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RPG RPG Maker [ Combin Ation ] 生存者サラ / Survivor Sarah (RE109730, RJ109730)

Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

It seems that the first zombie in the game is where the game splits up.

Run from the zombie = Easy path
Fight the zombie = Hard Path

Ah, and the hard path has the different zombies? Interesting.

I see. Once you kill the zombie, you can kill the rat blocking the north path. This lets you bypass the bar the grocery store.
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Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

I'm all for supporting English developers.

But I'm against supporting piece of shit games like this.
Approx $17 for this ... lol.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

I'm getting the RGSS102E.dll can not be found error.

I did some googling, and I think I understand the issue.

I don't have RPG Maker (never DL a game that needed it). Which RPG Maker should I DL from the FAQ thread?
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Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

I'm getting the RGSS102E.dll can not be found error.

I did some googling, and I think I understand the issue.

I don't have RPG Maker (never DL a game that needed it). Which RPG Maker should I DL from the FAQ thread?

Install all of them if you plan on sticking around here, we have RPG from all sort of RPGMakers .- . it's not like it's a massive space sink anyway.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

I'm all for supporting English developers.

But I'm against supporting piece of shit games like this.
Approx $17 for this ... lol.

They might need some income first , to release a better one in the future(?)
Think I'm gonna Buy it

Still I agree with You , it should have been like 9-10$
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

I'm getting the RGSS102E.dll can not be found error.

I did some googling, and I think I understand the issue.

I don't have RPG Maker (never DL a game that needed it). Which RPG Maker should I DL from the FAQ thread?

You only need to download the RTP from Rpg maker XP
easy to find on internet
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

another english rpg that's just fail... might as well skip all future english releases (exept for translated asian developers games). they never seem to impress.

those facial expressions... uuurrgh*
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

I actually enjoyed this game. It was better than a lot of JP ones. It lacks polish in the language and mapping. There is quite a bit of random stuff you can walk through. On the positive I like the idea of a zombie survival H game done similarly to the walking dead. The pictures are of pretty good quality other than her facial reactions which, as someone said, suck. I think when you complain about english H games you gotta remember that it isn't like the JP ones have a good percentage of good to bad. Their are at least 10 terrible ones for every good one.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

I like its story and humor senses which are fun to play with, but its graphics are awful - the problem all English RPG makers are dealing with - they can't draw well. :p
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

I actually enjoyed this game. It was better than a lot of JP ones. It lacks polish in the language and mapping. There is quite a bit of random stuff you can walk through. On the positive I like the idea of a zombie survival H game done similarly to the walking dead. The pictures are of pretty good quality other than her facial reactions which, as someone said, suck. I think when you complain about english H games you gotta remember that it isn't like the JP ones have a good percentage of good to bad. Their are at least 10 terrible ones for every good one.

Except this isn't even survival game, it's basically an RPG with every monsters replaced with a single zombie sprite (regardless of the zombie's own stat even) and no store.

It does have multiple endings, but not really anything expansive due to the game's length.

Heck, in walking dead firing gun = attract zombies, or risk running out of ammo

in this there's limited items sure but unless you're stupid/unlucky then there's very low risk of dying.

And the 'morality' might as well be just whether you're submissive or not. When faced with 'have sex or refuse', I refused and killed a guy, and no morality dropped...pretty sure killing someone should affect your morality...
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

It was self defence and the guy was an asshole.

"This water tastes funny"
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

Except this isn't even survival game, it's basically an RPG with every monsters replaced with a single zombie sprite (regardless of the zombie's own stat even) and no store.

It does have multiple endings, but not really anything expansive due to the game's length.

Heck, in walking dead firing gun = attract zombies, or risk running out of ammo

in this there's limited items sure but unless you're stupid/unlucky then there's very low risk of dying.

And the 'morality' might as well be just whether you're submissive or not. When faced with 'have sex or refuse', I refused and killed a guy, and no morality dropped...pretty sure killing someone should affect your morality...

Then call it lewdness instead of morale and feel good about it, irrelevant QQing about some things in this game right now seems like nitpicking....

For whoever cares:


LR: Lone Route
TR: Team Route

First row:
1) TR - Drink with Benjamin twice.
2~7) TR - Bathroom scenes, some require you to drink with Benjamin once.
8~10) TR - Sex scenes with shopkeeper, blowjob for food, masturbation for opening the door, and finally sex for the pistol before leaving store.

Second row:
11) TR - Tutorial above by Eminox.
12~13) TR - Let Benjamin grope you in the air vents.
14~15) TR - Watch Michael and that bitch have sex don't remember her name.
16) TR - Get in Michael's good graces and accept having sex with him.
17) TR - Have sex with Benjamin after he saw you masturbate seeing what's her face and Michael have sex.
18) TR - House with poisoned food.
19) LR - House with poisoned food.

Third row:
20) TR or LR - Talk to Chan in the park above the temporary hideout house, lose to him.
21~27) TR - When you have to collect parts for the bomb, go into one of the houses with really low morale and accept all he asks.
28) TR - Talk to the kid in the beach and chose to be his dog with REALLY high morale.

Fourth row:
29~31) TR - Go into the basement of one house with really high morale and talk to the old man.
32) TR - One of the houses when collecting bomb pieces with REALLY low morale, dude asks you to strip down at door, accept.
33) TR - Same dude when you go inside the house.
34) TR - Instead of giving the dude water, give him your pee, just keep talking to him.
35) LR - Lose to soldiers (no gameover)

Fifth row:
36~39) Automatically unlocked when finishing LR.

Sixth Row (Endings):
I got most of them randomly, two during TR, one during LR, the others are by eating too much raw meat (trash bins) the other is by getting in Michael's good graces, having sex with him and getting raped by the guy of house on scene "32", ususally she saves you but not today. One of them is by keep drinking with Benjamin until you are killed by zombies, and one of them is by treating Benjamin like shit THE ENTIRE team route, and I mean, talk shit to him, threaten him at start, yell at him, spank him in the bathroom, stop him in the vents, do not praise him when does the bomb, etc. etc. etc.

Oh and credit to Eminox on this @ hrpgheaven or else it doesn't make sense:

Eminox said:
Ok, I didn't know about the fact it was a ladder, I found the event Starke give me a minute to find how exactly you get there in the first place and I'll edit this post.

Here's how I THINK it is done, haven't tried it but I'm 90% certain. Once you make it past the super market and are on the road before the subway go to the far right and down and you will be able to enter into the alleyway from the solo route (it may not exactly be at that position but it'll be around the bottem right). Once there you will be able to get to the fence JUST before you go into the street in that mode but of course it is locked from the other side so (insert scene here).

No ladder at all involved in it, but the comment gave me the idea that it might be there so thanks all the same (though I was right with my guess it was a fence ^_^).
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

i'm trying to download but it asks for a decryption key? :confused:
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

Hm... half the scenes involve her either pissing or shitting herself
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

502 error on the save file link.

Thanks very much for the walkthrough!
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

Meh, I'll re-upload the save when I get back home, going out with friends now, when I return I'll put it on Mega.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

Thanks for link.
I got this problem...can someone help me to fix it?

Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

When starting the game :(
I can't play at all...