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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Shorn Weeds are plants, they can't be drained. Therefore, they can't be converted. Also yes, slimes automatically absorb any fluids shot into them.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


*looks at Bag of coins*
Well if I'm going to hate the next person to attempt to pickpocket me that is for sure. You know besides the fact the leather of the bag likely causes the person to touch it to go into a rut with how long it has been floating inside of Tori.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Wouldn't they need to shove their hand into Tori to be able to get the bag in the first place? Poor people would become victims either way~ Unless they were immune to the effects like an undead creature.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

It's not that weird of a job description when you think about it. I mean, we jerk off cows all the time in real life.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I may have narrowly avoided being made to jerk off a turkey once. Fortunately didn't hang around at that job long enough to see how they do that. Male turkeys are friggin weird and awful animals. Still had to manually spread and hold open a few hundred female turkey's bumholes though.

So yeah, what MAF said.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

The human race jerks off a lot of things actually. When we explain why it's like, "oh it's for a good cause," and yet we're still jerking everything off.

"This animal's going extinct. We better capture it and... Jerk it off. For a good cause."
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Wouldn't they need to shove their hand into Tori to be able to get the bag in the first place? Poor people would become victims either way~ Unless they were immune to the effects like an undead creature.

Considering its going to be outside until I craft a potion of infertility yea it might matter. Of course who would steal from huggable Raep Slime doctor that stopped Da plague?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So there's some derpy Hunger Games battle simulator thing people are fucking with on the chans that let you cram in random names, so I put in whoever I could think of from DG. They ask for male and female... I don't really think it matters, but I tried to stick with it anyway. I MOSTLY failed at it because holy fuck are there even 12 male PCs so I tried to fill it in with NPCs. M-mostly my own, because uh I don't read anyone's thread. >.>

The fuckin' generator knows what to do with pet favorites though.

Day 1

Hecro killed by Tentacle Monster

Elysia killed by Celeste

Elise killed by amoebic dysentery

Lumi killed by environmental disaster

Nala killed by Miranda

Mavra killed by Syran

Ulalamulg killed by Nadia

Nila killed by amoebic dysentery

Aluwin killed by Tentacle Monster

Uldric killed by dehydration

Naltaibur killed by environmental disaster

Day 2

Syran killed by muttation attack

Tomoe killed by amoebic dysentery

Tamonten killed by Miranda

Bakan killed by Tentacle Monster

Day 3

Anthony Icegrave killed by environmental disaster

Celeste killed by amoebic dysentery

Day 4

Ashraani killed by Nadia

Eleanor killed by Kherem

Nadia killed by Tentacle Monster

Tentacle Monster killed by Kherem

Day 5

Kherem killed by Oormi

Day 6

Oormi killed by Miranda

The victor is: Miranda

Day 1

Elise killed by Uldric

Naltaibur killed by Oormi

Oormi killed by Uldric

Bakan killed by Elysia

Aluwin killed by Elysia

Syran killed by Miranda

Tomoe killed by Kherem

Day 2

Day 3

Mavra killed by Hecro

Kherem killed by food poisoning

Day 4

Miranda killed by Nala

Anthony Icegrave killed by Ashraani

Day 5

Day 6

Elysia killed by Uldric

Uldric killed by Tentacle Monster

Nadia killed by Nala

Eleanor killed by Lumi

Day 7

Ashraani killed by muttation attack

Hecro killed by Nila

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Ulalamulg killed by environmental disaster

Day 11

Nala killed by Nila

Tamonten killed by Tentacle Monster

Day 12

Day 13

Lumi killed by dehydration

Day 14

Celeste killed by Tentacle Monster

Day 15

Tentacle Monster killed by Nila

The victor is: Nila

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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

*Frownyfaces at Kherem and amoebic dysentery*
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Day 1

