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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Guns tend to sweep things that way. I always find it kind of boring. No offense.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Armor and weapons? Fuck that. Pure, powder form shorn pollen and hookers all the way.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

A competition in Badaria with guns would pay more than one with martial arts because guns make fists irrelevant? That's... A little strange, since developments in military tech changing the way sports are favored isn't a connection I can easily see. (Riding on the idea that no one will like less the idea of a good fist/sword fight just because they know lasers and missiles exist.) However, Dark Gate is a strange world with strange people. Who knows.

Also, the 300 denarii tops is a number not counting a lot of things? You, Tass, probably know what I'm getting at while asking these questions. It's more or less pondering the idea of trying to make a competition a viable thing to exist. I'm more or less pondering someone attempting to make huge the sport of wrestling. In particular, naughty wrestling, given the pervy nature of Donevrion. As history shows, advertisement was still a thing before television and radios existed. A lot of things became popular via word of mouth from travelers such as merchants.

So, the idea is to actually make it worth a lot more than it currently is. Since 200 denarii buys you a single acre of land in high demand, that's a pretty good value if the prize money is 300. However, given the competition and how much training a particular competitor will likely have to go through to win, that value pales a bit. And I'm not entirely sure if a certain someone leading a resistance against a certain orc leading an oppression would find it worth their time to engage in such a thing. The idea is to change that, and make the Champion Prize Money make someone think, "I want to compete in that."

And possibly to make wrestling popular all over Donevrion. And to make you hate me for making wrestling popular all over Donevrion.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I think it's more a point of talent with guns and new age military skills being more valuable to the countries in question due to the composition of their armies. If a government is funding a tournament then they're a fair amount more likely to fund one that will either inspire the populace toward training a certain skillset or reveal talented individuals in that skillset to them. Tournaments in the older ways (although one could argue that wrestling is always a useful skill, given that it's still trained in every modern army) are less likely from non-private sources, and private sources aren't likely to pay as much.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Guns made most forms of hand to hand combat culturally irrelevant. There'd still be sport for it, but not nearly what there used to be when melee weapons were the primary method of combat. Using a sword in Badaria is novelty, not a vital skill for a warrior, leaving competitions regarding armed combat as a fringe interest in comparison to what they used to be. It's more or less exactly what happened in Europe and Japan after gunpowder weapons were the primary weapon of warfare for more than a century, and in Badaria its been a lot more than that. With more or less everything in Badaria having also been dedicated propaganda directed by ye Lich King for the last 300+ years, it wouldn't exactly make sense for methods more often employed by their enemies to be particularly respected.

They would still exist, certainly, but they wouldn't be as popular as - oh fuck it just what Hafnium said. There's also the invasion's aftermath to consider - most places aren't going to be sponsoring tournaments post what was nearly the apocalypse.

If you mean in Kavika's thread, I can't see them having the kind of resources to hand over 300 denarii, much less more than that. There's very little in the way of resources from which to gain that kind of money up there with the possible exception of slavery. They wouldn't have the markets to get that kind of dosh to just throw around, even with all the cheap prostitution, since Anudor and the Amazon are more or less dead, and most of Crolia wouldn't deal with them. It would let it make sense that they'd be using denarii though, since they'd have to ship their trade to Badaria.

Also, sex wrestling won't spread to anywhere that it isn't already a thing, namely Acheron and New Abaddon. Faeries wouldn't want to turn intimacy into a competition, and most mortals are too prudish to go for that. Even mainstream orcs would hesitate a bit at that level of depravity.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Fuckin' Badaria has no appreciation for the finer things in life. Like titties. And wrestling with titties.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

That;s why you need to make your own country. with Black Jack. And Hookers. I mean, it's worked for Acheron.

Course, Acheron has stupid levels of power behind it, so maybe not.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

A competition in Badaria with guns would pay more than one with martial arts because guns make fists irrelevant? That's... A little strange, since developments in military tech changing the way sports are favored isn't a connection I can easily see.

Whilst the others have already said the stuff... you can also think of historic England and the Longbow as a possible example. Military action proved that the longbow seemed to be working well for England, and so the royalty sponsored archery tournaments all across the country, and pretty much tried to put a bow in every able bodied peasant's hands.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

The bit with the government adding the funds makes sense. I was thinking that the interests of the people would also help contribute greatly to the prize money. Since if you can get 500 people to watch your match, and they all pay 1 denarii each, then you have 500 denarii. How much the champion gets is dependent on where the cuts go. That's kinda the logic I was going on, though what also contributes is the lack of knowledge of just how large populations are, and how large of an audience you can expect to have for any given competition. Everything taken into consideration, 300 only makes sense to me if only the local government is paying the prize champion. That's a lot from them, out of pocket.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

You'd have to be near a pretty major population center to get 500 paying customers, I think.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I got kind of a weird question before I post something. How much does body translate to in terms of carry weight?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I got kind of a weird question before I post something. How much does body translate to in terms of carry weight?

