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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Pantsing someone is now mechanically viable, eh? lol
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Template: Giants

Body: 120
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 260
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 75
Spirit Energy (EP): 75
Speed: 15
Dodge: 25
Armor: 12
Resistance: 25 (37 against being tripped)
Perception: 15
Stealth: 0
Grapple: 20

Pain Resistant x2
Natural Attack


Monster Name: Young Giant, tier 3
Monster Type: Giant
Monster Class: None.
Differences from Base Creature: None.

Pain Resistant x2

Natural Attack

Powerful Embrace

Unarmed (1d100 + 20) 2d12 + 40

Description: Rare creatures found primarily in Crolia among the mountains and forests. For a long time they were believed extinct by most mortals, largely due to a massive effort to hunt down and slay giants after a group of them began to raid human villages. Since then some have been discovered, however, and it's been determined that the handful of survivors went into hiding following the mass slaughter of their race. Most of their original culture is lost to the ages, and now most of their lives are spent trying to remain out of mortal eyes.

It's widely believed by human scholars that giants were initially the result of magical mutation from a demonic portal's opening due to their apparent ability to survive without any reasonable form of sustenance. The giants themselves tend to believe that they came forth when a powerful humans champion fell in love with a mountain troll, and the results of their love would eventually evolve into the giant race. The real truth is only known to the gods, the angels, and the most ancient of faeries. Whatever the case, despite their status as supernatural beings they are every bit as susceptible to the warping effects of overexposure to magic.

Appearance-wise giants tend to have the same variety of builds one would find among Crolian culture. They run the range from thin to stocky and beyond and tend to have blond or black hair, though it's not always the case. A young giant stands about six feet taller than a common troll, making them massively tall. Though they are called "young" giants, most have been alive for half a century or more, their incredibly slow breeding and growing rates in a world full of creatures capable of massively outpacing them being part of why they're so rare.


Monster Name: Mature Giant, tier 4
Monster Type: Giant
Monster Class: None.
Differences from Base Creature: +120 Body (240), +10 Mind (20), +10 Spirit (20), +780 HP (1040), +8 Speed (23), +10 Armor (22), +8 Resistance (23), +8 Perception (23)

Pain Resistant x2
Battle Hardened
Massive x2
Is a Giant (Has doubled resistance when making checks against prone or stun being inflicted upon this character. Because, I mean, come on.)

Natural Attack

Powerful Embrace

Unarmed (2d100 + 20) 2d12 + 80
Fling (1d100 + 20) 3d6 + 80 [30 foot range. Can use trees, cows, etc. as ammunition but must succeed a grapple check in order to use a struggling character/creature as ammunition]
Grapple Initiation and Actions (2d100 + 20)

Description: Giants continue to grow for several centuries before reaching their full potential. "Mature" giants are not necessarily more mentally mature than their younger counterparts, but they are bigger. Standing at nearly double the height, they are forces to be reckoned with. They are also rarer than young giants, with what few young giants that have been born since the near extinction of their race having not lived long enough to reach such height.


Monster Name: Mountain Troll
Monster Type: Giant/Troll
Monster Class: None.
Differences from Base Creature: Differences from Base Creature: +120 Body (240), +10 Mind (20), +10 Spirit (20), +260 HP (520), +5 Speed (20), +10 Armor (38), +8 Resistance (23), +8 Perception (23), +26 Stealth (26)

Pain Resistant x4
Battle Hardened

Weakness (Axes)
Weakness (Fire)

Armored Hide x3
Chameleon Skin x3
Odd Hair
Odd Skin
Natural Attack

Powerful Embrace

Unarmed (2d100 + 20) 2d12 + 80
Fling (1d100 + 20) 3d6 + 80 [30 foot range. Can use trees, cows, etc. as ammunition but must succeed a grapple check in order to use a struggling character/creature as ammunition]
Grapple Initiation and Actions (2d100 + 20)

Description: An offshoot of trolls. Mountain trolls are about double the height of their golden cousins. They don't share much in common physically with their cousins, with male and female mountain trolls sporting tails and builds that imitate the sidhe and elves more than their golden counterparts. In addition, female mountain trolls are far more common than males. Despite being known as mountain trolls, their appearances have more in common with trees than stones. They have brown skin and long green hair that imitates the bark and leaves on a tree.

