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958 236

*has Chaos Sisters artwork printed on canvas, hanging on the wall*


Also, who's the blind b*tch, Guan? *immediately starts dodge-rolling*
958 235

*something something casuals something while Dragon Bone Smashers Stuffie repeatedly*

Maiden in Black from Demon's Souls, the original level up lady. The one who you can kill but she will stand up in a minute and apologize for not being able to die for you. Don't mind the waxed-over eyes, it comes with the job of being the candle maiden of the Nexus.
958 234

The one who you can kill but she will stand up in a minute and apologize for not being able to die for you.

Whow, that's dark...like some souls are.
I thought about buying and playing "Demon's Souls", but I do enjoy jolly co-operation in the Souls games, which is no longer possible for "Demon's Souls", now that they shut down the servers.
958 225

I was outside for a cigarette a short while ago, and one of the young nurses (I'd say she's somewhere between 20-25) was "patroulling" outside. Since she checked the rooms to make sure the patients are in there at night before checking the outdoors, she probably was in my room just a moment ago and noticed my laptop that was still up and running on my desk, and asked me if I'm "kind of nerdy". I was like "Oh you got me!" XD
Turns out she's a gamer as well, mainly playing Overwatch competitively with a bunch of friends, but she also enjoys (J)RPGs. We talked about different games we like or we're currently playing for a little while. She especially fangirled about "Dragon Age" with its romance options, so I recommended the "Mass Effect" series to her, since you have romance options as well, plus it's a fun and interesting RPG. She got all excited, thanked me and headed back to her office, saying she's gonna look up the series online right away. XD

Oh what fun and/or nice things can happen when you're simply outside smoking for a few minutes. Cool thing! :)
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