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959 380

Ooooh no no no no, you guys stay away from me for a day or two, that painful ear-vacuuming was quite the experience. >.>;;;
959 373

I was hoping you guys would get disgusted by unclean ears. See how far your ear fetish madness has driven me!?

Also, I'd rather suggest that Weird Guy actually gets some rest, so he can get better more quickly, so he may sh*tpost and wear fancy hats sooner than later! *offers cup of hot lemon tea*
959 367

A believer turns his back on Zepheral? HIS DIVINE FURY WILL STRIKE YOU HARD!!
959 364
Thanks, I will conquer some dumb worlds and fuck space babes.
959 366
d.va is a sex symbol now? That annoying brat?
Time to join space army and leave xD

Im going too. They want to steal my TITle.
Space babes huh

959 369

Silly Nun. God Zepheral can't fap to this!
(...I think?)

Uhh ok but fights can be fun too :p

959 362