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943 740 *secures the get*

You inspected the bag:
View attachment 33377
It contained a boxed figurine of some anime girl, as well as 35 get coins, a full 500ml bottle of purified water, and some unopened, brown, boxes.
One of the boxes is medium sized, with the proportions of a large 1L bottle, it feels kinda heavy, like it's made with a dense material. The shipping label states "Item Description: Gifts, Toys"
Another box is long, semi-thick, but very light. This one has it's item description stated as "Bedroom Supplies"
The third box was small and light, however, this one had the appearance of a white, pristine box, and opened by holding the top cover in the air. It had the same label as the first box.
The fourth box was like the third box, but a bit bigger. This item description was "Video Games"
Finally, there was a tiny box. You could hear liquid moving around when you rotate the box.

What are you going to do with the boxes?
A) Take them without inspecting
B) Spend the time opening and inspecting the boxes
C) Put all the stuff back in the bag and try to contact the owner of the stuff

Definitely C - though I don't mention finding any get coins in there. Those go in my bank. >:3
Definitely C - though I don't mention finding any get coins in there. Those go in my bank. >:3
You check the shipping label in all of the boxes and shipping address matched to be some house in the city. From your location, it seemed kinda far, a ~10 minute walk if you didn't have your car, but you do. So you put the brown sack in the passenger's seat and decided to over there.
When you arrived, the house was a typical two-story home, with a garage. The driveway contained a sedan and a truck.

Upon exiting your car, you grab the bag and take it to the white door being the entrance. You approach the door, leaving you with some options.

A) Knock on the door to get their attention about the bag
B) Leave the bag at the door and go home
C) Go home with the bag
943 730 and another get~

Upon exiting your car, you grab the bag and take it to the white door being the entrance. You approach the door, leaving you with some options.

A) Knock on the door to get their attention about the bag
B) Leave the bag at the door and go home
C) Go home with the bag

I go knock knock knock or ring the doorbell if there is any.
I go knock knock knock or ring the doorbell if there is any.
Ding Dong!
You can hear footsteps on the ground, followed by the door unlocking and swinging open. The figure that opened the door seemed to be a girl, in her mid 20s, with cat ears and long purple hair.
"Hello! You look familiar... Are you Stuffie by any chance?"

A) Yes! I am the real Stuffie! Coming for your get!
B) No. I'm just your pet fox. Pat me if you want.
C) [Lie] No. I'm Tewi. *boop!*
D) Push her down
* just in case*

A) [Lie] No. Just a delivery man. Saw a bag of product that was left abandoned, so I thought it would be nice to deliver it to you.

This option is available due to the perks you have
B) [Furry] No. I'm just your pet fox. Pat me if you want.

These options are available due to your D20 roll
C) [D20 Roll > 5] Before that, I need to know who you are, just to make sure I'm not delivering these goods to some thief
D) [D20 roll > 9] [Lie] No. I'm Tewi. *boop!*
E) [D20 Roll > 10] Yep. I'm the real Stuffie.
F) [D20 Roll > 15 ] Play Option E + "Perhaps I could borrow some of these goods?"
G) [D20 Roll > 15] [Theft] Play Option E + "Coming for your get!"
H) [D20 Roll = 20] [Ero] *Pushes the girl down and kisses her*