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Countdown from 1,000,000

961 520

RP mods better not have fuckin mod powers in the regular forum or I'm going to start and autistic screeching shitstorm like none of you have ever seen.
961 518

Oh, I'll be on everyone's ships. ME 24/7.
961 509

Oh, hello there Stuff. Is my alcohol-soaked earlobe... tasty? Because I was thinking about going to an island with these wacky natives that have an interesting meat dish but now I'm having second thoughts.
961 507

Not sure if I posted this already but you'll still get it.

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961 506

You should focus more on your counting, Guan. It is weak. :p

Aaaah, that's why those earlobes were so yummy, and why I got completely blasted last night. :X
Regarding that.....vacation on that island, uhm, take pictures and let us know how it was, once you're back!
961 501

Well it's not a problem anymore, I've started my weekend a good few hours ago already. With a fan. And the car has AC so driving the 20-minute commute was tolerable. Also, since those pictures are a part of a Taimanin Asagi thing, you know where we are going.
