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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well you aint in "your" town anymore. I suggest you wipe that attitude when talking to me." the man raised an eyebrow at the girl, though still remained stone face "I ask questions you answer. Right now I've got a missing carriage and some random girl popping up in the middle of nowhere surrounded by the Pale Stalkers."

"And you see from - I - is. We tend to not question or complain to the man who saved your life" with that he leaned back into his chair once more and awaited the girls story.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Oh gods one of these over macho types still he did have a point he did save her life so she could at lest answer his questions though Jenny doubted she would share to much of why she was heading this way. "Well Sheriff I had paid for passage to visit my sister here in Kings Coast at her request. On my way here the carriage was attacked during the night and after a brief chase and fun fight they caught up with us and killed Mr. Andik and took me captive.." Jenny's voice lost a little of its strength as her mind briefly visited what had happened in the clearing but knowing this man would hardly take pity on her she did her best to reclaim the strength in voice. "They took me captive and one of them raped me. While he was cleaning himself up I killed him with a rock and took his gun." Jenny hopped that her lie wouldn't be caught and that the man would just assume it was the after effects of her retelling her rape. "When that was done I surprised the bandit at the carriage and we had a confrontation at which I shot him. After that I buried Mr. Andik and made my way here with what little supplies and packages that I could carry that had survived." Jenny deposited the taken letters and unlabeled package on the mans desk. "I figured I could at lest complete some of Mr. Andik's deliveries or at lest sure they got to someone who could." Well that was as much as she was willing to tell this so called sheriff now it was time to see if he believed it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man eyed Jenny briefly working over the story in his head, some things didn't add up... the girl was nowhere strong enough to kill a full grown bandit with a rock, still Reincan had more than enough decency not to insist on information about rape "Well thank you very much then Benny. I'll make sure these letters reach the proper homes. Just one more detail if you could... around where did the raiders leave the carriage? I'll have some folks get it back and have Andik burried where his loved ones could visit him..." the man finally lowered his feet "If it all checks out, you might even earn yourself a healthy bounty on those bandits" the man stood up and approached a nearby window "I'd say don't leave the city, but with the last carriage already gone. That's hardly an option you should pursue."

"Now... What was it you wanted to ask me?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Its Jenny and the carriage is about a days journey or longer just off the road your men should able to see the crows feasting." Jenny looked at the man and hoped he was just trying to spook her but if they found Ernston her rock story would get far more complicated still the driver did deserve a proper burial. "Well good Sheriff I came here by invitation from my sister. Her name is Lina but I lost the letter with her address during the chase with the bandits do you know where she could be? Also if your not sure could you point me to the nearest inn?" Jenny had more questions but if she asked them now she would likely raise more suspicion about herself so these basic ones would have to do for now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Lina?... can't say I do Genny" the man turned to the girl "You got that note on you?" Jenny took out the raggedy note from her sister and placed it on the table "Yikes... where you pulled this thing out? Ezalors private stash..." Reincan eyed the piece a of paper briefly "Not much to go on is it... You'll probably have better luck finding your sister in the local bar and inn. I'm not up to speed with the local gossip 'round town. It's just down the street at the very end on the left, follow the songs and drunks." the man looked at Jenny "Oh and once you get there I suggest you don't mention who sent ya."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Bidding the Sheriff a good day Jenny left slinging her rifle over he shoulder and checking the hand cannon at her hip. She hardly seemed the same girl that left her home only two days prior but she had already been threw much and giving the type of people she had encounter so far she needed to adapt and quickly or at lest fit in. Though one more question did cross her mind and it wasn't something she wanted to take a chance with. "Sheriff do you know of a discrete alchemist in town I don't want to have a bastard baby and I don't want anyone in town to get the wrong idea about me." Jenny waited for her answer and then left thanking the sheriff and proceeding either to said alchemist or the Inn depending on the answer.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Sheriff snickered lightly at the girl "You don't have to tell me all the details, why you need who and for what, Benny." The man sat right down to his desk "As for your alchemy needs go see Mistey. She's set up shop right infront the town hall" the man paused a moment before looking at the girl "Town halls on main street. It's right infront of the church..." Meh these travelers. The man nodded at the girl giving her leave and started checking the deliveries she brought him, it wasn't his job but someone was gonna have to do it....
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Its Jenny by the way and thank you for saving my life." Jenny leaned over and kissed the man on the cheek before heading out and to the alchemist before heading to the inn hopefully she would be able to get what she needs and for a good price.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny finally made her way outside, the breezy mountain air making her thankful she had proper clothing. It would be dark soon, hopefully the alchemist won't have closed up till she gets there.

As per instructions Jenny made her way towards the church she saw previously, were all Star God worship buildings this elababorate and big. Jenny eyed the sight not really seen before, just how tall was this building... still by the Sheriffs words it would be right in front of the towns hall in the street she stood right now. Just... how does the town hall look like exactly.

Jenny made her way down the street, with the darkening sky there were significantly less people and they all seemed like decent folk. Goin on about their daily lives. On her way down the street the girl notice a peculiar stand, seemed the town had a local brochure of new what goes on in the city, a newspaper if you will... perhaps she could buy one of those just to get acquainted with the city later on. Still it was closed already... she best hurry.