Their skin is actually mostly smooth and their hair is soft and light, yet both are incredibly durable against efforts to pierce them. Many mortals have hunted mountain trolls in the hopes of developing new enchantments and armor from. For this reason, mountain trolls tend to remain hidden among the forests and mountains and use their natural camouflage to completely avoid mortals, since anything else would bring more attention to them than they prefer to deal with. As a result, they only leave their forests when there's a chance of finding a mate or their court calls on them for some important task.


Monster Name: Ancient Giant/Ancient Mountain Troll
Monster Type: Giant or Troll/Giant
Monster Class: None.
Differences from Base Creature: +280 Body (400), +220 Mind (240), +180 Spirit (200), +4620 HP (4880, 2440 if troll), +445 PP (520), +435 EP (510), -3 Speed (12), -25 Dodge (0), +25 Resistance (50), +23 Armor (45), +8 Perception (23), (+26 Stealth (26) if troll)

Massive x3 (Massive x2 if troll)
Pain Resistant x6
Is an Ancient Giant (Doubled Resistance, but its resistance is considered as infinite for the purposes of resisting any stunned, prone, charmed, paralysis, bound, or any movement restricting status effect targeted at it. Because, you know, ancient giant.)
(Stealthy if Troll)

Loves Too Much (Not really.)

Natural Attack
Armored Hide x3
(If Troll) Faerie
(If Troll) Chameleon Skin x3

(If not a troll) Rage
Powerful Embrace

Unarmed (4d100 + 20) 2d12 + 133
Fling (2d100 + 20) 3d6 + 133 [30 foot range. Can use trees, cows, etc. as ammunition but must succeed a grapple check in order to use a struggling character/creature as ammunition]
Grapple Initiation and Actions (4d100 + 20)

Description (Ancient Giant): An ancient giant, one that's been around for thousands of years, ceases to be able to hide themselves among the mountains and instead finds themselves at a size large enough to pass themselves off as a mountain. Their skin becomes hardened from over time and they become wise over many years of existence. They are, unsurprisingly, incredibly dangerous.

There are tales of adventurers meeting an ancient giant, though there's never been any evidence to support their existence to mortals (as usual, faeries, demons, angels, and gods are a different story). None rose during the slaughter of the giants. It's hard to say whether any are currently alive or not.

Description (Ancient Mountain Trolls): Mountain trolls, as they age, begin to turn gray. Both their body and their skin will slowly change colors and they will grow to about double their height (nowhere near as large as an ancient giant), at which point they're more valuable than ever to mortals but also nearly impossible to harvest from an unwilling mountain troll. At this point they begin to hide among the mountains, only leaving their homes when their court needs them for something of the utmost importance.

Wuugh, got kinda burnt out about halfway through that. But whatever, good enough for a start!

Also, shoutbox derp:

Double Strike needs a higher attack penalty, as per the shoutbox. My advice: Bump it up to at least a -16.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Monster Archive updated with a whole lot of things. As usual, I highly recommend that all GMs just download over the old version unless they've made their own edits of the sheets contained. The archive can be found here.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

@Tamo's thread

I'd see Elawdrin's point, if she were actually protecting anything at all. I understand fighting for ungrateful people, but fighting monsters with monsters? Using whoever she drags off, innocent or not, to fuel her research pretty much means to me that she has no interest in protecting those she finds ungrateful. In the end, it seems like the only one she's protecting from the invaders is herself, and in the most fucked up way imaginable.

I'm personally not even sure why she's still even remotely interested in taking measures to fight the invaders at all. Most logical reason that comes to mind is revenge, or maybe she's just doing the only things she knows, fucking and fighting.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

She's a mad fallen angel that's attempting to prototype a replacement defense so that her own kind don't have to do it anymore. There are going to be leaps in logic. Her mindset is essentially that the ends justify the means in regards to the things that she does to people, and it should be noted that this is all her words. Everyone's the hero of their own story, regardless of whether or not such is actually true.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Yo momma needs t-...

