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Countdown from 1,000,000

Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

966 577

My Dead Space 2 CD just stopped working. I can easily rebuy it somewhere but somehow i feel like i lost a dear friend. :(
Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

966 576

Wonder why they haven't made any more dead space games, I'd certainly like to take on a planet sized zombie!
Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

966 567

It's not the fact that they're using a AK as a stand-in for a sniper rifle that you find the most bothersome?
Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

966 566

Isn't spray and pray how most snipers operate? :)
Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

966 566

Isn't spray and pray how most snipers operate? :)

Harumpf... I prefered bolt action one's on Battlefield 3/4

That momment when enemy is so far you can barely see him with 12x scoope and he catches the bullet in the head... only because he was in the middair jumping while running through the street XD

966 563