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Dana (Lila M-3210)



Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Drago shrugs. "Puts my mind at ease to hear that, miss. Wouldn't want you bumping into a troll or a salamander out there."

He offers her a smile, and slowly Dana realizes that despite what was happening to the girls in the stalls, this was not a situation where she was being threatened.

"If you don't feel like sleeping you're welcome to stay up with me," he added as he turned to walk to the far end of the barn. "I'll be working for a bit yet."

"Mrah! I'll stay up too!" said Kiki, and she leaped past Dana to rub her cheek against Drago's large arm. The tall young man smiled down at the cat girl.

A low moan escaped from one of the strapped in girls behind Dana, and she could see maid's toes curl and her body press tightly against the restraints for a few long moments before she seemed sag back into place, her hoarse breathing coming through the gag heavily. Her dazed eyes closed and she appeared to relax.


Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana couldn't bring herself to say how bad for energy this could be, but the sound of orgasm makes her want to join up with Kiki and Drago as fast as she can, gulping a little. "Sure, I'd like to stay up a little longer." She smiles, approaching the two.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Drago grins. "Okay then, first I must sharpen this weapon of yours, miss. By the way, I do not know your name..."

Kiki put on a pouty face. "But I wanted to see you naked!"

To this, Drago blinked in surprise. "Um, Kiki, perhaps a bit later... after I'm done with the work..."

"No! Now!" the cat-girl said adamantly, and as if to start him off, she threw off her cloak and began undressing.

"I apologize for this, miss," Drago said as he looked at Kiki. "Cat girls have a very healthy amorous appetite..."


Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana looks to Kiki in surprise as she takes off her clothes. She blushes quite brightly as she takes back steps. She gulps a bit as she looks to Kiki's figure. "Wow, you're hyperactive...." She grits her teeth, just watching.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Kiki swished her tail at Dana and grinned as she clung at Drago's arm. The young man sighed and gently unhooked himself.

"The new girl's right you know, you are a bit hyper... am I going to have to put you in a stall for a bit to work yourself out?"

Kiki's grin grew wider and she swayed a little from side to side. "I'll be good... but if I'm in the stall, I want you to milk me."

Drago patted her gently on the cheek. "Okay then, just wait a bit and put your cloak back on."

He then turned and moved to the lit end of the barn and sat down at his work bench.

"Miss, you should sit here and have a look at this," he said as he laid out the polearm on its side across the work area. "Some of the potions that Reese and Rhyma make are more than just tinctures. Some are made into coatings for weapons such as this. I was going to use such a one to make your blade sharper, but since you're here, I could choose to give you a different upgrade instead, if you wished. There are a few coatings I have available here that could imbue your blade with elemental damage. Some creatures in town are weak to certain elements. It could be useful to you."


Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana smiled at Drago. This definitely sounds like the better deal. She nods. "That sounds interesting. What kind of elements do you have?" She seems to have her mind completely off of seeing people being milked of their breast power. She is moreso interested in elemental powers for her weaponry.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Nodding, Drago opened a drawer that was full of vials containing opaque fluids of different colors.

"I have the essential elements: fire from a salamander's scales, wind from a sylph's sigh, there's an earthen coating from a mud nome, and the icy chill of a yuki-onna's tears. Very recent that last one though, we weren't sure there was a receptive elemental of ice in this area until just a month ago when Reese found her. There's also some shadow essence from a lost shade's ectoplasm if you wished to make your weapon dark-aligned - that would allow you to fight ghostly things. Some sort of bright essence would work better, but we don't have any angelic creatures here to our knowledge. Finally, we have some lightning grease if you wanted an electrical attack. Does any of that strike your fancy?"


Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana thinks for a bit, choosing which element to erect her polarm with. She sighs, nearly lost in thought before she points to the fire element. "This one. I would greatly enjoy using fire attacks with my weapon, please." Her voice is incredibly cute, as she smiles to him.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Drago smiled and took an orange-red vial from the drawer and then took a cloth from the side of the bench and began applying it to the edge of her glaive.

"You've got a pretty voice, if you don't mind my saying so. It suits the way you look," Drago said as he worked very carefully on the blade. Whenever the coating touched the metal, tiny gouts of flame appeared, and the edge began to glow red, as if it had just been removed from a forge.


Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana is happy once more as she looks to her polearm. She nods in appreciation for his compliment. "Thank you, Drago. Oh right. My name is Dana. I forgot to tell you. Dana Westworth."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Drago nods. "Okay then, Miss Westworth, here is your weapon."

He finishes using the cloth to even out the coating and hands her the glaive. "It will need to set, but now it will deal fire damage. Flammable objects will have a chance of igniting, and should you end up facing against ice elementals, you will have a great weapon against them.