No, I'm not going to do that. e.e

Also, it's interesting, even if the logic seems a bit bizarre, yay for !
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

@That Stuff Above

I'm not wholly sure that the logic of a psychotic fallen angel who was temporarily a sex slave to some 'thulhu or another, and who can see nothing concerning about the fact that it did something to her mind following which she returned to the DG world and within so many years began kidnapping strong adventurers in order to build an army of other 'thulhus on the DG world, is something to look overly much into. >.>

Just gonna have to murder the flawed logic out of her.


Cordyrune Template

Base Race Requirements: Alraune

A variant of alraunes. In terms of appearance they tend to share much in common with their plant-like cousins. Most commonly the only major difference between an alraune and a cordyrune is the growth of green spore pods on their body and that most cordyrunes don't naturally have tentacles. Depending on the climate and area, though, they can be found in almost any color from snow white to a vibrant red, and some take on much more mushroom-like features. Unlike alraunes, they use spores from their pods as a weapon. Also unlike alraunes, instead of a potent aphrodisiac the spores cause a anybody overcome by them to drop to their hands and knees or flop onto their back or otherwise present themselves for the cordyrune. They reproduce mainly through infecting others with their spores.

Mutation Adjustments: Lose Plant and Tentacles. Gain Spore Carrier and Spore Pods.
Optional Mutations: Futanari.

--Special Mutations and Succubus Power accompanying this--

Spore Carrier: Characters with this mutation are immune to any effects that would damage or drain their EP. Whenever they cum inside another character and would trigger a pregnancy roll or have another character cum in any of their orifices then that character must make a resistance check against them, and if that character loses then it becomes infected. An infected character can only give birth to or sire cordyrunes, takes 2d6 (4d6 if they're aroused) resistance damage per round against any target that is suitable for them to impregnate or be impregnated by, becoming aroused once their resistance is depleted at which point their resistance score will be reset and they'll become horny if depleted again, and any other character they have sex with must make a resistance check against the original cordyrune or become infected as well. Egg layers and infertile characters are immune to infection and a universal antidote or greater restoration can cure it. Whenever a character with this mutation (or infected by a character with this mutation) is impregnated or impregnates, unless the creature is an egg layer then the resulting birth will be a fungal pod. Fungal pods lay dormant until conditions are right and then burst, causing nearby creatures to be infected (unless they make a successful resistance check against the mother), and painting the area in spores that will eventually grow into cordyrunes. Characters with this mutation gain the Fungal Shot Succubus Power, and are also immune to the effects of that power and the Pollen Shot power.

Spore Pods: A character with this mutation gains three spore pods. When these spore pods are used, after a full rest (i.e. one that the character would be able to spend XP after) half will replenish themselves for use the next day and half will be permanently spent, simply falling off during the rest (in the event where this would result in half a sporepod, the one that would be split is replenished). If a creature which isn't an egg layer cums inside this character then an impregnation roll is made regardless of whether the orifice was fertile or not, if the impregnation roll would have succeeded then over the course of six hours the character will grow 1d3 + 1 (and an additional +2 if their partner is fertile and +1 if they're potent) additional permanent spore pods. In addition, a character with this mutation has their spore pods explode upon being knocked unconscious or death, forcing creatures within 30 feet of it to make a resistance check versus the character or become paralyzed. They may also induce this explosion while conscious by using three of their spore pods, though they may use any extras after that in order to gain a stacking +5 bonus to their resistance check per extra pod, and paying 5X HP where-in X is the number of pods being used. In any event where the explosion is used, whether willingly or not, all but one of the utilized pods is permanently spent and will fall off over the next several hours.

*Fungal Shot: The character chooses one target creature within 20 feet. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or become Paralyzed. If the character fails to beat a paralysis DC roll and the paralysis effect was caused by this power, they are also knocked prone. This power requires spore pods from the special mutation to use as ammo, and consumes one for each usage. The character may use multiple spore pods in a single shot in order to inflict multiple instances of paralyzed on an opponent through a single action at a ratio of one extra spore pod to one extra instance of paralyzed (i.e. three spore pods would equal Paralyzed x3 on a target and a DC of 50), but if the character fails the resistance check against their target then every pod used is wasted. This Succubus Power cannot be selected, it must be gained through a mutation.