Elysia killed by Miranda

Isolda killed by Alex

Ione killed by Kavika

Eleanor killed by Tomoe

Uldric killed by Miranda

Lenalee killed by Nala

Mirchell killed by food poisoning

Nala killed by Miranda

Tomoe killed by Tamonten

Day 2

Aescila killed by Lani

Day 3

Naltaibur killed by Bakan

Vanilla killed by Oormi

Bakan killed by Alex

Day 4

Kavika killed by Alex

Maya killed by Oormi

Miranda killed by Oormi

Day 5

Ashley killed by Krig

Nadia killed by Krig

Krig killed by environmental disaster

Day 6

Tamonten killed by Alex

Day 7

Lani killed by Geren

Day 8

Day 9

Geren killed by Alex

Alex killed by Oormi

The victor is: Oormi

Tamo vs Alex is settled. And you know what, knowing the mechanics and the characters as I do, most of these fights go as I would call them. Not all, certainly, but most.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Jeez, that's a heated rivalry brewing up between Miranda and Nala.

Better even the score next time... :mad:
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Krig killed by environmental disaster

Them trees, huh?

Anyway here's a more interesting generator.

>Ione kills Harem with a hatchet.

Bakan hides near the cornucopia, waiting for everyone to leave.

Tomoe runs away with a lighter and some rope.

Ashraani retrieves a trident from the centre of the cornucopia.

Nala and Tamonten work together to drown Violet.

Alex clutches a first aid kit and runs away.

Hunter and Naltaibur run from the cornucopia together.

Elder Lord carefully grabs three jars of fishing bait while Aes gets fishing gear.

Kringlicsly clutches a first aid kit and runs away.

Juggernaut and Mavra fight for a bag. Mavra gives up and retreats.

Ione kills Harem with a hatchet.

Ambalika grabs a backpack and retreats.

Shorn Plant breaks Ashley's nose for a basket of bread.

Jenn and Elysia fight for a bag. Jenn gives up and retreats.

Alaric grabs a sword.

Miranda's Mom grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.

Miranda clutches a first aid kit and runs away.


Tomoe, Alex, Elysia, and Bakan raid Miranda's Mom's camp while she is hunting.

Juggernaut begs for Ashraani to kill him. She reluctantly obliges, killing Juggernaut.

Nala discovers a cave.

Miranda receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Elder Lord receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Hunter tries to sleep through the entire day.

Naltaibur and Aes work together for the day.

Tamonten receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Kringlicsly searches for a water source.

Alaric tries to sleep through the entire day.

Ione chases Mavra.

Jenn daydreams of home.

Ashley receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Ambalika defeats Shorn Plant in a fight, but spares his life.

Tamonten tries to treat her infection.

Shorn Plant's trap kills Naltaibur.

Nala falls ill from contaminated water.

Mavra climbs a tree to rest.

Ashraani, Hunter, and Miranda discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Alex hides near the cornucopia for resources.

Miranda's Mom falls ill from contaminated water.

Aes, Elysia, Ambalika, and Kringlicsly sleep in shifts.

Jenn hides near the cornucopia for resources.

Alaric tends to his wounds.

Elder Lord, Ashley, Bakan, and Ione sleep in shifts.

Tomoe sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Miranda camouflauges herself in the bushes.

Alaric daydreams of home.

Mavra attacks Tomoe, but she manages to escape.

Aes searches for a water source.

Ambalika, Tamonten, Nala, and Bakan raid Elysia's camp while she is hunting.

Miranda's Mom diverts Ashley's attention and runs away.

Jenn receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Kringlicsly runs away from Ione.

Ashraani defeats Alex in a fight, but spares her life.

Shorn Plant taints Elder Lord's food, killing him.

Hunter camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Alex, Jenn, and Shorn Plant discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Mavra, Ione, Aes, and Ashley sleep in shifts.

Elysia, Nala, Alaric, Kringlicsly, and Bakan crowd around their fire.

Tomoe is awoken by nightmares.

Miranda looks at the night sky.

Tamonten goes to sleep.

Miranda's Mom sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Ambalika thinks about winning.

Ashraani destroys Hunter's supplies while he is asleep.

Miranda discovers a cave.

Tamonten, Aes, and Alaric search the arena together for other tributes.

Bakan daydreams of home.

Alex daydreams of home.

