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956 539

Zeph is also quite lewd though, maybe you guys should let him have some of that cake. Or should I say....pie? :sneaky:
956 537

956 531

Phew, just sent the ULMF squad deeper into the item world. We barely managed to kill the boss - would've been easier if Guan Yu wasn't accidentally ripped to shreds by several friendly fire incidents. XD Byz and Zeph dealt the final blow together!

Also Malo, I retired your brave bunny soldier afterwards. Congratulations, you're a big angry grizzly bear now. >.>

956 530

Phew, just sent the ULMF squad deeper into the item world. We barely managed to kill the boss - would've been easier if Guan Yu wasn't accidentally ripped to shreds by several friendly fire incidents. XD Byz and Zeph dealt the final blow together!

Also Malo, I retired your brave bunny soldier afterwards. Congratulations, you're a big angry grizzly bear now. >.>

B-but...foxies. ;__;
956 529

There's only the Mythic Fox girls, nothing else I got so far. :/

Also I just watched a Nintendo Switch ad for Mario Bros. Super Smash - a Pichu gets kicked around in that one. Felt bad for plmnko right away. :(
956 525

*applies cold water to that burn*

956 524

The upcoming Year of the Pig skins are apparently based on them Chinese generals, with Hanzo as Huang Zhong, Reaper as Lu Bu and Rein as Guan Yu being revealed so far.