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RPG RPG Maker [ Combin Ation ] 生存者サラ / Survivor Sarah (RE109730, RJ109730)

Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

NM for some reason it works now. =/
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

Then call it lewdness instead of morale and feel good about it, irrelevant QQing about some things in this game right now seems like nitpicking....

For whoever cares:


LR: Lone Route
TR: Team Route

First row:
1) TR - Drink with Benjamin twice.
2~7) TR - Bathroom scenes, some require you to drink with Benjamin once.
8~10) TR - Sex scenes with shopkeeper, blowjob for food, masturbation for opening the door, and finally sex for the pistol before leaving store.

Second row:
11) TR - Tutorial above by Eminox.
12~13) TR - Let Benjamin grope you in the air vents.
14~15) TR - Watch Michael and that bitch have sex don't remember her name.
16) TR - Get in Michael's good graces and accept having sex with him.
17) TR - Have sex with Benjamin after he saw you masturbate seeing what's her face and Michael have sex.
18) TR - House with poisoned food.
19) LR - House with poisoned food.

Third row:
20) TR or LR - Talk to Chan in the park above the temporary hideout house, lose to him.
21~27) TR - When you have to collect parts for the bomb, go into one of the houses with really low morale and accept all he asks.
28) TR - Talk to the kid in the beach and chose to be his dog with REALLY high morale.

Fourth row:
29~31) TR - Go into the basement of one house with really high morale and talk to the old man.
32) TR - One of the houses when collecting bomb pieces with REALLY low morale, dude asks you to strip down at door, accept.
33) TR - Same dude when you go inside the house.
34) TR - Instead of giving the dude water, give him your pee, just keep talking to him.
35) LR - Lose to soldiers (no gameover)

Fifth row:
36~39) Automatically unlocked when finishing LR.

Sixth Row (Endings):
I got most of them randomly, two during TR, one during LR, the others are by eating too much raw meat (trash bins) the other is by getting in Michael's good graces, having sex with him and getting raped by the guy of house on scene "32", ususally she saves you but not today. One of them is by keep drinking with Benjamin until you are killed by zombies, and one of them is by treating Benjamin like shit THE ENTIRE team route, and I mean, talk shit to him, threaten him at start, yell at him, spank him in the bathroom, stop him in the vents, do not praise him when does the bomb, etc. etc. etc.

Oh and credit to Eminox on this @ hrpgheaven or else it doesn't make sense:

Hello Starke:

I would like to ask you two questions, 1.Could I ask How do I get the Drunk ending by keep drink with benjamin, 2.Could I ask Why do I always get the Betrayal ending, 2.Could I ask How do I get the Survivor ending ? besides, I am sick of keep getting the Betrayal ending.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

Hello Starke:

I would like to ask you two questions, 1.Could I ask How do I get the Drunk ending by keep drink with benjamin, 2.Could I ask Why do I always get the Betrayal ending, 2.Could I ask How do I get the Survivor ending ? besides, I am sick of keep getting the Betrayal ending.

1. At start of the game when you get to bar, talk to benjamin few times until he asks you to drink with him. Aceept it and ull wake up saying you got drunk or something... Go talk to benjamin again and he'll ask to drink with him again... just keep doing it until you get a scene where black chick and other dude say they're going coz ure running out of food.

2. Obviously you betrayed some1 :p I dont remember tho what it was all about.

3. I think you need to kill the first zombie and then kill the rat and finish the game on your own ( solo aka not going tru the bar ).
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

How much is it really high morale, and what does it change? I went to kid on the beach and katana guy with 70 and 120 morale and was same scene.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

The link to the save file doesn't seem to be working for me :(
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

1. At start of the game when you get to bar, talk to benjamin few times until he asks you to drink with him. Aceept it and ull wake up saying you got drunk or something... Go talk to benjamin again and he'll ask to drink with him again... just keep doing it until you get a scene where black chick and other dude say they're going coz ure running out of food.

2. Obviously you betrayed some1 :p I dont remember tho what it was all about.

3. I think you need to kill the first zombie and then kill the rat and finish the game on your own ( solo aka not going tru the bar ).

Could I ask How do I get the Team Survivor ending ? besides, Do you mean I betrayed Jessica.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

Keeping getting a start up error that it can't find file Graphics/Windowskins/001-Blue01

Is this something anyone else got?
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

Could I ask How do I get the Team Survivor ending ? besides, Do you mean I betrayed Jessica.

I think you need to finish the game with benjamin and rest of them while not pissing benjamin off.... if you piss him off at end of game he will kill you.

Remember those choices you make.... like when you start the game and you want to enter the bar it asks you blame it on benjamin or say nothing ( dont remember exact choices but it was something like that... its choice you get when you enter the bar ) . On that route you have several of choices like that and if you blame it on benjamin he will kill you at end coz he will be pissed at you.

You also need to have high morale or you end up with the "whore ending" where benjamin and other dude bangs you.

