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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Janis huh in truth Jenny knew little about the gods her parents never really pressing the issue. The only reason she knew of Naya was due to a passing priestess who had stayed with them for a week while she gathered more supplies and earned some money. She did tell her a little about each and how Jenny should honor Janis as well as Naya. After all while Jenny was in the fields with the sheep she was in her territory. "Sir stop at the edge of the clearing and take watch alright." Something was going on with the statue and despite the fact it could be a trap she trusted Sir to help her when the time came. Unfurling her wings Jenny made ready to glide down to the shrine. After all if she was going to honor a goddess she should appear just as she was taint and all no secretes. With that Jenny began her graceful decent praying to Naya that she hadn't just doomed herself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny called out to Servo just as was about to jump down, the little droid just barely peeking out of the white wildflower field. Still listening to his master Servo floated his little blue cristal above his head and looked though the area. All this magic in the area likely had the little golem confounded.

Jenny jumped down only to notice Sirs light look over to her and right behind her, instantly shooting back to his body and causing him run around around in a sort of panic. The heroine glinded down perfect... but what scared Servo?

The ground rumbled madly as a booming and very low seemingly earth rocking voice spoke up "Who. Comes... to my home." Looking around Jenny notice something a chilling sight. A creature atleast 12 feet tall was sitting there looking over her. It's skin that of a bark, feet and shoulders covered in moss. It also seemed to have seeming branches complete with green leaves sticking out of it "Get. Out." the creature slowly raised one of it's hands some small critters seemingly running away from the shifting ground! Thankfully it was not hostile... This juggernaut of a creature was resting right beneath the balcony and the part of the overgrove beneath... was actually this thing. That explained the mystical myst...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

You would have to be fairly battle hardened not to wet yourself at the sight of that. Still Jenny reacted quickly and was thankful she didn't go hacking threw the woods. "Oh please forgive me...Sir. I did not mean to disturb your home. I will leave immediately if you want me to but may I ask for a blessing from Janis? I will need all the help I can get to find my sister who is lost in these halls."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Who.... Are you?" the creature eyed Jenny briefly, more tree and part of the scenery than anything else "I... know. Not of you..." Jenny heard a rumbling behind her and turning around she saw the huge overgrowth slowly trail aside opening her a path "Janis... accepts all... but not I..." her raised his hand and pointed to the exit "Tell me the prayer to Janis.... or leave..." it seemed to take deep breaths with each sentence, it booming voice both threatening and soothing.

Jenny was free to leave, Servo likely wouldn't argue with that plan, as he hid behind Jennys left leg eyeing the creature curiously.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed the plant creature a moment trying to remember one of the prayers the priestess had taught her. "Oh Goddess of fields and forests of deserts and mountains. Hear one of your humble creatures bless my pursuits and ease my trail. Scent my path with flowers and grace me with your shelter." Jenny finished with a bow before taking in the plant hulk once more. "Thank you for allowing me my prayer may your days be blessed and undisturbed." Jenny bowed before the plant thing to show her appreciation before heading to the exit offered.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny proceeded to speak the prayer, the creature silently listening to every word the girl said. As the heroine finished she took a light bow, with the creature... taking a deep breath before letting out a very deep and heavy chuckle "Yes... you..." the creature shifted gently, rustling the surrounding bushes "Know your books... but that is not the answer I seek. May Janis watch over your travels, child of Corini. Now.... I shall rest for a short... while..." the creature became immobile once more. Lingering any longer seemed would likely be rude, but Jenny could always do so. Afterall she didn't inpsect the statue properly, nor the surrounding flowers.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Humph she told the prayer of Janis to him what more did her want. Letting out a sigh she looked back at the shrine and back at the plant hulk. Taking out the occulas Jenny looked at the flowers and shrine one more time before leaving. Stopping just short of the exit. "My name is Jenny by the way Im glad we met with all these evil creatures around Im glad that I found one thats not cruel or evil. Thank you. Come Servo lets leave and let our host get some rest. If we are lucky we will be able to visit him again."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny placed the oculus once more and looked around, instantly almost blinded by a sudden outburst of light. Squinting lightly the heroine was able to see what caused this. Something in the tree hulks hand was shinning bright even through his fist, whatever it was the power was absolutely immense.

Rest of the area remained the same the flowers agasint the walls still having warrying auras around with the statue still emiting a light energy from it and the loop of a blossom opening in it's palm.

Jenny paused lightly before exiting and introduced herself before leaving. The roots closing up behind her. The creature wanted it's solitude.

Well that was quite the find... what was next?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well that was bust Sir. Lets try to find out where we are." Jenny handed the map back to Sir after looking at it herself. "Lets head to the spirit warrior place. Sir please plot a course." Course plotted Jenny once more began her stealthy exploration of the acadamy.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The two were exactly where they previously were before entering the overgrowth. Jenny knelt down and rummaged through the tiny golems backpack and pulled out the map checking it over and picking their next location.

Servo quickly looked over the map, a wispy trail appearing on it before he placed it back in his backpack and looked to Jenny "Lead on Sir." with that the duo went out from Natures schools area, a feeling that she forgot something lingering at the back of the heroines mind.

It was a calm trip as the two passed by the staircase and took the next turn left. Approaching the double door Servo looked to Jenny to open the door.

Jenny pushed aside the double doors, apparantly reinforced with steel, to reveal the next faculty. There was a open passage on both her left and right spanning around the area, in front of Jenny was a treaded plot of land with 6 wooden figures all 6 firmly placed at the same spacing. Further on she could see some sunlight illuminating another part of the area.