Also, suggesting added stuff to Pyrokinesis.

The character controls fire with their mind.
-The character can do any one of the following. Note that all costs increase by 2 if the character has to conjure fire of their own, rather than manipulate flame that is already present.
1) Pay X EP. The character then can choose to target either all creatures within a 10 foot radius explosion that starts anywhere within the character's line of sight, or all creatures within a 30 foot long, 90 degree cone originating from the character. Those creatures take Xd6 + 6 points of Heat/Fire damage.
2) Use it to conjure a fire elemental. This summon behaves exactly like the Spell Summon Fire Elemental, including its EP cost and the stats of the summoned creature. For the purpose of this power, assume that the character has the Focus in Fire Talent.
3) The character can manipulate fire into different shapes, sizes, or even to extinguish itself. The cost is the same as reshape, though without the binding option and the character can only reshape fire. In addition, in order to control or otherwise manipulate a fire the character must continue to pay the X cost as upkeep for each round afterward the fire is still active, or else it will begin to spread naturally again.
4) The character may spend 6 EP as a move action. If a source of heat damage would hit them before the beginning of their next turn, then they roll 1d20 and add it to their resistance and reduce the heat damage on themselves by that much.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

You must let her live so that she can be taught how to love through Bakan's penis.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Now murdering her is just going to be a mercy killing.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Suggestion for dealing with Defensive Fighting and Shields: Have shields only apply half the Attack penalty when using Defensive Fighting. That way you won't have to worry about exceptions for Shield Slam and whatnot should people decide to only attack with their shield.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Had a brief thought about something possibly gamebreaking such as Super Talents.

Basically, my thought was that a Super Talent would be something that would require several similar talents before you could take a Super Talent that costs twice as much, and is within a class specific talent list. For example:

Grit: Through sheer durability and unyielding toughness, when the character's HP is reduced to zero, they can survive for one more turn to make an action, after which they promptly flop to the ground. Requires Resilient, Battle Hardened, Healthy, and Pain Resistant.

I'm only suggesting this because I can, despite how likely I feel it will be rejected.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Making defensive fighting 1:2 attack:dodge ratio instead of free full dodge bonus seems legit and has my support. (Something, something supreme might comment. ;_;)

Biggest problem with super talents, in my opinion, is trying to come up with enough of them to give each class some options.

Quick Suggestion:

Giant Strength - The character can pay 4 EP per round in order to wield a normally two-handed weapon in one hand, but takes a -6 attack, -4 damage, and -4 dodge penalty while doing so. If the character chooses to wield a two-handed weapon in their offhand as well, the EP price becomes 6 per round, and the penalty becomes -8 attack, -6 damage, and -6 dodge. While held in one-hand, the two-handed weapon is treated as a one-handed weapon for the purpose of meeting a fighting style's requirements (i.e. Heavy Weapons Specialist and Unarmed skills are unavailable, Duelist skills are available while the character's offhand is free and Two Weapon Fighting and Shield Fighter's skills are available with the proper offhand, etc.) and the weapon can be used to attack in grapples, plus it grants any weapon type specific skills, talents, and other abilities as normal. This skill can be used even when the character is Sealed or wearing a Sealing Collar, and does not affect the maximum amount of EP useable per turn due to Spirit Ceiling.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I wholeheartedly support greatmaul dual-wielding.

Halved penalties and stuff sound legit also.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'm not really convinced that super talents are necessary, or something PCs should have access to. Though I could support talents that have more prerequisites.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Quick Suggestion:

Giant Strength - The character can pay 4 EP per round in order to wield a normally two-handed weapon in one hand, but takes a -6 attack, -4 damage, and -4 dodge penalty while doing so. If the character chooses to wield a two-handed weapon in their offhand as well, the EP price becomes 6 per round, and the penalty becomes -8 attack, -6 damage, and -6 dodge. During this time the weapon is considered a one-handed weapon and penalties/restrictions for skill use, use in grapples, and the like are applied as normal for a one-handed weapon (i.e. no using heavy weapons specialist skills via a two-handed weapon held in one hand). This skill can be used even when the character is Sealed or wearing a Sealing Collar, and does not affect the maximum amount of EP useable per turn due to Spirit Ceiling.

