Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)
MAF: Tight, but still stretching, Priscilla's ass seemed like it was made for a wealthy cock like Coltia's to enter as it easily and painlessly enveloped around her meat. "Hard~ Thrust~" Priscilla said with broken vocabulary, her hand still squeezing and rubbing Coltia's girth while her hips bucked backwards to try and swallow more of her length inside.
SirOni: "W-wow~ T-this, this f-feels great~" Coltia cries out as she enters Priscilla's ass, the orc girl's hand still wrapped around the base of the young woman's member. "G-god, no wonder you took me l-like you did... I-I want to f-f-f-f-fuck you so much right n-now~" Gently thrusting in and out of Priscilla's ass Coltia is content to simply enjoy the sensation of the orc girl's insides pulling at her thick cock, as if it didn't want her to part from Priscilla.
MAF: "Hard~! Oogie!" Priscilla seemed to cheer her own, no sign of pain in the orc's face, only maddening pleasure as she grinned wide back at Coltia, thrusting her hips back onto Coltia to make her thrusts more powerful. And if she weren't careful, Priscilla would push back hard enough to knock Coltia back and take control of the situation.
SirOni: "Now, now. I'm the one in charge this time~" Smiling, Coltia taunts Priscilla, teasing the orc girl with long drawn out thrusts, forcing herself deep into Priscilla's ass then slowly pulling herself back out.
MAF: Licking her lips, Priscilla put both of her hands on the ground, before pushing her hips back, letting out a cry as Coltia found her feet leaving the ground slightly as Priscilla pushed her up, before pulling back down, drawing most of her cock out, and then shoving herself right back again, slamming her ass against Coltia's crotch, and torturing her cock with her tight anal ring.
SirOni: Coltia cries out as their roles are suddenly reversed yet again, surprised because she thougt that she had a handle on the situation. "P-Pris~!" Colt cries as she lands on her behind, Priscilla spearing herself on to Cotlia's dick. "T-this isn't gonna stop me f-from punishing you~" Unperturbed by Priscilla taking the lead once more Coltia nibbles on the orc girls neck, greedily licking her monster's neck as one hand takes hold of a breast while the other begins to pleasure Priscilla's member.
MAF: Letting out a loud moan of pleasure from Coltia's acts, Priscilla's hips now were thrusting with a different purpose, to pleasure her length on Coltia's hand while one breast was held and the other bounced with her thrusts and Coltia's own. "C-cum~!" Priscilla announced, tensing up as she did before filling Coltia up with her seed.
SirOni: Coltia lets out an excited squeal as Priscilla ejaculates, covering the orc girl with her own semen, though even as she finishes shooting out the last of her seed Coltia continues to stroke Priscilla off, a lewd smile on her face. "Don't think I'm letting you finish just yet~" Forcing the orc girl up onto her knees by knocking her back with her chest Coltia assumes dominance once more, powerfully thrusting into Priscilla, her hips roughly slapping against Priscilla's buttocks while the young woman continues to jerk her off and squeeze her breast.
MAF: "Oogie... Oogie! Oogie!" Priscilla repeated over and over as Coltia violently pounded her with her cock, now motionless in the afterglow of her orgasm, allowing Coltia to fuck the orc's ass with all the force she could muster.
SirOni: "F-finally given into m-me, have you~?" Coltia coo's out, her breathing coming fast and sharp as she nears her own orgasm. The young rancher continues to pound into the orc girl for several more minutes, the sounds of Coltia's moans and her hips slapping against Priscilla's plump ass carrying across the ranch, until finally, Colt reaches her own orgasm. Gripping tightly on to Priscilla's breast and dick Coltia pulls the orc close to her, the young woman's breasts squishing against the back of Priscilla as she shoots her thick seed into Priscilla's ass.
MAF: Priscilla's belly swells up like Coltia's did, making her look just as equally pregnant as Coltia did as Priscilla slumped against the ground. "Oogie..." she panted, both of her hands holding the massive amount of Coltia's semen inside of her. while trying to bear with the fact that Coltia was still inside her as well.
SirOni: As Priscilla falls to the floor so too does Coltia, collapsing on the orc girl and exhausted by her first, and very powerful ejaculation. For several minutes the young rancher lies there, content to bask in the glow of her shared orgasm and in the warmth of the suns rays. Which felt quite nice against her sweat and sex stained body. As she lay there Coltia made no effort to remove her member from Priscilla's ass, deciding to enjoy the sensation of the orc girl's tightness hugging her dick before the magicks of the amulet wear off, whilst wrapping her arms around Priscilla and holding her tight.
MAF: And eventually the magics did wear off. Her length slowly shrank back to it's original form, loosely letting all of the semen in Priscilla's ass spill out. Flattening out on the ground, her belly pressing against the grass, better help aid the cum inside her to leave, though it was clear, even after her belly was flat, that there was still a great deal of Coltia's seed inside her bowels.