Unnervingly though as she entered there were numerous shuffling of feet echoing occasionally, from an unknown source. Servo looked up to Jenny and sidesteped behind her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Of course more of the shuffling dead things. Jenny sighed once more still it was best to at lest take a look around. Moving around Jenny kept as silent as she could. Her intent was to get a better vantage point to see the area and use the occulus to find if more clues lay here.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perception check:
35 vs 38 Win

Stealth check:
37 vs 37 close but not cigar -
47 vs 46 !!!
35 vs 39 !!!
36 vs 40 -
37 vs 40 -
32 vs 46 -
47 vs 52 -
35 vs 43 -

Jenny slowly proceeded inwards, looking for any high grounds or the like. There didn't seem to be any around, most of the area either had very high ceiling or no ceilings, no platform overlooking the area.

There were quite a few doors on either side of the area, but most either missing or broken down. Looking through the area Jenny noted something interesting one of the 6 training dummies was broken apart, the air shimmering around it.

Before Jenny could make any real resolutions, she heard silent screech with a distorted breath from her left side. One, no two of the meat puppets slowly made their way out of the room, right towards Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Not good still they where slow. Jenny fell back to where she came using the narrow passage to prevent the foul things from surrounding her and readied her blade. Normally she would have used her rifle but the sound would only draw more of the things to her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny legs it back:
48 vs 42 !!!
43 vs 48 -
39 vs 36 !!!
45 vs 48 -
43 vs 52 -

Jenny rapidly made her way back, avoiding any unneccessary noise. Servo floating alongside her just not making any real noise. It was only 2, but fighting them in the area may attract more... not to mention shooting a rifle.

The heroine got back to the collidor and readied her blade eyeing the area carefully, at first it seemed the shuffling of feet would never reach her. But soon, the grotesque creatures reached her 4 of them! All turning to Jenny and reaching out, a distorted screeching escaping each of them!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"F F F Four of them GODS for being dead these things sure have good hearing!" Four was to much for the lone heroine to handle on her own well at lest with her current supply of weapons. If only that bitch Rosa hadn't taken Frost. Still Jenny had always been quick of wit and reached into her pocket remembering the nifty little things Ezalor gave her when she explored the white manor. Grabbing one of the spheres in her hand Jenny hoped its effect would apply to the magically animated dead. Waiting for the right moment to get as many of the creatures as she could Jenny tossed the sphere and waited to see if it worked her blade at the ready.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses a Flash Grenade!
12 damage dealt to all 4 creatures!

Meat pupppets are blinded?!
#1 33 vs 44 +
#2 36 vs 36 +
#3 26 vs 42 +
#4 26 vs 36 +
Jenny waited just for the right moment... and it came sooned than she expected as the creatures barely shuffling their feet earlier got to lunging forward at her! Here goes nothing!

Jenny threw down one of the orbs and looked away instantly it exploding in a bright white light. Engulfing not only the small hall, but most of the room aswell. Looking back to the creatures they were writhing and screaming in pain, some smoke coming off of them. It didn't banish them, but it definedly caused some serious damage!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny whimpered clearly she misunderstood what Ezalor meant back there. Still the things seemed hurt and the grenade was rather noiseless. They where precocious though could she really risk using another one? Muttering Jenny grabbed her blade and tried to slice off the arm of the closest meatbags (Yeah Dead Space) If the things couldn't touch her they probably couldn't really hurt her to much.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Easy hit!
Jenny kills one of the meat-puppets!

Blind lingers [lvl 1 penalty]
30 vs 24+
35 vs 35+
36 vs 21+

Meat puppets lash out:
20 vs 40 -
30 vs 40 -
27 vs 40 -
All miss

Jenny squeezed her blade tightly and attacked one of the creatures, her sharp edge effortless cutting off the creatures limb making it screech out loudly, forcing the girl to slice once more just to shut it up! They were indeed exceptionally fragile and the other three seemed to still have some lingering effects from the flash grenade.

Noting their agressive lunges Jenny stepped back from their comrade and saw the creatures lunge forward blindly to her previous location, before turning back to where she was now... the effect was either gone or rapidly disappearing already...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

She had once heard the blacksmith back home say it was best to strike while the Iron was hot. Not sure what that exactly meant Jenny was left with her own interpretation of the saying. Readying her blade once more Jenny slashed at the next meatbag trying to end its unlife.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP 11/70 PP 35/35 EP35/35; Hurt badly
Jennys strikes
Another very easy hit!
31 damage and it's dead!

Blind lingers: [lvl2 penalty]
39 vs 35 -
33 vs 22 -

Nope, they can see clearly now the rain is gone~~...

Meat-puppets lash out on Jenny:
48 vs 40 HIT!
45 vs 40 HIT!

Total 59 damage....

The heroine had the upper hand, it was hers to exploit! While she was hardly a swordsman, her exceptional body gave each slash more than enough power behind it. The creatures slowly straightened out and turned to the heroine, only one of the having their upper body fall back as Jenny easily cut the creature in half. Another one down, maybe it was so bad.

A loud screech escaped the other two as their bodies twitched badly, with the girl nearby. Jenny turned to face them only for the first blow to land on her knocking some air out! STRONG! The may look frail, but each blow from these creatures was beyond any measely punch... unfortunately...

With the hallway being as small as it was, there was no way to dodge. The heroine attempted to block some of the damage with her blade, but she was no parry expert as the unloaded on her screeching and breathing in that disturbed manner as blow after blow landed on the girl. She had to get out of there!

Catching a brief moment in between the flatout wild flailings the girl rolled out back. Breathing heavily, that hurt that really hurt...

The two creatures fumbling turned to the girl once more approaching her slowly, their eyes as dead as ever... thankfully neither of them had a maw... the girl was already scared enough.