While I do like this idea, I don't think it should behave exactly as you specified. To do things like this, you are only changing the fighting style, not the weapon used. So things that increase the damage of two-handed weapons should still apply, as they are the same weapon, but things that increase chance to hit etc should not, since the character would be fighting using a one-handed style. Also you missed out the +9001 to badass rating on that buff.

Though doing it like I suggested might make it a bit harder to keep perfect track of, I dunno.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

That wording is just there to prevent combinations like slay + flurry and to allow for usage when grappled. It's not intended to disable Skill With, Specialized, Focus, Grandmaster, or any of the weapon-specific skills from being usable while wielded in one hand (speaking of which I'm going to fiddle with that wording a bit). This said, I respectfully disagree with the idea of talents like Heavy Weapons specialist offering a +10 damage bonus, as it's questionable for mechanical balance purposes and it also isn't true to how the bastard sword currently works. Plus, even with the damage penalties, the two-handed weapons have slightly better averages than their one-handed counterparts.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

That wording is just there to prevent combinations like slay + flurry and to allow for usage when grappled. It's not intended to disable Skill With, Specialized, Focus, Grandmaster, or any of the weapon-specific skills from being usable while wielded in one hand (speaking of which I'm going to fiddle with that wording a bit). This said, I respectfully disagree with the idea of talents like Heavy Weapons specialist offering a +10 damage bonus, as it's questionable for mechanical balance purposes and it also isn't true to how the bastard sword currently works. Plus, even with the damage penalties, the two-handed weapons have slightly better averages than their one-handed counterparts.

Considering that it costs a skill(?) and 4 EP per round, I'd say that the benefits should be better than just a slight damage increase. Spirited Warrior offers +8 damage to all attacks for 4 EP per round, and is much less situational.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Suggestion for dealing with Defensive Fighting and Shields: Have shields only apply half the Attack penalty when using Defensive Fighting. That way you won't have to worry about exceptions for Shield Slam and whatnot should people decide to only attack with their shield.

This sounds good. Reminder to self of this post and to think about the contents of this post. Also, change the luck spells and chaos curse to include Dodge in the things that they affect. And change Fall Damage so that 100 feet doesn't deal 2000+ damage. (Height/10) ^ 2 with stipulations about damage reduction will be the new formula. Make an explicit limit on the number of summons, and state that Reapers, animals, faeries, and demons don't poof like normal summons do in the rules.

Also, Oni Alcoholism was changed slightly already, and must remind self to change Juggernaut from this:
Juggernaut: The creature has a great deal of strength, but they are also very bulky and clumsy. The character cannot have more than 15 Speed or Perception due to their Body stat, their Resistance stat is halved, and any time they would make an attack roll dependent on Body or a grapple roll they roll d100 + 20 instead.

to this:
Juggernaut: The creature has a great deal of strength, but they are also very bulky and clumsy. The character cannot have more than 20 Speed or Perception due to their Body stat, their bonus to their Resistance and Dodge stats from Body are halved, and any time they would make an attack roll dependent on Body or a grapple roll to do something to a creature in a grapple with them, they roll d100 + Stat/5 instead. Creatures group grappling with them only gain 1/2 the normal bonus from other creatures allied in the grapple. Creatures attempting to make grapple actions other than escaping are forced to make a grapple check against the usual d20 + Body.

Also, a utility spell under Body or Force that halves the damage after AV and DR are calculated when cast on melee weapons.

Edit: Did an addition to the lore thread about the rarer breeds, and also changed the language of Mana Leak from "regains so much EP" to "drains to much EP"

Nature's Ally: Commune with Nature is a free action that costs 2 less EP. The range of Leaf Walk is doubled per point of EP both in and out of combat. When using Entangle, the character may pay an additional 4 EP to force creatures within its AoE to win a Resistance check against a DC equal to 4X or be knocked Prone, from which they are treated as if they'd had the version of the power causing the Bound status against them. Summon Nature's Ally costs 2 less EP statically and has the minimum number that can be summoned using variable numbers increased by 2. By paying 2 additional EP at time of activation, the character may target an additional creature with Natural Order, and may do this multiple times per round. When activating the Wild Shape power, the character may double the activation cost to gain the bonuses of 2 animal forms, but overlapping stats from the chosen forms gain a static +5 bonus instead of two +3 bonuses. Wrath of the Elements deals an additional X damage to all targets regardless of which form is used.

