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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: Exceptionally satisfied...
Jenny: HP: 60 EP: 30 PP: 30
Well this is gonna be absurd :D
49 PP dealt by Jenny
39 PP dealt by Ernston
55 EP drained [Max'ed out at 30 though...]
Jenny is at full power and full health
Ernston is an empty husk... I liked the guy.

Pregnacy roll! 3!... close but no cigar.

His gaze already blurry the man didn't have any strength to even fight back anymore. He tried to continue to hump the girl mindlessly, but Janet was just going to do that herself now... The girl quickly pushed the man down on his back and quickly cowgirled her... rapist?

Jenny slowly moved her body down, wanting to feel every single inch and ridge that entered her. Biting down on her lower lip the girl ran her hands under the mans feeling him up. Ernston had been a raider for quite some time, so his physique was rather impressive, shame his current position wasn't as impressive. The mans hands twitched lightly as he felt his body go absolutely numb.

Jenny giggled mischievous as she slowly started her ride, going up and down the man slowly at first but faster as she got used to it. Her moans and yes's rang out through the forest, echoing emptily as the torch started flickering. Finally Ernston manage to get his hands off the ground as shakily grabbed the girl by her waist, exceptionally meekly helping her up whenever she reached the apex of her fuck... or perhaps this was his bodys last meek attempt to actually get the girl off himself. Whatever the case it was too little too late...

The girl could feel she could go faster and deeper, if instead of simple up and down fucking she started fucking the man in a circular fashion with her hips. Stopping for a moment with the cock lodged deep into her, Jenny couldn't help but grind her hips lewdly smiling at the man under her. Ernston barely managing a whimper at this point as his eyes were locked on the girl with open lust and shock. Jenny sighed happily feeling she grinded the cock in her long enough and via her knees and hips started fucking the man in rhytm. "...no..." Jenny closed her eyes and indulged in the rhytm she created, the sexes barely having any time to sound out as she pumped away.

Jenny ran her hands through her hair allowing only her lower body power the rhytmic fuck. Somewhere midway she could feel a massive amount of moisture appear in between their sexes. The man exploded under the insane treatment once more and Jenny barely even felt. Though as she continued moaning and fucking the man from that point onward she felt something else surge into her.

Brilliant white trails slowly traced their way around Jenny, gently caressing her body. Her lips grew filler slightly more puckered, her skin gaining elastic properties and beautiful cleaner sheen, her rather skinny body turned to an exceptionally athletic appearance. The light even worked around her breast turning the meager A cups to full and perky B, perhaps even C cups, heck even her ass got some treatment from being a simple farmer girl to a round and squeezable mounts she always wished she had.

All of this happened right in front of the man as he felt himself go weaker and weaker... Looking up at Jenny he couldn't help but make an uncharacteristic dopey face, he never fucked any girl that looked as dazzling as Jenny did right now. Jenny never did open her eyes to see the last lusty gaze the man gave her as the girl finally orgasmed right on top of his staff her voice almost breaking from the insane pleasure she tried to call out. The nigh-husk like man thrusted his hips one last time as a goodbye, with this the last of the mans soul essence entered the girl. This last fuck... was worth it. The mans arms fell lifeless as his face froze up in the dopey expression. He died like he always wished he would... fucking a succubus to his hearts content.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Getting up on shaky legs Jenny licked her lips. "MMMMMmmmmm so good" Taking a few steps down the road Jenny looked from side to side. "I wonder where Petey went?" Taping a finger on her lips Jenny was about to call out when her sexual high finally ended. Feeling a little woosy everything that had happend suddenly became clear causing Jenny to fall to her knees. Puking up her dinner Jenny wrapped herself into a little ball and started to cry. "What did I do... what did I do.. hes dead how in the earth did I do that... whats happening to me." After some time of this Jenny started getting cold and her survival instincts and courage reestablished themselves. Getting up Jenny cleaned herself as best she could with the bandits mask and got herself dressed all the while trying to ignore the naked husk of the man that had just raped her or really was it rape at the end. Shaking those thoughts aside Jenny did her best to fit her close around her larger assets. Thankfully she squeezed into her old cloths even though they where a little tight. Gathering up what weapons the bandit had with her Jenny made her way back towards the carriage maybe one of the horse was still around not to mention she still had 1 whole day left to get to Kings Coast and it would be much quicker on a horse than on foot.


