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Re: Confessions

I also confess some of my fetishes are MILFs, beauty marks and nipple piercings. Considering everything on this forum those are pretty vanilla, but to me pierced tits, little moles/beauty marks and sexy older women are a turn on for me.
Re: Confessions

I actually don't like piercings at all. Anywhere on the body. *shrugs* I'm weird like that.
Re: Confessions

i got your back there sin, piercings are icky.
Re: Confessions

My whole impression on piercings is: "Ow, metal does not go there."
Re: Confessions

Really? You dont find this sexy?

Maybe I'm just weird. :(


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Re: Confessions

We live in a world where people gain pleasure from raping babies or ripping out a monkey's rectum. Having fetishes for nipple piercings is FAR from weird.
Re: Confessions

ON: milf's, DD's, tentecles, definitvly ass, furries, and (all laugh) romantic porn (more softcore, but more caring about the women), yes i am a sensitive guy.

OFF: futa,zombie,gay,blood and gaping anal.

My whole impression on piercings is: "Ow, metal does not go there."

this is so true, i cant imaging getting a clit pierced, ow.
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Re: Confessions

to each their own.
Re: Confessions

Indeed, to each their own. I've seen plenty of people I find attractive with piercings, but I would prefer them without.

Hell, I even refuse to get my ears pierced because I don't like it.
Re: Confessions

I'm not much for piercings either but I may be looking into a tattoo for my birthday.

Not that it's a celebration of my birthday, just that I happen to be broke most of the time, and I happen to usually get money for my birthday, so I'll have a decent chance at paying for something.
Re: Confessions

Honestly I try to keep as open a mind about hentai as I can manage. At this point every fetish I am aware of ranges from "omygodthisisabsolutelyawesome" to "meh, what ever".

@ Toxic

My only comment for you about a tattoo is make sure it's one you can live with; I hate to sound preachy but they ARE permanent.

Anyway, I personally would never get a piercing, following the same lines as PA's "Ow, metal does not go there" ideal, but, It really doesn't matter to me wether someone else has piercings or not.

Each to his own indeed.
Re: Confessions

Oh it's meaningful, I've made sure of that, I just haven't fully designed it. It's more or less a reminder to myself.
Re: Confessions

"Note to self: dying is bad"?

Would that be it?
Re: Confessions

No, dying never really bothered me before, I don't know why doing it again would get to me now.
Re: Confessions

Well, I suppose dying in and of itself isn't that bad. It's just the coming back to life part that is troublesome.
Re: Confessions

Amateur hour
Re: Confessions

Yeah, but I get a couple years younger when I die and its troublsome to get back to my normal age.