SirOni: As her dick slowly reforms back into her clitoris Coltia sits back up into what is mostly a large puddle of hers and Priscilla's semen and gently caresses the orc girls leg. "T-that was pretty fun~" Coltia teases Priscilla once more, spanking the orc's ass once more. "I-I didn't realise I even had that in me..." Coltia then places a hand on her stomach. "Man, you really came loads, didn't you. I wonder if you've gotten me pregnant. That would be a great way to start my rancher career."
MAF: "A great way indeed," said a heavanly voice. "I see you've found a taste for the pleasures of the mixed gender as well." said the heavanly voice from the woman that was approaching. Rounded, and dressed lewdly, she was clearly a half-angel who had experienced many pregnancies, likely due to at least her companion, a werewolf at her side.
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SirOni: Coltia turns around suddenly, startled by the sudden appearance of a new person though the young rancher doesn't make any effort to cover her cum stained sweaty body. "Oh, hi there!" Coltia says cheerily, a light flush appearing over her face, slightly embarrassed at being caught in such a state. "You, uh... You haven't been here long, right? And I'd offer you my hand, but well..."
MAF: She giggled, "I apologize, I have been here during the middle of your passion, and have been watching since. You seem to have a similar love as I, of the mixed gender."
SirOni: Coltia blushes more furiously as the woman explains that she's been watching for most of the time. "Um, yeah. I-I do... My mothers, they both have orc parents, a-and I have orc blood. So... so I guess it's natural for m-me to take a shining to o-orcs as well." The young woman stammers out, though she can't help but stare at the full figured woman, lust already slowly filling her mind once more. "I guess you're a rancher too? Venice said that I may be visited by others. I'm Coltia by the way."
MAF: "And I am Melpha, Rank B Rancher. I am the head of the B League, and I raise all monsters with the extra bits added on~ Werewolves, Anubi, and even Orcs like your's, if you ever wish to share the delight of them, my Ranch is open to you."
SirOni: "T-thank you for that offer, Melpha," Coltia bows to show her appreciation though her eyes never leave the older woman, something about her sets off something inside Colt though she chooses not to act on it, not wanting to make her new acquaintance think her as mad.
MAF: "Well, I'll be around," Melpha informs her, "If you don't mind, I do have a favor to ask, but come anytime you feel you need some money." she said, before departing
SirOni: "I'll be sure to call round when the time comes then. See you around!" Coltia calls out to Melpha as she leaves, making a mental note to visit Melpha to see what she meant by earning a bit of money. "Well, guess we should clean up now, huh?" Getting up Coltia offers a hand to Priscilla.
MAF: Together, Priscilla and Coltia spent quality time with each other. Coltia eventually learned that Priscilla saying, "Oogie!" didn't really mean anything, and was more often used just to make noise.
+20 loyalty
MAF: The next week, Venice arrived on the farm to greet the pair. "I see you two have gotten to know each other a little." she stated, "Are you prepared for the final step of your training?"
SirOni: (Aww, Coltia didn't get pregnant?)
SirOni: "Final step? I'd say we are. How 'bout you, Pris?" Not even waiting for a semblance of reply from Priscilla Coltia turns to Venice once more. "So what have we got to do now?"
SirOni: (Dayum, guess we've got to try again then!)
MAF: "There's a little fairy causing trouble in the town. She's pranking shop owners and other Ranchers, and your job is to simply make her stop. There's a bounty of 500G for her capture, but if you simply wanted to keep her, you could do that instead."
SirOni: "A fairy, eh? Sounds like it shouldn't be too much of a problem, even for me," Coltia beams, happy to finally be able to get the chance to show off both hers and Priscilla's skills. "And maybe we should try to capture her, another mamono could come in handy."
MAF: "I'll lead the way, but there's one more thing. If you want an extra edge, you can promise your mamono something if they fight extra hard. With the promise in mind, they'll listen to you much better, however, if you fail to deliver on your promise, count on much of the loyalty and trust you've built up to plummet."
SirOni: A sly expression comes over Coltia's face. "You hear that, Pris? What should I promise you..?" The young rancher pretends to think for a moment before turning to Priscilla once more. "I know, how about some personal time together later on? Would you like that?"
MAF: Priscilla doesn't seem too pleased with that. She gave Coltia a look that basically said, "You mean you won't let me if I don't?" and thought that she was threatening more than promising. But, after thinking for a moment, she rose an idea. "More meat!" she announced, desiring another week of meat.
SirOni: "Well I guess the reward for taking down this fairy would cover it, so sure. That can be arranged. Though you better make sure we win this, otherwise I'll be punishing you later on," Coltia sticks her tongue out at Priscilla before chuckling for a moment.
