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957 115

957 111

Actually angels are supposed to be hermaphrodites. Though that's just the lower tiers, as you go higher through the ranks of the seraphim they start getting weirder, one type is a wheel covered in eyes.

Also yeah, lucky 7's is OP but it's a pain in the ass to set up whereas beat rush is a quick hyper/cover fight and you've got a full limit break.
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957 110

I think you are talking about Zell from FF8 there, he has the inputs for the different moves when you use his Duel. Tifa just has the combo limit break that you roll the slots for and get normal hits, criticals or misses.
957 108

Maybe I am remembering incorrectly, but in both 6 (Sabin's Blitz) and 8 (Zell's Duel) the martial-artist limit break is button combos. I don't remember slots for her at all. Maybe they changed it for the new port? I'ma do a little digging on this.

Edit: Can't find anything actually showing the slots process but all the tube tifa limit break vids don't show what I remember, guess I was wrong... but still I'm going to dust off the PS2 and boot up FF7 to check.
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957 102

Don't have time at the moment but searching seraphim and some other combination of words should get you there, I believe it's a Judaic text that describes the different choirs.
957 100


And on the internet is what I mean, I don't think you'll be finding any angels in reality unless you're on some hardcore psychotropics.