True Daemon: The cost of the Call Daemon power is reduced statically by 2. Daemonfire deals damage as if it had had 2 more EP pushed into the X cost. The character may pay an additional 2 EP when using Enhanced Shell (as if increasing the X cost) to add any one of the following stats to the things that it gives bonuses to: +3X to Grapple, Perception, Speed, Base Casting, or Stealth. Reflector reflects attacks if the character beats their opponent by 4 or more instead of 8 or more. Regenesis can be used as a prepared action, can be used even when the character is under a Sealing effect, and cannot be countered. Soul Rip restores X/3 EP so long as it hits, even if the target wins the Resistance check. Warp Shell also allows the character to gain up to DR 1/2 in the following steps: DR 5/6, DR 3/4, DR 1/2, and may be used in combat to enact a 1 round transformation at a cost of 4X EP, but it only lasts until the end of combat.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

And then, the rules changes. Oh god the rules changes. ;-;

Aptitudes: Added all of the ones from this post and this post. In fact, include basically everything in those two posts.

Mutations: Tentacles and Juggernaut were changed for spec mutations, Unhinged Jaw and Natural Armor were added, and put asterisks on some stuff in mutations. Gave Naga Unhinged Jaw as a potential bonus mutation.

Talents: Added Seductive, changed the values of Soul Drain Resistant, Open Soul, and Sensitive to 5, and changed Shield Fighter and Stealthy to reflect new rulings.

@Spider: I'll keep these in mind, but am not adding them right now.

Powers: In addition to the listed changes, altered Pyrokinesis and Warp Shell a little.

Succubus Powers: Added Tonight, You and Dynamic Entry.

Magic and Feats: Herbalist and Enchanter! Elemental damages there! Changes to the penalties to casting for certain things and an additional rule that allows mages to fight defensively for more Base Casting!
Spells: Changed the grapple related Earth spells, added Arcane Focus as a level 1 arcane spell, Protect Weapon as a level 3 Force Spell, Air Walk as a level 5 Wind spell, and these spells as suggest by Hafnium.

General Rules: Elemental damages now do stuff. Fall Damage was changed. Ranged sneak attacks don't auto-hit anymore and instead give a +10 bonus to attack. Changed some status effects. Item use now takes a move action.

Skills: Added Giant Strength, Superhuman Toughness, Skirmisher, and Double Strike.

Rituals: Added Slime Conversion and Anthropomorphization. Changed Soul Synthesis, Demonic and Gemini Transformations, and all of the Weather Related rituals.

Templates: Added Cordyrune and Faerie Court Membership Templates.

Say goodbye to non-template Elementalkin!
Exceedingly rare, Elementalkin are those born with an inherent connection to some natural element, granting them both instinctive control of it and natural resistance to the effects of others attempting to manipulate it against them. Born mostly to uncorrupted mortal parents, elementalkin show only minor signs of their magical nature until they hit puberty, at which point they begin to learn to control their abilities. Few ever actually learn of their nature unless they enter an institution, but the Academy in Crolia has a special branch exclusively for those with the natural gifts of elementalkin.
Stat Adjustments: +4 Body, +8 Mind, +4 Spirit
Racial Talents: Greater Energy Pool, Focus in (Element)
Racial Flaws: Mutated, Fire (Open Soul, Bloodthirsty, Mutated) / Lightning (Easily Aroused, Selfish, Open Soul) / Nature (Lustful, Fertile/Infertile, Sensitive) / Water (Idealistic, Sensitive, Hemophiliac) / Wind (Poor Grappler, Fragile, Cowardly)
Racial Mutations: Immunity (Element,) Naturally Warped
Note: The element chosen must match the character’s own element, chosen from among the following: Fire, Lightning, Nature, Water, or Wind. The immunity mutation must correspond to the element chosen (Fire is immune to heat, Lightning to electricity, Water to cold, and Wind to force), with those that choose Nature being able to choose which element they’re immune to.