MAF: Priscilla made puffy cheeks at Coltia, before Venice nodded, "With that, she should fight well for this battle. Don't just rely on promises though, or else you'll find your resources quickly exhausted." she warned her, before departing for the town.
SirOni: "Oh I won't, I think I've worked out how to keep Priscilla sweet so that we'll work well together," With that Coltia quickly follows behind Venice as the group make their way to the town.
MAF: Together, they went with Venice to the town. There, they immediately heard the cry of a distressed woman, "Get out, you naughty little thing!" she cried, swinging a boom around, before a hysterical little fairy flew out of the window, before bringing herself to a hault as Priscilla stood in her way. "Uh-oh! I'm in trouble! Hee-hee!" she giggled, before the two faced off, ready to combat!
Priscilla: 144 / 144
Guts: 0
Fairy: 75 / 75
Guts: 0
Thwack 40%
Pow 16
Encouragement: (Giving encouragement does not mean she cannot use a skill unless otherwise noted)
Go all out! (Increase tohit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Forsake using a skill, increase defense and dodge)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)
MAF: (If you have any questions, ask me, I'll try to put up a full explanation in the subforum sometime)
SirOni: "Right, Pris. This is your chance to show us what you're capable of! Show that fairy who's the boss!" Coltia calls out as the fairy almost flies straight into Priscilla. [4th option]
MAF: "Be careful when talking with your mamono. If her loyalty is low, all you will be is a distraction." Venice warns, but Priscilla seems encouraged anyway, becoming Composed. (Positive morale comes in different flavors, but all generally function the same.)
The Fairy points behind Priscilla, "Hey, look over there!" And Priscilla fell for it as a bolt of magic strikes her from behind!
Priscilla suffers 26 damage!
Priscilla swings her hammer at the Fairy!
The Fairy suffers 50 damage!
Priscilla: 118 / 144
Guts: 0
Fairy: 25 / 75
Guts: 7
Thwack 57%
Pow 16
Encouragement: (Giving encouragement does not mean she cannot use a skill unless otherwise noted)
Go all out! (Increase tohit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Forsake using a skill, increase defense and dodge)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)
SirOni: (Priscilla's guts didn't go up?)
MAF: (When given a command, they use it once they build up enough guts. Since she only has Thwack, it defaults to that.)
SirOni: (Ah, fair enough.)
SirOni: "Don't let her sucker punch you like that! You're better than that! Take her down!" Colt shouts out, getting caught in the heat of the battle. [option 1]
MAF: "Oogie!" Priscilla acknoledges Coltia, going all out!
"Look out below! Hee-hee~!" The Fairy giggles as she summons a bucket of milk and slams it over Priscilla's head!
Priscilla takes 25 damage and her guts is lowered by 5!
The Fairy flies up and flicks Priscilla's nose with a bolt of magic!
Priscilla takes 27 damage and her guts is lowered by 5!
The Fairy swirls round and round around Priscilla's head!
But Priscilla dodges before the Fairy can land a strike!
Priscilla attempts to bonk the Fairy over the head, but the Fairy swiftly flies away!
Priscilla: 66 / 144
Guts: 0
Fairy: 25 / 75
Guts: 6
Thwack 57%
Pow 16
Encouragement: (Giving encouragement does not mean she cannot use a skill unless otherwise noted)
Go all out! (Increase tohit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Forsake using a skill, increase defense and dodge)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)
SirOni: "C'mon Pris, you can do it. Don't let that fairy get the better of you!" Coltia winces at the pummelling that Priscilla is taking from the diminutive mamono, and decides to encourage the orc girl a little more though at the same time she thinks that the fairy may actually be a useful addition to the team. [Option 4]
MAF: Priscilla frowns, getting Angry!
"Oogie-boogie, miss piggy!" the Fairy giggles, Composed!
The Fairy fires a playful bolt of magic!
Priscilla steps to the side!
"Wee~" The Fairy giggles, swirling round and round Priscilla!
But Priscilla isn't taken by her fast movement!
Priscilla swings her hammer!
The Fairy's Composure allows her to swiftly evade ahead of time!
"Oogie..." Priscilla is Discouraged!
Priscilla: 66 / 144
Guts: 0
Fairy: 25 / 75
Guts: 4
Thwack 57%
Pow 16
Encouragement: (Giving encouragement does not mean she cannot use a skill unless otherwise noted)
Go all out! (Increase tohit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Forsake using a skill, increase defense and dodge)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)
SirOni: "Okay, this fairy's starting to piss me off, deal with her quick so I can punish her back at the ranch!" Furious now by the shameful display due to the fairy Coltia orders Priscilla to deal with the fairy as fast as she can. [option 1]
MAF: "Oogie..." Priscilla shakes her head, Discouraged.