Hunter and Ashley fight Kringlicsly and Ione. Kringlicsly and Ione survive.

Shorn Plant injures himself.

Mavra stalks Miranda's Mom.

Elysia receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Nala begs for Ashraani to kill her. She refuses, keeping Nala alive.

Ambalika receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Tomoe stalks Jenn.

Kringlicsly, Tamonten, Alex, Tomoe, and Jenn crowd around their fire.

Shorn Plant, Miranda, Elysia, Miranda's Mom, and Ione crowd around their fire.

Mavra tries to find other tributes and finds Bakan.

Alaric severely injures Ashraani, but puts her out of her misery.

Aes, Nala, and Ambalika sleep in shifts.

Alaric receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Miranda and Ambalika fight Elysia and Mavra. Elysia and Mavra survive.

Bakan searches for a water source.

Tamonten scares Shorn Plant off.

Nala receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Ione, Aes, and Alex search the arena together for other tributes.

Miranda's Mom chases Tomoe.

Jenn receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Kringlicsly receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Tomoe, Bakan, Aes, and Nala tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.

Alaric sets up camp for the night.

Shorn Plant tries to treat his infection.

Miranda's Mom thinks about winning.

Kringlicsly, Jenn, Mavra, and Alex track down and kill Ione.

Elysia sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Tamonten stays awake all night.

Tomoe beats Aes to death.

Elysia runs away from Alex.

Nala dies of dysentery.

Shorn Plant is pricked by several thorns while picking berries.

Tamonten collects fruit from a tree.

Mavra injures herself.

Bakan stalks Kringlicsly.

Miranda's Mom fishes.

Jenn kills Alaric while he is resting.

A fire spreads throughout the arena.

Jenn falls to the ground, but kicks Shorn Plant hard enough to then push him into the fire.

Kringlicsly survives.

The fire catches up to Mavra, killing her.

Elysia survives.

Tamonten survives.

Alex survives.

Miranda's Mom survives.

Tomoe survives.

The fire catches up to Bakan, killing him.

Tamonten cries herself to sleep.

Tomoe and Alex fight Kringlicsly and Elysia. Kringlicsly and Elysia survive.

Miranda's Mom is awoken by nightmares.

Jenn sets up camp for the night.

Jenn scares Miranda's Mom off.

Elysia and Kringlicsly work together for the day.

Tamonten practices her archery. (FALSE TAMO, FALSE TAMO)

The arena's border begins to rapidly contract.

Tamonten survives.

Thinking they could escape, Jenn and Elysia attempt to run through the border together.

Kringlicsly survives.

Miranda's Mom survives.

Tamonten sets up camp for the night.

Kringlicsly and Miranda's Mom sleep in shifts.

Kringlicsly receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Miranda's Mom makes a wooden spear.

Tamonten fishes.

Tamonten, Kringlicsly, and Miranda's Mom discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Miranda's Mom unknowingly eats toxic berries.

Kringlicsly kills Tamonten in a fit of rage.

Krig wins!

I'm too lazy to copypaste the next one, so just have these bits:
Naltaibur overhears Elder Lord and Mavra talking in the distance.
The arena turns pitch black.
Naltaibur finds and kills Mavra, who was making too much noise.
Juggernaut chases Harem.
Juggernaut scares Harem off.
Juggernaut chases Harem.
Juggernaut ambushes Harem and kills her.
The winner is Juggernaut from District 11!
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Bakan is doing a lot of questionable shit, in addition to rolling 1's.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

->Miranda's Mom chases Tomoe
->Krig ragemurders Tamo

I laughed more than I should have.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Incidentally that second generator tells you to give people nicknames, but I didn't because it also replaces their names in all the reports. As much as I liked calling Jenn "Panty Enchanter" and Mavra "The Saddest Rapist" it probably would have been confusing.

Naltaibur was "Twinstick shooter" and incidentally I just found out about and want .
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Apologies to Tass and RJ for lack of posting. Can't seem to figure out any sort of reply.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Since your posts are always top notch, it's probably our fault if anything.

(Probably mine.)