Salvage what weapons and cloths that will still fit Jenny
Attack: none
Move: Making he way back to the stopping sight as stealthy as possible after all pete is still around.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: Neutral
Jenny: HP: 60 EP: 30 PP: 30
Jenny sneaks towards the carriage
39 vs 18 EPIC Success

Jenny scans the area:
43 vs 22 Enemy spotted!

Jenny scavenged the man, her glance occasionally stopping at his frozen in time face. She could almost see herself still lingering in the mans empty eyes, what happened back there... steeling herself to continue Jenny found the mans weapon very much in good condition and a bullet belt containing rather substantial shells. Looked like it would serve as her weapon quite nicely... but a weapon that blew a huge hole in the carriage.. what sort of kickback would it have.

Nevertheless, Jenny quickly gathered what she could and proceeded down the path the man took lead her here back to the carriage. A brief walk later the carriage quickly came into sight, exactly as she left it... but where was Pete.

Jenny quickly looked around, when suddenly the carriage shifted. Getting closer she could hear Pete mumbling about something far too busy sorting through the loot to notice her.

Spoils of rape
Jenny found a new weapon!
Badarian Handcannon!
4d10 + 3, 10 foot range, 1 shot, 1 round reload, ignores 8 AV
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny spotted her target pillaging the remains of the carriage and felt her anger grow. He was directly responsible for what happened in the woods not to mention he would have just killed her outright. Sneaking as best as she could Jenny got close to Pete and aimed the hand cannon being careful to take a good stance and not knock herself on the ass if she had to fire the weapon. Jenny wanted to shoot the bastard right in face but hesitated if she just killed the man then she would be no better than him. So instead she pressed the gun to his back and simply spoke "Don't move let me see your hands." Jenny hoped he wouldn't do something stupid but then again bandits where far from reasonable people.

Move: Sneak up to pete
Attack: Shoot him if he goes for a gun
Other: Try to get him to surrender
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Pete continued to scavenge what he could find, honestly maybe they overdid it with the bullet barrage half of the loot was worthless... still there was this and that worth a few denarii, maybe even keep. He would've just continued when he felt a metal being pressed against his back "Don't move let me see your hands" the man froze up... that wasn't Ernston!

The bandit slowly raised his hands "Let's not be hasty now..." "Get out of there!" The girl commanded the man out still keeping her weapon locked on him "Okay. Okay. Easy now... let's not do anything rash." Pete slowly got out of the carriage with hands raised, seemed he wasn't particullary hostile, then again this could be just a charade. The man glanced around... "Where's Ernston?" he didn't hear a gunshot... heck the only thing he heard was the girls wild moans, but where was his friend? Was he dazzed after the fuck or something?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"He's not in a better place and if your not careful you'll end up with him. Now off with the gun belt and be slow easy about it. Im sure you don't want to end up with a hole in your back." Jenny waited for the man to comply hopefully he didn't give her any trouble. If all went well Jenny would kick the gun away from Petey and direct him back to the carriage. "Now grab the driver can carry him you drop him I drop you got it?" Waiting for the man to do as ordered Jenny would grab Pete's discarded gun and ammo quickly followed by a shovel. Leading him away from the road a little ways she made her next demands. "Now set him down gently and take this." Jenny tossed the shovel so it poor Pete not caring if she hurt him or not. "Dig!" Jenny would wait for Pete to dig deep enough so it would be hard for him to get out of the hole before searching the driver for any papers or identification and money after all he didn't need it anymore. Keeping an eye out for the other bandits Jenny made sure that Pete buried the driver before ordering him to turn around. Pressing the gun to his back she simply spoke imitating Ernstons cold cruel voice. "Every ounce of me wants to kill you and if I was any less of a person I would." With that Jenny clobbered the guy with the pistol making sure he was unconscious before heading back to the carriage to salvage her gear and anything else she could find money, food, cloths, and maybe that rifle she really did like that gun. If nothing interrupted our girl she would get one of the horses and head out down the road trying to forget what happened this night.

Whew lots of actions so I won't be to offended if Jenny gets interrupted by other things.
Move: Moving to the perposed grave sight.
Attack: Only if Pete gets jumpy or some of his friends show up.
Other: Forcing Pete to dig a grave and bury the driver. If Pete asks if he should dig to the answer would be bandits don't get graves in as menacing of a tone as Jenny can muster also keeping an eye for trouble or reenforcments.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: Bruised!
Jenny: HP: 36 EP: 30 PP: 30
Bandit tries to subtle blind Jenny! Stealth check:
42 vs 37 BANDIT WINS!
Jenny is temporally blinded!
Bandit attacks!
24 damage!