"What's wrong, miss piggy? Hee-hee~!" the Fairy giggled, offering the piggy a present!
Priscilla wasn't fooled by her trick.
Priscilla swings with her hammer, but she isn't confident in her attack!
The Fairy takes 30 damage!
MAF: "Wawawa...!" The Fairy cries out, before plummeting to the ground.
SirOni: "Yes! You did it!" Running up to Priscilla Coltia throws her arms around the orc girl and gives her a quick kiss. "I knew you could do it." Releasing Priscilla from the embrace Colt ruffles the orc's hair before looking down at the fairy. "Now you, you've caused everyone a lot of trouble. What should we do with you..."
MAF: "Congratulations. It seemed as if the fairy was making a comeback for a moment. When your mamono is distressed like that, you have to get their spirits back up. Telling her to go allout like that when she wasn't confident in herself... It's a miracle she landed her attack in that state." Venice lectured Coltia.
SirOni: "I didn't command her properly?" Turning to look at Priscilla Coltia looks somewhat disheartened. "I'm sorry, I'll do better next time, I promise."
MAF: Priscilla hung her head, a bit sad over how the fairy seemed to run circles around her, while the fairy began to slowly try to crawl away. "Wawa... Spinning..." she groaned, falling back down as she seemed disoriented.
SirOni: "Don't look like that, it's my fault why you didn't do as well as you did. I should've commanded you better. I'll be sure to make it up to you later on, and don't forget, you'll be getting meat this week as well. So cheer up," Coltia smiles reassuringly at Priscilla, trying to pick up the orc girl's mood though out of the corner of her eye Colt notices the fairy trying to sneak off. "Oh no you don't," She says sternly, and bending over Coltia makes to grab the fairy by her wings.
MAF: Priscilla smiled and nodded at the promise of food, while the fairy let a cry out, "W-wah! P-put me doooown!" she cried, flailing her arms as her wings tried to flap.
MAF: (Random fact of the day: Fairies are usually one foot tall)
MAF: (Because I said so.)
SirOni: (Hahaha, that's fine by me.)
SirOni: "No way, I'm not going to let you fly off just to let you cause trouble elsewhere, I'm putting a stop to this right now," Coltia holds on tighter to the fairies wings, just in case she manages to slip away. "You're coming back with Priscilla and myself to be punished. You've got to learn pranking people isn't something you should go around doing."
MAF: "Noooo! I wanna be freeee!" she cries out. "I won't prank here anymore, I swear! I'll go somewhere else!"
SirOni: "Nope, I'm putting my foot down. We beat you fair and square, so you're mine now," Coltia puts her foot down on the issue, and is very much willing to drag her kicking and screaming if it comes down to it. "Why don't you tell the fairy how nice it is living on our ranch, Pris."
MAF: Priscilla stepped forward, and gave the fairy a big lick. "Ewww!" she cries, "I'm not tasty!"
SirOni: "Ha, that's how Priscilla shows affection," Coltia lets out a small laugh at the fairies reaction. "See, Priscilla's forgiven you already. So c'mon, we're going back to the ranch now. Oh, before we do, do you have a name or will I be naming you as well?"
MAF: "I was born after a little girl's spirit passed away in the forest. No one named me," she replied.
MAF: ( Your Fairy!
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SirOni: "Well that's not right," Coltia releases her grip on the fairies wings and takes a hold of her hand, more to reassure the tiny mamono that she's not in any danger going with Colt and Priscilla. "I know... how about Chrysanthemum? Or Chris for short? You look like a pretty flower after all."
SirOni: (Delicious.)
MAF: "Chrysanthulmom... Chresanthal...thalmo... Wah! That name is way too long!" she said, her head spinning again.
SirOni: "Well then, Chris it is," Coltia replies, chuckling at the fairies confusion. "Looks like we're all done here, Chris won't be terrorising the town from now on." Coltia says as she turns to face Venice.
MAF: "You've done well, Coltia," Venice compliments her, before turning, ready to leave. "Fairies are easily satisfied, even though they seem like children. Like Priscilla, she will be an excellent start for you." she informed her. "Train up a lot over the next few months, Coltia. At the end of every month is a tournament for every rank. I look forward to seeing your performance in the E division."
MAF: (Must be like, 5 AM for you)
SirOni: (Almost)
MAF: (Well, congrats on your first battal)
MAF: l
Fairy: Grade D
Life: 75
Power: 25
Intelligence: 100
Defense: 75
Skill: 75
Speed: 100
Loyalty: A
Tech: C
Mag 9
SirOni: Coltia blushes at the compliment from Venice. "T-thank you!" Bowing, Coltia bids Venice good bye as she, Priscilla and Chris make their way to her ranch.