5 but since I expect this game to have simple GOR rape scenes after a boss or non progressing scenes I still estimate it to have at least 20 unique scenes/CG's without progressing scenes.
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Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

So that would be 33 "unique" CGs?
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

So that would be 33 "unique" CGs?

Why are you saying 33?
I Expect 20 unique H CG'S
around 4-5 for the "mini" events.
quite 4 non H CG's + normal character sprites.
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

Just noticed it on their twitter page...
Event number 68 ( including a non- erotic 4 ) , mini- event number about 10 . In I will Serve the time being .

So 54 FULL H Events.

I understood that as 64+10, and not 64-10. Otherwise he would've specified the 10 mini-events in the brackets as well.

Like this: (including non-erotic 4 and mini-event 10)
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

I understood that as 64+10, and not 64-10. Otherwise he would've specified the 10 mini-events in the brackets as well.

Like this: (including non-erotic 4 and mini-event 10)

I think you are right! He included the 4 non erotic in the 68 but not the 10 mini events.
Then my number which was previously 20 would go up to 23-25 again.
+ The mini events.
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

According to author's twitter, if no trouble happens, it should be out tomorrow.

And link for English dlsite that I happened to pick up on the way.
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

If it releases tomorrow I'm gonna buy it and I'll post it when I wake up.
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

According to author's twitter, if no trouble happens, it should be out tomorrow.

And link for English dlsite that I happened to pick up on the way.

Aaaah damn you ;) You were faster! Was just about to post the same thing with translations.
Anyway I'm quite pleased that he also released it on the English DL Site. Apparently he recognizes the international fanbase he has.

I Liked the English translation on DLSite:

"Liz and Aisha follow the man who took their Grimoire of Darkness to the town of Bramach.
Sensing danger that young witch Liz can't handle, Aisha tells her to stay behind,
but Liz doesn't heed her mentor's words and chases after......

The talented but still young witch

Liz's mentor (previously from Luxuria"

I didn't know that the main heroine is a witch.... (again) She looked more like a roughish type who would use a sabre, dagger or short sword.
Too be honest we already had a caster type in Salvation and Witch act.

Guess I need to play the demo now :O
Wouldn't suprise me if she uses thunder spells after the previous heroines used Fire & Ice respectively.
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

Aaaah damn you ;) You were faster! Was just about to post the same thing with translations.
Anyway I'm quite pleased that he also released it on the English DL Site. Apparently he recognizes the international fanbase he has.

I Liked the English translation on DLSite:

"Liz and Aisha follow the man who took their Grimoire of Darkness to the town of Bramach.
Sensing danger that young witch Liz can't handle, Aisha tells her to stay behind,
but Liz doesn't heed her mentor's words and chases after......

The talented but still young witch

Liz's mentor (previously from Luxuria"

I didn't know that the main heroine is a witch.... (again) She looked more like a roughish type who would use a sabre, dagger or short sword.
Too be honest we already had a caster type in Salvation and Witch act.

Guess I need to play the demo now :O
Wouldn't suprise me if she uses thunder spells after the previous heroines used Fire & Ice respectively.
It wasn't meant to be translated to witch, but a mage or magician
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

It wasn't meant to be translated to witch, but a mage or magician

makes more sense since she can use multiple spells and is not just focused on fire/ice magic like the previous heroines were.

I will stop playing the trial for now since I don't want to play the same part twice when it releases....

I Don't want to spoiler anything but the first part of the game is a long march through 5 little towns which feel very empty but since this whole part only lasts a good 10 minutes so it's fine I guess. In the Town with the giant Tower you will find your main game I guess? . There are only a few scenes in the trial though and once you finish this part the Town seems to open up some more. But judging by the Game art/cover it seems to be all about the Tower. Anyway the game looks really good so far.... they focused also on details in small towns to make them look really impressive.
Only thing I don't like so far is the combat. At least in the first levels of the tower you auto win the fights and just collect the item. Normal combat seems to only happen during boss fights.

Judging by the trial CG/Scene room most scenes feature up to 3 or 4 parts so we can expect many different scenes.

Overall the game feels quite dark.... Expect towns like the one in the hypnosis game. No sparkling white Castle towns to find here :)

Hopefully the game releases tomorrow and we can enjoy the whole game. Seems like this will be their best game, judging by Art/Story so far.... Gameplay is slightly disappointing but as I said I only played like 20-30 mins of the Trial ;)

The music feels so much like FF7/FF8.... This could be a slum in Midgar by the feelings I get while playing this :) I'm not even kidding. Maybe a hint of Timber from FF8 is in there too.
Maybe I just totally embarassed myself but it certainly doesn't sound like the default RPG Maker music that EVERYONE uses.


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Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

Imma replay Luxuria, while waiting for this, since the MC from said game returns in this one! :D
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

Imma replay Luxuria, while waiting for this, since the MC from said game returns in this one! :D

Personally I didn't like Luxuria that much! It was great for a "first game" but not really that interesting.

She looks and is way older in this game and only plays a small role in this game.

But go ahead :) Certainly doesn't hurt.
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

I Don't want to spoiler anything but the first part of the game is a long march through 5 little towns which feel very empty but since this whole part only lasts a good 10 minutes so it's fine I guess.

Judging by the trial CG/Scene room most scenes feature up to 3 or 4 parts so we can expect many different scenes.

Overall the game feels quite dark.... Expect towns like the one in the hypnosis game. No sparkling white Castle towns to find here :)

The stuffs before entering the main town are all prologue, the game will pretty much only consist of doing things in the main town. (there should've been the option to skip playing the whole prologue and get a summarized story up to that point)

I don't think the game is THAT dark, most of the scenes are more about the girl getting tricked into having sex, rather than using force to rape her.

By the time she's got high corruption then she'd enjoy herself.
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

The stuffs before entering the main town are all prologue, the game will pretty much only consist of doing things in the main town. (there should've been the option to skip playing the whole prologue and get a summarized story up to that point)

I don't think the game is THAT dark, most of the scenes are more about the girl getting tricked into having sex, rather than using force to rape her.

By the time she's got high corruption then she'd enjoy herself.

Yeah. That's what I meant.... but the whole feeling the Town gives you is dark.
Compare that with the towns in Salvation and you know what i mean ;)
It's a lawless town afterall....
Well I think the prologue is worth at least 1 quick playthrough. Doesn't take long at all.
Re: XVI 塔の町のリズ [RJ174425]

Its out, now the waiting game