"BULLSHIT! A whore like you couldn't even scratch Ernston!" the took a step forward though refrained form any hostilities, since the girl did have a hand cannon aimed right at him... goodness knows one shot from that and he's a mere smear on the carriage. The man eyed Jenny with pure spite and hatred as he removed his weapon and kicked it towards her "What the ammo belt too? You think I'll fucking spit bullets at you?" scoffing he removed the belt and threw it near the girl aswell.

"Now grab the driver can carry him you drop him I drop you got it?" The man paused a moment to stare down Jenny "GET TO IT!" the girl raised her weapon towards the mans head menacingly. Pete just scoffed once more and got on the carriage and grabbed the corpse resting there. Though he wouldn't just be polite about this. Nearing the carriages end he threw the mans corpse down bluntly, earning more than a spiteful look from Jenny, which he only replied throwing his hands out calling almost calling her out to shoot, he didn't really do much wrong there.

The carriage had a handy shovel likely for when or if the wagon got suck in mud or the like. Jenny grabbed the shovel and ordered the man to go dig the driver a grave. Walking a brief moment they stopped at a small clearing "This wil do. DIG!" Jenny threw the shovel bluntly at the man and kept her weapon locked on him.

Pete took the shovel and slowly got to digging... though not all would go as Jenny planned at first. The man softened up his dirt patch and quickly threw it right at Jennys face, blinding the girl! By the time she got her vission back the man already had swung his shovel and hit Jenny dead on! Sending her flying aside! "YOU BITCH! YOU'LL PAY FOR KILLING MY FRIEND!" the man clutched the shovel and snarled at the girl.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Than bandit hit Jenny dead on thankfully the farm girl was far tougher than the bandit realized. Taking the hit in stride she stumbled away from the man and shot him. Peering threw the smoke Jenny waited to see if the man still stood.


Attack: shoot the bastard
Move: none
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: Bruised!
Jenny: HP: 36 EP: 30 PP: 30
Jenny shoots the man!
48 vs 36 HIT!
The handcannons spread only hits for 28 damage

Pete attacks Jenny!
40 vs 46 miss

With the distance gained form just the sheer power the man smacked her with there was some distance between them. Enough for Jenny to let the handcannon loose! She quickly raised the weapon fired!

A massive roar of gunfire escaped from the weapon as the mans screamed quickly followed after it... was it over? The smoke cleared to reveal an unnerving sight... Pete was still standing! The man panted heavily, as he clutched the shovel in his hand and lunged at Jenny, screaming his head off in a frenzy!

The man swung his shovel downward aiming to split the girl in two! But the shot and his bloodrage got him wonky enough to telegraph that attack from a mile away as Jenny quickly rolled to the side, the shovel sticking in the ground where she previously was. The man snarled as he ripped it out of the ground forcefully and turned to the girl once more...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny needed to reload but it would take presious time so instead she moved away from the man keeping him at a distance while she reloaded the weapon. "Ohh look at the nasty bandit can't even hit a helpless girl. At lest Erniston died with a smile on his face I made sure of that. Its to bad maybe if you had been with him he would still be alive humm" The taunts where not really Jenny's style and she had no idea where they came from what she had done was a horrible and horrific thing not something to be joked about.

Move: Running from Pete though keeping him in sight
Attack: Can't reloading
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: Bruised!
Jenny: HP: 36 EP: 30 PP: 30
Jenny runs!... Pete runs too?!
Total distance between the two 26+17= 43! [chase speed rolls will count as speed + d20]
Jennys weapon ready to fire!

Jenny quickly got to her feet and reached for one of the shells she took from the rapist earlier. It was gonna be a horrible day to be a bandit! Though staying in range of the mad man with a shovel was definedly a bad idea. Jenny quickly took to her legs provoking the man to chase her in blind bloodrage!

Pete however had a different idea entirely, fighting someone armed with a handcannon with a mere shovel was not high on the mans to-do list. Eyeing the girl for a brief moment Pete started running himself, not after her but towards the carriage! His weapon was still there!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Oh no this will not do not do at all. Diving to the prone position Jenny readied her weapon and fired. Looking down the sight of her gun Jenny hoped she had hit the bastard and also hope she had loaded solid shot instead of the scatter shot she had before.