I got that ending but i think you need to finish the game with the group and having high morale... think you might also need to avoid having sex with benjamin when you catch that chick and other dude.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

Pretty nice game. Too bad there are vore parts (perv zombies are far better than hungry zombies MIHO) ^^.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

I've been wanting to check this out but for fuck's sake I can't seem to catch a break. First A dll file was missing, then I need RPG maker XP(not sure why VX pro doesn't work...) now it won't start since it can't find graphics/windowskins/001-blue01.
can anyone tell me what is going on?
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

I've been wanting to check this out but for fuck's sake I can't seem to catch a break. First A dll file was missing, then I need RPG maker XP(not sure why VX pro doesn't work...) now it won't start since it can't find graphics/windowskins/001-blue01.
can anyone tell me what is going on?

have you tried installing the English RPG maker XP if not you may want to try that since i believe it requires the English one.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

I'm all for supporting English developers.

But I'm against supporting piece of shit games like this.
Approx $17 for this ... lol.

another english rpg that's just fail... might as well skip all future english releases (exept for translated asian developers games). they never seem to impress.

those facial expressions... uuurrgh*

I think you two are being too harsh with your opinions. Sure, the game isn't worth $17. I'd say $2-5 at most. But the game itself, although it suffers from glitches and bad English, was actually very good.

It's obvious that some good amount of time went into creating it. There's two main branching story paths that each have their own little paths within that rely on the moral system. Every single decision you make has consequence to it. The actual combat can be hard too if you're not used to playing Survival Horror games. I like how the Shotgun is better used against groups of enemies. My favourite part about it all is the lewd scenes! They're actually EROTIC rather than boring like most Eroge these days which are just straight up sex and rape.

Some of you fail to see potential in all this. For his next project, I would recommend he find/hire someone who knows proper English to write the dialogue for him, and we could really have a pretty good product from him.

Also, some people actually enjoy 3D models like the ones used in this game. Doesn't beat drawn art work from genuine artists, but it's definitely a nice change of pace. A heck of a lot better than 3D Custom Girl models, anyway.

Have more of an open mind, will ya? Geez.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

Well the great thing about living in a 1st world country, is that you can have what ever opinions you want. If you feel something's a rip-off, you can say than. And others can disagree with you, and that's all okay.

I personally agree with them that the price for this is way too high and the quality of the content is way too shallow.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

Hello Starke:

I would like to ask you two questions, 1.Could I ask How do I get the Drunk ending by keep drink with benjamin, 2.Could I ask Why do I always get the Betrayal ending, 2.Could I ask How do I get the Survivor ending ? besides, I am sick of keep getting the Betrayal ending.

Already replied in the mail you sent me.

I also agree the price was a rip-off, but in the "dry spell" we're currently on, I certainly enjoyed playing it and endured the guro/vore/scat/peeing whatever fetishes I'm extremely NOT INTO for the sake of just playing the damn game.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

On this blog, he says he hopes to create a sequel (Survivor Sarah 2) and more content for Survivor Sarah.
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Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

On this blog, he says he hopes to create a sequel (Survivor Sarah 2) and more content for Survivor Sarah.


But I kinda suck at Lone route
I find it hard to kill some Zombie Boss
The ammo and health item feel so lmited.....

I hope the 2nd game there will be a shop to buy those

Though it might kill the survivor feel......
Maybe Easy option to buy those freely , and Normal option for a limited item

Either way , I hope he'll make much more game
And if He can , lower the price
Currently price are too high IMO
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

We should be able to buy some ammo and health item in the sequel.
He says " it will be closer to classic RPG game that you can choose to finish quests and buying supplies ".
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Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

We should be able to buy some ammo and health item in the sequel.
He says " it will be closer to classic RPG game that you can choose to finish quests and buying supplies ".

That would be a terrible idea. I like the way he's already doing it, where you find little bits of ammo here and there and it forces you to conserve them to get past tough battles. It has the classic Resident Evil spirit.
Re: Survivor Sara - 生存者サラ RJ109730

We should be able to buy some ammo and health item in the sequel.
He says " it will be closer to classic RPG game that you can choose to finish quests and buying supplies ".

Good to know
But yeah... agree with Erochi Man

That would make the game lose the Survive atmosphere

On the other hand , I kinda suck at this game..
I'm the type who prefer grind , buy supplies , I kill all of the zombie
Making Me end up run out of health potion and ammo

lol , I'm at the cross road
Whether wanting shop , but still do not want lose the survive thing

That would be a terrible idea. I like the way he's already doing it, where you find little bits of ammo here and there and it forces you to conserve them to get past tough battles. It has the classic Resident Evil spirit.

Like I said

Perhaps He should add Difficulty option

Easy , for people like Me who bang all the zombie:D
And always run out of ration and ammo
Unlimited Buy item

Normal , The potion on the shop is limited

Hard , the Lone route? / No Shop