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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny read over the book horrified at the creatures inside but also fascinated by them to. She spent a good long time reading and studying before her own curiosity overwhelmed her. "Ezalor? You know what I am right? Maybe you can explain this to me please." Jenny looked around and let her wings spread forth revealing their glory to the old mage. Hopefully he didn't strike her down as an abomination.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man turned to Jenny and raised a curious eyebrow at her wings "I am very well aware what creature you are Jenny. Do not threat, there will be no smiting done in these halls" he chuckled warmly "But this... this is curious... you have blood from a full-demon running through you. But your wings only took a small aspect of it's corruption."

He sat down and scratched his beard "Tell me Jenny, what were you doing before you came to Kings Coast... what do you know of your parents." obviously Jennys wings were a special case.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well Ezalor what I know of my parents is that they are shepherds we raise a small flock near our home in Tinkun. Lina thought they moved their from here but I never found any proof of that in my research." Jenny shrugged that was just about it as far as she knew nothing to outstanding had happened until now with Lina's disappearance and Jenny's flight to save her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I have lived here longer than most can remember, guarding this sanctuary from any that would mean harm to the pure... and it is true I have never heard of your family names." he leaned against his chair "However your form attests that your parents are not normal shepherds... perhaps that was not the only lie surrounding them..." what was Ezalor hinting at here?

"Tell me more about your mother and father. Do they excel in some matters? Seem odd in others?" Ezalor leaned against his cane looking into Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny scratched her head searching for answers. Her mother was kind and beautiful and her father was strong and kind as well even if he drank a little to much. "Im not sure Ezalor nothing comes to mind other than My mother married young and my sisters and I are all born on the same day." It was the only things Jenny could recall after all she lived with her parents for all her life any special quirks or oddities she probably took for granted.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man eyed Jenny briefly and smiled, he could tell the girl was earnest in her statements "The dieties work in mysterious ways then." he chuckled warmly "Alright then I'll tell you what I know... once a tainted bloodline succubus reaches a certain point of corruption her form may shape to take on a more demonic appearance. Their true appearance. Now if a succubus decides to actually mate with a male she found interesting her offspring are a most curious lot."

He paused a moment looking over to Jenny "Depending on which parents side the offspring inherrit they may live perfectly normal human lives or be warped by their mothers nature." he looked up some books before continueing "Now if for example say a succubus has a daughter that very much inherited her warped nature. The girl will inadvertably also gain something from her father on varying degress, but one gift is guaranteed - humanity. A succubus who still kept her humanity in check... a gift brushed aside by so many...."

"Atleast so it says here..." Ezalor smiled at the girl as if this was all a mere random example "Succubus born this way, may even shape and change her true form away from it's demonic routes and keep herself from succumbing to a dark fate aswell."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I see so is that why Im the way I am and not my sisters or are they ticking time bombs as well?" Jenny was curious and this hardly helped matters and only seemed to give her more questions to ask. Still the conversation about her family led Jenny to wonder if she should write a letter to her parents to let her know she is okay. "Ezalor mind if I borrows some paper and ink? I think its high time my parents found out that Im okay."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I'm affraid I cannot tell for sure. Afterall, my encounters with your kin are... limited." he smiled knowingly "Though I can assure you, Lina did not bear as prominent taint as you." the man seemed to search for something through numerous books all levitating around him.

"Ofcourse, there should be some on table number 5 I think." the librarian continued to scan for information leaving Jenny to do her thing. Jenny didn't really even need to check the number on the tables. One of them clearly had some blank parchments and the tools to write home. Though what would the girl write back after running away without permission, stealing the house savings and now... becoming whatever she was right now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was a tall order thats for sure but she didn't want her family to worry more than they had to. It was short maybe to short but if she told them everything she had been threw.... well wild horses couldn't keep them away. With her letter write Jenny said good bye to Ezalor and headed to the shipping centers and then on to Mistey's to see if her sampler was done.

Dear Ma an Pa

Im sorry I ran off but be assured that I'm okay and will find Lina soon. I know you must be very upset with me but I couldn't let the both of you risk the both of you having the same trouble as Lina. I've made few friends here in King's Coast and you will be happy to know they are decent folk.

I hope the next time we see each other it will be with me and Lina coming home together.

With Love
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny folded the letter neatly and placed it in her one of her bags, before bidding goodbye to Ezalor and off she went to the post office, she did recall seeing it near or maybe inside the travel station of the city near the entrance.

The girl slowly made her way to her objective some thoughts about home and what happened to her since she first started her trip running through her head. The moment wouldn't last as Jenny noted a peculiar sight, Reincan was making a mad dash through the streets going as far as even pushing aside some folk who stood in his way, what was the rush? He'd turn to the entrance to the chappel and quite literally kick the door open.

Jenny could continued on with her plans or perhaps wait or even go investigate to see what was happening.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rencarn can undoubtedly handle himself but you never knew what might happen. Securing her belongings as best she could Jenny followed after the sheriff though for her part she kept out of sight.

Staying as stealthy as possible and follow after Reincarn just in case he needs a hand.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It should say something about Jennys outlook on the church, when the girl was preparing for a fight within a holy place. Unfortunately for the priests they already had their hands full with a heathen right now.