Passing a few more building Jenny understood why the Sheriff didn't really elaborate which building was the town hall. A fancy flight of stairs led up to one of the more official looking building it's doors still wide open... so on the other side, yup and right there a sign of "Misteys pot'n stuff" pointed her to the alchemist.

It was still unlocked, with slight rummaging sounds from somewhere inside filled the room. It was a clean store, with all manner of potions aligned along the walls in up to 4 rows and a lone cashiers desk at the end of the room. Currently abbandoned.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This must be the place Jenny looked over the clean shop and knocked on the counter politely. "Uh miss I could use your assistance?" She hopped the woman would be at lest sympathetic to her situation or at lest kept such things confidential.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No answer. Jenny looked around, she was sure someone was rummaging or moving something right behind the shop. Though whatever she planed quickly got interupted by a most peculiar sight. A marvel cat, but this one was cracked and broken apart... oh and it also moved around like the real deal.

Jenny took a good long look at the most unique sight, when a short ponytailed girl entered the room "Welcome to Mist--- Jesse!" the girl quickly grabbed the marvel cat and it stashed under the cashier sweating profusely "Umm... I..." the girl blinked "Hey~ You're not local! Please don't tell anyone about Jesse, please, please~"

Mistey was slightly shorter than Jenny and wore a jeans overall with a dirty white shirt and oversized gloves. The girls blonde hair had been made into 2 rather long ponytails. Her face was young and silky, with some freckles to add some spice. Blue eyes and a cute little nose completed her set... followed by her long ears. Was the girl an Elf?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny just blinked at the sight of the animated toy cat it seemed to be the perfect end to a very strange day indeed. "Uh no problem..." The strange cat still lingering in her mind she was less surprised at the fact the shop keeper was an elf though it did register in her mind. "Maybe you could help... I .... had an unfortunate incident with some bandits on the road and I need a certain potion." All her brave words she had mustered in the presence of the sheriff had left her and it was all Jenny could do not to cry on the spot as the events of the past few days started to finally settle in.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Elven girls cheerful attitude quickly shifted as she eyed Jenny with concern "Oh... I-I think I've got something right here.." The girl quickly skiped over to a an orange colored vial "It's not really meant to be a... but it should do what you want... If you..." Mistey kept shutting down her own sentences stopping to look at the girl "Are you okay dear? W-when did this happen?" the elven girl quickly ran up to Jenny gentle held her by the shoulders looking at her empathically.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Last night...." Gods it had seemed like a few minutes ago though the double horror of her rape and the results of what happened to her rapist still clung to her it had been nearly a full day and yet she could still feel it, smell it, taste it. "I just... I just....." Really Jenny couldn't think of anything she needed but her words still stumbled out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey gently wrapped her hands around Jenny "Shhh~ there, there. It's all in past now. You're still alive and fine, don't think about anything else..." oh these last customers of the day, they never make closing up shop easy "Come on, us girls have to be strong." the elven girl gently stroked Jenny's hair.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A small act of kindness and the girl broke down in tears. Grabbing onto the elf girl Jenny sobbed violently into her shoulder shaking the girl with the strength of her sobbes. Whether or not the girl stopped Jenny or not she would regain her composure after awhile wiping her eyes and apologizing to the shop keeper.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Comforting someone was NOT Misteys specialty... still she felt for the girl and just allowed her to cry her heart out. The poor thing was raped just a few dozen of hours ago, maybe she even lost her maidenhood along with it. After Jennys little breakdown, the girl quickly gather her composure once "S-sorry... I just..." Mistey smiled warmly "You have nothing to apologise for... infact." the ponytailed girl grabbed the orange vial "It's on the house! And it has a nice orange juice taste to it too..." a change of topic was needed "And how about from now on we're friends! Every traveler needs someone to rely right~" the elven girl grinned earnestly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled weakly at the offer. "I could use a friend. My name is Jenny by the way." Still on an emotional high Jenny hugged the girl for all she was worth more than likely squeezing the elf good. Wasting no more time Jenny popped the vial open and downed the thing and made a face. So that's what an orange tastes like. Still it wasn't bad it would have to be something she got used to. Though she hopped it wasn't for the same reasons she had right now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"The effect will also last up to 24hours... in case you want to...relieve some stress." the elven girl bashfully looked away "So what brings you to our little town Jenny?" Mistey slowly started checking her potions making sure all the labels faced the right way, as the animated cat statue slowly made it's way out from under the table and towards Jenny curiously eyeing her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Im looking for my sister she sent a letter to me asking me to come." Jenny looked at the animated cat in return eying its motions. How on earth did it work? "Needless to say my trip hasn't gone as planned." Jenny tried not to think about what her new friend was implying though a part of her suddenly got excited. "So... your name is Misty like the shop?" Jenny didn't want to be rude about pointing out that the girl had forgotten to introduced herself but it just felt wrong to assume and her Papa always said "Don't assume it only makes an ASS ot of U and ME" Jenny of course didn't get it till she was much older but the memory brought a smile to her face again.