Move: Go prone and get that nice +16 to hit negating the -16 from range
Attack: Shoot the bastard and hope that Ernston only had scatter shells for the coach so I have the normal ammo to shoot.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: Bruised!
Jenny: HP: 36 EP: 30 PP: 30
Jenny snipes Pete!
41 vs 39 HIT barely... :/
33 Damage tears down poor Pete.

Jenny quickly dropped into a prone and lined up her sights. Sure it was far from the comfort the rifle from earlier provided and if she got another scatter bullet in the chamber it'd be a miracle if Pete even got grazed!

The girl steadied her breath as the man made his mad dash getting further and further... but running in a straight line for the girl. Jenny took a deep breath and shot!

Another load roar tore through the silent forest and moments later Pete was quickly knocked forward by a powerful impact a stream of gore shooting up from the mans back, before he hit the ground. That was another victim on the girls hands... this time shot in the back while possibly fleeing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sat up from the cool ground her hands still shaking she had killed someone else dropping the spent weapon Jenny tried to steady herself by telling herself that he would have gotten the others if he had gotten away. It was little comfort as Jenny fell to her knees again. Why why did it have to turn out this way no answer came to her mind and soon enough she got to her feet again and finished the job that Pete had refused to do. It was a shallow grave with and unmarked headstone but it was the best Jenny could muster. Gathering what supplies she could get from the carriage and dead Jenny mounted up and rode for awhile before decided to make camp.

Attack: None
Move: Gathering supplies and moving down the road
Other: Loot the carriage and bodies for Money, weapons, food, and Clothing that will fit. Gather the rest of her gear that survived the trip and get heck out of dodge before the other bandits decided to see whats taking the guys so long.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was already dark, but Jenny felt she needed to get this done. The gunshots and her earlier screams should keep any and all wildlife away from now... though with the dense population of wolves and other predators in Crolia the bandits would soon lure out the scavengers.

The girl finished the grave and checked who the driver was "Matt Andik, 41 years old Crolian. Hometown of Birds Reach." seemed the man was just like Mr. Jenkins just a transport manager of a small town near the city. Though seemed to have finally stopped the mans travelling carreer.

Jenny got back to the carriage and well why not inspect what she could manage to loot from the carriage. Most of the other junk that traveled with her had either been ruined or shot to pieces... however she did manage to reclaim her old bag with most of the supplies and the winter clothes she got from the city seemed to have been spared, unlike her poor staff... the poor memento and her favorite weapon had been shredded to pieces. However, another of her favoritre arms rested on the seat - the rifle she used to fend of the bandits! Seemed the bandits kept it around for use or for sale, if Jenny exchanged it for her current weapon or decided to flatout increase her arsenal was up to her.

Another find of note was a small stack of letters and a small basket size package, both adressed to resident of Kings Mouth. Whether she left them there or took the findings with her was up her. There were more than enough bag around... even if they had more than a little holes in them.

Whatever Jenny did and even if it was night Jenny just had to get away from this place... so many terrible things happened here... heck in the last few hours! She had the blood of atleast 3 to 4 men on her hands now... her the poor peasant girl! Though it was self-defense so it was alright, right?

Jenny quickly untied both of the horses from the carriage and gave one a slap to send it running off out of here, while mounted the other black steed. It wasn't comfortable, but for now it would have to do.

The girl was raised in a farm so riding horses was one of her fortes, she spent more than enough time with Clover to know the basic and some of the advanced techniques of mounted trasnportation. She got a good 3 to 4 hours of travel time, the road her carriage used didn't have any real forks so she just hoped if she followed it, sooner than later she would arrive to her destination of Kings Coast.

Shock and adrenaline can only last so long as the symptoms of sickness and exhaustion quickly caught up to Jenny once more, no matter how fast she rode that horse. Deciding to stop for camp Jenny stoped the horse near a clearer area, a single tree providing shade and a parking place for her newly aquired horse. Thanks to her book Jenny quickly lit up a small campfire and got comfortable for the rest of the already noon-ing night.