Jenny peeped inside to see what was going on, Reincan stood in the middle of the church 'discussing' something with the priest with around 5 priestesses all looking frightened hugged the side walls "Fucking bullshit!" "Language my son, we cannot state emergency on just a wild hunch." Reincan scoffed with pure spite "What part of 'I saw it' did you not catch. Ring those goddamn bells! It's coming!" "We--" whatever the priests objection would've been it was quickly silenced as Reincan actually drew his firearm and aimed right at the magister "Ring those fucking bells or I swear I'll make sure you regret it." there was something particullary dark about the priest at that moment, perhaps the look in his eye or something else "Fine! Bridget... ring the bells, the fog may be coming." Reincan would keep his weapon pointed right at the priest till the moment the bells rang out.

The Sheriff slowly lowered his weapon "Fortify this place, your faith alone won't keep them at bay" he motioned an prayer at the simbol of the star god and went to leave.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well that was more than enough for Jenny as she bolted for the bar and inn. Her intent was to warn Nico and the girls as well as the rest of the inn not to mention grab her rifle.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly dashed to the bar, she needed to warn the girls! As the bells rangout the heroine could see all the folk scurry off to their home some actual barricades on their doors and all windows closing their curtains shut. Soon the town would be seem abbandoned.

The girl arrived at the bar much to the relief of her sisters "Jenny!" "Thank goodness!" "Girls the fog is coming!" the barmaids smiled warmly "We know, the church only rings its bells during emergencies. Come on down stairs, it's safest there."

A thought crossed Jennys mind, she could join her sisters and wait the fog out... but if she was hiding that woman from ealier would likely be stolen or dead. Surely the town could use an able bodied defender at this time. It was up to her, whether she'd go out and help out with the defenses or play it safe and stay in the bar.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I I can't people need help and I can help. Don't tell Nico I don't want her to worry besides she will need all her strength." Jenny rushed out of the bar and to her room to grab her rifle. If she had time she would join with Reicarn in defense of the town. Gods this was the stupidest thing she had one in a long time.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No wait Jenny! Don't!" even if her sisters did not approve Jenny ran out the bar to get her Rifle. What was she thinking!

Kings Coast became a ghost town in matter of minutes, the residents seemed to have become very efficient in their preparations for the incoming raid. Thankfully the fog didn't roll in quite yet, but the complete and utter silence was unnerving as ever. Still Jenny quickly grabbed her Rifle double checking if it had ammo and ran to the sheriffs office. Only to find Reincan on the roof looking down on her.

"Jenny? Goddamn it noone told you? Hurry the fog is rolling in find some place safe to hide! Fast!" he didn't actually shoo her away, it was more of a friendly warning, but his sights lingered on her perhaps expecting what Jenny was about to say.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"And what leave you a bloody heap like last time. No I don't think so besides if something happened to you Mistey would be devastated." Jenny tried the door to see if it was locked and if it was offered her hand up to Reincarn. If he still refused Jenny would take matters into her own hands and get up on the roof. It would be awkward but she was insistent about helping the sheriff. "Just promise me one thing if something should happen to me find my sister all the items you'll need are in my room."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man cursed under his breath, he could tell the girl wasn't going to give way with this "Alright grab my hand! Use me as a ladder if you must." ofcourse the doors were locked, likely even barricaded. Seeme the sheriff always turned his office into a last stand tower, but this time it wouldn't be a solo affair.

Jenny was soon hoisted up as Reican actually gave her a smile "Could always use an extra gun. They'll come from the forest just as soon as the fog rolls in. Listen to me and we'll be just fine." Jenny used the opportunity to state her almost last will "Well atleast one of is being positive. Don't worry if we get overrun I'll make sure they focus on me instead of you. You'll be fine." he snickered lightly locking his a sniper rifle in his hands, before placing it inot a special frame.

"The two grabbers you girls shot down were actually early stranglers. After Mistey told me abou them popping up I was going to clear the area, when I noticed the damn fog approaching. In a way we were fortunate, the invaders can't resist two fine girls in the woods."

"Here's how this goes, every so often the townshall will fire a flare in the air, each of the defense points has to fire theirs to show that it's all clear. If someone skips a flare means shit hit the fan over there and they need help." he nudged towards the flares "There's around 5 grenades in that box. Trust me we'll want to save those..."

Jenny still had a brief moment to talk about whatever she wished with the sheriff before from the forest the fog crept in "Here we go... eyes sharp."
Fog effects -10 to perception; -10 to attack rolls at more than 50ft range[in addition to range penalty
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded to the sheriff and check her weapon keeping a sharp eye on the fog and occasionally checking the sky. "So how often dose this happen?" She had only been her for about a week and the fog had attacked twice. If it was so often who did this little town survive so long.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

3 grabbers appear at 50ft
The man scoffed at the question and shook his head "Would you believe me if I told you once every three to four months..." he glanced over to Jenny "Whatever force is behind this fog, is either growing stronger... or more irritated." so the fog was a very rare occurance, but here it was twice in a span of a week. Something was up...

Both of the shooters got in position aiming they're weapons down into the forest from where the fog creeped in. The darkly aura quickly enveloped the down and greatly reduced visibility "If you think you saw some out of place shimmers fire a flare. The first cannon fodder shouldn't be a problem, but when the hunters show up it'll be much harder. Bastards love to sneak up on ya..."

And just with those words Jenny could see 3 of the lumbering tentacle creatures Jenny shot down recently slowly slip out of the woods, their movements as sluggish as ever.
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