Dana gains Fire Glaive - 25% chance that opponent takes additional damage from burning. This increases to 100% if fighting an ice element opponent. If fighting a foe aligned with a fire element, there is a 50% chance a successful strike will deal no damage.


"Is there something else I can do for you before you head off to sleep?" Drago asked. "There's a cot here in the barn where you could rest until daybreak. If you don't wish to talk to Reese or Rhyma in the morning, I can wake you and let you sneak off before they come by. It's clear you are a bit put off by the girls..." He shrugged. "If you're not going to seek refuge, then you're only hope is to get to the citadel and convince the sorceress to let you go. If I knew how to do that, I would have left ages ago myself."


Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana smiles a little. "Heeh. No worries. I'll wake up on my own. Thank you for providing me a spot here. I don't wanna get in trouble with Reese or Rhyma. After all, they have helped me more often than not. I owe them."

She looks to the girls, blushing. "Well, it's just that I need energy I must reserve for my travels. My energy may drain with such milking." She smiles to Drago. "And thank you for helping power up my polearm."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Drago chuckled. "Whatever energy the lactation drains, we can more than refill it with food from the farm. And the girls are on a rotation anyways, so not everyone is being milked day in and day out. They say it's a pleasurable experience, and Reese is adamant that sexual stimulation makes the milk sweeter and a more high quality base. That's why we bother with the stimulator rods and occasionally... I step in to help. Apparently that's the preferred method, but I'm no machine, much as I'd like to be. I need my energy as well."

He smiled, and had the courtesy to blush himself.


Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana smiles softly. "Well, all for the best." She tilts her head, smiling cheerier. She then moves to sleep for the night. She then looks over her shoulder on the way to the cot. "Matter of fact, please wake me up before Rhyma and Reese get here."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana goes to sleep in the cot. After about ten minutes, she hears Kiki and Drago wander out of the barn together, leaving her alone to fall asleep with only the odd moan coming from the far stalls throughout the night.

The next morning arrives and Dana is woken up just as the morning sun is threatening to break over the horizon, the pale blue of twilight making its last bid to rule the night air.

Drago holds out a hot mug, steam rising from the top. "It's coffee. We get it through trade with my old friends amongst the Draconians for some of our farm milk and other resources. It's not bad."

He proffers the drink to her. His own eyes have bags under them, and she wonders if he's gotten enough sleep.


Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana sips the coffee, greatly enjoying the drink. She smiles to Drago. "Heehee. Thank you." She takes some more sips, before noticing the bags under his eyes. "Did you get any sleep last night?"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Drago smirks at the question. "No, but it's not a big deal. I'll get some sleep later, after you leave. My question to you is, where will you go? Everyone is trapped here so long as the sorceress rules from her citadel... and she has her demonic agents scouring the streets of the town and the paths of the forests for anyone unlucky enough to be caught unaware. The majority of the populace that couldn't defend themselves have already been taken away - and those that can defend themselves are rather... isolationist. I'm concerned about your safety."


Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana giggles in her usual cute voice. "Don't worry about me. This is my job. I suppose I wanna go to this citadel and take the fight to this sorceress to free everyone."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Drago nodded. "Okay then... I guess you know your path. I wish you luck. Here..." he dug into his pocket and pulled out a small round object, carefully wrapped in thin paper.

"It's a sweet that contains one of Rhyma and Reese's special mixtures. It will amplify your strength, speed, and stamina for a short time... maybe enough to win a particularly difficult fight. Try to use it wisely."

He handed it to her. Then he opened wide the door to the barn and pointed down a path that wound along the edge of the woods, marking a border between the trees and the farm.

"Follow that path east until you get to a proper road. Turn south and it'll take you back into town, straight towards the citadel. Careful though, the road is watched. If you get injured, you can always come back to us, but if you're seeking a place of refuge in the town, your best bet is the Dragon's Eye Tavern. Tell them Drago sent you if you absolutely need to get in. They're a rough sort, but they're your only alternative to the demons or the dryders or the other vagabonds in the city. Once you're in the citadel, I know of no safe haven. Good luck, Miss Dana. Fate be with you."

Refreshed and buzzed from the coffee, Dana started down the road as Drago had said she should. The sun's rays had yet to top the horizon, as she left the barn behind and trotted for awhile along the path. About ten minutes later, after the sun had just risen and was shining in her eyes, there came a rustle from the underbrush to her right. A gray-green man-like thing with a large staff that ended in pincers came out onto the path in front of her, holding by a leash a rather mean and large looking hound with jet black skin and powerful looking jaws and muscles. It had red eyes, and smoke flared from its nostrils. The hound had seen her before its master had, and it began to bound straight for her, yanking the gray-green man towards her with a sudden grunt.


Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana looks to the dog, then takes back steps. "KYAGH!!!" She hops to a backflip and hold her polearm to the beast threateningly. "Stop right there!" She glares sharply at the hound as she grits her teeth.