Jenny reclaims:
32 denari
1 smoked fish
2 loaf bread
2 liters of water
7 grapes
Terras winter clothes

Bonus items can be taken:
Su-Ku-Ta Bolt Action Rifle
Stack of letters
Small package
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grabbing the letters Jenny and small package as well as the rifle Jenny mounted up. She didn't want to be here any longer riding off for awhile she finally made camp and got some fitful rest plagued by Ernstons face locked in that perpetual grin as he is fucked to death. Getting up in the morning Jenny shook the damp from herself and prepped to go eating the last of her fish and grapes and swallowing down some water. She should make it to Kings Coast today baring anymore bandits.

Attack: None
Move: Break camp
Other: head out
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was a peaceful if short nap, after last night Jenny pretty much passed out in exhaustion and thankfully the grass and wildlife were kind to the girl allowing her to be shaded from the sun and the morning dew keeping it's distance from the girls skin, mainly forming on her dress.

Getting up Jenny had her little breakfast and quickly broke camp and noted just how much more chillier it got the further she traveled, honestly Rinston was warm enough to walk around in minimum clothing, but now she felt started feeling chilly even in her dress.

Jenny rode for quite some time, using the winter clothes as an improv saddle on the horse. It was rather beautiful here, the plains that sctreched for miles had slowly started being changed into a rather mountainous terrain with the girl ridding up and down rather high slopes at times.

By the time Jenny decided to stop and rest herself, particullary her nether regions were really starting not only to ache, but give off other more uncomfortable signs to the girl. Thankfully as she neared the mountains that only now came into view far away in the distance, there were plenty of good stopping locations. With her stomach rumbling and overall aching the girl stopped briefly near a particulary clean looking pond.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny dismounted and shouldered the rifle. She was in a strange land with strange people and she had already been raped once. Leading her mount off the road and out of sight she decided to tend to her other business in a secluded spot. With that out of the way Jenny decided to eat some food which was rather disappointing with only having 2 loafs of bread left. Still it was better than nothing. Hopefully eating her meal uninterrupted Jenny would wash up by the pond keeping an eye out for any trouble.

Attack: none
Move: Take care of business and what not
Other: eat and wash up before heading back on the road.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

??? perception check:
35 vs 40 Jenny has a calm, uneventful bath

??? perception check:
33 vs 39 WIN a wolf spotted!
36 vs 33 miss
46 vs 37 miss

The fresh pond water did wonders for the girl. Finally she could clean herself, especially from certain residue a bandit left her. Her bath went uninterupted with only the sun and the songs of birds to keep her company. Even if this was an unknown land it was far from foreboding.

With the overall chilly weather and coolness from the ponds bath Jenny, likely decided to slip into the warmer winter clothes. Which actually fit her like a glove now. The tight black underneath snow pants really showed off her new bussom, while coat was made perfectly for her cup size. Looking around herself Jenny wasn't sure was did she get curvier... no, no doubt she hardly noticed her breasts earlier but now they were atleast a cup possibly even two bigger! What the hell happened... nevertheless there was no point to stand around.

Brief travels time away the road started to become much steeper as Jenny finally reached the mountain where Kings Coast rested. The girl continued to make her way up, some hints of frost appearing on the grass. Without the winter clothes she'd be really feeling the chill right now.

She continued onwards before entering a mountain forest... noting slight rumbling in the bushes. Her horse noticed this too as it let out an uneasy cry.

Jenny always was rather cautious and these small rumbling through the bushes rmeinded her of a certain predator plagueing her sheep. The girl eyed the forest sternly, when suddenly! No doubt about it, a wolf!... a rather pale looking one, but nevertheless! Were there more? Jenny tried her best but didn't spot any of the wolves allies. If it was only 1 she knew it wouldn't attack her... but if it was more...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Her own experance on the farm had told her that wolves are pack creatures so unless this one was an outcaste there would likely be more nearby. Running would only lead to a chase but doing nothing invited disaster. Looking around to confirm or sport her intuition about other wolves in the area Jenny kept her self clam and tried to do much the same for her mount. "Whoa whoa keep it moving we are okay keep it moving." Urging her horse forward Jenny kept an eye out but kept focusing on the pale wolf it was strange she never did see one of this color before. Drawing the hand-cannon Jenny readied herself just in case she missed the other wolves lurking about.

Attack: Not yet it might not be hostil but I won't hold my breath
Move: Keep the horse moving forward
Other: Keep an eye out for the wolfs buddies they are bound to be some around here.