Carry weight isn't really addressed by the rules. So it's up to the GM to restrict you to what he considers reasonable.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Tassadar stated before that points into Body can mean a lot of things, not just muscle. It can mean how fast you run, how dexterous you are, etc. All things physical basically. So someone who has 90 body doesn't have to be a giant mass of muscle.

Though, putting points into body can mean you can have your thin form and yet beat a muscle dude in a wrestling match purely because you happened to have more body than him. If you come across situations that are strange like that, you can always pelt Tass and demand an explanation on how it makes sense.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Simple. Obviously the muscle guy in your example focuses mainly on exercises to make his muscles big and defined, whereas the thin person focuses on training entirely intended to boost their strength with their appearance as an afterthought, leaving the latter's functional strength actually greater than the bigger guy's. In addition, the thin person does a lot of cardio because they regularly practice ringen and have honed their grappling technique, while the muscular gentleman either has no such training in technique or is simply not as talented at it, so the latter gets outdone in positioning and gasses out leaving them at the thin person's mercy.

Oh, right, and in some cases there's also the whole magical corruption making warped and supernatural characters potentially powerthirst strong regardless of their builds. Can't forget that either.

Yeah though re. the original question, it's all GM discretion and how you roleplay your character. Personally, when I GM I tend to consider body to represent a character's potential level of physicality (including strength, endurance, durability, dexterity, even eyesight) and general martial skill unless the character's bio or the player's writing indicates otherwise.

To be a little more helpful: I think the examples given last were that 30 body was pretty average for physical labor jobs such as carpentry and farming, 40-50 body was considered pretty close to peak fitness, 60 body was considered Olympic athlete level, and 70 body was considered to be breaking into low level superhuman fitness.

Assuming the character isn't supernatural or warped, it's probably pretty safe around the 40-50 body mark to consider your character at least capable of lifting their own body weight given proper positioning and care, should you want to roleplay them as the lifting type, and by 60 they're probably looking more toward 2x. Most GMs will give extra consideration to more monstrous races or supernatural types as well.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

You'll get an explanation like that. It helps when the character in question is supernatural, as that allows the 'because magic' explanation that makes things easier on everyone responsible for explaining such things (and is also why the fantasy setting is a personal favorite of mine. You don't have to explain anything to anyone, just tell them it's because of magic.) And if you're not sure what supernatural means, it's the idea that your character has come into contact with so much magic that their body stops being physical and starts being more magical, thusly ascending from mortality the more 'corrupted' you become.

The term corruption is misleading by the way. It's not traditional corruption as most would know it. It's just how far along your body has come from being of physical nature, to being magical in nature, which allows your physical shape to change and reshape itself. The result of such changes means you cease to be the race you truly were, and you become something else because you start to lose that which allowed you to be identified as a member of that race (this varies, but it super applies to humans from the way things seem, since they're so vanilla that they're like blank sheets for some new and crazy race to leap from). It's sort of how some other races came into existence, via breeding with these 'altered' races which were originally unstable, and as generations pass, the magic within them stabilizes. Hence why some creatures with 'naturally supernatural' are called such. They're supernatural, but their magic isn't super contagious because the magic within them is more under control.

Also, while the milestones for various stat lines can be good to fluff out RP things, make sure not to confuse what stats mean in an RP sense versus what they mean in the mechanical sense (as I did). The line where the two touch is not an easy one to grasp, and the only way to best identify where you're at is just to ask the GM what your stats mean and how they affect things not covered in the game's system itself; however, it's most likely not going to matter as it's very common for stats to be taken out of consideration when no rolls are being made in light of the current state of RP your character is in. As long as you're not being ridiculous, feel free to do as most do and ignore stats when they don't matter.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Okiedokes, thanks for the explanation guys! That taught me a lot, actually. I was under the impression that 20 ish was the normal human strength and 30 was athlete status. But that's mostly because I come from Pathfinder and DnD, where the average person has like, half of a PC's stats and being an adventurer by itself makes you multiple times more badass than most people. That and without exceptional, a human warrior usually only has 30 ish strength.

Either way though, I think I'll just go with the character I had in mind just having very concentrated muscle density for much smaller, but much stronger muscles. Also works with how I fluffed her armored hide just being really strong skin. Thanks for all the feedback. I really appreciate it :)
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So... I kinda started playing Dark Souls... Very distracting...
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

All you need to know about Dark Souls, right here.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread
