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955 208

I've been betrayed before you see...

The sea was calm, the ship was fine,
I was drunk and thought "This could be mine!"

It could've worked! It would've been my ship and only the spray of the sea in my face and the winds in my sails. Unfortunately First Mate Stuffie was a drunk back then and messed it all up, so I had to walk the plank.

It was me, I became the traitor.....Instead of stuffie’s ears, I used stuffie’s ass to hide my lesbians from guan.

....or....that....wait what!? 😂

Cuuute. :3
955 173

There are other females that frequent and are even veterans here?! Nice. I was starting to feel lonely.

Er, the only female members we've got are... oh yeah they all pretty much left. Shirke/Shriek/Striek/ S-something (IDK never talked with them much) dissappeared? Chibi stopped visiting, and I'm pretty sure the same is true for SinfulWolf as I've not seen a post out of them in forever. Copper checks in once in a blue moon and that's pretty much the extent of female visitation.
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955 198
951 199

It's okay, I don't think you'll last long so your pain will be brief.
You've gone mad, old man. You're spouting nonsense now. Heck, you're 4000 numbers off! Now tell me. What the hell do you mean I won't last long?! if you mean in life. I clearly won't die easy if I can come back from death!
955 167

Oopsie, I was rather preoccupied with the fight against the power-clique in the EE thread earlier, my bad. I'm referring to your time here, on ULMF, it takes a certain kind of person to stick around. Honestly I'd have left long ago if there weren't debts to be repaid. Blood for blood and all that.
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955 194

Now that's a multi-talented toaster. :unsure:

Also, what is this madness?
