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956 329

Going to Murka is too much hassle and generally doesn't interest me all that much so NEIN. I'd love to meet Elise tho, she appears to be very much like her character in real life too, if all the convention material about her is anything to go by.
956 328

"Convention material"...I see. :p

I thought you are Murican, so I figured it wouldn't be that long of a travel for you. Oh well. :/
At one point while I was having fun in Overwatch, I took a peek at online tickets and hotels near the convention. Would've been very expensive even before counting in travel costs. o.o
956 327

Yes, con material. Blizzcon and others where she and some others from the cast have been in. And no, I did not suddenly move to Murka from Finland. *perkeles all over such*
956 326

Jesus, I keep mixing people's countries up. I thought Nun was from Finland. Crappy memory. x_x

I'm not too keen on visiting Murica either, but maybe someday I will check out BlizzCon when I have the money and either nothing great to do with my vacation, or get hooked on Overwatch again. :D

EDIT: Byz is back in town!! =D
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